Elite Diretos are another trainer known to provide 10w + free watts now im certain this is not an issue for most of us, but i do wonder whether this sort of thing is taken intoRead more . I am running the ZIPP 808. Theres plenty of users in fixed taxes chasing their email, they couldve sent one out in the interim to advise the data/phenotype will be coming later. 7. What strategies should I be doing in between these? Event details for "English | Baseline Ride | ZA Road 2022" starting 10/05/22, 04:00 PM on Zwift. For me, its a question of knowing the route and where best to hit the watts so I enter the segment at the best speed. However, when I rode the 1st training ride long, yesterday, everything looked okay but then as soon as the ride started I got not instructions and there was no erg mode, which is pretty important for trying to get the power Zwift wants. I had the same experience My 1st effort froze before the first sprint point so I gave up. The baseline ride is a mess, no clear instructions as to what was expected,how you were meant to ride it. Eric runs Zwift Insider in his spare time when he isn't on the bike or managing various business interests. Thinking I might try to convince my super fit 41 year old brother to sign up so we can get some masters representation based on his ftp of 5.5wpk (395w), 5min power of around 6.6wpk and 15s of 1250w, he might be right up there based on the numbersRead more , Yeah, I dont know if the coaches/judges who decide on the finalists pay attention to age. I accidentally dismissed it. Who knew there were orientation rides? Ill try again tomorrow. Anyway, Z could have eliminated drafting or just have a TT bike for all from the start. Experienced Zwifters may know the maps well enough to know where the segments begin. If youve never done an FTP test, we recommend doing one so your FTP is accurately set before you jump into a ZA Workout, since the power levels of the workouts are based on your FTP. Especially hints for when the segment started and progress while riding it. Will that matter? Now the road academy has finished the Zwift Academy section on the companion app. Theres a problem with the Baseline Rides Zwift is working to get it fixed. Read more about your testing options, etc here https://zwiftinsider.com/zwift-ftp-tests/. Im actually a bit confused about calling the long segment aerobic. Riders may struggle to recover fully from the 12-minute capacity effort. Last years program was 8 weeks long, but this years lasts just 4 weeks. This test runs you through sub 2-minute intervals followed by rest periods to allow for complete recovery. Or do they look at our best segment attempt from multiple rides if we were to do it a second/third time (not related to the rubber-banding issue)? If nothing else, theyll give you some good guidance on the overall Zwift Academy program, workouts, etc. The exact time is not really important, its how much average power at your current weight you can manage to hold over 3 different time periods. Has this . We measured your Baseline Ride and crunched the numbers. This workout wears you down quickly with a few intense efforts before running you through 10-minute blocks just below your FTP. Nah, it doesnt matter what order you do them in, in terms of completing the program. through some additional hoops. Should weight fluctuations be accounted for during ZA, should I update that in my Zwift profile or focus only on the power differences? https://zwiftinsider.com/zwift-academy-2019-semi-finalists/, Thanks! Zwift Academy Road has officially begun! It is an issue on iOS and Apple TV. Combine these pyramids with 7-minute blocks of sub-threshold intervals and theres nowhere to hide if you run out of power. Doing any segment at maximum intensity triggers the anaerobic systems I would think, especially on a longer ride? Ride on! Will Zwift resend when this is fixed (or will there be any other way to see it given companion does not show it)? my final baseline email gives, along with type and w/kg, and a percentile after each segment. Season 3: October 5th to October 26th 2022 . https://zwiftinsider.com/zwift-academy-road-2021-finalists/ Terms of Use/DMCA Copyright Policy Eric runs Zwift Insider in his spare time when he isn't on the bike or managing various business interests. This subreddit is unofficial and moderated by reddit community members and Zwift community managers. And I did read the Q&A. @Eric Schlange just curious do you know if the Zwift moderators who are looking at pro contender workout and baseline results are able to see what trainers people are using? I never got an email after completing the baseline ride? The Baseline Ride and the FInish Line Ride will help you determine how much you've progressed throughout Zwift Academybut that's not all! novemberdelta September 16, 2022, 6:14pm #4. This year Zwift promised a much-improved UI as well as magical bike switches to ensure riders knew when segments were coming, and segment times were measured consistently. While the talent ID competition is fun to watch, the vast majority of ZA Road participants are everyday riders looking for a fun way to gain fitness. Its the perfect session to start your Zwift Academy. Coach's Tip: Zwift Academy Road was developed with structure in mind. Is there any way to still do the final finish event as they seem to have disappeared. Im going to do the Finish Line work out this weekend and wanted to have a little more information. Yeah, right. My times were literally minutes off my PBs because of thisit also seemed to limit my sprint power. Third time worked like a charm. Does anyone know if the baseline ride and phenotype analysis will be available to do after zwift academy finish. The big question is Top 5% of what population?. I was going to participate in the first Baseline ride of the year yesterday, then realized that was a terrible idea given I was racing the next day in the first Zwift Race League event of the season. Do I need one more baseline ride? Who knew? Zwift tells me the percentile figures are based on the entire cohort of ZA Baseline ride finishers. I have not received any data from my base line ride. Fine, but last Friday I received a second mail, now I was a Pursuiter, based on the same ride results! It . Orientation Ride and Workouts can already be scheduled. If I have missed the baseline event are there any repeats so can finish the academy? The Baseline rides are no where to be found. The first ever! My question isnt about the baseline ride but rather the results. Did you notice the 500m marker on the short climb into the Esses? Thx. Hello, could you put a link as to the best way to plan your program? Riders do quite some work already before, so aiming for a 12 minute record as if you were fresh is not realistic. Zwift will be sharing a blog post, probably near the end of ZA, which will go into greater detail about what to do next based on your Baseline + Finish Line results. Contribute a post, shop through us, make a donation, advertise on this site. Zwift Insider is independent of Zwift corporate (www.zwift.com), although Zwift does provide funding to help defray site costs. I still have not received an email on my baseline and I did it 2 days ago. If I do the finishline again, will I receive a new email showing my real phenotype and suggested workouts? Or does it not matter at all! He lives in Northern California with his beautiful wife, two kids and dog. I completed the ZA Baseline ride over 24 hours ago. Hi, i did my Base ride Tuesday and received the mail with Phenotype Sprinter. Specifically if I am 68 percentile, does that mean my time (10min10s) is 68th percentile or my W/kg (3.1) is 68th percentile or my W (183) is 68th percentile? Only the watt is given for the sub-distances. Note: 20-minute power is a good proxy for FTP. I want to push myself but dont want to fail either. Is there another place they would be? I've already scheduled all of my workouts with group rides but cannot seem to be able to find this baseline ride I'm supposed to make before starting those workouts. I assume this is because the ride is sort of an experimental format its a workout that behaves sort of like a group ride. The Zwift Academy Finish Line Ride is not available! Heres a full video of me completing the Standard Baseline Ride: Feel free to share them below. Ride strong and run fast! On a positive note, I really liked the Legends and Lava route! No swap to TT bikes and on screen messages stopped after the Titans Grove segment. Without knowing that Im not sure how to pace my efforts without blowing the pistons early on. Its also worth pacing the segments optimally with regards to the incline. To set FTP parameters you would need a full gas 20-minute effort, which the baseline event doesnt deliver. I see now there is an Ability Graph on Todays Plan, for peak power, sprint, lactate tolerance, etc. The Baseline Ride is available September 12 - October 9. Hello, I did Workout 6 on Sunday 9th October and had understood the final finish line events were available for the week after, but now cant find any Baseline finish events to enter. Agree Eric/ZI did a great job, but only discovered this after having done the ride, wish I had seen it before. Message as noted by others Youre a.. Something clearly wrong here! ThatRead more , Did it yesterday 18:00 CET and no e-mail yet. Hi, yesterday I did the finishline ride but I missed the short segment starting arch. Thank you Eric for the info and for all your useful guides here. Good news is Zwift is listening to the feedback and those that ride the baseline going forward will benefit from the better guidance. Zwift Academy begins with a Baseline Ride to capture your current fitness level and ends with a Finish Line Ride to quantify your progress. A:Yes. According to ZHQ its the population of all Zwifters who completed the baseline (and/or finish line) rides. Background. Q. I cannot remember if each category has a different language settings, The place to tell us how you and your bike are stuck in mid-air or that you saw a bear fall out of a tree. 10/05/22, 04:00 PM; Group Ride; 26.0km; 1.0 - 5.0 W/kg; Zwift Academy is back. I know the start markers but still missed it on-screen Maybe with the new updates I heard Zwift have added start arches. Duration:Long (49 minutes), Short (34 minutes). Thx! Maybe ask Zwift support to send you a corrected email. I still havent seen an analysis of the energy systems in terms of rider profile, but there is a lot of data on the site so maybe its already there somewhere. Isnt it all about the watts for each segment rather than the time, so is bike and wheel choice relevant? Where are the rest of the normal Workouts? . Hi Eric, Had read all the instructions but still screwed up twice on the Baseline Ride. If you want a shot at the pro contract you have to jump (ride?) I think Zwift is doing the same with the baseline rides, having us sprint and do some VO2 work before the longer effort. Eric, one question to the paint job unlock on your pics the frame has a purple Academy style like the kit but in the Baseline-Ride the Aeroad was dark and half pink (looks awesome). when I rode the baseline ride 2 days ago, I understood the overall goal from the Zwift description, but that doesnt help. Your current overall placing shows at the top of the right-hand rider list bar, like you would see in a race. Thanks! You should then be able to determine what type of cyclist you are based on what energy system you excel in. Appreciate your response Eric! seems odd youre constrained to do either the first month or last week (baseline) and can only select workouts. Was chatting to a friend of mine about this. As you say they had months to prepareRead more . The intention of the academy training is to increase your W/kg, like all training blocks. The Advanced Ride climbs the Epic KOM Reverse, while the Standard Ride climbs the Volcano KOM. Whats the JWB Sprint known as on Strava? Stephen is a lifelong racer whos represented Ireland at Worlds and European Championships. Zwift Duathlon League is back for Season 3 of 2022! It starts today. Probably because I dont have a Japanese font installed, there were no on-screen messages except by a sporadic :-D or Zwift Academy or Go go go! or something like that, very sparse and disconnected I thought it was bugged or poorly made. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. In between those segments you should be riding at a very easy pace and recovering, so youre as fresh as possible for the next segment. I did two BLR and no response. If you read the event description text when you sign up, the instructions are pretty clear. Thx eric . For my 20 minute power, I check that by racing my Mountain Massif TT events, as that is no draft. Heres what segment start and finish lines look like: The ride will continue just a bit after the finish arch of the final segment. I done it today the second time but no phenotype in companion app . Personally, I couldnt fit them in but was planning on starting them all now but the lack of a baseline option makes it less appealing. This is done to disable drafting, so your effort can be compared with your finish line ride without draft effects affecting your segment times. :/, same here, email is blank and did the ride 7 hours ago. Is it like an event that pops up on the event list of Zwift? Duration:Long (49 minutes), Short (35 minutes). The comparison information for average, best, and age groups is on Todays Plan, which through Zwift is being offered for free for the duration of the Academy. Im new to Zwift. The only think it shows to me is that we could all swap bikes mid-ride without the need to stop and lose a few minutes rummaging in two different closets of our garage, Zwift could compare w/kg and still enable drafting, so we could get some PRs. . I did my Baseline Ride on Tuesday at 6pm PST that seemed normal other than they put me on 32mm wheels with the TT bike. The good news is this workout will increase your maximum aerobic ceiling. So heres a list of Baseline and Finish Line Ride frequently asked questions, with (hopefully) helpful answers. 1- yesterday on an outdoor ride my garmin detected a new ftp, is it ok to update my ftp on zwift in the middle of Zwift Academy ? UPDATE: Just received the email but it doesnt show any data. The Baseline Ride is available September 12 - October 9. Start Zwift Academy Tri with a Baseline event, and end with a Finish Line event to see your progress. There was a kind of guided tour in the companion app after signing up to the academy. thanks in advance, Click on the READ MORE link in the email. These would be the rides that began at 4pm, 5pm, 6pm, 7pm, or 8pm UTC. . Unfortunately, that wasnt the case. The only think it shows to me is that we could all swap bikes mid-ride without the need to stop and lose a few minutes rummaging in two different closets of our garage, Legends and Lava Route Details (Watopia) | Zwift Insider, Thoughts on Zwifts Experimental Pack Dynamics v4, Zwift Course Calendar Current Guest World Schedule, Top 5 Zwift Videos: Sauce, Handcycles, and Zwift Academy Road, Referring to the Titans Grove KOM Reverse: VO2. Only if youre doing the Pro Contender program. It explains what the ride is for, tells you when a segment is coming up, cheers you on during the segments, and virtually pats you on the back when youre done. How many days a week? This workout is focused on aerobic conditioning, getting your aerobic system revved up for some harder training session ahead. These events were created to measure how you perform within the three different energy systems: By the end of Zwift Academy, youll have completed both a Baseline and Finish Line ride. The rides function like any other Zwift group ride everyone starts from the pens, then rides the prescribed route at their own pace. Everything was smooth and as expected. Thanks. The goal of Baseline Rides is to gauge your current fitness level at the start of ZA so you have a comparison point for your Finish Line ride at the end of ZA. How does your body respond when power is depleted? I dont understand why. Absolutely! Second had no text or bike swap as you describe. A male/female gender split is also applied. i did the baseline ride this evening but had no bike swaps no text on screen from ZA and everyone looked to be on their own bikes any idea about this? And I didnt know it until now. Now I cant do the final assessment ride. same here. The background for this post is this post which I wrote a few days ago while trying to find a system to guide me to doing Alpe du Zwift in less than 60 minutes. The idea here is to test your fitness over three different intervals: Riders will do that by hitting particular timed segments during the ride at maximum effort. If youre on the Pro Contender track you are required to complete the Baseline ride a second time, to ensure data is accurate. Can I make up work out # 1 , I missed the cut off for it. Interactive map to discover all worlds and routes of Zwift. I read that. The best place to track your ZA Road progress and gains is via Zwifts Companion app. 0%. I did not know to do the baseline ride first and have already done 3 of the 6 rides. Would that be why the emails arent coming through? I got an email with no info in it too. It just felt like any open ride as you say. (Edit because I can't convert time correctly), i was actually wondering this too. No instructions on screen, no swap to the TT bike, no indication of the finish line if there even was one on my Zwift profile I see that participated in the Baseline ride, but my name does not show up in the results on Zwiftpower, so Im guessing I wont get credit and will need to redo? The 500m markers are from the end of the segment, and so appears before the sprint segment even starts but well after the medium segment has begun. I dont see any advice on how to choose or why they have the two options. So the next chance I will have to complete the baseline ride will be Friday morning; To say Im annoyed would be an understatement. It shows in my activities list (as a group ride, not a workout), but doesnt register for ZA or appear on zwift power. Theres no need at all to stay with the group. Ive ridden roughly 15K miles on zwift so I have a pretty good sense of the expect behavior and the TT bike just felt off to me. Thanks in advance. I did my baseline ride today for Zwift Academy 2022 Road,and received my email, but the phenotype and segment results were blank. This In game notes would have been awesome. This morning the Companion App shows only 2 segments with times my V02 and Sprint segments. Just signed in for the ZA training series. September 13, 2022. toccata and fugue is doink the clown dead lenovo laptop stuck on flashing embedded controller 2 Likes. See his ZwiftPower profile, orread his bio on DigDeepCoaching.com. So kind-of the inherent physiology of you, rather than what you are actually best at given also your height and weight. He lives in Northern California with his beautiful wife, two kids and dog. I tried the Zwift Academy Road 2021 Baseline Ride - and the resistance dropped during the short segment. We split this workout into x3 10min segments but within each segment we have x2 1 min bursts above FTP. I think it says cant use a power meter as a primary source. I know I do. Most riders will finish the Volcano KOM in 8-14 minutes. Even if I plan to have a day in between the different workouts, I still find myself riding something else, like ride #4 in the Get Rolling series. Do I need to do a FTP test before registering for the AcademyRoad as i dont think i am up to the one that is on Zwift for me at the moment after being away from the bike for 3 weeks. Drafting is turned off. I have now idea what I'm supposed to be doing. I would just do the rest of the Academy and enjoy the training benefits. On part 1) of my question: are the percentiles by time or W/kg or W? The Epic KOM takes approximately three times longer to complete. a friend and i were talking last night about this given the large disparity in power readings as you prob know the Kickr Core can easily read 20-25w higher than the Kickr v5. Thought it was just me but all the comments were the same. Zwift Insider makes a small commission on purchases made from these links, so please shop through them to support our efforts. See how you can support Zwift Insider! If the times arent accurate, the comparison is useless. At least in my case, my heart rate was above my aerobic threshold for most of the volcano KOM. Now in its 7th year, ZA Road continues evolving to meet the needs of everyday riders and aspiring pros. Did mine at 7 AM (CST) today but no email yet. This is the default error message every time you try to register too early for an event. Maybe they are still fixing it, but Baseline ride was nowhere to be found for me this morning. How many days rest between workouts is recommended? 2- all the structure workouts i did till now appeared on the companion app but the 2 pro workout are not shown, is it normal ? Would hope they could align with WTRL and have this as a 4 week lead in to the ZRL season, rather than run over the top of it. Available between September 26 - October 9, youll want to show up for this well-rested and ready to go. Thanks for the info. I missed the rubberband, but I had to do the baselineride on the basic zwift bike (not the segments, the whole ride) and now I did the first group workout and didnt get credit for it. raising biracial daughter; 2022 toyota . As a result my sprint segment time is totally wrong. And how does it compare to just doing random workouts? Im going to do a time trial just for fun. Does anyone know if the buggy base line ride would only have made segments slower rather than faster? I did the advanced portion (accidently signed up for that one and didnt figure it out until mid-ride) of the baseline ride in ZA. In a way its good the results took awhile: more time for the cohort to build up and thus better statistics. Theres nothing better than seeing your hard work pay off! Your selected category simply determines the language used throughout the ride: When you hit the start arch of each of your three segments Zwift will automatically swap you onto a Canyon TT bike (the Speedmax) and keep you on that frame for the duration of your effort. The leader board does appear before the start of the segment but is there any rule to how long before that would make it helpful for getting prepared? The Zwift forum is lighting up (kind of like the TR Dylan Johnson video topic). Like many, I'm eager to try out the new Zwift Academy. This years road Academy includes most of 2021s improvements but shortens the overall length of the program while further refining key workouts. Quick question on Zwift academy 2022. Modern office buildings in Taipei, Taiwan at dusk. Excited to give this a try even if it does mess with my weekly schedule a bit! Click on the progress bar (probably shows 10% if you have only done the baseline ride and no workouts) and you will see your results. Got an email about 25 hours later that was blank, and just received a 2nd email this morning that has my results. These rides are held on Watopias Legends and Lava route, which means your efforts come in this order and map to these segments: Baseline Rides are only available as group rides, and they are scheduled hourly through the end of Zwift Academy (October 10). Yeah, did my ride Tue Sep 13 and just got my email Thu Sep 15 ~20 hours later with a blank phenotype. The companion app shows my time for each of the segments but that time is meaningless b/c it does not show my rank or normalized power. Just tells you your segment times. You can go at your own pace for most of the Baseline Ride, but there are three segments short, medium, and long where you'll go all out. The rubber band effect was there, no bike exchange that I noted. Add me to the people that completed their baseline rides yesterday only to receive a blank email today. I like how his heart rate never went above 107 bpm does that even count then?? Is their a way to redo it? and then all of the W/Kg results were blank. Hey Eric @Eric Schlange do you think there is an age limit on who might be realistically considered as a pro contender finalist (even if a pro team would never sign a contract with someone at that age) assuming they are in the top 5 results of the Academy? The categories determine the language, and thats all they do. Workout look better than past two years. Regardless of whether or not there is a draft, I get the most out of my segment efforts (especially in a hill climb) when I have people in front of me to chase. This training program was designed by Stephen Gallagher and Dan Fleeman from Dig Deep Coaching. its not on the app events list as far i can tell. See how you can support Zwift Insider! THe other sections I also didnt know where they started exactly but at least you can catch up during the segment. Same course as baseline ride so at least I can give it a go then and maybe another go just before it finishes. Encouraged by the positive feedback I got on that post, I've decided expand the scope a little bit in terms of providing time schemes for target times of 40, 45, 50, 55 and 60 mins, as well as a table showing the average w . Did the baseline ride yesterday. Thank you, you saved me from making the same comment! Ive completed the baseline ride but Ive not received an email still for my phenotype etc, anyone else had this issue? Most riders will finish the Volcano KOM in 8-14 minutes. Is it possible to get English text in group D? iv missed the baseline test is there a way i can catch up so i can continue with academy? Did the baseline test evaluate the entire session? Hmm.. might need a few more years. The session comprises of 55 efforts session which involves 5 minutes of cycling 105% FTP, followed by a brief active recovery or soft pedalling period (notably zone one), repeated 5 times. Day between two workouts, and I got my results going into each segment rather the. Volcano climb and I did the baseline ride the stupidest thing Ive done in a?. 2021S improvements but shortens the overall Zwift Academy athlete learns the building blocks successful. 15Th and others on the event sure everything was good will spur your aerobic system revved up for a thats! You might enter segment alone and slowish, sometimes with a deep-dive into your data not give a! An athlete and knowing how to choose or why they waste so much effort on. 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