I do, so I would baptize as we see in Matthew 28: in the names of the three persons who are all one God. Of course, that raises a few questions. If what youve told me is the whole story, I disagree with them about your baptism but thats not meaningful at all. With respect, I have every reason to doubt that youll do it but I sincerely hope that youll surprise me and be like a Berean. But some thinking salvation is enough. You show wisdom here, and its nice to see it. My Parents are not Cristian, and I am pretty sure they would not want to be there if I were to get baptized. Have you been born again? Ill try to provide what little insight I have. Jesus said that HE is the only way to the Father. This is going to be a bit long, so thanks ahead of time for your patience. It could be that going to another (good) church for a week or two will give you the insight you need to better judge whether this original church is where you belong. I believe that unless you understand very well what church you are joining by being baptized that it is possible to disobey god by being baptized into a false church. I agree, and I disagree. Our part in Gods plan is that we trust Him, and we follow His lead. That is, however, the wrong standard. Youre borrowing ideas from the Bible, but pretending that they mean whatever you want them to mean. You cant be spiritually mature if you dont know what God has said about being spiritually mature! So you want to grow in Christ, yes? If theres some way I can help, I will help. You had to have a TICKET to get in. But becoming baptized wont erase the sins youve already committed. Not like being healthy and rich, but like being joyful and satisfied and turning into the person you were created to become. As you said in your response to Kal, So, the caring person who wants nothing to do with God gets their wish, what does that mean exactly? Explain your faith, and your decision to be baptized, and tell them how important it is to you. What are you scared about? It says that Jesus is the head. Step 2 is we MUST be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the REMISSION of our sins (When we get baptized in Jesus Name, it is a symbol of Jesus blood applied over us for the washing away of our sins). Being born again requires that we trust God. That doesnt mean that He likes everything, obviously. Thank you for asking. I learned so much from two years there. Will you be going to Heaven when you die? If you know about baptism and truly had the opportunity to be baptized but chose not to, I'm not certain that Christ will save you. Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous person, though for a good person someone might possibly dare to die. But I sometimes find it hypocritical that Im not allowed to listen to BTS and lofi when they listen to the Temptations and Micheal Jackson. Jesus told a story where a son who did pretty much everything wrong. Nobody goes to Heaven without being reconciled to God. Next, we should ask who decides who gets into Heaven?. He loves you enough to die for you, and He proved His love by actually dying on the cross. Before you came to GodWords, you had no relationship with me. 3.A believer in Christ who chooses not to be baptized? The only people who need to worry about judgment are those who turn their backs on Him. They were saved and came into Christ, not at the moment they believed the message or the moment they were cut to the heart, but at the moment they were baptized into Christ. Theres nothing wrong with having doubts and asking questions. And we know from verse 1 that the Word WAS God. You should believe Him, and seek Him. Do not worry about exactly when Jesus will be coming back. One might suggest that, being guilty of a capital crime, the odds are that he wasnt a faithful, observant Jew. Private Member only forums for more serious discussions that you may wish to not have guests or search engines access to. Also, I went to catholic schools most of my educational years and have asked this question to teachers and PHD theology professors in college and I never got a clear, concise answer that made sense to me. God IS love, and all that He does is done in love. What Is A Cassock In The Catholic Church? There is no checklist. Yeah, you may have never heard that part before. I have believed in Jesus all my life. When I found one of their songs that sends a message that a Christian shouldnt promote, I would save it to play when Im with them. Third, thank you very much for your criticism. And what would be considered satanic or demonic music? the Lord Jesus is all about love, he doesnt bring sickness and disease on us, but he can allow things to happen. Jesus did indeed die for all sins, for all people, for all timethere are no sins that were not covered by His death, save one: failing to be reconciled to God before you die. Thats one of the hard things about life. Thanks! In John 3:5 Jesus tells Nicodemus, Except a man be born of the WATER AND OF THE SPIRIT, he CANNOT enter into the kingdom of God. It tells me that you want to go to Heaven, and that youre willing to find out how. Will i not go to heaven? The question isnt do you think you should go to Heaven? but what does it take to go to Heaven?. By that I mean that you and I and somebody else can read into his words whatever we want them to say. For now, what we have isnt quite what it should be. They dont clear things up, but make things muddy. I was dead, and then God made me alive. The church is not a denomination, or a religion. Is killing a mortal sin? You could get hit by a bus, or bitten by an angry goat, or have a sudden aneurysm, or trip on a crack in the sidewalk and hit your head on the corner of a little kids red wagon, or slip in the shower and break your hyoid bone on the faucet, or any number of other things. Are you born again? Do not hold on to me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father. They love you, or they wouldnt be concerned about the messages your music might be sending you. Baptism is a public declaration of your faith, and thats important. I believe all Christians need to get baptized. It doesnt make us better people. Imagine if EVERY Christian lived out Matthew 28:19 and taught other would-be Christians this truth as we walked with each other in life. We must test our beliefs against Scripture, as Im sure you would agree. I really began to live as a Christian then, and to truly understand the gospel then. Do you believe that ALL of the nations were gathered before Jesus in 70? Its possible that our words can be confusing. Ive dealt with this situation a number of times in the past, and it has always ended in one of two ways: heartbreak or disaster. In fact, after the Second Vatican Council, a new ritual of infant baptism was developed that. Thats the entire reason for Heaven to exist. If youll read the Parable of the Sheep and Goats the end of Matthew 25:31-46, youll see why I say that no one is in Heaven or Hell at this point. Even though we might think different things we still all believe in God. Once they understand, they need to know that God has already commanded them to be baptized. If your child has come to faith in Christ as well, they should be baptizedbut its not an act that accomplishes something spiritual. When someone tells a grieving person Theyre in a better place, theyre trying to comfort that person. These people were saved without baptism in fact, they didnt even know who Jesus of Nazareth was: Abel, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, Rahab, Gideon, Barak, Samson, Jephthah, David, Samuel, and the prophets. I appreciate it. The idea seems to be that theyre worried about the resurrectionthat cremating their body will somehow make it harder for God to reunite their spirit with their flesh. The question of exactly what happens after we die is still largely unanswered. I welcome your input and I am not unable to change my convictions. The Jews wanted to kill Jesus because He claimed to be God. Well never understand Him, Fully trusting God has two parts. God. The question isnt whether baptism appears there, but what is SAID about baptism. Jesus died on the cross to pay that price. The time came when the beggar died and the angels carried him to Abrahams side. Im talking about growing closer to God by plugging into a healthy local church. We also gain eternal life. Maybe you should start a grown-up conversation with them about what kinds of things you, and they, should listen to. If Jesus died for all our sins, then what is the limit of human sin? Well Tony I truly feel my grandsons are in heaven right now. After that, you can no longer call yourself a Catholic. Yes, obedience is important but we dont start out being obedient. Did you catch that? Jesus said that He came to give you and me abundant life. I remember crying thinking, if Im having problems with this, I cant be saved. Let me ask you: are YOU reconciled to God? Does that mean that when people say Theyre in a better place or theyre not suffering anymore, that its not true? Only then can they claim to be a disciple and publicly display their faith. So far the only solution Ive found is cutting out all of my triggers for lust. Trust Gods plan for you, and your life will be good. See if there are any mens Bible small group Bible studies going on. Its Jesus death that purifies us from all sin. He came more than halfway in our direction, forgiving our sins and making it really easy for our relationship to be restored. When they asked me what I was listening to, I could say this: I was listening to one of the songs you like, and wondered about these lyrics. For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. Our model is clear: people need to know what Jesus taught, and then be willing to obey Him. Im thirteen and I will not be able to be baptized because my parents are not christian. Thats an admirable concern, but think about it for a while: if God is just (and I believe that He is), why would He hold you morally accountable for information you didnt have access to? They are raised with the idea that being a Plain Christian and just having Jesus in their Heart will get them to Heaven, i say there is so much more to be in Faith with Christ. The most important question for me, right this second, is whether Ill see YOU there. Everything that happens each day is because Christ already laid it out before the foundation of the world. Thats awesome! God is just. Im sorry to have to say it, but its true. Well i know that when rob bell was interviewed about his book he said that he never meant to start controversy. Think of it like a chair. Telling them that you will abide by their wishes while youre under their roof is wise, and acting rebellious and independent to be baptized seems unwise. This is a clear and unambiguous teaching in the Bible. Another objection to cremation is that pagan cultures have cremated the dead for centuries, and (as the argument goes) we should avoid doing what the pagans do. Thank you for your response. Accepting the fact that God is God and we are not, and taking advantage of His invitation to be loved and protected and nurtured and accepted and taught by Him means that we are not alone in this life, and that we will spend eternity in relationship with Him by choice and that will be wonderful. Let him warn them, so that they will not also come to this place of torment. Abraham replied, They have Moses and the Prophets; let them listen to them. No, father Abraham, he said, but if someone from the dead goes to them, they will repent. He said to him, If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, they will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead. (Luke 16:19-31). They should teach the Bible all the time, rather than other things. If you cant or if you currently dont have a local community of Jesus-followers that you spend time with then its okay to wait until you CAN be baptized. The Code of Canon Law states:. I can help. You might try an Alpha course its a really low-key study that lasts a couple of months. They will forgive because they have been forgiven, and they will be gracious to others because God has been gracious to them. I say once you spend time in prayer and have an encounter with Jesus you cant shut up about Him and what He is doing in your life. Acts 13:38-39, Therefore no one will be declared righteous in Gods sight by the works of the law; rather, through the law we become conscious of our sin. Jesus provides this baptism, and it is this baptism that makes one a Christian. Jesus told His disciples you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. I appreciate you asking this question. That has nothing to do with reciting a particular prayer, or with being baptized. Therefore, I encourage all to delve into it deeper and as they do to ask God to open up their understanding and to bless them with true wisdom and enlightenment to His Word. You say that nobody is in Heaven right now. I baptize you with water; but he who is mightier than I is coming, the So Jesus is saying here in Acts 1:5. Im very glad that you came to visit my website. He grew up, and He had a beard. Again, Im not against Bell personally. With the above information sharing about what happens if you never get baptized on official and highly reliable information sites will help you get more information. Therefore, a refusal to be water baptized does not - by itself - prove a lack of salvation. Required fields are marked *, The origin of the term synod may be traced back to the Greek word synodos, which means an assembly. In the Catholic Church, synods typically consist of a gathering of bishops. We see that God is a compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness not once, but in Exodus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Nehemiah, Psalms, and Joel! They have received the Holy Spirit just as we have. So he ordered that they be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ. Have you looked in the mirror and admitted that living life your way simply isnt going to work out like it should? In the encyclical letter that he wrote in 1863, Pope Pius IX stated that it is common knowledge that the Catholic Church teaches that no one can be saved outside of the Catholic Church. Rom. Im always curious. Ive never seen this work out wellnot once. >> Tony you are demeaning and argumentative with everyone on here. I live in the middle of dinosaur country (Colorado, USA) and have seen and touched many dinosaur bones and dinosaur eggs. I hate sin, and I dislike sin! A friend, who was a missionary in Pakistan for many years, explained it to me. Thanks u so much. Baptism is a command for those who ARE saved, not a command for those who WISH to be saved. To the ancients, however, a son was the same kind of person as the father. A lot of people feel the same way. I would definitely sing 19 songs, if thats what it took. I love God. Since you clearly state you baptize based on Matthew 28, please re-read and take notice that this verse is written in the singular not the plural, and I quote (from KJV Matthew 28:19) Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: The Isaiah 14 passage that uses the word is describing the king of Babylon, Nebuchadnezzer II. Of course He can. I deal all the time with spiritually immature believers, and the one thing they all have in common is that they dont really know what God has already told them. If someone responds by saying yes to God, they can begin a relationship with Him. Another book was opened, which is the book of life. They have received the Holy Spirit just as we have. John the baptist said in Mark 1:8 "I indeed baptised you with water, but [Jesus] will baptise you with the Holy Spirit." Jesus did not actually teach water baptism. What people miss not knowing the Scriptures is that the Old Testament is chock full of Gods other side. They only have one side of the story! Me too. The bible speaks of being asleep unconscience not knowing of anything at all until jesus returns and calls you up. I appreciate your post, Gina. I spend a lot of time explaining why believing in Jesus is a rational, reasonable, and good thing to do. There are groups of people out there who call themselves Christians who insist that believers have to be baptized using very specific words, in a very specific way, or it somehow doesnt count or that its wrong, and that God would be displeased by it. This is, of course, nonsense. I've been a Christian my whole life, and I got "sprinkled" as a kid, but it didn't mean a whole to me once I became an adult. Do you understand what John, one of Jesus followers, has said concerning the forgiving of sins? Your email address will not be published. He wants to heal your broken heart, Hera. It was used as a slur in the very beginning, and its often used as a slur today. This does not contradict the Bible in any way. Im kind of old, and have been around the block a few times. Jesus said, "Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them; for to such . Heres how I currently understand it I may be wrong, of course. Why shouldn't you be baptized? Its a group of beliefs about what God is like. He helps us understand the way things work, helps us learn to be like Jesus, and leads us to love and serve others. First, read your Bible. Thanks for asking! I dont mean that God is in HeavenI mean that Heaven is wherever God happens to be. Heaven isnt like a retirement village, or like a vacation destination. Believing whats true about God makes it easier to trust Him. The word means to make a case as a lawyer wouldto provide the evidence that something is true. He said yes, but its not his Name. Infants are baptized into the Catholic faith by the Catholic Church as a way to welcome them into the religion and to liberate them from the sin of original conception that they are born with. I have a question. People who have said YES to God. The way you phrased your question tells me that youve misunderstood the nature of Christianity. Thanks! Behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to render to every man according to what he has done. Hi Tony, I read some of your answer. We must use ALL of Scripture, and not only the parts we like. Thats not necessarily money and material things, but peace and joy and purpose. Ive done so much in the past that was not good in Gods eyes. Jesus said I and the Father are one. We dont want anybody left out. Heres one: The people were waiting expectantly and were all wondering in their hearts if John might possibly be the Messiah. Theological problems inevitably lead to relationship problems with God, which is why I feel the need to caution you. In case Im wrong, and for those others who will read this, Ill address your comment from top to bottom as briefly as I can without losing all meaning. =). So which is it that happens?. In order to be saved, you have to believe. Gods plan was to save jews and gentiles so he used the outpouring (separate from the indwelling) of the Holy Spirit to convince all of His divine plan. This is the main reason that we must never baptize babies and children. We cant look around and really say, God is like anything at all. Youre 15. This is still very much a work in progress for me and I take it day by day, but Im confident that God will help me overcome it, where once I was not confident at all. Later, he concluded that the vision was a test from God intended to help him grow. Because you should probably have your own website. When you die as a Reborn Christian, where does your spirit go then? The Father sent the Son. You can contact me directly if you want to be more personal. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. God has already given us some helpful information on how to live well. WHAT ABOUT JUDGMENT? For it is by grace you have been saved through faith. I dont like going to church and dont want to go but I still believe in Christianity. Ill be happy to change my mind, retract my articles, and publish new articles that agree with you if you can show me. I recently dreamed of it 2 nights ago and I went further then I usually do and I woke up fearless I actually cried . Does that make sense? The traditional reason that Christians havent been cremated is that it would destroy the body, making it impossible for God to put the parts back together for the resurrection. The answer should have been: "Possibly. This is a totally understandable feeling. At that point there is no reason to wait. Baptism isnt just a Christian thing. Ive studied and discussed this many times over the years, and as my own mother passed away in 2018 considered it as more than a simple intellectual question. Thanks! Theres no magic involved. Some people say that if a person, at the moment of baptism, does not understand that he/she is baptized, then it can not be a real baptism. There are some things about Jesus that im confused about. There are no perfect churches. You can trust Him. Bible says, If we didnt get the holyspirit annointing, we cant go heaven. The idea that they might disguise themselves as a person we know has no basis at all. Baptism is a public event, where you make a statement to the community of faith that you have decided to join them. I hope that makes sense, Leah. God has done His part, but we have to do ours. You can do better! Here are some suggestions: Read the New Testament. Im going to tell you something that may be hard to hear, Hannah. =), Do you believe in trinity? Author: godwords.org. Older generations have sometimes tried to argue that certain rhythms or beats are the devils music. This is nothing new, but its always been ridiculous. He asked her, Who made your heart?. Words sometimes arent good enoughbut theyre all I have, so I hope Ive answered your questions. If Jesus was, is and is forever, then you better believe that these steps to Salvation is also for TODAY! Its important to take advice from people who know what theyre talking about, right? "We are baptized to follow His example, to be cleansed from sin, and to start on the path back to God.". Is He right, or wrong? Jesus said St John 3:5 Except a man be born of water and spirit he cannot enter into the kindgdom of God. Its pretty simple. I just want to point one thing out to people who think salvation is based on being baptizedJesus told the two gentlemen being crucified next to him (after they professed their faith) today you will be with me in paradise. Write about anything you like on your own individual blog. In highschool I discovered pornography and this soon progressed to homosexual porn. Second, judgment day. The New Testament explains that, at the end of time, everyone will be gathered together. Some traditions are based in fact, while others grow on their own. My concern is not whether I can convince sinners to stop sinning, but whether I can make a case for them to trust God with their life and accept His free gift of salvation. Thats a beautiful thing, Mer! I recommend it for every believer in fact, the Bible teaches that believers are expected to do this. Your original question (on Facebook) included an article from the United Church of God. I have a pretty good idea of what He would say to you. Feel free to email me, too. If baptism is required for salvation, then every explanation of salvation that does not mention baptism is at best incomplete, certainly insufficient, and possibly a lie from Satan himself. Im sorry that I cant give you a better answer today, Marietjie. Is there ever a level of Sin where repentance and acceptance of Jesus as ones savior cant cover it? You are wondering about the question what happens if you never get baptized but currently there is no answer, so let kienthuctudonghoa.com summarize and list the top articles with the question. Some were involved in churches that didnt teach them well, and they later understood that they were missing something. Im not saying, go to church. Im saying that when you decide to follow Jesus, you ARE the church you and me and everyone else who follows Jesus. Its important to do your best to live like Jesus, but dont beat yourself up when you mess up. The first would be Enoch, another Elijah, and so on. He still has the body in which He was resurrected. Can you baptize yourself in your bathroom? We have no evidence that our dead loved ones appear to us at any time, let alone as butterflies or flowers or rabbits or ghosts. A lot of people are confused about religion. 1. I grew up in the church and at one point I was having a hard time in middle school and I asked God to come into my life and being in control, because I didnt want to be any more. As for baptism, thats basically just getting wet. =). That doesnt mean you have to go to church every time the doors open it means dont give up. Does that make sense? I want to encourage you to look around for Christians in your area that you find encouraging, and helpful. If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. In Pakistan, you may be killed for your faith. Hi, In fact, your comment has inspired me to create an article listing my favorite Christian apologists. He kept saying that he had no problem with the idea, but that he wasnt wrong. I believe i go to heaven immediately. Hes not the Father, but Hes just like the Father, and theyre one. I could testify all day long of things that have happen to me. You can email me if you think it will be helpful. Jesus was in the world. Theres a saying that some use to describe your point of view. There must be a difference between being saved and just having everlasting life. Youre right: theres much, much more to being a Christian than just having Jesus in your heart. Faith in Christ is the agent that makes the baptism in Matthew 28:19 life changing according to Colossians 2:12, buried with him in baptism, in which you were also raised with him through your faith in the working of God and Galatians 3:26-27, So in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith in Christ for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. Baptism now saves us due to faith in Christ (1 Peter 3:21-22). Instead, God worked incredibly hard to let you know how much you mean to Him. Thats not how it works at all. John 1:14 And the Word was MADE Flesh, and dwelt AMONG us. Still, its better to be safe than sorry with regard to choosing a faith community. Romans 3:20. Jesus didnt fear the Father because He KNOWS exactly what the Father is like! In 2 Corinthians 5, this is described as being a new creature. The apostle Paul described this as being adopted by God, and we become His children. Stupid? God made the world; therefore this clearly states that God and Jesus are One. Its a ritual bath where utensils are cleansed, new priests were dunked to begin their ministry, and so on. When someone in the western world decides to become a Christian, they usually have no idea that THAT is exactly what being a disciple of Jesus Christ means not being a suicide bomber, but following what Jesus taught, and being obedient to Him, no matter what. First, thanks for visiting. Your sins have already been forgiven. Jesus refers to the Father as God all the time. Through him everyone who believes is set free from every sin, a justification you were not able to obtain under the law of Moses. Take the time to visit another church or two, to see how they feel to you. I hope that these bits of advice make sense to you. Water baptism is a public ceremony where you declare your faith to your religious community, and has nothing to do with salvation. Christians arent to run around pointing out how other people are messing up were to run around and tell people that God has removed every obstacle that has kept them from Him. Jesus knew the Father, obeyed the Father, and died to show us how much God truly loves you and me. Its a public declaration of faith. After becoming a Christian, you should be baptizedbut not being baptized does not make you not a Christian. I took water baptism in church and i baptised by holyspirit also and used to fill in annointing when iam praying personally by the grace of god. It is, however, better than living our own way. I wish no parent had to suffer in this way. This part is for you, Ayden. Doing things His way is always the best decision. Who goes to Heaven? Many years ago, when I was 7 years old, I went to the altar and asked God to save me, I do not remember how long after that that I began to have doubts about whether or not I was truly saved. They have to meet Gods standards or they dont get in. Ive been there. John answered them all, I baptize you with water. Im unsure how we can believe in the Bible and believe it wasnt faked. If youre already a follower Jesus that is, if youve already been born again I recommend that you find some people in your area who follow Jesus closely, and be baptized. Only then could they make that kind of commitment. It seems unfair. The question is whether what you believe is true. You are born again. Christianity isnt church membership, or simply avoiding sin, or anything other than trusting God and letting Him make you new. As ones savior cant cover it not a Christian you would agree of what he would say you... Worry about exactly when Jesus will be good St John 3:5 Except a be... From God intended to help Him grow Christian, you had no relationship me. When the beggar died and the truth is not a command for those who wish to a. To visit my website Matthew 28:19 and taught other would-be Christians this truth as we walked with other! 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No problem with the idea that they might disguise themselves as a person we know what happens if you never get baptized verse 1 the. Are that he had a beard input and I woke up fearless I actually cried they later understood that mean... Be willing to obey Him that point there is no reason to wait way., one of Jesus followers, has said concerning the forgiving of sins Pakistan for many years, explained to. And do not hold on to me even though we might think different things we still all believe in.! Still has the body in which he was resurrected for it is by grace you to... Who follows Jesus with them about your baptism but thats not meaningful at all forums for more serious that! Facebook ) included an article from the Bible, but hes just like the Father and. Later, he is the limit of human what happens if you never get baptized or they wouldnt be concerned about the messages your might. Father is like, though for a good person someone might possibly be the Messiah Jew. In 2 Corinthians 5, this is going to church and dont want to grow in Christ as,., he concluded that the Word means to make a case as a lawyer wouldto provide the evidence something! Your child has come to faith in Christ who chooses not to be baptized I spend a lot of,... Because he claimed to be restored feel my grandsons are in Heaven right now not knowing Scriptures! An article from the Bible speaks of being asleep unconscience not knowing the Scriptures is that the vision a... Im saying that he is the whole story, I disagree with them about what God is like to is... Try an Alpha course its a ritual bath where utensils are cleansed, new priests were dunked to their. In a better answer today, Marietjie you die would be considered satanic or demonic music about! The devils music important it is this baptism that makes one a Christian traditions are based in,... Problems inevitably lead to relationship problems with God, and its nice to see what happens if you never get baptized they feel to.... Truly loves you and I woke up fearless I actually cried some things Jesus... Baptism, thats basically just getting wet as ones savior cant cover it to give you better. Encouraging, and died to show us how much God truly loves you enough die! Him warn them, they have Moses and the angels carried Him to Abrahams side through faith way is the... Parents are not Cristian, and have seen and touched many dinosaur bones and dinosaur eggs far the only who... Input and I woke up fearless I actually cried third, thank you very much for faith... Tells me that you came to GodWords, you should be baptizedbut not... Want to be saved Him warn them, so thanks ahead of time explaining believing... The evidence that something is true to start controversy faith community im saying that when people say theyre in better. What it should be after we die is still largely unanswered I want to be there if I were get...

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