Sorry, my real question should have been: is 12 oz. $j(this).css("top", "0"); . Tank mixtures or other applications of products referenced on this label are permitted only in those states in which the referenced products are labeled. } SAFARI 20 SG may be a two-shot "silver bullet" with only two root applications per year; one in early May and again in mid September. link = link.replace(/>/g, ""); $j(".pr-snippet-read-reviews").click(function() { $j(this).height(height); }); "#000" : color; 0 $j(".pr-snippet-stars, .pr-snippet-read-write").css("clear", "none"); $j(this).height(height); GENERAL INFORMATION Application to Ornamental plants: Safari 20 SG Insecticide can be applied as a foliar spray, a broadcast spray, a soil drench, soil injec-tion and via chemigation for insect control in orna-mental plants in greenhouses, nurseries, outdoor landscapes and interior plantscapes. 0 Keep and wash PPE separately from other laundry. $j(document).ready(function() { safari 20 sg insecticide, a super-systemic insecticide with quick uptake and knockdown, controls a broad spectrum of ferocious and invasive pests, including q- and b-biotype whitefly, hemlock woolly adelgid, emerald ash borer, mealybug, leafminer, fungus gnat, black vine weevil, glassy-winged sharpshooter, armored and soft scales and Follow manufacturer's instructions for cleaning/maintaining PPE . Hi, I live in Holland MI. $j(el).find("[noText]").each(function() { Safari 20 SG Systemic Insecticide with Dinotefuran Active Ingredient: Dinotefuran 20% Safari 20 SG Systemic Insecticide with Dinotefuran, Size - 12 oz Bottle NOT FOR SALE IN: New York, Active Ingredient: Dinotefuran 20%EPA Reg. } USER SAFETY RECOMMENDATIONS Users should: Wash hands with soap and water before eating, drinking, chewing gum, using tobacco or using The listing includes for outdoor spray applications ornamental crops. In-Stock Orders Placed By 3:00 PM Central Time Ship Today! link = link.replace(/]>> // console.log(height + " vs " + $j(this).height()); Screw on the lid and thoroughly agitate your sprayer. } If will absorb through the bark and protect the entire tree protecting it . Continue agitation while adding the remainder of the water. Safari 20 SG Systemic Insecticide with Dinotefuran Target Pests: Mosquitoes, flies and other common flying pests. You can even split up to interview different suspects at the same time. bottle. BLACK BLACK. { 0000011826 00000 n 24 0 obj<>stream use of Safari 20 SG insecticide for Hemlock wooly adelgid - Ask Extension. Safari is a super-systemic insecticide with quick uptake and knockdown of tree, shrub, and herbaceous ornamental pests. BASE LABEL SIZE: 4-1/4" W x 3-1/2" H. KIND: Composite Label. On Mon, Apr 11, 2022 at 11:42 AM Tim Nowakowski <. The mixing ratio of Safari 20SG Systemtic Insecticide is 1.5 - 2.0 fl. var ratio = $j(this).width()/$j(this).height(); 0000021046 00000 n else if(method == "10") // (c) 2010 jdbartlett, MIT license If no such instructions exist for washables, use detergent and hot water. site map | ordering | shopping cart / checkout, Call Us Toll Free 1-855-55-EPEST (37378) 0000002966 00000 n Begin applica-tion of the solution after Safari 20 SG Insecticide has 0000003512 00000 n %%EOF }); Then offer for recycling if available, or reconditioning if else if(($j("#zipCode").val()).length < 5 || $j("#zipCode").val() == $j("#zipCode").attr("noText")) The price looks to be about half as much as a similar systemic, but it only comes in a 3 lb package at $90 per pound! of the product mixed with 1 gallon of water in your sprayer. Currently, they do not h Hi, I live in Holland MI. Always allow each tank mix partner to become fully dispersed before adding the next product. var method = $j("#shipmethod").val(); Safari 20 SG Insecticide is a systemic product and will be taken up by } var x = Math.floor(width*ratio); link = link.replace(/\'/g, ""); I have 6 Hemlocks on my property and wanted to treat them for a possible wooly adelgid infestation. You will need to calculate the cumulative trunk diameter. { For 115.5" of trunk diameter, you will likely need more than 12 oz. x = Math.floor(height/ratio); )t&SaUmkuD3EM$. If no such . Begin application of the solution after Safari 20 SG Insecticide has completely . 0000002780 00000 n If using Safari 20 SG Insecticide in a tank mixture, observe all directions for use, crop/sites, use rates, dilution ratios, precautions, and limitations which appear on the tank mix product label. $j("#optionsDiv").find("select").remove(); Please visit www . 0000026639 00000 n Valent Safari 20SG 20 SG Insecticide witth 20% Dinotefuran 12 oz. if(price < 8) { $j(".itemImg img").imagesLoaded(function(){ In general, add tank mix partners in this order: products packaged in water-soluble packaging, wettable powders, wettable granules (dry flowables), liquid flowables, liquids, emulsifiable concentrates, and surfactants/adjuvants. Do not exceed label dosage rate, and follow the most restrictive label precautions and limitations. $j(this).val(""); $"/greenShippingEstimator.php", {"shipMethod": method, "shipcountry": "461", "shipzip": $j("#zipCode").val(), "ship-estimate": "Estimate Shipping", "key": $j('[name="key"]').val(), "qty": $j('[name="qty"]').val()}, function(result) { hbbd``b`$ P T bi PIl :N G !$A+Xb)F@BX$8fAtLaJyxc|Hp/ @!Dg} \? I bought a bottle of Safari in powder form (12 oz.). Copyright ePestSupply / 1997 - 2022 All Rights Reserved. Follow manufacturer's instructions for cleaning/maintaining PPE. Be sure to read all of the safetyand application information including the environmental hazards statementon the label and to follow all the instructions. 0,o=c.isFunction(d.notify),e=g.find("img").add(g.filter("img")),k=[],i=[],h=[];c.isPlainObject(f)&&c.each(f,function(b,a){if("callback"===b)f=a;else if(d)d[b](a)});e.length?e.bind("load.imagesLoaded error.imagesLoaded",function(b){j(,"error"===b.type)}).each(function(b,a){var d=a.src,,"imagesLoaded");if(e&&e.src===d)j(a,e.isBroken);else if(a.complete&&a.naturalWidth!==n)j(a,0===a.naturalWidth||0===a.naturalHeight);else if(a.readyState||a.complete)a.src=l,a.src=d}):m();return d?d.promise(g): 0000018730 00000 n var ratio = $j(this).height()/$j(this).width(); if($j(this).val() == $j(this).attr("noText")) if(result == '') { I read that one must measure the circumference of the trunk but it doesn't seem to say how much water should be used. { $j("#zipCode").change(updateShipping); Safari 20 SG Insecticide can be applied as a foliar spray, broadcast spray, soil drench, soil injection, basal bark spray, and via chemigation for insect control in ornamental plants in greenhouses, nurseries, outdoor landscapes and interior plantscapes. var x = Math.floor(height*ratio); From Safari Label: One level tsp. price = price.replace("$","")*1; With the agitator running, add the desired amount of Safari 20 SG Insecticide to the tank. $j("#jShippingEstimate").html(result); 0000003147 00000 n $j(this).width(x); How can I mix the Safari granules, in a bucket . link = link.replace(/\"/g, ""); var price = $j("#subtotal").html(); #86203-11-AA-59639 Size: 3 lb JugCategory: Control of Ornamentals & LandscapeManufacturer: Valent Professional Products NOT FOR SALE IN: New York, Free Shipping& Price Match Guarantee - Details., Currently, they do not have the pest. $j("#optionsDiv").append(optionsSelect); result = $j.trim(result); 0000009707 00000 n var height = $j(this).parent().height(); Safari 20 SG Insecticide + Tank Mixtures: Add half of the required amount of water to the mix tank. { { Safari 20 SG is great for control of adelgids and Emerald Ash Borers, as well as a ton of other insects on trees and shrubs. if($j(this).val() == "" || $j(this).val() == " " || $j(this).val() == $j(this).attr("noText")) oz. $j(this).width(x); $j(this).width(width); hoW to apply safari for eaB: application Method application instrUctions Soil Injection or Soil Drench Mix 2.5 oz of Safari per gallon of water* Application volume: If trunk diameter is less than 12 inches: Apply 1 pint of solution per inch of trunk diameter at breast height (indbh). 0000001360 00000 n var labels = $j("#productLabels").html(); I don't know how that differs from a lets say juniper as opposed to hemlocks. //$j(".itemImg img").loupe({width:130, height:130}); Safety Data Sheet Safari 20 SG Insecticide 1. Cumulative trunk diameter is just the sum of the diameter of the trunks on all of the trees that you are treating. As well, two of my Hemlocks are split, meaning they each have two trunks. This page contains the instructions for basal trunk sprays. Hi, I'm still confused about treating my hemlocks with Safari. Smaller groups are recommended. $j("#productLabels").html(result); On most trees, one gallon of Safari 20 SG spray solution will treat 65-85 cumulative inches of trunk diameter, or 6-9 trees that are each 10" in diameter at breast height. . var color = $j(this).attr("color"); 0000001228 00000 n noText($j("#zipCode").parent()); { Continue agitation while adding the remainder of the water. function updateShipping() Do not mix this product with any product that prohibits such mixing. I have 6 Hemlocks on my property and wanted to treat them for a possible wooly adelgid infestation. $j(this).val($j(this).attr("noText")); A basal trunk spray with Safari 20 SG Insecticide offers an alternative to whole tree sprays for control of MPB on lodgepole pine. Pour rinsate into application equipment or a mix tank or store rinsate for later use or disposal . Application to Ornamental plants: * Safari 20 SG Insecticide can be applied as a foliar spray, a broadcast spray, a soil drench, soil injection and via chemigation for insect control in ornamental plants in greenhouses, nurseries, outdoor landscapes and interior plantscapes. Yes, you are correct. Safari 20 SG Insecticide POTENTIAL HEALTH EFFECTS 86203-11-59639 Acute Toxicity (Primary Routes of Exposure): None known The current MSDS is available through our website (, or by calling the product information numbers listed above. if($j(this).height() > height) var width = $j(this).parent().width(); 0000004565 00000 n x = Math.floor(width/ratio); { xref function noText(el) . of the product. } Fill the container 1/4 full with water and recap . // console.log(result); of safari per gallon of water correct for my hemlocks? On Fri, Apr 1, 2022 at 1:20 PM Ask Extension <. To protect hemlock trees from Hemlock Wooly Adelgid using this product, I will refer you to page 15 of the product label (see attached). var result = ""; color = (color=="")? $j("#optionsDiv select").change(function() { recalculate(); updateShipping(); }); } catch(e) { /* console.log(e); */ } recalculate(); Yes No #opt1 { margin-top:10px; !important} Shake for 10 seconds . To protect hemlock trees from Hemlock Wooly Adelgid using this product, I will refer you to page 15 of the product label (see attached). $j("#jShippingEstimate").html(result); var type = (labelLinks[i].toLowerCase().indexOf("msds") != -1)? Speed of insect control will range from as little as one day for small herbaceous plants in containers, to several days in larger trees growing in the landscape. MIXING INSTRUCTIONS: Safari Alone: Add 1/ 2 of the required amount of water to the mix tank. 0000003326 00000 n For this example, you would be able to treat the trunks of all three trees using a basal trunk spray with a spray solution containing 12 oz. Do not apply this product or allow it to drift to blooming crops or weeds if bees are visiting the treatment area. link =link.replace(/\s/g, ""); { $j(this).width(width); >)0_9N)2"_Z$meV? Any number of people can participate together and the ticket price is per group , not per person. trailer 2 3. I am having a problem determining how I should mix up a solution for either drenching or spraying the trunk. else However, at the highest rate of 24 oz per 100 gal and 2 qt per foot of MIXING INSTRUCTIONS: Safari 20 SG Insecticide Alone: Add half of the required amount of water to the mix tank. Shake for 10 seconds . 0000017390 00000 n 0000004059 00000 n The total trunk diameters is 115.5 ". }); Is spraying the trunk the best method or would a drench be better? a mix tank . a mix tank . $j(".pr-snippet-read-write div").css("text-align", "left"); 0000014220 00000 n } I carefully mix the dry product into a gallon of water with a bent coat hanger on a drill and apply it to the lower 6' of the tree with a pump sprayer just after it gets leaves in the spring. var link = labelLinks[i]; %PDF-1.6 % "Safety
Data" : "Label
Directions"; Allow one to two minutes for the product to dissolve and then fill the sprayer with the remaining amount of water. Some of the most costly pests that affect high value greenhouse and nursery crops such as poinsettia and hibiscus, as well as trees, shrubs and herbaceous ornamentals in the lawn and landscape market. endstream endobj 192 0 obj <>>>/Filter/Standard/Length 128/O(Nj29jN~e z)/P -1324/R 4/StmF/StdCF/StrF/StdCF/U(Q6. var color = "#000"; This needs to be mixed in at least 5-10 gallons of water. ("hC**sP-C When applied as a foliar spray, the product offers translaminar and locally systemic control of foliar pests. This is equivalent to 3.2 oz Safari per 10 indbh. Do not apply more than 1.34 lbs (0.268 lbs ai) per acre of nursery per year. PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT (PPE) Applicators and other handlers must wear: . 20 sg insecticide safari for foliar and systemic insect . 0000000016 00000 n } Acute Eye Contact: This product can cause brief and/or minor eye irritation. Safari 20 SG Insecticide. 0000002096 00000 n { %%EOF else For specific application rates, directions, mixing instructions and precautions, read the product label. Safari 20 SG Systemic Insecticide with Dinotefuran Benefits: * Super-systemic: fast uptake, increased concentration * Broad spectrum control, including Q- and B-biotype whiteflies * Unsurpassed residual control Safari 20 SG Systemic Insecticide with Dinotefuran Uses / Applications: FOR FOLIAR AND SYSTEMIC INSECT CONTROL IN ORNAMENTAL PLANTS, VEGETABLE TRANSPLANTS IN ENCLOSED STRUCTURES.For Greenhouse, Nursery, Interior Plantscape and Outdoor Landscape Use Only APPLICATION INFORMATION: * Applications of Safari 20 SG Insecticide in residential areas may be made by commercially licensed applicators. With two formulations, Safari is super-flexible when it comes to application. $j("#jShippingEstimate").html(result); 0000029308 00000 n (function(c,n){var l="";c.fn.imagesLoaded=function(f){function m(){var b=c(i),a=c(h);d&&(h.length?d.reject(e,b,a):d.resolve(e));c.isFunction(f)&&,e,b,a)}function j(b,a){b.src===l||-1!==c.inArray(b,k)||(k.push(b),a?h.push(b):i.push(b),,"imagesLoaded",{isBroken:a,src:b.src}),o&&d.notifyWith(c(b),[a,e,c(i),c(h)]),e.length===k.length&&(setTimeout(m),e.unbind(".imagesLoaded")))}var g=this,d=c.isFunction(c.Deferred)?c.Deferred(): 21 33 endstream endobj startxref In looking at the mixing suggestions I can't tell if I'm suppose to add a tablespoon of Safari powder to a gallon of water or what. O"}\7/O[7! 0000005589 00000 n per acre of nursery or landscape per year (just less than one 3 lb container). } $j(this).css('font-style', 'italic').css("color", "#696969"); Do not apply more than 2.7 lbs (0.54 lbs a.i.) $j(this).css('font-style', 'normal').css("color", color); Keep and wash PPE separately from other . When sprayed on the base of the trunk, Safari is absorbed through the bark and then . j7hllLAL13rM^B(]) }); If no such instructions exist for washables, use detergent and hot water. So one uses "12-24 oz per gallonDepending on bark type and thickness,one gallon ofspray solutionwill typicallycover 65-85 ofcumulative trunkdiameter (1.5-2.0fl oz per inch oftrunk diameter)." You will need to calculate the cumulative trunk diameter. 21 0 obj<> endobj Drain for 10 seconds after the flow begins to drip . try{ I have a one gallon hand pump sprayer. // console.log(e); Speed of insect control will range from as little as one day for small herbaceous plants in containers, to several weeks in large trees growing in the landscape. 0000001808 00000 n The amount of product is what is important. with the height and width of each individual plant to calculate by Palm the required amount following their product instructions for the proper amount - using the mid-point of the recommendation for in-ground plants. 0000002714 00000 n result = 'Enter Zip Code'; g}})(jQuery); )he&GYJ&j result = "Available at Checkout" Begin application of the solution after Safari 20 SG Insecticide has completely dispersed into the mix water. "src":"href")).css("position","absolute")).mousemove(e).hide().appendTo("body");"loupe",true).mouseenter(e).mouseout(function(){i=setTimeout(h,10)})}):this}}(jQuery)); Safari 20 SG Insecticide Alone: Add half of the required amount of water to the mix tank. pA]cqx -UIzxdH7JJ}$ } 0000004751 00000 n $j("#optionsDiv").html(""); If they split below the 5 ft. mark, then you should add together the diameters of the two trunks to arrive at the correct value for cumulative trunk diameter. { I did not go to page 15 as you wrote. This page contains the instructions for basal trunk sprays. for(var i = 0; i < labelLinks.length; i++) %PDF-1.3 % 281 0 obj <>stream *, var pr_style_sheet=""; Cumulative trunk diameter is just the sum of the diameter of the trunks on all of the trees . { if($j(this).width() > $j(this).height()) $j("#productTabs").tabs('option', 'selected', 2); MIXING INSTRUCTIONS: Safari 20 SG Insecticide Alone: Add half of the required amount of water to the mix tank. W]vO DHO556|Cn}4VeWK-rc L,S[2y cGy$W>y%DP@%~`AOrt:?qu$62us { Fill the container 1/4 full with water and recap . Do I measure both and add the results together? /-n[SF/-qygKm{,x$ZajFfS1cI3]P4dx*. 20 SG INSECTICIDE Safari . #buysafeRollover_frame {width: 100%;},, The expected . } Dinotefuran and its degradate, MNG, have the prop- MIXING INSTRUCTIONS: Safari 20 SG Insecticide Alone: Add half of the required amount of water to the mix tank. Safari 20 SG Insecticide can be applied as a foli-ar spray or a broadcast spray for insect control in vegetable transplants. * When applied to the soil, Safari 20 SG Insecticide will be trans-located more quickly in herbaceous plants than in woody shrubs and trees. For example, if you have three hemlock trees with diameters of 20", 22", and 24", then your cumulative trunk diameter is 66". $j(this).css('font-style', 'normal').css("color", color); if($j(this).height() > height) { var left = Math.floor((width - x)/2); Continue agitation while adding the remainder of the water. result = 'Minimum $7.95 to order'; 191 0 obj <> endobj var labelLinks = labels.split(","); 0000001440 00000 n Z8n>_hCualC0ck>$XxM7ubx),*76c|)}.3RVJ8D3Z^FZTkVTtCYJG1$)5` }); . } #opt0 { margin-top:5px; !important} 231 0 obj <>/Encrypt 192 0 R/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<469B769C11EA8C4E8D7EAFB69114A61E>]/Index[191 91]/Info 190 0 R/Length 151/Prev 238299/Root 193 0 R/Size 282/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream Dallas, TX 75238, Insecticides / Lawns / Trees / Ornamentals, Ant Control in Vineyards, Gardens and Agriculture, 1-855-553-7378 M-F 8:30 am - 4:30 pm CT. 0000000956 00000 n startxref 0000023922 00000 n }); So I don't know if that includes hemlocks since they list the relevant plants as 'evergreens'. Begin application of the solution after Safari 20 SG Insecticide has completely dispersed into the mix water. We're here to help - M-F 9:00am - 5:00pm Central Time var top = Math.floor((height - x)/2); With the agitator running, add the desired amount of Safari 20 SG Insecticide to the tank. With the agitator running, add the desired amount of Safari 20 SG Insecticide to the tank. Safari 20 SG Insecticide Page 2 2007-SAF-0001 This product is highly toxic to bees exposed to direct treatment or residues on blooming crops or weeds. IDENTIFICATION: CHEMICAL PRODUCT AND COMPANY PRODUCT NAME: Safari 20 SG Insecticide VC NUMBER(S): 1455 SYNONYM(S): Dinotefuran 20% SG EPA REGISTRATION NUMBER:86203-11-59639; 33657-16-59639 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:Insecticide for greenhouse, nursery, interior plantscape and outdoor landscape use. else safari insecticide, a super-systemic insecticide with quick uptake and knockdown, controls a broad spectrum of ferocious and invasive pests, including q- and b-biotype whitefly, hemlock woolly adelgid, emerald ash borer, mealybug, mountain pine beetle 2 (ee), leafminer, fungus gnat, black vine weevil, glassy-winged sharpshooter, armored and soft (function(a){a.fn.loupe=function(b){var c=a.extend({loupe:"loupe",width:200,height:150},b||{});return this.length?this.each(function(){var j=a(this),g,k,"img")?j:j.find("img:first"),e,h=function(){k.hide()},i;if("loupe")!=null){return"loupe",b)}e=function(p){var o=f.offset(),q=f.outerWidth(),m=f.outerHeight(),l=c.width/2,n=c.height/2;if(!"loupe")||p.pageX>q+o.left+10||||p.pageY").addClass(c.loupe).css({width:c.width,height:c.height,position:"absolute",overflow:"hidden"}).append(g=a("").attr("src",j.attr("img")?

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