[61] In India, tea plantation owners are attempting to reinvent their product for 21st century markets through the use of fair-trade certification (discussed earlier in this chapter) and Geographical Indication Status (GI). Ithaca HOURS circulate in denominations of two, one, one-half, one-fourth, one-eighth, and one-tenth HOURS ($20, $10, $5, $2.50, $1.25, and $1, respectively). People who raise plants and animals for their own consumption, but not for sale to others. Each of these examples highlights how even in advanced capitalist societies, we engage in diverse economic practices every day. Perspectives: An Open Introduction to Cultural Anthropology. Across time and space, different societies have organized their economic lives in radically different ways. That said, the textbook moves in a logical manner with Part 1 beginning with an introduction to the field and sub-fields of the discipline and the concept of culture to verbal, non-verbal communication to economic behavior and political institutions to forms of social identity (family, gender, race, ethnicity) with a discussion on globalization providing a closing statement on the changing nature of culture and setting a logical framework to move from the classically small-group case studies that anthropology is famous for towards the macro-level, global issues that can be deconstructed from an anthropological lens, such as development, environmental disasters and medical pluralism, the focus of chapters in Part 2. The inclusion of other prominent anthropologist in current discussions, such as Achille Mbembe, Didier Fassin, and others, would aid in drawing interest in the anthology. Beginning in April, lobsters become more active and, as the water warms, they migrate toward shore and catch volumes increase. The Lobster Gangs of Maine. Part 2 of the book uses anthropocene as a point of departure to discuss ethnographic studies in environmental anthropology, applying political economy approach to sustainable development in First World countries, the importance of public anthropology, and also provides teasers into new avenues of anthropological inquiry, such as media anthropology and multi-species ethnography. I find that the text gives a good foundation for students that instructors can easily supplement with other materials to get main points across. Anthropology is by definition the study of different races, ethnicities, identities, cultures, and backgrounds and the concept of cultural relativism (defined in the text as the idea that we should seek to understand another persons beliefs and behaviors from the perspective of their own culture and not our own) is the cornerstone of our field. Besky, Sarah. Although the individual glossaries in the individual chapters in Part One allow for the chapters to be used independently, this leads to much duplication. Rather, they create a model for incorporating updates in a straightforward process by adding ethnographic examples to the burgeoning fields of cultural anthropology discussed. This is an excellent textbook. They might also produce some type of commodity for sale. To better understand the differences between transactions between relative strangers and those that are more personalized, consider the different options one has for a haircut: a person can stop by a chain salon such as Great Clips and leave twenty minutes later after spending $15 to have his hair trimmed by someone he has never met before, or he can develop an ongoing relationship with a hair stylist or barber he regularly visits. Sources are listed and material is well supported. J. K. Gibson-Graham, Jenny Cameron, and Stephen Healy, For more information, see http://ithacahours.info/, Faidra Papavasiliou, Fair Money, Fair Trade: Tracing Alternative Consumption in a Local Currency Economy., Rudi Colloredo-Mansfeld, Consumption: From Cultural Theory to the Ethnography of Capitalism, in, Colloredo-Mansfeld, Consumption: From Cultural Theory to the Ethnography of Capitalism.. Some of the photos lack clarity and interest. To better understand how indigenous farmers practice kin-organized subsistence maize production while simultaneously producing an agricultural commodity for global markets, I conducted long-term research in a highland Guatemala community. gaggenau 400 series ati mental health practice b 2019 quizlet healing in the blood of jesus scriptures It would be interesting to see more of this in other chapters. View cart for details. Every chapter includes useful sections such as the Learning Objectives at the beginning and the Discussion Questions at the end. Some argued that with every McDonalds constructed, the values and beliefs of the West were being imposed on non-Western societies. Subsistence farmers: people who raise plants and animals for their own consumption, but not for sale to others. Learn more about how Pressbooks supports open publishing practices. Economic anthropology is always in dialogue (whether implicitly or explicitly) with the discipline of economics. It is not often that a current generation has the ability to see something like this taking shape before their very eyes but perhaps restructuring the format a bit would be helpful. Even though a different individual authors each chapter, the language style and approach to the material are very similar to each other. Related to this, the listing of editors did not include and after the second editorthe standard form in academic books. The Works Cited would have the full citation of each. She might then take it to her neighbor, who works informally as a tailor, for alternations. While these two expenses are commensurable through general purpose money, qualitatively they are in fact radically different in terms of the sentiment I attach to each (and I would not ever try to pay my babysitter in sweaters). And, there are far too many sections for a quarter into course. [22] This means that economic behavior is a unique cultural practice, one that varies across time and space. The format of each chapter is the same, with learning objectives, the text, highlighted terms and concepts, questions for study, a glossary, a an author bio, bibliography (often very helpful! While The dealers goal is to ensure a large, steady supply of lobsters for as low a price as possible. SECOND EDITION. With the use of Adobe Acrobat Pro, the chapters can be easily selected into individual chapters. I did not encounter any navigational issues. Colloredo-Mansfeld, Consumption: From Cultural Theory to the Ethnography of Capitalism, 326. The modularity of the text is great, as they make an effort to have many headings and subheadings within each chapter that can be used to delineate what sections students should pay closer attention to. A focus on applied anthropology throughout highlights the history and types of anthropology practiced in the . The textbook does not assume that the reader will have arrived at a chapter after reviewing a previous one and eases readers with overlapping but not replicative content, such as on theoretical approaches between chapter, The Culture Concept and chapter, The History of Anthropological Ideas, on subsistence covered in the chapter, Economics, in the chapter, Culture and Sustainability: Environmental Anthropology in the Anthropocene from a sustainability angle, on a discussion of "Ritual as Performance" in the chapter, Performance with a focus on performance in ritual, rather than the types of rituals, as enumerated in the chapter, Religion, etc. [42] More than 900 participants accept Ithaca HOURS for goods and services, and some local employers and employees even pay or receive partial wages in the complementary currency. The book covers all the areas that standard textbooks cover (culture, language, kinship, gender, economics, etc.). No aspect of this text is insensitive or offensive. Though this text provides many formative and historical examples, I think the contemporary examples of anthropological work are valuable to the students as it exemplifies how anthropological concepts can be used to study our world today. We need you, as students, to see the possibilities. However, in the capitalist mode of production, workers typically do not own the factories they work in or the businesses they work for, and so they sell their labor power to other people, the capitalists, in order to survive. I think the text does a great job of outlining material that needs to be covered in a way that is appropriate and clear. 30 PERSPECTIVES: AN OPEN INTRODUCTION TO CULTURAL ANTHROPOLOGY. The available chapters mirror the lecture topics in many first-year courses. They do a good job of including different images and charts, as is pertinent, and there are times where they also embed links to different videos. I thoroughly enjoy using this text in the classroom, and I enjoy being able to support other anthropologists who have put together great scholars to provide open access information for students. Each chapter includes a glossary and bibliography. The citation of sources in individual chapters also duplicates the listing of sources across chapters. Thomas McIlwraith, University of Guelph There are between 20 and 25 million small farmers growing coffee in more than 50 countries around the world. This focus on power and structural relations parallels an anthropological understanding of culture as a holistic system: economic relations never exist by themselves, apart from social and political institutions. The effect of these three simultaneous kinship systems is that virtually everyone is kin in Ju/hoansi societythose who are biologically related and those who are not. With some exceptions, individual chapters and sections are of reasonable length. Economics is a normative theory because it specifies how people should act if they want to make efficient economic decisions. [76] The relief money funneled through these organizations ended up supporting a new elite class rather than the impoverished multitudes that so desperately need the assistance. Unfortunately, some sections throughout the text (for example: some references to Donald Trump) read more like current events articles than academic textbook, especially an introductory text. The editors have included a Teaching & Learning Resources section, and invite instructors to contribute to the collection. The language and tone of the text is academic without overuse of technical jargon. The 18 chapters cover major topics in Cultural Anthropology ranging from a very critical introduction by Laura Nader on what this discipline has historically been about, its uniqueness within the social sciences to a thought provoking chapter on Public Anthropology by the distinguished scholar Robert Borofsky. As noted above, the single pdf file that I used is a bit cumbersome if one is doing anything other than reading all of the chapters in order. [80] When we highlight these different kinds of labor and forms of compensation we expand the scope of economic identities that fall outside the narrow range valued by market production and exchange (employer, employee, or entrepreneur). For example: Ch. Like most texts, the important terms for each topic are bolded and defined throughout the chapter. At the same time, in my particular case the need to be strategic in order to not alienate too many students is also important. There is so much here for students to relate to in the material and in the authors' experiences of being anthropologists. I had a lot of fun exploring each chapter and I am very excited to use this text in my classes! It processed 243 million returns, and 119 million of these resulted in a tax refund. The chapters are written in a sophisticated way and cover a wide variety of topics. In my own suburban Kentucky neighborhood we engage in many forms of generalized reciprocity. In May prices fall dramatically; supply is high but there are relatively few tourists and demand is low. Political economy: an approach in anthropology that investigates the historical evolution of economic relationships as well as the contemporary political processes and social structures that contribute to differences in income and wealth. I found Perspectives to be a very clear and approachable text. Smith argues that the 419 scams mimic long-standing cultural practices around kinship and patronage relations. Economics 7. Not only is migration not a new human behavior but it is a complex human behavior in terms of motivation, patterns, politics, economics, and cultural diversity. Perhaps this is why eight in ten non-Christians in the United States now celebrate Christmas. All the content in the print version is available free of charge in electronic format from the Perspectives website. Thought the text did mention Leo Chvez in two pages, Patricia Zavella was noted in three endnotes, but not in the text; Renato Rosaldo was mentioned in two pages; Lynn Stephen was noted in one page; and Arturo Escobar appeared in one endnote. The tributary mode of production characterizes a variety of precapitalist, state-level societies found in Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Americas. This is particularly true of the well organized chapter structure. This raises the question of how and why reciprocal gift giving has become so central to the social relationships we hope to nurture at Christmas. Anthropology is a discipline with a multiplicity of approaches, theoretical and otherwise. These farmers primarily use their own labor to grow the food their families eat. Reviewed by Laura Elder, Associate Professor & Chair of Global Studies, Saint Mary's College on 12/10/21, The text covers all areas appropriately and in depth. The strength of this text is its comprehensive coverage of the major anthropological concepts in a clear and concise manner and a in a readable style that the students can easily understand. Part 2 13. The members of La Voz refer to their coffee trees as their children who they have lovingly tended for decades. Reviewed by Sharon Methvin, Instructor, Mt. This is particularly true of the well organized chapter structure. You get up in the morning and reach over for the sponge, and thats handed to you by a Pacific Islander. In fact, anthropological research shows that Western commodities can sometimes lead to a resurgence of local identities and an affirmation of local processes over global patterns. What did they have for breakfast and who will they meet in the course of their day? There was a problem loading your book clubs. Mauss, Marcel. The ritual of shopping, wrapping, giving, and receiving proves to us that we can create a sphere of love and intimacy alongside the world of anonymous, monetary exchange. In order to do so, they make contracts with fishermen to always buy all of the lobster they have to sell no matter how glutted the market might be. Robert Borofsky advocates for anthropologys ability to empower people and facilitate good. The photos were clear and well placed. The chapters layout on, Perspectives: An Open Invitation to Cultural Anthropology, indeed reproduces what you will expected in a printed version. If they are not prepared to be shaken out of their own insensitivity, they should not read this book. However, the 1,000-year imperial Chinese system (CE 9601911) was unique in that new members were accepted based on their performance in examinations that any male could take, even males of low status. As an open and dissected text, the modularity is great. This is a cultural anthropology introductory textbook. . The men periodically returned home, bringing cash earnings and urban luxuries such as bread. As I have stated the content is similar to that of most introductory cultural anthropology books. Grapevine Publishing Services, page design and typesetting. [21] Studying reciprocity gives anthropologists unique insights into the moral economy, or the processes through which customs, cultural values, beliefs, and social coercion influence our economic behavior. Chapter one does introduce the four fields, but the presentation is limited. 9. Each author has written from their experiences working as an anthropologist and that personal touch makes for an accessible introduction to cultural anthropology. They own their own land and they sell the fruits of their labor for guaranteed prices. Under the following terms:Attribution You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. Perspectives: An Open Introduction to Cultural Anthropology, 2nd Edition by Nina Brown, Thomas McIlwraith, Laura Tubelle de Gonzlez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted. Gifts and Commodities: Exchange and Western Capitalism Since 1700. Many of the chapters should remain relevant for quite some time. ISBN Digital: 978-1 . Want to create or adapt books like this? The use of such methodology as photovoice and other participant-driven methods demonstrates to students that anthropology offers a fresh, dynamic, and even empowering approach to understanding cultural diversity. I prefer PDFs because they retain all the formatting layout of the original printed versions, which allows for proper page citations and referencing of passages when discussing it. While the introduction does explain that in most academic settings the field of Anthropology has a four subfield approach and even touches on some specialization within Anthropology, it is very heavily reliant on ethnographic research and methods as examples, leaving out physical anthropology and forensics, and archaeology. Culture and Sustainability: Environmental Anthropology in the Anthropocene, 16. Jeanne Thompson (Cypress College), and Philip L. Stein (Pierce College) served on the editorial committee and played a central role in shaping the book from the beginning. read more. I have looked at a number of anthro textbooks (open source and not) and this is by far the best one I have encountered. This text really does offer a variety of perspectives. Content coverage is mostly our basic content found in all anthropology texts. [11] In 1977 a small number of Tzutujil Maya coffee farmers formed a cooperative, La Voz Que Clama en el Desierto (A Voice Crying Out in the Wilderness), with the goal of securing higher prices for their agricultural products and escaping the severe poverty they struggled against on a daily basis. She is free to choose among the listed courses, but she cannot choose which courses are available. The one topic missing in my view is social class and All basic cultural anthropology texts strive to be comprehensive. The ritualistic exchange of gifts is accompanied by other traditions, such as the circulation of holiday cards that have no economic or practical value, but instead are used to reinforce social relationships. Your recently viewed items and featured recommendations, Select the department you want to search in. While I do not disagree with the argument presented, this seems to be more appropriate for a journal article or a type of text box call-out (as I refer to in the Relevance Longevity review section below). [81] Recognizing our mutual connections and the surplus possibilities in our own community is an important first step toward building an alternative economy, one that privileges community spheres rather than market spheres and supports equality over inequality. However, what makes this text interesting is how the editors made sure the structure of the chapters remained consistent regardless of the disciplinary approach. My students are always happy to use this textbook. The material is well organized and accessible, and presented in an engaging, interesting, easy to read manner. However, as noted below, because of the ease in "remixing" these sections to suite individual course needs this does not pose a problem. I did not find any grammatical errors in the text. I think the accuracy is high due to the great diversity of authors that write each individual chapter in the text. Each chapter is highly modular, broken down in smaller sections with clear headings. Each chapter includes its own glossary and bibliography. People give freely of their time: changing diapers, cooking meals, driving the child to soccer practice, and tucking the child in at night. SECOND EDITION. With clarity never being an issue with any comments I receive from students, I have to assume that all parties are able to understand the content given in the textbook! The Kula ring exhibits all the hallmarks of balanced reciprocity: necklaces are traded for armbands with the expectation that objects of equal value will be returned within a specific time period. Political Anthropology: A Cross-Cultural Comparison, 16. Learn more about how Pressbooks supports open publishing practices. They reportedly felt bad for people who were duped, but said that if Americans were greedy enough to fall for it they got what they deserved. They also embody social relations of production, the identities of businesses, and particular geographic locales. Learning objectives are a plus. Means of production: the resources used to produce goods in a society such as land for farming or factories. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2013. Over the past [two] years and recently are two examples. However, most savvy recipients immediately recognize that these scams are in fact a form of negative reciprocity since they know they will never actually receive the promised money and, in fact, will probably lose money if they give their bank account information to their correspondent. Often, these peoples are mentioned to illustrate a concept but I believe there would be value to students at the introductory level in studying lost and changing cultures in depth. The text does a good job of introducing the field of cultural anthropology, though not the four-fields of anthropology. I have a few bias concerns. ; Chapters 8 & 10--Family and Marriage AND Gender and Sexuality), but I keep one chapter assigned and one for optional reading in case students are more interested in the topic. Typically women collect plant foods and men hunt for meat. There is some overlap of discussion about basic concepts across chapters, particularly in the opening section, and this repetition should reinforce important concepts for students. We are delighted to bring to you this novel textbook, a collection of chapters on the essential topics in cultural anthropology. The chapters meet the learning objectives outlined. Well placed images further expand on concepts discussed. I would definitely use this book, especially certain chapters of it, in my classes and would recommend it to others. Finally, although ownership of the arm bands and necklaces was always temporary (for eventually participants are expected to gift the items to other partners in the ring), Kula participants took great pride and pleasure in the items they received. Doing Fieldwork: Methods in Cultural Anthropology, 7. Beyond describing another way of life, anthropologists ask broader questions about humankind: Are human emotions universal or culturally specific? In his 1967 speech A Christmas Sermon on Peace, the Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr. reminded us that all life is interrelated: We are all caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied into a single garment of destiny. Want to create or adapt books like this? Learn more. Chapters on language, politics, and economics do address the issue to some extent, but my ideal text would include a more extensive treatment of this topic. Typically, an inherent bias in textbook discussions on non-American and non-Western cultural ways, be it in the domain of marriage, subsistence, religious expression or other is that they insensitively include National Geographic style glossy, colored images of non-white faces and bodies. Kirshner, Jonathan and Lewis, Jon, editors . Perspectives: An Open Introduction to Cultural Anthropology by Nina Brown, Thomas McIlwraith, Laura Tubelle de Gonzlez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted. [48] For example, consumption helps us establish and defend differences among people and occasions: I might wear a specific t-shirt and cap to a baseball game with friends in order to distinguish myself as a fan of a particular team. First, like the construct of race, intersex is a social construct, and reflects multiple elements. However, it was considered immoral to convert wealth downwards: no honorable man would exchange slaves or brass rods for food. The content of the book looks like it is organized so that if you needed to use only Part 1 chapters for your introductory Cultural Anthropology class, everything would be there for you, including introduction to anthropology (generally), what is culture, race and ethnicity, gender and sexuality, globalization, etc. : These appointments may last an hour or even longer, and he and his stylist probably chat about each others lives, the weather, or politics. This is the kind of book people need to read if they want to learn about humanity and think critically about their own culture and society. Chapters are numbered once downloaded, and page numbers and/or subheadings would allow parts of chapters to be assigned for reading. These studies of specific commodities are a powerful method to show how capitalism has grown, spread, and penetrated agrarian societies around the world.[60]. Chuck Ellenbaum, College of DuPage There is not a single instance of insensitive or offensive photography in this textbook. I am quite happy to have read this and look forward to incorporating parts of it in my next intro cultural anthropology class. Prior to joining the department here at Guelph, he taught anthropology at Douglas College in New Westminster, British Columbia. Emphasis on what is relevant when addressing a topic vary greatly depending on the viewpoint. Brandon Lundy, Kennesaw State University A term used to describe a person who would make rational decisions in ways predicted by economic theories. Unlike generalized reciprocity, balanced reciprocity is more of a direct exchange in which something is traded or given with the expectation that something of equal value will be returned within a specific time period. Anthropologists aim to be both culturally relativistic and holistic in their approach to studying humans. Economic anthropology, on the other hand, provides rich and nuanced perspective into how diverse modes of exchange shape, and are shaped by, everyday life across space and time. Clearly written and readable. Since the early 1990s the group has produced high-quality organic and fair-trade certified coffee for the U.S. market. The second sphere encompassed slaves, cattle, white cloth, and metal bars. Each author weaves their own personal and professional experiences into their academic treatment of the topic. Just as our college student may come to think of the requirements she has to fulfill for her degree as just the way it is (even if she does not want to take that theory course! And in Ch. I did not notice any inaccuracies or biases. While I am not a big fan of traditional testing that employs the use of defining terms or multiple choice, it does make the student creation of a study guide more simplistic. This book is produced by the Society for Anthropology in Community Colleges (SACC). The text covers all areas appropriately and in depth. Perspectives An Open Invitation To Cultural Anthropology (2nd Edition) Authors: Nina Brown, Thomas McIlwraith . Customer Reviews, including Product Star Ratings help customers to learn more about the product and decide whether it is the right product for them. [66] Structural violence is a form of violence in which a social structure or institution harms people by preventing them from meeting their basic needs. Redistribution is the accumulation of goods or labor by a particular person or institution for the purpose of dispersal at a later date. I appreciate that ethics conversations are important and present along with subjectivity and objectivity, cultural relativism, and activism presented as a debate for students to think about. As such it allows for a lot of flexibility in coverage of topics. Reviewed by David Beriss, Associate Professor of Anthropology, University of New Orleans on 5/21/18, All basic cultural anthropology texts strive to be comprehensive. In a case like this it is better to leave a very questionable point out, or to provide more information about the issue to allow students and instructors to discuss the matter in more detail. Thus, power can be a keyword repeated in individual chapter glossary, but with an emphasis on labor relations in one chapter and on racism in another. The inclusion of examples with which students will likely be familiar is very important to demonstrating the relevance of cultural anthropology to issues students are likely to see as close to "home." 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