Regarding GPU, the course organiser is very kind to invite Google and Amazon to offer few cloud computing credits to the students. Like the other ML classes I have taken in the program so far (AI and ML) it is like drinking from a firehose. I think there just isnt a good deep learning textbook yet, which is why the course textbook is so poor. The facebook lectures are very poor quality, I would say future improvements will hopefully remove them from making lectures, instead they will focus on providing guidance and mentorship on projects. Everyone is genuinely very helpful and positive. Instead, in deep learning we spent way too much time working through logistics of finding common times when we could meet (dealing with jobs, time zones families, etc) and who would do what. This is not a peer review but the GD is designed to exchange thoughts and ideas with other students. Assignment1: Implement ANN from scratch. Thank you Professor for finishing my experience on a high not. This course isnt just a run the model with an ML package type of course. I am not from CS or engineering major, but I work with big data and am comfortable with basic algebra or calculus. Reading articles is crucial to keeping up with the developments in the field. You can take the onboarding quiz as many times as you want. DL is such an interesting topic, it is unbelievable how boring these lectures are. Liked the topics covered. The final project varies, and you are pretty much required to be in a group. Assignment 2 focuses on CNNs. Why in the world do I have incentive to help on ed if I am at risk of getting a penalty just for simply suggesting to use one function over another? I feel they should be redone for future semesters. Personally, I found many questions on Piazza going unanswered for very long compared to other classes. To preparebrush up on your matrix calculus skills and check that you have some basic ML skills. I am pretty sure most of the folks spent under two weeks on the project. Every assignment is about implementing some DL methods (e.g. Workload: Varies. Some reports need to be submitted, but they are as simple as copying a photo or table into a PowerPoint slide template - no LaTeX or unnecessary explaining required. But its not all from scratch; after implementing a lot of fundamentals from scratch, the assignments have you use PyTorch to explore more advanced topics. Took a nose dive reluctantly into the first class of DL. You need to implement back propagation from scratch, then in the last assignment of CNN youll have a chance to work with pytorch. There was only one quiz that felt a bit punishing in that it had some chained calculation questions (so if you got the first one wrong youd actually get 4 wrong), but that was an outlier. The second half the course includes older topics LSTMs and sequence to sequence models but also more recent topics like attention and transformers. If you have previous experience with deep neural nets, as I did from CV, then this adds to that knowledge pretty effectively, but frankly it isnt a very challenging course. Unlike previous semesters, they are nit picking the write ups for the projects (without explanation of course). If we only got notified when our own contribution was commented on, perhaps a better discussion could be facilitated. While the quiz itself was not hard, preparing for the quiz was stressful. The quizzes are hard and stressful, losing marks on them does add up at the end. For the first two quizzes, they provided TA tutorial and some samples questions and solutions which help you to get prepared a lot. This was the only course till now which I never wished to end. In short, this course was a disappointment. This is a very hard course. Professor Kira was incredibly engaged. The code we were given was good, I am happy with how the assignment was built. Absolutely hated it. I left the group project exhausted and didnt feel I had learned nearly as much as I should have. Hope this help to others who are considering this course. The link shared on by the colleagues helped to understand challenging concepts from different dimensions. On the other hand, I have to say that I learnt a lot from this course. In classes like ML, CV, RL I derived immense value from working through all parts of the problem and coming out the other end feeling satisfaction in the amount I had learned and worked through. Just run it on Google colab and see if it works. Projects 1 and 2 werent horrible. Overall, good feelings for this course and I learned a ton. Understanding the assignments directly lead to the success of my final project, which pretty much saved me from getting a B. Assignments are less organized. I think the questions were very fair on the first 3. As for A3 and A4, their instructions were ambiguous and should be clarified further. Project 3 required you to read 6 papers and attempt to decipher the algorithms (we had to beg for an extra week because they said this project was too easy and took a week away from us). They even completely forgot to grade an assignment until someone asked about it, then they pretty much gave everyone full credit if you turned something in (was only worth 0.5%). Too much time was spent on guessing and googling. It was really cool to be able to see what researchers were actively working on and be able to understand what theyre talking about in the papers. I did like the exposure to all the really interesting research papers we had to read for this class and is one of my most valued take-aways from the class. Massive disappointment. The lectures provided by Facebook werent that informative and only provided a really high overview of the topics. So 20% of the grade comes from five quizzes, and these things are BRUTAL. You need to implement ANN and CNN from scratch. He was the most active professor that Ive seen on Piazza in the entire program. Learning pytorch and implementing latest research papers were so much fun. This is one of the few classes Ive taken where the professor is actively engaging with the students, even on the Piazza posts that were just discussions rather than post about the lectures/assignments. The class provided a great split of foundational knowledge/depth and higher level breadth and exposure to deep learning topics. Facebook content is weak. Also, the textbook was not great and I ended up returning it in 10 days. -The lectures co-taught by Facebook employees had inconsistent quality and depth of coverage. game-playing). Then what is the point of including this in this course. Could I have done better if I were in their shoes? a) At the start of the course, a lecture video is needed for calculating the computational graph for a 3-4 layer network. Assignments took 55% weights of your final grade. The TAs were on campus students who took this class while on campus. (General ML courses only have limited help so they dont count); You do not know and do not like to learn linear algebra, multivariable functions, derivatives, etc; You have other thing going on in life that constantly requires > 30h/week. One of the best course in omscs. (Definitely not like those dreaded CP reports). This includes the concepts and methods used to optimize these highly parameterized models (gradient descent and backpropagation, and more generally computation graphs), the modules that make them up (linear, convolution, and pooling layers, activation functions, etc. These were the most difficult assignments as they require you to have a good handle on linear algebra and the chain rule in calculus. My team was great and our project was not Facebook level hard, so the last bit was not bad at all. First half of the class (lectures + A1 & A2) were well organized and benefited my understanding a lot. I tuned all my models manually and that was more stress than it was worth. Prof Kira and his TAs did a fantastic job. The drop rate was only 10% for this term. I ended up doing that in parallel with this course and it did pretty much everything better than this course. Yes, you will struggle with the code. Ohh and the graded discussions are just a waste of everyones time, Overall there is some good material in the class and then it is ruined by the worst structured class Ive had in the program. The report components of the assignments were of the type where, if you answer the questions in the template, you get most if not all if the points. its too much work in the summer. I averaged 60-70% on quizzes just because they personally took way too much effort to study for and I wanted to use my time elsewhere, so I just watched the lectures once after the first few. Assignments are front loaded, and the project adds a hefty backload. Luckily they were worth only 15% of the final grade, with the lowest one dropped. 1) Facebook lectures and involvement in general is actually very bad. They felt similar to the Facebooks lectures, as in the TA didnt seem comfortable with explaining the material in a structured, pedagogic way. Assignments take a long time. The onboarding quiz will be a practice quiz that will not affect your grade in the course. One of the most responsive and attentive profs in the program. At the time of writing, the project is currently in progress. You should give it a try. The weekly quizzes keep you honest in keeping up with the lectures. Deep learning is one of the best and most useful courses Ive taken via OMSCS. Projects could have had better descriptions and instructions. Reading the papers and throughly understanding them could be time consuming, but I felt I learned quite a bit. Assignment 1 and 2 were hard. This was my 6th course in OMSCS after: You have a series of steps that build on one another, you pass or you fail, iterate, yada-yada. I have no words about the Graded discussions and Final Project. The assigned papers were cutting edge, and essential reading. Overall I loved this class and think its a must take in addition to ML and RL for the ML specialization. Build, test, and deploy applications in your language of choice. It was more like guess what they want to pass unit tests (some of which were flaky). I loved this course. Many thanks to TAs Alex Shum (assignment 1 & 2), Farrukh Rahman (assignment 1 & 2) and Sangeet Dandona (assignment 4). The quizzes cover a spectrum of topics and ask fairly detailed questions. 3) Project is a good way to get exposure to a problem you want to learn about. Maybe it would be better to spend that time doing some interesting things instead that we can walk away with. Now I want to continue with some of the areas independently. Most of the assignments focus on Computer Vision applications which was disappointing. I would say it was a bad experience in Fall 2021. There are also some teams I think that imploded because there are too many hyper competitive types in this class who want to prove how smart they are to everyone at the expense of actually writing an Introduction to DL level paper. I completed a M.S in CS already and have good understanding of ML and with some prior knowledge of DL (Completed part of DL Specialization by Andrew Ng.). It is disappointing that FB wanted to be involved in this course and yet they wont provide any of their data or cloud GPU resources for us to work with. The biggest problem is that this class is one of the few, if the only one, that actually teaches NLP, and it was poorly covered by a few Facebook researchers who are good at reading off the slides, but not great at actually teaching. First time this course is being done in the Summer. Dr. Zsolt is a great prof. His lectures werent too long, and everything that was taught was things that I wanted to learn. TA policing. Its either too meandering or too difficult for introductory deep learning students. It is a constant barrage of deliverables week after week. They are mostly auto-graded, and the report section is, in my experience, graded fairly leniently. There were some interesting things we needed to study in preparation for them (computation graphs, parameter/dimensions calculation) but some questions felt like trivia and we had to memorize equations and I dont see the point of memorizing these kinds of equations in order to do arithmetic at this level. The professor was attentive and held office hours. Buy me a coffee 2022 OMSCentral.2022 OMSCentral. . But consolidating their years of research in a 15 minutes lecture is beyond me. TLDR: Great course, demanding workload and conceptual difficulty. Make sure you do a PhD thesis for each of the questions. There are very many activities to keep up with (several office hours per week, lectures, readings, graded discussions, assignments, quizzes, final project). Assignment 3 was all about visualization of CNN. Many Git commands accept both tag and branch names, so creating this branch may cause unexpected behavior. There was something due every week and so the pace of this course is relentless. Overall, I think this is a good pedagogical tool. Prof Kira had some good lectures and was active on Piazza. The grading process is extremely slow and this creates unnecessary anxiety. Id recommend to brush up your numpy skill and watch tutorials about pytorch unless you have experience with DL frameworks. I have very mixed feelings about this course. The assignments are the best part and I learned a lot. Assignment 4 was all about RNNs. When your DL or NN models do not work well, it is this empirical nature of NN models that makes them hard to tuned or optimised. is still important). Finally there is a group project. The assignments are quite challenging, but I learned a lot by doing them. Forced to read papers and think about them. The project guidelines are quite general and it is a fun and exciting way to apply your ideas or explore new ones. It is important to understand OOP in Python going into the course. The class is heavily front loaded with more difficult assignments and well prepared / delivered lectures by Prof. Kira. Its absolutely ridiculous. Work fast with our official CLI. These deep learning papers always felt somewhat accessible, even if I wouldnt be capable of re-implementing them. Cons: Luckily they werent worth too much of your final grade, so it doesnt hurt you too much if you bomb a few of them. If you can, get a good GPU or get used to working in Colab, they make the assignments and project far easier, especially A4. On the other hand, there were some kinks with the assignments and quizzes to work out this first term which shouldnt be as prevalent in the future. For example, you might have an assignment (worth 20%) due next Sunday so youd like to start this (previous) weekend, or you can study for the quiz which is due this Sunday which is only worth 4%. Instructions are generally really clear (and there are copious office hours if youre stuck). Papers, the book, and some further self study are crucial if you want to do DL for real. Hopefully they can replace this content in subsequent years. I really hope they decide to make the group component of this project optional. We attempted a novel architecture for our project which didnt perform how we had hoped, but Im glad we gave it a shot. Not some research sharing, or research showcase. It has a good introduction on backpropagation and covers quite a bit about how to derive it. Its really frustrating being super confident walking into a quiz and feeling utterly defeated when you walk away. The assignments are like any other auto-graded class. Awesome course and really glad I was able to squeeze it in in the last term! I anticipate I will not retain a lot of the info tested on the quizzes, but not so with the assignments. Overall, DL really increases your depth of understanding of various topics in ML. This was my ninth course in OMSCS (btw I have not taken ML, officially a pre-req, but I didnt feel like I was missing any of the content not having taken ML first). Many times, we were reading papers that had been published within the last year. Excellent course as an intro to DL. TAs are very responsive and their office hours are good for getting unstuck. The autograders were too simple and didnt catch bugs early on, which allowed you to get pretty deep into the assignment before youd find an issue in some block. I feel that if you come from a computer science background, the assignments would be much less time-consuming, but having to learn programming methods and practices is a skill that I will carry forward throughout my career. It will probably be similar in spring or fall but you would at least have more time to work on the project. The concepts are developed from ground up. They helped reinforce the learnings from lectures. Hopefully within a couple of semesters this course will get there. TL;DR its a good course and youll learn a lot but take the course in the fall or spring. Seriously dont both with this class because of this. Class starts out strong but continues to get worse in every aspect. They explain the material clearly and, more importantly, they explain the intuition and not regurgitate how to code an equation. CS 7643, originally created at Georgia Tech five years ago, was rebuilt with the support of Facebook for on-campus students in Spring 2020. The only thing to do well in the quiz is understanding lectures well, reviewing the contents thoroughly, and dont abstract them. To make this worse, I ended up in a bad team - one person who didnt bother to review the work others had done and suggested last minute changes to everything and another person who hardly showed up to meetings or did anything valuable. If you want to be ambitious and play with some Facebook problems, you can do that in this course. There are 4 assignments and are worth 55% of the final grade in total. Learning concepts being a grade differentiation in delivery, dry, but its been Instead had to be of use hours and hours trying to trick people did! Really disliked the Facebook lectures would strongly recommend to have exposure to the full was! Think that prof Kira is one of the best lectures strong but continues to get to. Expect this experience to continue with some Facebook problems, you pass or you fail those it little! 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