[21] Honeywell replaced their aircraft with a Boeing 757. Applicability. By this time, contact between both aircraft had been made on long-range HF radio. The requirements of 91.215(b)(2) and 91.225(d)(2) apply below 10,000 feet MSL within a 30-nautical-mile radius of each location in the following list. (3) The operation of a program aircraft included in a fractional ownership program managed by an affiliate of the manager of the program to which the owner belongs. 91.1115 Inoperable instruments and equipment. (c) Except as provided in 91.157, no person may operate an aircraft beneath the ceiling under VFR within the lateral boundaries of controlled airspace designated to the surface for an airport when the ceiling is less than 1,000 feet. 27806, 61 FR 5171, Feb. 9, 1996], [Doc. The FAA will consider requests for approval or exemption in a timely manner, with the order of preference being: First, for those operations in support of U.S. government-sponsored activities; second, for those operations in support of government-sponsored activities of a foreign country with the support of a U.S. Government department, agency, or instrumentality; and third, for all other operations. (ix) A person conducting operations under part 125 of this chapter must conduct the operation in accordance with operations specifications authorizing the use of EFVS or, for a holder of a part 125 letter of deviation authority, a letter of authorization for the use of EFVS. (3) The approved Minimum Equipment List must -, (i) Be prepared in accordance with the limitations specified in paragraph (b) of this section; and. 91-292, 71 FR 40009, July 14, 2006; Amdt. (c) Flap settings. 91-282, 69 FR 44880, July 27, 2004; Docket FAA-2018-0119, Amdt. 1991 was a common year starting on Tuesday of the Gregorian calendar, the 1991st year of the Common Era (CE) and Anno Domini (AD) designations, the 991st year of the 2nd millennium, the 91st year of the 20th century, and the 2nd year of the 1990s decade. If the program manager has implemented a company testing program, the program manager's disclosure must include the following: (1) Information on the substances that they test for, for example, alcohol and a list of the drugs; (2) The categories of employees tested, the types of tests, for example, pre-employment, random, reasonable cause/suspicion, post accident, return to duty and follow-up; and. Except for U.S. air carriers and commercial operators that are subject to the requirements of part 119, 121, 125, or 135 of this chapter, each person who deviates from this section must, within 10 days of the deviation, excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and Federal holidays, submit to the responsible Flight Standards office a complete report of the operations of the aircraft involved in the deviation, including a description of the deviation and the reasons for it. After making an allowance for the different altitudes of the aircraft, the difference in sunset times between the aircraft and Norfolk Island was also noted. (i) Whenever the manufacturer, or the Administrator, determines that a change in design, construction, or operation is necessary to ensure safe operation, no person may operate a provisionally certificated civil aircraft until that change has been made and approved. 91.535 Stowage of food, beverage, and passenger service equipment during aircraft movement on the surface, takeoff, and landing. No pilot may use any type of nonprecision approach procedure under IFR unless, since the beginning of the 6th month before that use, the pilot has satisfactorily demonstrated either that type of approach procedure or any other two different types of nonprecision approach procedures. e. In order to operate under this SFAR, a certificate holder must be authorized in operations specifications. 91-340B, 84 FR 67665, Dec. 11, 2019, as amended by Amdt. V, SDA, and SIL must be broadcast within 10 seconds. This SFAR does not prohibit overflights of the territory of the United States by any air carrier described in paragraph 1. (f) Successful completion of Initial/transition training or Requalification training is a one-time requirement. Resolution 2 kts. Korean Air Lines Flight 902 (KAL 902) was a scheduled Korean Air Lines flight from Paris to Seoul via Anchorage.On 20 April 1978, the Soviet air defense shot down the aircraft serving the flight, a Boeing 707, near Murmansk, Soviet Union, after the aircraft violated Soviet airspace.. (d) The required life rafts, life preservers, and signaling devices must be installed in conspicuously marked locations and easily accessible in the event of a ditching without appreciable time for preparatory procedures. The first service of the 720 was by United Airlines on July 5, 1960[8] on the Los Angeles-Denver-Chicago route. This page was last edited on 22 October 2022, at 00:40. (vii) Quality of overall system performance. The airplane must be satisfactorily controllable during the entire takeoff run when operated according to these procedures. (5) Persons other than required flight crewmembers shall not be carried during the flight. (a) No pilot of a civil aircraft may allow a parachute that is available for emergency use to be carried in that aircraft unless it is an approved type and has been packed by a certificated and appropriately rated parachute rigger -, (1) Within the preceding 180 days, if its canopy, shrouds, and harness are composed exclusively of nylon, rayon, or other similar synthetic fiber or materials that are substantially resistant to damage from mold, mildew, or other fungi and other rotting agents propagated in a moist environment; or. (iv) The identification of the current inspection status of the aircraft, including the time since the last inspections required by the inspection program under which the aircraft and its appliances are maintained. No person may operate an airplane over-the-top or at night under VFR unless that airplane is equipped with the instruments and equipment required for IFR operations under 91.205(d) and one electric landing light for night operations. [Docket No. (a) Initial, transition, upgrade, requalification, and differences training for pilots must include flight and practice in each of the maneuvers and procedures contained in each of the curriculums that are a part of the approved training program. (1) Except for Category II or Category III minimums, if RVR minimums for takeoff or landing are prescribed in an instrument approach procedure, but RVR is not reported for the runway of intended operation, the RVR minimum shall be converted to ground visibility in accordance with the table in paragraph (h)(2) of this section and shall be the visibility minimum for takeoff or landing on that runway. After several hours of searching, the crew of the Air New Zealand flight located the lost Cessna and led it to Norfolk Island, where the plane landed safely. 91.169 IFR flight plan: Information required. 91-211, 54 FR 41211, Oct. 5, 1989; Amdt. 91.1615 Special Federal Aviation Regulation No. 91-256, 63 FR 8321, Feb. 18, 1998], [Doc. This prohibition applies to airways M853 and N604. (b) No program manager or owner may use a pilot, nor may any person serve, as a second command pilot of an aircraft under IFR unless, since the beginning of the 12th month before that service, that pilot has passed an instrument proficiency check under this section administered by the Administrator or an authorized check pilot. (2) The pilot flightcrew member, or any other person who manipulates the controls of an aircraft during an EFVS operation, meets the training, recent flight experience and refresher training requirements of 61.66 of this chapter applicable to EFVS operations. (1) Fires during flight and whether the related fire-warning system functioned properly; (2) Fires during flight not protected by related fire-warning system; (4) An exhaust system that causes damage during flight to the engine, adjacent structure, equipment, or components; (5) An aircraft component that causes accumulation or circulation of smoke, vapor, or toxic or noxious fumes in the crew compartment or passenger cabin during flight; (6) Engine shutdown during flight because of flameout; (7) Engine shutdown during flight when external damage to the engine or aircraft structure occurs; (8) Engine shutdown during flight because of foreign object ingestion or icing; (9) Shutdown of more than one engine during flight; (10) A propeller feathering system or ability of the system to control overspeed during flight; (11) A fuel or fuel-dumping system that affects fuel flow or causes hazardous leakage during flight; (12) An unwanted landing gear extension or retraction or opening or closing of landing gear doors during flight; (13) Brake system components that result in loss of brake actuating force when the aircraft is in motion on the ground; (14) Aircraft structure that requires major repair; (15) Cracks, permanent deformation, or corrosion of aircraft structures, if more than the maximum acceptable to the manufacturer or the FAA; and. (1) The instrument proficiency check must -, (i) For a pilot in command of an aircraft requiring that the PIC hold an airline transport pilot certificate, include the procedures and maneuvers for an airline transport pilot certificate in the particular type of aircraft, if appropriate; and. (e) Each pilot taking the instrument proficiency check must show that standard of competence required by 91.1065(d). Accident. 91-266, 66 FR 23130, May 7, 2001; Amdt. 91.1425 CAMP: Maintenance, preventive maintenance, and alteration programs. 91-304, 73 FR 73178, Dec. 2, 2008; Amdt. The Empire State Building is a 102-story Art Deco skyscraper in Midtown Manhattan, New York City.The building was designed by Shreve, Lamb & Harmon and built from 1930 to 1931.The Empire State Building stood as the world's tallest building until the construction of the World Trade Center in 1970; following the latter's collapse in 2001, the Empire State Building reverted to being the It may be supplemented by printed cards for the use of each passenger containing -, (1) A diagram of, and methods of operating, the emergency exits; and. (b) Airport use. (e) The oral briefing required by paragraph (a) of this section may be delivered by means of an approved recording playback device that is audible to each passenger under normal noise levels. 91-323, 76 FR 39260, July 6, 2011], [Doc. Fleet means those civil subsonic jet (turbojet) airplanes with a maximum certificated weight of more than 75,000 pounds that are listed on an operator's operations specifications as eligible for operation in the contiguous United States. A revised airworthiness certificate having on it an assigned special identification number, that has been affixed to an aircraft, may only be obtained upon application to the responsible Flight Standards office. (6) Has been approved by the Administrator for the check pilot duties involved. 362115 N., Long. (1) Holds the pilot certificates and ratings, except medical certificate, required to serve as a pilot in command in operations under this subpart or part 121 or 135 of this chapter; (3) Has satisfactorily completed the appropriate proficiency or competency checks that are required to serve as a pilot in command in operations under this subpart; and. Dolls are sold with sets of clothes and accessories that fit the career being portrayed. An approved Minimum Equipment List, as authorized by the management specifications, constitutes an approved change to the type design without requiring recertification. The suit was dismissed in 1986. (c) A certificate of waiver is effective as specified in that certificate of waiver. 24458, 56 FR 65658, Dec. 17, 1991, as amended by Amdt. (2) The aircraft has within it a letter of authorization, issued by the responsible Flight Standards office, authorizing operation of the aircraft under the Minimum Equipment List. (iii) The other engines operating at not more than maximum power established under paragraph (b)(3) of this section. (ii) Instrument proficiency check requirements of 91.1069. (6) The performance must be determined using temperature accountability for takeoff distance and final takeoff climb computed in accordance with 25.101 of this chapter. (4) The nature of the failure, malfunction, or defect. (c) Unless otherwise authorized by the Executive Director, Flight Standards Service, no person may operate a provisionally certificated civil aircraft in air transportation. 27, 2001; Amdt. Operations specifications means an enumeration of airplanes by type, model, series, and serial number operated by the operator or foreign air carrier on a given day, regardless of how or whether such airplanes are formally listed or designated by the operator. No person may operate a transport category airplane in air commerce unless that airplane is equipped with an aural speed warning device that complies with 25.1303(c)(1). Rest period means a period of time required pursuant to this subpart that is free of all responsibility for work or duty prior to the commencement of, or following completion of, a duty period, and during which the flight crewmember or flight attendant cannot be required to receive contact from the program manager. (5) Accept necessary barometric pressure settings if the system or device operates on barometric pressure. (d) The following may be charged, as expenses of a specific flight, for transportation as authorized by paragraphs (b) (3) and (7) and (c)(1) of this section: (1) Fuel, oil, lubricants, and other additives. (vii) A person conducting operations under subpart K of this part must conduct the operation in accordance with management specifications authorizing the use of EFVS. Italy (Italian: Italia ()), officially the Italian Republic or the Republic of Italy (Italian: Repubblica Italiana [repubblika italjana]), is a country that consists of a peninsula delimited by the Alps and several islands surrounding it; its territory largely coincides with the homonymous geographical region. The captain recycled the gear, but the indicator light still showed an unsafe condition. Except in an emergency, the following apply to each person who operates a civil supersonic airplane to or from an airport in the United States: (1) Regardless of whether a type design change approval is applied for under part 21 of this chapter, no person may land or take off an airplane covered by this section for which the type design is changed, after July 31, 1978, in a manner constituting an acoustical change under 21.93 unless the acoustical change requirements of part 36 are complied with. (1) No pilot may take off a U.S.-registered civil aircraft (except a free balloon that incorporates a basket or gondola, or an airship type certificated before November 2, 1987) unless the pilot in command of that aircraft ensures that each person on board is briefed on how to fasten and unfasten that person's safety belt and, if installed, shoulder harness. 365300 N., long. Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. (d) No person may operate a civil aircraft that is being used for a flight test for an airline transport pilot certificate or a class or type rating on that certificate, or for a part 121 proficiency flight test, unless the pilot seated at the controls, other than the pilot being checked, is fully qualified to act as pilot in command of the aircraft. Climb performance may be shown by calculations based on, and equal in accuracy to, the results of testing. Each person operating a foreign civil aircraft over water off the shores of the United States shall give flight notification or file a flight plan in accordance with the Supplementary Procedures for the ICAO region concerned. Differences training between the factory type design K and M models of the MU-2B airplane, and the factory type design J and L models of the MU-2B airplane, may be accomplished with Level A training. (a) Information required. Except as provided in paragraphs (c) and (d) of this section, no person described in paragraph (a) of this section may conduct flight operations in the portion of the Sanaa Flight Information Region (FIR) (OYSC) that is west of a line drawn direct from KAPET (163322N 0530614E) to NODMA (152603N 0533359E), northwest of a line drawn direct from NODMA to ORBAT (140638N 0503924E) then from ORBAT to PAKER (115500N 0463500E), north of a line drawn direct from PAKER to PARIM (123142N 0432712E), and east of a line drawn direct from PARIM to RIBOK (154700N 0415230E). 91.815 Agricultural and fire fighting airplanes: Noise operating limitations. 213 (49 CFR 571.213)), vest- and harness-type child restraint systems, and lap held child restraints are not approved for use in aircraft; and. Import means a change in ownership of an airplane from a non-U.S. person to a U.S. person when the airplane is brought into the United States for operation. No. When approaching to land at an airport without an operating control tower in Class G airspace -, (1) Each pilot of an airplane must make all turns of that airplane to the left unless the airport displays approved light signals or visual markings indicating that turns should be made to the right, in which case the pilot must make all turns to the right; and. Prochnow landed and set out the following day to Norfolk Island. 1115200 W.; to Lat. Government-sponsored activities; second, for those operations in support of government-sponsored activities of a foreign country with the support of a U.S. Government department, agency, or instrumentality; and third, for all other operations. (viii) A person conducting operations under part 121, 129, or 135 of this chapter must conduct the operation in accordance with operations specifications authorizing the use of EFVS. Fighting airplanes: Noise operating limitations ( 5 ) Accept necessary barometric settings. 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