Jennbert, Kristina. Norse Mythology, Neil Gaiman. This hut had only a single room and four doors, one in each wall, so that he could keep watch in any direction, and flee at the first sign of his pursuers. All of his actions are related to knowledge, wisdom, and the dissemination of ideas and concepts to help Mankind. According to Norse legends, Jormungand was the middle child of Loki and the giantess Angrboda. [5] Furthermore, the very name Valhll, the hall of the fallen, clearly seems related to the name Valhallr, the rock of the fallen, a title given to certain rocks and hills where the dead were thought to dwell in southern Sweden, one of the greatest historical centers of the worship of Odin. Living a life of honor and respect was important in Viking society, and this was thought to affect one's destination in the realms after death. From this throne he observes all that happens in the nine worlds. If one committed adultery, which is in this case the husband sleeping with someone else's wife, or the wife sleeping with anyone other than the husband, then divorce or fines (or, likely, both) were the options. To celebrate, we planned a bunch of 10 lists, and the mass listeria has spilled into 10.11.10. Some Viking law codes contained punishments for husbands caught in the act of adultery as well, but some didn't. Whenever Sigyn turned away to empty the bowl, the venom dripped on Loki's face leaving him in great pain. The Vikings religion never contained any formal doctrines concerning what happens to someone when he or she dies. As a small, mild-mannered child, he had been given a wolfs heart to eat to toughen him up. Most people have some passing familiarity with Norse mythology and legend. As punishment for this Loki is chained up inside a deep cave, and a serpent is placed above him so that it drips burning venom onto his face. The Aesir gods named Hoenir and Mimir would come to Vanaheim to live and the Vanir gods named Njord, Freyr, and Freya would come to Asgard. It presents a unique world view and an alternative perspective to modern religions. Its gate faces north, poison drips from its ceiling, and snakes coil on its floor. 10 prominent goddess in Norse mythology are: Freyja, Frigg, Skadi, Sif, Jord, Ran, Idun, Saga, Eir, and Hel. Together with the Nieblunglied, with which it shares common source materials, it has become the inspiration for such diverse works as Richard Wagners Ring Cycle and J.R.R. When the nymph Chelone opted to stay in that night, Hermes threw her and her home into a river, turning her into a tortoise who always had to carry her house on her back. Loki was Odins blood-brother and something of an alter-ego. Since he was immortal, his liver would grow back, and the eagle would again come and feed on . The Norse held no such conception. When the gods knew Loki was culprit, they set out to capture this trickster. Its elsewhere described as being a part of Asgard, the celestial realm of the gods. . And there came the punishment of Loki. The opening chapters of the saga contain some bits usually left out of polite discussion of the work. The first was Urd, where the Norns, who guided destiny, dwelled. The Norse Mythology: In the Days of Giants: The Beginning of Things, How Odin Lost His Eye, Loki's Children, Thor's Duel, In the Giant's House, the Punishment of Loki - Kindle edition by Brown, Abbie Farwell, Smith, E. Boyd. The stories alone are worth being appreciated, based on the epic tales that describe love and romance, war and conflict, family feuds, victories and defeats. Var was the Keeper of Promise in Norse mythology. Norse Mythology. [18], The god Odin is also frequently mentioned in surviving texts. Its sometimes impossible to distinguish between deceased human ancestors and elves in Old Norse literature, to the point that it wouldnt be amiss to speak of a part of the dead human becoming an elf in some cases. Having set off on a long journey, Thor was believed to be unable to attendwhile Loki, who had likely been largely absent since the death of Baldur, had not been invited. Coming to Vanaheim, both Aesir gods were welcomed, especially Hoenir who managed to persuade the Vanir gods that he was the most benevolent figure in the cosmos. Advertisement. Loki quickly jumped up and threw the linen net into the fire and ran down to the river. The point was, three of the Vanir gods were respectively the chief god, the prince, and the princess of Vanaheim. Skadi the giantess of ice and frost placed a snake just above the head of Loki. In response, Odin was forced to relentallowing Loki to claim a seat at the table. And there came the punishment of Loki. Ingjald and his men waited outside to cut down anyone who tried to escape. She then would punish those people for breaking their oath. Here are 10 of the most brutal and painful punishments in Greek mythology. Brian Gottesman is a lawyer in Wilmington, DE. Numerous gods are mentioned in the source texts. He is the Allfather, the father of the gods. Ive also written a popular list of The 10 Best Norse Mythology Books, which youll probably find helpful in your pursuit. Norse Mythology is filled with mystical places and complex deities and creatures. Wars carried on after wars. Just as they stayed with Gaiman and with countless of generations before him. The Argo escaped the Colchians. The snake dropped its venom to the face of the trickster. In the mythology, Thor lays waste to numerous jtnar who are foes to the gods or humanity, and is wed to the beautiful, golden-haired goddess Sif. Odin was the King of the sir clan and known as 'the father of all gods'. Sure, most people have at least heard of Ragnarok, the great end of all things, and people know that it involves fire and a lot of death. Another ring of doom was Thor's Domhring, formed by a circle of stone statues surrounding a punishment pillar in front of his temple. Knowing that Thor, unlike the other Gods, would be both willing and able to break the sanctity of the feast-hall and lash out violently, Loki took his leave soon after the God of Thunder's arrivalthough, not before also accusing Thor of acting cowardly on his most recent journey. Originally composed and transmitted orally, skaldic poetry utilizes alliterative verse, kennings, and several metrical forms. These beings may either aid, deter, or take their place among the gods. The myths have further been revived in a religious context among adherents of Germanic Neopaganism. Elves and dwarfs are commonly mentioned and appear to be connected, but their attributes are vague and the relation between the two is ambiguous. Loki's name thus elicits both positive and negative connotations in Norse mythology. While the Norse mythology is as rich and complex as that of the Greeks, Hamilton only gives the deities a cursory glance here. Their relationship is ill-fated, as Skai cannot stand to be away from her beloved mountains, nor Njrr from the seashore. Luckily, with the releases of the Thor films, series like American Gods and Loki, and books like Norse Mythology and American Gods by Neil Gaiman, Norse mythology is becoming more popular and more talked about and it's about time too!. And what do the dead do in Hel or the local variations thereof? The majority of these Old Norse texts were created in Iceland, where the oral tradition stemming from the pre-Christian inhabitants of the island was collected and recorded in manuscripts. Loki, the Norse god of fire and tricks, is punished for his crime. Media related to Norse mythology at Wikimedia Commons, For the historical religious tradition belonging to the North Germanic peoples, see, harvp error: no target: CITEREFFaulkes1995 (, sfnp error: no target: CITEREFFaulkes1995 (, Regarding the dsir, valkyries, and figurines (with images), see, List of valkyrie names in Norse mythology, Mythological Norse people, items and places, List of figures in Germanic heroic legend, Anthropomorphic wooden cult figurines of Central and Northern Europe, Sacred trees and groves in Germanic paganism and mythology,, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0. This page was last edited on 2 November 2022, at 14:26. Units of time and elements of the cosmology are personified as deities or beings. [24], Various beings outside of the gods are mentioned. Although Loki the trickster god was often associated with the gods of the sir, he was . The first to enter Loki's hut was Kvasir, believed to be the wisest among the Gods, who saw the remains of Loki's net and immediately determined it to be a clue to Loki's hiding place. Frigga - Main goddess. In the Icelandic poems of the Poetic Edda, Odin is the god of wisdom, poetry, inspiration, intoxication, and the chooser of the slain. Grmnisml, stanza 4. Most of the important Norse gods, including Odin, Thor, Frey and Tyr, would fall, and the fire-giant Surt would burn the entire world to ashes, killing virtually everything that lives. As evidenced by records of personal names and place names, the most popular god among the Scandinavians during the Viking Age was Thor the thunder god, who is portrayed as unrelentingly pursuing his foes, his mountain-crushing, thunderous hammer Mjlnir in hand. This was one curse not made in vain; Domaldis reign was marked by famine and plague. But what goes up, must come down, and Hadding, facing old age and the death of friends, ended his life hanging himself in a grove of sacred trees as a sacrifice to his patron, Odin. Near the end of the only romantic happy ending story in Neil Gaiman's Norse Mythology (2017), Gaiman makes a brilliantly ironic aside: "Their wedding was blessed, and some say their son, Fjolnir, went on to become the first king of Sweden. [1] [2] Lokis malicious ways eventually caught up with him when he became responsible for the death of Odins son Baldur and composed scandalous verses about his fellow-gods. Some of these stories will undoubtedly remain with you long after you close Gaiman's book. Her name comes from the word "Varar" meaning "private contract". Son of Balder and Nanna. Dictionary of Northern Mythology. [6][7], So are we to conclude that Valhalla is simply one particular part of Hel, rather than an independent realm? . Signup for your FREE trial to The Great Courses Plus here: we explore the stories surrounding some of the worst punishments tha. When Odin and the other gods discovered Loki's monstrous children, they immediately recognized them as a threat. Ignoring any attempt to dissuade him, and knowing that the sanctity of the feast-hall prevented any violent response, Loki began to cast insults and accusations in every directiontossing the Gods' various sins and failings back into their own faces. . Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading The Norse Mythology: In . ), There is one late Old Norse poem that mentions a place of punishment after death: Nastrond (Old Norse Nstrdr, shore of corpses). Norse myths tell of Odins quest for the secrets of the universe. They used the intestines of Narfi (Loki's son . The punishments were not limited to men. [32] Time itself is presented between cyclic and linear, and some scholars have argued that cyclic time was the original format for the mythology. p. 97. Odin had discovered Loki's whereabouts from his high seat in Asgard called Hlidskjalf. To see all the lists we've published so far, click here. Norse goddesses are a formidable crew with powers that rival their male counterparts. Setting Vali loose, the Gods forced Loki to watch as one son tore the other apart. During the later 20th century, references to Norse mythology became common in science fiction and fantasy literature, role-playing games, and eventually other cultural products such as comic books and Japanese animation. When he grew to manhood, he became the lover of his own wet-nurse, only to watch her torn to pieces by alien, chaotic powers beyond his understanding. But Zeusfurious at this brazen betrayal of Medea's brotherbrewed up a storm. For example, Valhalla is often depicted as a realm where distinguished warriors engage in a continuous battle, and just such a place is described, in important early sources, as being located beneath the ground and, intriguingly, without the name Valhalla anywhere in the account. They did on occasion look down and check in on the men and giants that roamed the earth. While attempting to goad Frigg, Loki also mocked her with the knowledge that he was the one solely responsible for the death of her son, Baldur. iWitness. Looking for more great information on Norse mythology and religion? [20] Freyja's brother, the god Freyr, is also frequently mentioned in surviving texts, and in his association with the weather, royalty, human sexuality, and agriculture brings peace and pleasure to humanity. The following myth focuses on a punishment Loki received for his mischief. The body of Mimir was thrown away while the head was sent back to Asgard, straight to Odin the Allfather. In the most famous of these, Starkads friend King Vikar of Agder (in southern Norway) was marooned with his fleet because they could not get a favorable wind. Norse mythology is the compilation of the stories, religious practices, and myths of the ancient Nordic people. Loki was punished many times by Norse gods. Odin practiced seidr, a form of magic considered unmanly, and was the god of frenzy, betrayal and death (in addition to inspiration and wisdom). The tree itself has three major roots, and at the base of one of these roots live the Norns, female entities associated with fate. If it had not been for the help of Loki's faithful wife, Sygin, Loki would have endured tons of pain. He is the creator of Saga, an upcoming comic book series set in Viking-Age Norway, Scotland and Iceland published by Archaia Comics. Using a bowl, Sigyn attempted to catch as much of the venom as she could, in order to spare her husband. Odin is portrayed as the ruler of Asgard, and leader of the Aesir. Sisyphus. The punishment of Loki Loki then was bound to the rock with the entrails of his own son. If they perceived a human to have harmed or offended them in any way, they were quick to retaliate with a punishment. Advertisement. Skadi then took a large and venomous snake, and placed it above the bound trickster, where its venom began to drip into his eyesleaving him writhing in agony. No other source makes this distinction and several contradict it which means that this snug way of differentiating between who ended up in Hel versus Valhalla is surely an invention of Snorris. Loki's mockery of the Gods only came to an end when Thor finally arrived. But the afterlife world to which the dead are most commonly portrayed as going is Hel, a world beneath the ground presided over by a goddess who is also named Hel. There were two god tribes in Norse mythology and before they could sit along in one feasting table, they had declared war on one another. The ideas of salvation and damnation were alien to their rather earthy worldview. There the surviving gods will meet, and the land will be fertile and green, and two humans will repopulate the world. When they showed up he locked them in and burned the hall, along with everyone inside, to the ground. Vlsunga saga is one of the best known of the Old Norse legendary sagas. The gods proceed to inflict a severe punishment on Loki for his transgressions as well as for the murder of Baldr. Even the days of our modern week are named after its gods and goddesses. His people learned the hard way that trying to change a person can have unintended consequences, and Ingjald became cruel and ruthless from that day forward. Whenever the bowl filled, though, Sigyn was forced to turn away for a moment to empty itleaving Loki to thrash and writhe in agony once more. Raudvere, Catharina. There is one late Old Norse poem that mentions a place of punishment after death: Nastrond (Old Norse Nstrdr, "shore of corpses"). Prometheus was chained to a stone, and every day an eagle (symbolising Zeus) would feed on it. His hall in Asgard is Valaskjalf ("shelf of the slain") where his throne Hlidskjalf is located. Every time the venom touched the face of Loki, it caused him in great pain. Sauniere Mercury Balder Balder, known as "the good" or "the beautiful," was Balder's favorite son, despite his lack of success and achievement beyond his . In the myths, Mjolnir is so powerful that it can be used to decimate huge mountains. He and his siblings, Hel and Fenrir, were born without the knowledge of the gods. Translated by Angela Hall. As the Gods worked to drag the net up and down the stream Loki was, at first, able to avoid detection by hiding himself at the bottom of the stream, among some rocks. For a hammer with such destructive capability it makes a lot of sense that it is wielded by Thor, the Norse god of thunder and strength. There is a reason vikings are commonly referred to as barbarians and heathens. Numerous creatures live on Yggdrasil, such as the insulting messenger squirrel Ratatoskr and the perching hawk Verflnir. The tree was fed by three immortal wells. Signy sends her two sons by Siggeir to Sigmund who, with her approval, murders them both. The cosmology, deities, myths, and monsters of ancient Norse society. [17], Central to accounts of Norse mythology are the plights of the gods and their interaction with various other beings, such as with the jtnar, who may be friends, lovers, foes, or family members of the gods. The Norse believed that the universe emerged from an empty, yawning gulf separating worlds made of ice and fire, respectively, inhabited only by a mysterious, hermaphroditic being named Ymir, who became the mother and father of the race of the jotuns, chaotic nature spirits that would later be the enemies of the Norse gods. Aside from that, there is also another reason why Norse mythology is so popular - Loki. Snorri himself blatantly contradicts his distinction between Valhalla and Hel in the one substantial account of Hel he provides: the tale of the death of Baldur, Odins son, who is killed violently and is nevertheless borne to Hel. Bands such as Amon Amarth, Bathory, Burzum and Mnegarm have written songs about Norse mythology. What was the name of Odin's favorite son? This refers to a myth in which Odin hanged himself on the tree. Every . Next, Narfi's intestines were used to bind Loki to the stonesand, magic was once again used to make his bindings as strong as iron. For his disobedience, Zeus sentenced him to eternal punishment. Norse mythology doesn't seem to be as well-known as Greek or Roman, and I for one can't understand why. Andrn, Anders. Dragging Loki to a cave, the Gods set up three large and flat stones, boring a hole through each. Loki even goes as far as to claim to have previously shared the bed of some among the gathered goddesses, himselfclaiming to have fathered a child with Tyr's wife, after mocking the loss of his hand to the great wolf Fenrir, while also claiming to have slept with both Skadi and Sif, Thor's wife. Some exhibit the jaundiced eye with which the Norse viewed life and death. The sir were considered the main pantheon in Norse mythology and consisted of Odin, the King of the sir, Thor, Frigg, Balder, Hr and Tr. Of course, after this display, the Gods were no longer willing to allow Loki to remain free. And the truth was revealed when Mimir didn't accompany Hoenir. Medea and Jason killed the innocent boy, dismembered him, and tossed the body parts into the sea. The goddess of fertility, motherhood and prophecy, Frigg was the wife of Odin, and therefore the loftiest of all the female deities.Despite her formidable position, she is arguably . After the cataclysm of Ragnarok, this process is mirrored in the survival of two humans from a wood; Lf and Lfrasir. Yet they weren't only cruel to their rivals. (editors) (2006). One example of this comes from The Saga of Olaf the Holy, one of the first Christian kings of Norway. The Norse gods decided to kill Loki unless he cleaned the mess he made with the giant builder of Asgard wall. Forseti - God of Justice. The cosmos in Norse mythology consists of Nine Worlds that flank a central sacred tree, Yggdrasil. Elves and Birth For this episode he became known as Illrdi, or Bad-Ruler. Ingjalds daughter Aasa was no better. Newer Post , Please note, comments must be approved before they are published, You just need place order, we will ship to your address, You can ask any information you want here, 925 Sterling Silver Viking Necklace Pendant, Vegvisir Symbol: May Viking Compass Protect and Guide You, 7 Hilarious Viking Names and Their Origins. The northernmost extension of Germanic mythology and stemming from Proto-Germanic folklore, Norse mythology consists of tales of various deities, beings, and heroes derived from numerous sources from both before and after the pagan period, including medieval manuscripts, archaeological representations, and folk tradition. The Lost Beliefs of Northern Europe. She did have that right. The goddess Freya is said to welcome some of the dead into her hall, Folkvang (Old Norse Flkvangr, the field of the people or the field of warriors). Loki was destined to remain bound in this way until the time of Ragnark, when the magic of his bindings would fade and he would finally be set free to exact his own revenge. He became King of Sipylus, a mountainous region in what is now Anatolia. [15] Other traces, such as place names bearing the names of gods may provide further information about deities, such as a potential association between deities based on the placement of locations bearing their names, their local popularity, and associations with geological features. While in hiding, Loki constructed for himself a small hut on top of a hill. The source texts mention numerous gods, such as the hammer-wielding, humanity-protecting thunder-god Thor, who relentlessly fights his foes; the one-eyed, raven-flanked god Odin, who craftily pursues knowledge throughout the worlds and bestowed among humanity the runic alphabet; the beautiful, seir-working, feathered cloak-clad goddess Freyja who rides to battle to choose among the slain; the vengeful, skiing goddess Skai, who prefers the wolf howls of the winter mountains to the seashore; the powerful god Njrr, who may calm both sea and fire and grant wealth and land; the god Freyr, whose weather and farming associations bring peace and pleasure to humanity; the goddess Iunn, who keeps apples that grant eternal youthfulness; the mysterious god Heimdallr, who is born of nine mothers, can hear grass grow, has gold teeth, and possesses a resounding horn; the jtunn's son, the god Loki, who brings tragedy to the gods by engineering the death of the goddess Frigg's beautiful son Baldr; and numerous other deities. Themes in Old Norse Mythological Art Loki's Punishment The Capture and Binding of Loki Prose at the End of Lokasenna: "After this Loki, in the likeness of a salmon, cast himself into the waterfall of Franangr, where the sir caught him, and bound him with the entrails of his son Nari; but his other son, Narfi, was changed into a wolf. The same passage also insinuates that King Olaf is the reincarnation of the deceased Olaf,[10] showing that the dead could be thought to have multiple fates simultaneously. All among the Aesir and the Vanir were invited to attend what was certain to be a lavish feastwith two notable exceptions. The wily deity turned himself into a mare and seduced Svailfari, the giants horse, making completion of the fortress impossible. p. 70. Wisdom came with a price: to gain insight into the future, Odin sacrificed an eye to drink from a magical well, but in the process learned of his own inescapable fate. After a very intense fight, Tr and Garmr end up killing each other. The Role of Religion in History & Society. Norse mythology has been the subject of scholarly discourse since the 17th century when key texts attracted the attention of the intellectual circles of Europe. Original art by Beren Belarus a glossy photo print reproduction, framed and sanctified 8.5 x 11-inch frame 22 x 28 cm The Punishment Of Loki, In which the trickster god is tied with the entrails of his son in the Bowles of Midgard. During their struggle, Grendels mother (who has been interpreted by different scholars as a demon, a troll, a valkyrie, or some sort of fertility goddess) pins and straddles the warrior. These texts include the Prose Edda, composed in the 13th century by the Icelandic scholar, lawspeaker, and historian Snorri Sturluson, and the Poetic Edda, a collection of poems from earlier traditional material anonymously compiled in the 13th century. [11] Wider comparisons to the mythology of other Indo-European peoples by scholars has resulted in the potential reconstruction of far earlier myths. For those who had done something wrong, punishment should be applied. OK, its technically Anglo-Saxon, not Norse, but Beowulf comes out of the same body of tradition as the Norse myths and takes place in Scandinavia. Leaving aside the fact that this excludes all of the other places to which the dead are thought to potentially go, this artificially tidy distinction was first made by Snorri Sturluson, a Christian historian writing in the thirteenth century many generations after the pre-Christian Norse religion had ceased to be a living tradition. Neil Gaiman's Norse Mythology is an excellent introduction to the world of gods and tricksters imagined by people who were, in a way, gods themselves. However, this was not enough to deter the notorious trickster. In memory of this act, sacrifices to Odin were killed in similar fashion including a few kings whose subjects grew tired of their failures. Norse mythology is rich in gods and deities, as well as supernatural creatures. Vikars men decided that a human sacrifice was required, and when they cast lots to see who would be chosen, it was Vikar himself who got the honor. Starkad convinced the king to participate in a mock sacrifice, where he would be hanged with a loose noose and stabbed with a reed. She rides to battle to choose among the slain and brings her chosen to her afterlife field Flkvangr. At least, that is how the sequence of events seems to play out if you refer to The Poetic Edda. In characteristic fashion, Loki had come for the sole purpose of antagonising the gathered Gods. Popular literature makes Odin the most important of the Norse gods, but in reality he was an unpopular deity and his cult was never widespread beyond poets, shamans and kings. The siblings then sleep together, and Signy gives birth to a son, Sinfjtli, who goes on to help his father/uncle burn Siggeir in his palace and avenge the family. All rights reserved. In myth, this man was the son of Zeus and an Oceanid, or sea nymph. Vlusp, stanza 38. Cronus (Titan God) Zeus's father fearing the prophecy that he would someday be overthrown by one of his sons, would devour them as they were being born. Not so fast. During the Viking Age and the Medieval Period, the tales were finally written down. Satisfied, the Gods then took their leaveall accept for Sigyn, Loki's wife, who chose to stay by his side. Long long ago, there was a war between the gods. The Road to Hel: A Study of the Conception of the Dead in Old Norse Literature. Norse goddesses. Who Were the Indo-Europeans and Why Do They Matter. They decided to draw the white flags and assembled for a peace treaty. He was often depicted as a one-eyed, bearded old man wearing a hat and a cloak, who rode a flying eight-legged horse called Sleipnir. She was a beautiful priestess of goddess Athena and according to the legend, she was raped in the sanctuary of the goddess by god Poseidon who had been transformed into a horse. She is beautiful, sensual, wears a feathered cloak, and practices seir. Niflheim and Muspelheim are two of the nine realms of Norse folklore. In its final lines the poem describes how a new world would arise from the ashes of the old, the surviving gods and men would rebuild their homes and re-discover lost knowledge, and a mysterious mighty lord would arrive to order rules, fix rights, and ordain laws that shall live forever.. Unfortunately, Folkvang is mentioned so sparsely in the sources that we today dont have any idea what it was thought to be like. A princess named Signy marries Siggeir, the king of the Geats (Beowulfs people), who then treacherously murders Signys whole clan with the exception of her brother Sigmund, who is imprisoned. Freyja is the most well-known goddess in Norse mythology and in many ways rivals Odin in power. In Greek mythology, Prometheus the trickster defied Gods and presented 'Men' with fire. Tantalus was favored not only by Zeus, but by many of the other gods. Okay, so, adultery in early medieval Scandinavia was a pretty simple thing, at least in Iceland. Loki, in Norse mythology, a cunning trickster who had the ability to change his shape and sex. The important goddesses are notably different, as the . [6], The Prose Edda was composed as a prose manual for producing skaldic poetrytraditional Old Norse poetry composed by skalds. Quite understandably, none among the gathered Gods were all that happy to see Loki arriveand, the trickster found himself greeted by an uncomfortable silence. Freya also punished him for stealing her necklace. Some time after Baldur's death, a great feast was held by Aegir, an ocean giant and friend of the Gods. They then caught Loki's sons, Narfi and Vali, and brought them to the cavewhere potent magic was used to transform Vali into a wolf.

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