Poem Analysis. The poem is written after the inspiration from jazz music. Now I am branded athletic, I am not de problem. character analysis and bio poem problem and solution literary devices text features inferences author s techniques theme in picture books character traits in harry potter when marian sings 1 week plan what good readers do, problem solved by annette gulati 1 show the problem and solution Importantly, none of the changes in working or spelling inhibit the piece from conveying its meaning properly, but still, add a new dimension to the poem. 'Sum of me friend are white'. I am not the problem, the speaker declares the first time, but I am treated as though I were. The mention of taunts and slurs in the first few lines is a smart choice by the author, because this early into the reading, this is our only context for the speaker that they are victimized. The creole gives the poem its energy and authenticity and reminds us that this is a poem to be performed. The poem was written as a part of the book-length sequence, Montage of a Dream Deferred. You can read the full poem No Problem here. "What is the analysis of the poem "No Problem" by Benjamin Zephaniah?" Zephaniah has also released volumes of his music. In this kind of sonnet, the poet presents a problem in the octave (the first eight lines . He educated himself after leaving his school following a criminal conviction. The poem "Tale of a . 2 piece of the continent, a part of the main; if a clod. Reading a poem quietly to yourself will not give you a complete experience of a poem. in Famous Inspirational Poems Pretty women wonder where my secret lies. This poem is about the road taken, to . Typically, this review is conducted and recorded within the structure of a literary analysis essay. The speaker is not the problem, the problem lies with those racially pigeonholing him and not giving him an opportunity to express and act like himself, as a unique person with unique qualities. Conflict Poetry - 'No Problem' By Benjamin Zephaniah. Analysis of the Poem 'I, To'o is a free verse poem of 18 short lines, made up of 5 stanzas. Language: Colloquial Language/Dialect. 'No Problem' was written in 1996 - the same year as 'Half Caste'. His victimization is real, not imagined or the result of some complex. Discuss the toneof the poem "An Abandoned Bundle," by M. Mtshali. Walker, Andrew. There is no rhyme scheme, and the metre varies from line to line. Continue with Recommended Cookies. No Problem Analysis The entire poem, which can be read in full here, is divided into two verses of short lines without any particular adherence to rhyme or pattern. Poets who choose to use their voice to make their presence in No Problem unmistakable are often some of the most memorable writers who create the most memorable works, because its as though they are speaking to the readers themselves. Latest answer posted December 05, 2020 at 11:10:00 AM. These conditions may affect me. If you're running low on lesson material for No Problem by Benjamin Zephaniah, our full GCSE lesson pack can be found here. Zephaniah, therefore, employs the city as a symbol for the speakers academic prowess by virtue of his knowledge of this mysterious, academic city that those around him would be ignorant to. Telephone Conversation is a poem about racism and the engrained mindset of certain white people who, for whatever reason, discriminate on the grounds of race and, in particular, skin colour. Doing some seen internal vital works. It alludes to the prior mistreatment of Africans by the British during colonial times. Mhlophe's poem also uses present tense verbs to describe the speaker's refusal to succumb to peer pressure, while Pound's poem uses past . As an example, let's look at "Nothing Gold Can Stay" by Robert Frost. The second verse is about putting completing the picture that the commentators quoted in the first verse get wrong. Fully annotated.Colour coded with language, structure and context. His versatility allows him to escape this.In the final stanza, after speculating about how he might later in life be affected by the 'conditions' of racism, the speaker broadens his theme to insist that 'Black is not de problem' - this shift emphasizes the point that this poem is social and political, an attack on racial discrimination, it is not just about the experience of one student.The speaker also takes ownership of the very language used within the mainstream to silence oppositional voices. They are a person who could tell you about Timbuktu, but all anyone seems to care about is the dancing from the region. This tone is found throughout his body of work. It's their problem that they can't accept the poet as he is. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. The poem is careful to showcase. But dey got me on de run. This poem is not about taking the road less traveled, about individuality or uniqueness. It could be about love, loss, patriotism, nature, etc. The next several lines reference the stereotype that pushes people of colour away from academia, and towards athleticism. And yet, the image painted by this poem is of someone with a great deal of acceptance for their world, and both the good and the bad within it. The primary poetic device being used is in the line breaks that isolate each idea and make sure the reader is feeling the full impact of each one. The essay is divided into two sections with the first part of the essay providing information about crucial aspects required for an in-depth understanding of the poem and analysis of it whereas the second part of the essay will focus on a contemporary adaptation of the Yeats' work, specifically on the comparison to the Sinead O'Connor song "Troy". In each ABAB quatrain, an aspect of the black stereotype is explored and rejected (e.g. No problem Benjamin Zephaniah The most striking characteristic of this poem is the voice; that of the poet, a young black man with the distinctive accent and speech rhythms of his Jamaican. Today. Being written during the time of the Renaissance, when people valued love yet condemned the idea of love before marriage or having mistresses, the poet tries to explain the complexities of being in love. This is likely a stylistic choice related to the pride referenced in the second verse: Mother country get it right. The speaker is proud of their accent and their country, and doesnt want to be judged for that pride. It is through you visiting Poem Analysis that we are able to contribute to charity. Besides, They'll see how beautiful I am And be ashamed I, too, am America. What is an analysis of the poem "Da Same, Da Same" by Sipho Sepamla? Mental illness is an issue that most people try to avoid talking about, but Neil wanted to voice his struggles by writing and performing OCD. He hates the mindset of hatred towards black people. Ideas and language. Benjamin Zephania found school difficult being a dyslexic, black teenager in the 1970s. Many of his poems, including No Problem address the issue of racism, taking inspiration from his own experiences of living and growing up in England with Afro-Caribbean heritage. Instead, he showcases himself exactly as he is, issuing a bold challenge to any preconceived notions that the world may have about him. To understand how to analyze that poem, start by studying the poem for its main idea. Could someone explain to me the ballad "Get Up and Bar the Door"? Part 1 introduces the transcendental nature lover ("A Forest Seer") in terms. The poem's brilliant final line works on two levels. When poets compose poems, they engage in word play and utilise rhymes and rhythms that affect the meaning of poem. I greet yu wid a smile. More . Despite this, they declare that theyve no grudges or anger towards anyone, and point out that they have some really good friends in this same world that stereotypes and abuses them. Summary. It is as though the opinions and scorn from others is literally debilitating, and the speaker compares it with age-related diseases. They are a complex individual, a unique and inspiring person, but the simplicity of the popular stereotypes overshadows them entirely. Deep down he knows that he is not defined or confined by stereotypes enforced by the people and institutions surrounding him. He doesnt even hate white men. FireKeepers Casino 400 DFS Gems. Zephaniah triumphs because he is too 'versatile' to be put in a 'pigeon hole' Many of his poems, including 'No Problem' address the issue of racism, taking inspiration from his own experiences of living and growing up in England with Afro-Caribbean heritage. Then leaf subsides to leaf. And yet, the image painted by this poem is of someone with a great deal of acceptance for their world, and both the good and the bad within it. He proclaims himself as a versatile person who wanted to teach the things he knew. To calm that we have positve feelings about a whole group because we know one member of that group is clearly to stereotype. "Say No" is also more direct in its language, while "Sonnet 130" uses more metaphor and simile to describe the woman's beauty. Surprisingly, the speaker has none acting like the bigger man, owing to his knowledge that his race is not the problem, but those that vindicate him for it are. At the time of reading, there is no reason to assume or believe they deserve any kind of victimization, so the effect is that the reader is meeting the speaker for the first time, only to learn that they are bearing weight. Poetry analysis is the process of reviewing the multiple artistic, functional, and structural pieces that make up a poem. He insists that he has 'no chip' on his shoulder. This line is a refrain that is repeated throughout the poem. . I am not de problem. 'No Problem' is no exception.It's strong rhymes (ABAB in the opening 16 lines) and trochaic beat are rooted in the reggae sound. Explore. athletic, dancer) Point of ViewZephaniah is presenting as his former self, a black student. The conclusion to the poem has a humorous tone and sees the speaker taking the upper hand over those he is addressing. 3 I fly above the wind, yet can I not arise; 4 And nought I have, and all the world I seize on. Strong links between these two anti-racist performance poems. Historically, it was established as a scholarly centre in Africa thanks to its important book trade together with its Islamic university, Sankore Madrasah. The author decides to allow their personality to enter the work, to fill it with their unique perspective and feeling. In the poem, an unnamed speaker appears to be caught up in a bomb blast and tries to escape. Twinkl KS3 / KS4 English GCSE English - Full . What is the line-by-line meaning of the poem "The Lost Dances of Cranes" by Juliet Wilson? Wole Soyinka's poem takes the shape of a dialogue between two people on the telephone, an African man and a white British landlady. Unseen Force Seen Works (Octave) Muzahidul Reza. Nokugcina Elsie Mhlophe was born in 1958 and she is a South African freedom fighter, activist, actress, storyteller, poet, playwrite, director and a autor. So Zephaniah is using the term with dripping irony.ThemesRacism - the lazy ignorance of stereotyping Language and how it can be used to silence or dismiss marginal voicesCultural identityResilience in the face of oppression. Download the entire Poetry study guide as a printable PDF! No Problem by Benjamin Zephaniah says that the poet is not a problem in a white-dominated society. This poem shows how even though someone is not beautiful on the outside compared to society's standards, there is an inner beauty that makes a woman even more beautiful. Subject: English. I am a born academic. The poem's title. This stereotyping is institutional racism, subtle but nonetheless damaging. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. However, the most important meaning of the poem is the poet hasnt any problems with the discriminatory attitudes of them. Much of his work has been in favour of equality and social justice, and it makes sense for a poem such as. Zephaniah experienced difficulties at school as a black. The first word in the poem is I, and it is followed by words that convey an accent foreign to the readership. Importantly, none of the changes in working or spelling inhibit the piece from conveying its meaning properly, but still add a new dimension to the poem. Thats why some of the best friends of the poet are white. Timbuktu is a city in Mali, famous to Europeans for its mystery. No Problem, Benjamin Zephaniah Poem Summary, Context, Analysis, The Class Game, Marey Casey Poem Summary, Context, Analysis, What Were They Like, Denise Levertov Poem Summary, Context, Analysis, Mother, Any Distance, Simon Armitage Poem Analysis/Annotations, She Walks in Beauty, Lord Byron Poem Analysis/Annotations, My Last Duchess, Robert Browning Poem Analysis/Annotations, Disabled, Wilfred Owen Poem Analysis/Annotations, War Photographer, Carol Ann Duffy Poem Analysis/Annotations, Singh Song!, Daljit Nagra Poem Analysis/Annotations, Bayonet Charge, Ted Hughes Poem Analysis/Annotations, Storm on the Island, Seamus Heaney Poem Analysis/Annotations, Ozymandias, Percy Bysshe Shelley Poem Analysis/Annotations. 4 14 reviews. This short poem by Benjamin Zephaniah is an account of the racism that he has experienced, documenting society's tendency to pigeonhole him into a specific role. 24 June 2016. File previews. I am not the problem, the. "No Problem by Benjamin Zephaniah". Throughout the first verse, this line is repeated several times, each time to view a different dimension of the actual problem. He is making a claim against patronizing racism that does not call out any particular person for being deliberately antagonistic, but instead addresses ignorance in general and the frustration that he feels with it. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Our work is created by a team of talented poetry experts, to provide an in-depth look into poetry, like no other. It is also about clarity; when, in the first verse, the narrator speaks of not being the problem, the repetition may imply anger to some. Supplying oxygen and removing poisons. Astrophel And Stella: Iii Sir Philip Sidney. Explain the structuralist approach to analyzing a poem, in layman's terms. F or "On His Blindness," John Milton employs the Petrarchan sonnet form. On His Blindness Analysis. Its their problem that they cant accept the poet as he is. The poem then explores the relationship between violence and language itself, as the disoriented speaker searches for an escape route. But dey got me on de run. The twelve-line poem, 'No Second Troy,' is addressed to Maud Gonne, who, to Yeats's great distress, married John MacBride in 1903. In the second and final stanza, when the poet reflects on his experience and what is means, the rhyme and rhthm are looser and a more contemplative mood is created. It is written for live performance and chanted with strong rhythms and gesture. Accessed 3 November 2022. I can teach yu of Timbuktu. "Woodnotes" is a long and somewhat prosy two-part narrative poem that appears to be extracted from Emerson's journals. Zephaniahs use of the personal pronoun I as the opening word, evokes an immediately personal tone that is maintained throughout due to its repetition. This is a gesture of complete fairness on the part of Zephaniah. This is a powerful and honest poem that is more than likely a strong reflection of Benjamin Zephaniahs struggles with racism and stereotyping, which he has famously fought against in his own life. Sign up to unveil the best kept secrets in poetry. Voice is a crucial element of poetry of all literature, really. The most striking thing about Zephaniahs work is his use of voice, which he imbues into No Problem through intentionally spelling the words phonetically, rather than in a strictly correct way. Toward the end of the book, she explicitly defines "the problem" as "simply the fact that American women are kept from growing to their full human capacities.". 'No Problem' by Benjamin Zephaniah is a dynamic poem that explores concept of racial stereotypes and discrimination this text resonates strongly in the current world climate of conflict and therefore holds significant meaning. Nonetheless, that is the way he is going now, and the place he ends up, for better or worse, was the result of his decision. 1 (Jan., 1980), pp. That divides humans according to their speaking style, origin, and bodily characteristics. Touch device users can explore by touch or with swipe gestures. In philosophy, rationalism is the epistemological view that "regards reason as the chief source and test of knowledge" or "any view appealing to reason as a source of knowledge or justification". "Say No" poem by Gcina Mhlophe employs first person point of view, while "Station Metro" by Pound uses third person point of view. The first word in the poem is I, and it is followed by words that convey an accent foreign to the readership. Watch this clip of Benjamin Zephaniah reciting his poem 'No Problem'. The speaker declares that, despite his innocence, he is persecuted because of his race. Of silly playground taunts. Invictus by William Ernest Henley 'Invictus' is W.E. Benjamin Zephaniah was born and raised in Birmingham, England. It is an effective and emotional way to begin the piece. Now I am branded athletic, It has a regular rhythm and rhyme. THE LATEST FGIF UPDATES as at 10th August 2022. 2 I fear and hope. 4 as if a promontory were, as well as if a manor of thy. No Problem features Zephaniahs distinctive tone, inspired and influenced by his Jamaican heritage and the music, poetry and street politics there. The next several lines reference the stereotype that pushes people of color away from academia, and towards athleticism. Even those who regularly attend a literary class and have enough experience in poem analysis essay elaboration may face considerable difficulties while dealing with the particular poem. As I get older, An I am . The nature of poetry is expressing complex feelings, which usually makes multiple meanings. Warfare refers to the common activities and characteristics of types of war, or of wars in general. Neat Handwriting. This video outlines all of the notes of analysis you will need to achieve perfect marks in your GCSE poetry exam for the poem No Problem by Benjamin Zaphania. Resource type: Other. I am not de problem. The Stream is a rich and lively source for breaking news, inspiration, analysis and entertainment. It is as though the opinions and scorn from others are debilitating, and the speaker compares it with age-related diseases. Friedan uses this phrase to describe a chronic sense of dissatisfaction among white, middle-class women in the postwar era. Such a life could only be achieved in a destination that was conducive and different from the situation in . He is not attempting to appeal to a white audience by adopting the speech patterns that they would consider acceptable. No Problem by Benjamin Zephaniah isnt a poem that is hard to comprehend. Share through email; Share through twitter; Share through linkedin; . Throughout the first verse, this line is repeated several times, each time to view a different dimension of the actual problem. It is also about clarity; when, in the first verse, the narrator speaks of not being the problem, the repetition may imply anger to some. Its an interesting choice on the authors part to use the voice that conveys the accent most associated with the stereotypes being fought by the poem. This illustrates the fact that the racial stereotypes, of which being a good dancer is one, are an injustice to the speaker. "But day got me on de run now I am branded athletic". Gary's Auto Service has dedicated itself to providing Florissant customers with the highest quality auto repair services. Yu put me in a pigeon hole. No Problem Benjamin Zephaniah Poem Analysis. Understandably enough, many people would become bitter and unhappy after being blamed for so much for so long. There are several important points to consider when analysing a poem, such as themes, language and imagery, structure, mood and atmosphere and your response to the poem. Then explores the relationship between violence and language itself, as the speaker! Describe a chronic sense of dissatisfaction among white, middle-class women in first! Of thy lines reference the stereotype that pushes people of colour away academia. Poem `` No problem here poetry analysis is the analysis of the continent, a of! He proclaims himself as a printable PDF appeal to a white audience by adopting speech! How to analyze that poem, an unnamed speaker appears to be judged for that pride educated himself leaving. Coded with language, structure and context of data being processed may be unique. 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