Specifies whether the annotation group will automatically scale, if chart dimensions change. This attribute takes top, middle, and bottom as values. You can add the following types of annotations to your chart: Text (custom notes, labels, or paragraphs of text), Shapes (rectangle, polygon, circle, arc, and line). For quick reference, refer to the following list to explore how can you customize your legends: In FusionCharts, you can include line/text annotations within a chart to point at a specific data plot and display additional information about it. Specify the x coordinate of the starting position of the line for the leftmost position (taken as zero) of the chart, using the x attribute. Specifies the x coordinate of the starting position of the path with respect to the leftmost position (taken as 0) of the chart. Plot 95+ charts and 1400+ data-driven maps, Plot high performance time-series visualizations, Export full Dashboards as PDFs for use in reports and emails, Positioning Annotations Using Absolute Values, Exporting Charts and Chart Data Using the Server-side Export Feature, Exporting Charts and Chart Data Using the Client-side Export Feature, Exporting Charts and Chart Data Using the Auto Export Feature, Exporting Multiple Charts in a Single Image, Architecture of the FusionCharts Export Server. Would love to know if this article was helpful to you, so that I can learn & improve. What are FusionCharts's pros? FusionCharts - Annotations on Pie Slice Interactivity. Specifies the gap between each dash, if a dashed border is drawn for the annotation. In case the number of values is less than the number of colors provided, the last of the comma-separated values is repeated for the remaining colors. Specifies the location of the image file (jpeg, png, or gif) that is to be rendered on the chart. You can do. Position annotations around a legend using the $legendStartX, $legendStartY, $legendEndX, $legendEndY, $legendWidth, and $legendHeight macros. x-coordinate of the pointer relative to the chart. React-FusionCharts module is licensed under open-source, distributed under the terms of the MIT/X11 License. Setting this attribute to 0 (default) disables the automatic scaling of text annotations, setting it to 1 enables it. Specifies whether the annotation border will be drawn using dashed lines. The default value is 0. Specifies a list of hex color codes, if the group has to be rendered with a gradient effect. Specifies the horizontal alignment of the text annotation. In case the number of ratio values is less than the number of colors provided, the last of the comma-separated values is repeated for the remaining colors. Definition. Like the wrapWidth attribute, this attribute applies to the height occupied by the text. annotations (and 2 more) Tagged with: gantt; annotations; markers; images; 3 replies; 752 views; Srishti Jaiswal; March 24, 2021; . Use the following attributes to create arc annotations: Specify the type of annotation by setting the type attribute value to arc. Specifies whether a border will be shown around the annotation. Adds an item to either a specific group or creates a new group and adds the item to it. Specify the thickness of the annotation border in pixels, using the borderThickness attribute. Specifies the x coordinate of the starting position of the rectangle with respect to the leftmost position (taken as zero) of the chart. Specify whether a border will be drawn around the annotation, using dashed lines, by setting the dashed attribute to 1. Position annotations with respect to the chart margins using the $chartTopMargin, $chartBottomMargin, $chartLeftMargin, and $chartRightMargin macros. Specifies the hex color code for the annotation border. Specify the color for the annotation border using the borderColor attribute, which accepts color hex codes as value. Custom y-axis created using annotation.Data plots on rollover shows respective details using annotations. Default value is false and does not draw the item immediately. Specifies the URL to which the user will be redirected, if the annotation item is clicked. In other words, if an annotation is placed at 100 pixels left and the value of xShift is set to. Using JSON 1. Annotations are user-defined objects or shapes drawn on a chart. Features. Created using FusionCharts Suite XT - www.fusioncharts.com . These attributes are defined using the code structure shown below: They can be configured and customized in many ways enabling you to visualize your charts/gauges in creative ways. Specify the outer radius of the arc in pixels using the radius attribute. This is useful when you need to create a complex graphic using individual annotation items. Specifies the x coordinate of the center of the circle with respect to the leftmost position (taken as zero) of the chart. Specifies the transparency of the colors specified using the fillColor attribute. Thu, 20 May, 2021 at 11:22 PM Real-time Charts Specify the y coordinate of the starting position of the line for the topmost position (taken as zero) of the chart, using the y attribute. Possible values you can assign to the position_key are the same as the ones you can use with the $yaxis macro. FusionCharts is a JavaScript-based charting and data visualization tool that extracts raw data from unlimited databases and transforms it into meaningful insights. You can create different shapes, images, and text annotations for use with your chart. Specifies the hex color code for the text annotation's background. Shows the item (group or shape) with the given id. Use the following attributes to create rectangular annotations: Set the type of annotation by setting the type attribute value to rectangle. In FusionCharts, you can configure event annotations to display additional data to viewers when they perform specific actions with the mouse. Specifies whether words that are too long to fit in a line should be wrapped to the next line. These categories get divided into the bar as a part of the total. Create a simple chart using FusionCharts Suite XT Introduction to Annotations Creating simple annotations You can group a number of annotation items together as one item. Specifies the y coordinate of the starting position of the image annotation with respect to the topmost position (taken as 0) of the chart. As such, the attributes have been divided into two sections below - Common and Ad Hoc: Common Attributes Setting this attribute to 0 will enable the group to overlap, setting it to 1 (default) will disable it. Set the transparency of the annotation using the alpha attribute, which accepts values between 0 (transparent) and 100 (opaque, default). Its value must be greater than 2. Allows you to enable interactivity between Javascript charts. Specifies the ratio for distribution for all colors specified as a comma-separated list to the fillColor attribute. Setting this attribute to 1 renders the text in bold, setting it to 0 (default) removes the bold formatting. Annotations. Annotations help end users interpret charts better. pubic fat pad removal before and after This object has an array of groups, and each group element has a unique id. Note that this attribute doesn't apply to the line annotation. Specifies the radius of the edges of a polygon, in pixels. In case you don't want to display them, you can hide them using showLabels='0' and showValues='0' respectively. Specifies the original width of the chart, in which the annotation renders as intended. For example, the path command "M 10, 10, L 100, 100" signifies that we start drawing from the coordinate at (10,10) pixel using M ( Move to) command and draw a line up to the coordinate (100,100) pixel as specified by the L (Line to) command. Click these callouts and see how the annotations work! Suppose you want to add your company logo at the center of chart. Update chart data Update chart attributes Client side exporting Change chart type at runtime Trigger events from chart Use annotations Render FusionMaps A Simple Column Chart A 3D Pie Chart A Column, Area and Line Combi Chart The rows are being ordered automatically (I'm unsure the precise calculation used 'under the hood') and as shown in the image, there is some clustering being performed. Set the x coordinate of the starting position of the rectangular annotation for the leftmost position (taken as zero) of the chart using the x attribute. Position annotations with respect to half-width of the entire funnel or pyramid plot, using the $plotSemiWidth macro. One can create various shapes like polygons, rectangles, circles, arcs, etc., render annotation text at required positions, load external images and much more. In this instance, set it to the type of shape (rectangle, polygon, line, circle, or arc) that you want to create. Hides the item (group or shape) with the given id. This package contains choropleth maps that can render on both desktop & mobile, with extended functionality like city or location markers, annotations, events etc. FusionCharts - Annotation static macros - Customizing caption & subcaption Created using FusionCharts Suite XT - www.fusioncharts.com Private fiddle Extra The root annotations object accepts a number of attributes for configuring generic aspects of annotations globally. Specifies the length of each dash, if a dashed border is drawn for the annotation. Setting this attribute to 1 renders the text in italic, setting it to 0 (default) removes the italic formatting. Specifies the x coordinate of the ending position of the rectangle with respect to the leftmost position (taken as zero) of the chart. items is an object array that defines individual annotation items contained in one annotation group. A column 2D chart rendered using text annotations is shown below: Click here to edit the above chart. View all 6. Specifies the height, in pixels, if you want to draw an oval annotation. The Ember-FusionCharts component lets you easily include FusionCharts in your EmberJS projects and add interactive charts to your Ember applications. Posted by FusionCharts Admin, over 7 years ago Last Reply by FusionCharts Admin over 7 years ago Feature Requests 35. Create Annotation Groups Facing some issues with annotations in Firefox only. In case you need to load them instantaneously, you may considering preloading the images. React-FusionCharts module is licensed under open-source, distributed under the terms of the MIT/X11 License. . Interactive candlestick chart. Specifies the radius of the edges of a rectangle, in pixels. Real-time Charts. A Stacked bar chart is just like a bar chart with a slight difference that each bar is further subdivided into 2nd categorical variable. Specifies the transparency of the annotation border. A circle annotation will look as given below: An arc is suitable to draw doughnut like shapes or a slice of it. Real-time Charts. Specifies a unique identification string for the annotation group. Adding Interactivity to your chart. These callouts are shaped annotations and the numbers shown next to the callouts are text annotations. You can create different shapes, images, and text annotations for use with your chart. Specifies the y coordinate of the position of the text annotation with respect to the topmost position (taken as zero) of the chart. Data Formats. Use annotations Add custom shapes to highlight a specific data point Usage of FusionCharts methods (API) Change a chart attribute by calling FusionCharts setChartAttribute API Applying a different theme Choosing from different themes available in FusionCharts Suite Interactive candlestick chart FusionTime A polygon annotation will look as given below: Use the following attributes to create linear annotations: Specify the type of annotation by setting the type attribute value to line. Default value is 2 pixels. Sets a fixed margin, in pixels, to the left of the text. . For examplqe, "fillColor": "#ffcc66,#2deaff,#a6992a". Specify the starting angle of the arc in degrees using the startAngle attribute, which takes values between 0 (default) and 360. Specifies the end angle (in degrees), if a circle has to be drawn like a wedge. Annotations can be: shapes such as lines, circles, rectangles, polygons, and paths created using JSON/XML external images In FusionCharts, you can replace the generic-looking data plots with pictures relevant to the underlying data. Setting this attribute to 1 shows the border, setting it to 0 (default) hides it. Like the xShift attribute, this attribute applies to the y-axis. The chart uses different types of annotations for axes and dataset. This attribute takes values between 0 and 360. contains all the options that are set on the annotations. Use the following sub-token macros to position annotations with respect to datasets and axes: Use the \$dataset macro to add the position information of the plots in a dataset to the annotation. Search Components, Applications, Add-ins and Cloud Services. It is used as the reference height while automatically scaling annotations, in the event that a chart is resized. As such, viewers can gauge the revenues made by each soft drink brand at a glance. Set the y coordinate of the center of the circle for the topmost position (taken as zero) of the chart using the y attribute. Grouped column in 3D with multiple series, Bar chart with custom labels as annotations, Same axis - Column & line/area, with scrolling, Dual axis - Column & line/area, with scrolling, Same axis - Stacked columns & line, in 3D, Dual axis - Stacked columns & line, in 3D, Dual axis - Grouped stacked columns & line, Dual axis - Grouped stacked columns with negative values & line, Dual Axis - Grouped stacked columns & line with scrolling, Scatter with selection of points on canvas, With task owner listed & multi-level dates, Heat map with additional labels per quadrant, Heat map with categorical values & numeric mapping, Tree map with slice & dice layout - vertical slicing, Tree map with slice & dice layout - horizontal slicing, Tree map with slice & dice layout - alternate slicing, Visually Editable Charts (What-if analysis), Greenhouse gas emissions (with drill-down), Different plot type for each variable (measure), Y-Axis on right side of one of the canvas, Time series chart with a million data points, Interactive candlestick chart with y-axis on right, Enable Auto-axis clipping when null data is present, Customizing caption and sub-caption position, Selection change event on stacked column chart, Expense Dashboard of US Dept. Set the type of annotation to be rendered using the type attribute. Possible values you can assign to the position_key include X, Y, STARTX, STARTY, ENDX, ENDY, CENTERX, and CENTERY. This will instantly attract the attention of viewers towards them. That way, viewers can gauge at a glance what every data plot signifies. So if i'm in level 3 and click on the breadcrumb of level 1 -> the chart will go back to level 1 Specifies the y coordinate of the ending position of the rectangle with respect to the topmost position (taken as zero) of the chart. This works best when you want a few data plots to stand out among many. Specifies the x coordinate of the center of the polygon with respect to the leftmost position (taken as zero) of the chart. When this width is reached, it will cause the text to break into a new line. 2022 FusionCharts - An Idera, Inc. Company. I'm using annotations for the breadcrumbs and would like to map the breadcrumbs click event to go back to its respective chart . This id is used to identify and change other properties of the annotation. Specifies if the annotation item created has to be drawn immediately or not. Specifies the original height of chart, in which the annotation renders as intended. The default value is center. For example, you can position a text on the x axis, using the following values: Would love to know if this article was helpful to you, so that I can learn & improve. FusionCharts Suite is a collection of four products, each of which help generate different types of charts, gauges, or maps in web applications. Ayan Bhadury. Specifies whether image annotations in an annotation group will automatically scale, if chart dimensions change. 3 replies; 1,648 views; Netcloud; January 3, 2018; Can I show hand cursor on hover of each bar (Not using 'link') By Shrabanee, December 4, 2017. Exporting charts to Images, PDFs or SVG. Solution home Working with Charts Advanced Charting Features Annotations Annotations are graphical elements that can be created and positioned anywhere on a chart or a gauge. Specifies whether a shadow effect will be shown for the annotation group. Annotations In FusionCharts, you can draw custom shapes (annotations) on a chart, to display additional information about chart data to viewers, or make your charts look better. Note that this attribute doesn't apply to the line annotation. This attribute takes values between 0 (transparent) and 100 (opaque, default). In the following sections, you can see an exhaustive set of attributes and macros supported by annotations in FusionCharts Suite XT. If it is also configured individually for the annotation item(s) within the group, then the value of the x attribute for the item is set relative to the value of the x attribute for the group. This attribute takes 0(default), 1, left, and right as values. Use it when you want to render the annotation as a rounded rectangle. // Define the general configuration attributes here. View all 6. This attribute is not applicable to the line, text, and image annotations. You can use annotations to increase the visual appeal of your charts and make them more informative. Use annotations. annotationClick Fired when an annotation is clicked Parameters chartX number [+] chartY number [+] pageX number [+] pageY Specifies the x coordinate of the starting position of the group with respect to the leftmost position (taken as 0) of the chart. Setting this attribute to, Specifies whether annotations will retain their aspect ratio (the height:width ratio) when scaled. Set the x coordinate of the center of the arc for the leftmost position (taken as zero) of the chart using the x attribute. Adds a group in the annotations that acts as a container for the shapes that have to be drawn within the group. When applying scaling, the value of this attribute is included within the scale factor. Organizing annotations in groups is useful when you manipulate multiple annotations at once through API calls. A simple chart with all data embedded into the directive. Plot 95+ charts and 1400+ data-driven maps, Plot high performance time-series visualizations, Export full Dashboards as PDFs for use in reports and emails, Positioning Annotations Using Absolute Values, Exporting Charts and Chart Data Using the Server-side Export Feature, Exporting Charts and Chart Data Using the Client-side Export Feature, Exporting Charts and Chart Data Using the Auto Export Feature, Exporting Multiple Charts in a Single Image, Architecture of the FusionCharts Export Server. Position annotations with respect to the width of the entire funnel or pyramid plot using the $plotWidth macro. Specifies the y coordinate of the starting position of the path with respect to the topmost position (taken as 0) of the chart. Specifies the y coordinate of the starting position of the rectangle with respect to the topmost position (taken as zero) of the chart. (and 1 more) 8 replies. Specifies the radius of the circle, in pixels. Specifies the thickness of the line, in pixels. 2022 FusionCharts - An Idera, Inc. Company. 2 --> 3 4 <div id="chart-container">FusionCharts will render here</div> 5 JavaScript + No-Library (pure JS) xxxxxxxxxx 340 1 FusionCharts.ready(function() { 2 Annotations let you create your own custom objects within charts. The summation of these values should not exceed 100. Setting this attribute to, Specifies whether image annotations in an annotation group will automatically scale, if chart dimensions change. Shifts all annotation groups along the x coordinate. Specifies the font family for the text annotation(s) in the annotation group. Add custom shapes to highlight a specific data point. relative to the chart using the $chartStartX, $chartStartY, $chartEndX, $chartEndY, $chartCenterX, $chartCenterY, $chartWidth, and $chartHeight macros. Specify the radius of the edges of the circle, in pixels, using the radius attribute. For a gradient fillColor, it specifies the angle in which the gradient will be drawn. This attribute is not applicable to the line annotation. A Simple TimeSeries. Note that for the line annotation, this attribute will render the annotation itself as a dashed line. copperwood fence reviews; kcc llc settlements; dakboard calendar; dr michael j rodriguez reviews ; robert milton paris tx obituary;. FusionCharts - Annotation static macros wrt chart. This attribute takes values between 0 (transparent) and 100 (opaque, default). Setting this attribute to 0 disables the automatic scaling of the group, setting it to 1 (default) enables it. Specifies the Id of the annotation group (if provided during annotation creation) within which the annotation exists. Specifies the resize value for the image width. Chart rendering does not pause for the image to load and as such asynchronously draws them as and when they are loaded. Group attributes inherit default values from the ones defined as root-level annotation attributes. Set the transparency of the border using the borderAlpha attribute, which accepts values between 0 (transparent) and 100 (opaque, default). Specify the inner radius of the arc in pixels using the innerRadius attribute. The 2 coordinates, xValue, yValue are optional. Specifies the y coordinate of the center of the circle with respect to the topmost position (taken as zero) of the chart. Auto-updates the chart object when the data source is modified. The number of values provided for this attribute should be the same as that for the fillColor attribute. Use the following objects to create annotations: annotations is an object that encompasses all the code for generating annotations. Specifies the hex color code for the annotation. A conventional column 2D chart used to show this data will look like the following: Now, see how the same chart will look, when rendered using annotations: Looks much better, doesn't it? The chocolate bars shown in this chart are image annotations.

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