Or 2) You have switched off Include Standard Images on the file tab of the Internet dialogue of the configuration menu. Install Cumulus in its own directory directly under a drive root. Cumulus is designed to be kept running, if you only run it once a day, then the information it reads from the station's logger during catch up may miss extremes. Tick the "Enable Realtime", "Enable Realtime FTP" and "Enable realtime.txt FTP" boxes on the internet settings screen. Romulus Weather Forecasts. You should immediately get a small popup window that says something like "connecting". For the standard images, you can supply a folder name (specify on the same screen), and they will all get copied there. by steve Wed 02 Dec 2009 8:21 am, Post View menu, Highs and Lows - This month (or This year) (or thismonth.htm or thisyear.htm web page) only shows the lowest and highest values for the current calendar month (or current year). I/O error 32 = ERROR_SHARING_VIOLATION; I/O error 103 = 'file not open' mean something on your system has one of the Cumulus files open, preventing Cumulus writing to it (Cumulus needs exclusive access). Cumulus will store full weather records, along with daily, monthly, annual and all-time records, and graphical data. For example, if the station reports negative (the counter that Cumulus uses decreases in value) rain, Cumulus will normally ignore that, but if for 6 consecutive readings the rain cumulative count stays below what it was before, Cumulus will normally accept the new count as a new starting point. In this situation, Cumulus will display the same value as the 'absolute' pressure on the console (no "rel" is displayed on the console when it is displaying absolute pressure). If you know the correct figures, you can alternatively enter them manually directly into the .ini files and not bother to update the detailed log or the daily summary log. What do the various wind speeds in Cumulus 1 correspond to, with Fine Offset stations? Finally, replace just the one file "Cumulus.exe" in your installation by the patch available from. When Weather Underground senses no data for at least 2 hours, their system often de-lists your station. For example, the free hosting provider 000webhost.com do not. This FAQ in the previous section #Where_does_Cumulus_get_its_this_month_and_this_year_rainfall_totals_from.3F has a concise description of how Cumulus calculates these figures. on the front page. Operating System: Pi & MX. Recent builds of Cumulus 1 back up some of the log files each time the software is restarted in the backup folder and each time it processes a rollover it stores the log files as they are at the start of a new day in the daily folder. Probably some of your inserts used the wrong format (blank rows, fields with real numbers where integers expected, alternatively missing or duplicated fields). So the Fine Offset is reporting gust correctly to WMO definition. by andyjrb Tue 01 Dec 2009 11:51 pm, Post Go to the web site ( weewx.com) and it lists the weather stations that it supports. What character encoding does Cumulus use for the web pages it generates? Turn on the FTP logging in the configuration menu to see the technical detail. If Cumulus finds an 'impossible' value, it will ignore all data from your station. the millibar units that the station works with) and that this circumvention generally stops Cumulus from agreeing with the relative pressure displayed on the console. I don't seem to be able to do anything about this, as the 'crash' is not in code that I have control over. Obviously this cure will not work if your station type does not have a logger (one is needed for Cumulus to read old readings again). They can't both be running at the same time, so one would normally be plotting 'live' data at a given interval, and the other will be plotting data downloaded from the station's logger. The yesterday values on the Main Screen under "Recent Extremes" are not shown correctly: If you are viewing or editing log files at the time when rollover takes place, it is likely that some parts of the daily rollover will fail. You may find help on the forum or elsewhere on this wiki for the FTP call and for 'Files' tab settings. First of all, check. Once the data stream is resumed, I've seen them take anywhere from an hour to over a day to put your station back into the system. The graphs are not intended to show all of the highs and lows, they are there to give an idea of the trends. I didn't design the algorithm myself and to be honest I don't know how it works, so I can't answer any questions about it. Your Windows regional settings are the same (i.e. copy all of the files from the backup folder into the Cumulus data folder. There's no easy solution to this, sorry. In total for version 1.9.2, it's about half a megabyte - about 100kB for the pages (about half of that is the gauges.htm page with all the detailed wind plotting points, and half the other pages) and 400kB for the variable images (moon phase, some gauges images and trend graphs - the exact size of latter can vary if you change the period they cover). The problem where Cumulus locks up when the Fine Offset station doesn't respond is fixed in version 1.9.4. The example reads the value "temp_c" (Temperature Celsius) from the XML file. After a while, it will 'settle down' and not flash so often. 'year.ini' and 'month.ini' record extremes shown for this year and this month, the diagnostics logs created in the sub-folder. Sure, it'll add another data field and a bit more memory etc, but if you give users the option in the setup? Do make sure you have exited out of the built-in viewer or editor before rollover is due. Do not use Notepad. All the derived calculations (maximum and minimum in a day, apparent temperature, average temperature,and many more will be more accurately calculated if based on the most possible measurements at consistent intervals. by RayProudfoot Wed 02 Dec 2009 11:51 am, Post There are a number of reasons for this; the fact that Cumulus supports an 0900-0900 day, and the weather station does not, and the fact that typically Cumulus maintains far more high/low values than the station does, and these need to be self-consistent. for a push button operated model, press 'menu' key 4 times for pressure mode, press 'enter' to move to relative pressure setting, press 'up' or 'down' to adjust value. Cumulus provides the option for you to use rollover at 9am winter time that is preserved throughout the year so all days are 24 hours long even when clock changes, simply click "Use 10am in summer" on the Station settings. rain in last 24 hours). The exception to this is with Davis stations, in the situation where the 'high gust' figure has been read directly (as a way of ensuring that the high gust isn't missed) rather than by the usual reading of the current data. As mentioned elsewhere if option 1 does not work, you can choose an older back-up and rewind back further providing the information is in the station logger. High near 68, with temperatures falling to around 64 in the afternoon. More than one instance of Cumulus running (see. As above, you probably have Cumulus set to calculate a 10-minute average, and your station logger period is 10 minutes or longer, so your gust comes out the same as the average when using data from the logger. A converter for Weather Display log files is available from software page, A converter for WeatherLink log files is available from Software page. They're cotton ball clouds, popcorn clouds, and the clouds in the opening scene of The Simpsons. If you are using an earlier version of Cumulus 1, do upgrade now, If you are using the final version of Cumulus 1, and your drop down dates do not run to 2030, then you need to follow this last instruction and apply the patch. An attempt to compare the conflicting siting standards that apply across the world is included in a portable document format guide from Campbell Scientific. How do I include extra items on supplied web templates? When the average person is asked to visualize a . See Wiki article referenced in previous answer. You are about to report this weather station for bad data. Most wind vanes have a large surface that follows the wind and a thin end that points where the wind comes from, it is the latter direction that is reported. The error message may say something like "List index out of bounds". I copied an update request from the debug log, pasted it into Firefox, changed the time to be in the past, and sent it. with no leading 'slash'. What file-names does Cumulus use when processing and uploading files to my web site? The file strings.ini is used to customise the description associated with extra sensors. This also applies to 'Select-A-Graph', which takes its data from the data logs; the highs and lows do not necessarily appear in the periodic data logs. Do I need to leave Cumulus running all the time, Moving Cumulus software to a new PC (or updating Windows Operating System). In this video I take a look at the Cumulus weather app for Debian and Ubuntu Linux Distributions. The standard first template page contains

<#location> weather

, so do not include 'weather' in your station name (this is what the tag <#location> represents, see next answer) to avoid it being duplicated. Fine Offset and La Crosse), Cumulus simply takes the rain total from the last five minutes and calculates a rate based on that; e.g. Next choose Region option. Low 59F. Note that Cumulus 1 will only flag errors in the log files that it reads (e.g. The console keeps overwriting the newly received 'Gust' and 'Wind' values to the same area of console memory every 48 seconds, until the station logging interval time is reached, then it moves on to the next memory location, leaving the last values it wrote in the previous console memory location. You still may need, as explained in the relevent Wiki entries, to delete a single line from your monthly log file with rogue values, and correct any incorrect extremes that have been recorded in the various record log files. Cumulus will create a copy of each of the logs (.ini and .txt) in the backup folder, both at end of day rollover, and when the software is (re-)started. Then add the weewx - mqtt driver add-on which can be used to send various data to mqtt sensors in Home Assistant. Please see Correcting_Extremes page for further advice. The NOAA monthly and annual pages are uploaded once a day, that is another 8kB for a full month and full year, obviously less at the start of a month/year. Cumulus will store full weather records, along with daily and all-time records, and graphical data. Fine Offset sensors measure wind over 48-second intervals, divided into 24 2-second intervals. Cumulus does not directly support languages other than English. There is no corresponding setting for amending the total for the first 'this month' of Cumulus operation. It generates timestamps based on the clock in the device you run Cumulus on. If Cumulus doesn't start reading the data from the new station, stop Cumulus and start it again. If 'Calculate 10-min wind average' and 'Use speed for avg calculation' are both selected; the average of the Fine Offset 'Wind' values read over the previous N (configurable, defaults to 10) minutes is reported. Obviously if you use customised web pages, then you need the corresponding templates in the new installation. Though they come in different shapes and sizes, they're generally the easiest type of cloud to pick out of the ten different cloud types. Cumulus allows you to apply such a factor to either just wind speed, or wind speed and gust speed, by using the Calibration screen within the configuation menu. In general, if Cumulus 1.x.x identifies an odd value for up to 6 times, it will reuse the last good value instead. Cumulus does include some code to try to ignore some obvious rain errors: Because many positive values are realistic, Cumulus generally will accept those odd increases as a result of accidental knocking of a tipping bucket gauge, due to wind effects on the gauge, or even due to the station electronics generating a rogue reading. Cloudy. See Customised_templates#Changing_the_Standard_Templates for fuller description. I've just tried it, and it works. Station in Use: Aercus WS 1093. I would be happy to be proven wrong, and would add the code to do it if it works. For stations which don't supply a rain rate (e.g. by RayProudfoot Wed 02 Dec 2009 11:35 am, Post Follow the cross-references if you are unsure which parameter is what. How do I request a new feature for Cumulus 1. Note that this situation can also occur if you close Cumulus and then start it up again very soon afterwards, for similar reasons. No 'design' went into it, it was really just a prototype. at change of month or year), or if you think you might have some rogue figures. If you do change the standard templates, take a copy of your new versions, and store elsewhere. See the Cumulus Help for this screen for further details. After that time, a problem with reading temperature, humidity, wind, or pressure, means Cumulus cannot calculate derived values, the last successful read is considered too stale to reuse, and by default Cumulus will stop any further processing. Please ensure the image is not too large and bear in mind it will appear on the bottom left of the page; the site data may cover some of the image. I am guessing they feel it has to be looked at personally by someone before going back online. The only situation where it would be valid to compare the graphs would be if neither were running at the times you are comparing, and both subsequently downloaded the same data from the logger. Note that Cumulus does not send minimum and maximum values to PWS and WU, they determine those themselves from the individual values that Cumulus sends. Why does a standard gauges web page have text where it should show gauges? How do Fine Offset stations handle Daylight Saving Time? Look near the beginning of the latest file in the sub-folder called 'diags' for an error message which will tell you which file is in error and which line is causing the problem. If you swap from Cumulus 1 to Cumulus MX, remove this pressure offset, the latest release of MX is much better at communicating with a Fine Offset weather station and rarely needs use of this offset. Ive zoomed a graph, how do I get it back to full size? The Davis DLL which Cumulus 1 uses never downloads the latest archive record. This also happens if your anemometer has a fault. Assuming it doesn't change unexpectedly again, you should find that the rain figure is only affected for one day, and then you can amend if necessary subsequently as per other sub-answers here. The fact that it works with several different types of weather station means that much of it is a compromise; it doesn't use certain features of the weather station which it could use if it were dedicated to that type of weather station. The Configuration menu, Station setting screen (near bottom) has option to enter there the rainfall total for the bit of the year (starting month can be selected here too) until when you first start using Cumulus. Look in C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files\Cumulus - note that this is a 'hidden' folder. This means there will be no loss of precision when storing locations entered as decimal values via the. find the backup folder with the appropriate timestamp. How do I change the "Welcome to." on template page. But my experiments with this (a long time ago) suggested that it didn't work. 2 Likes. See Setting up your website in Cumulus help for a simple guide to the sub-folder structure you need to create and the list of files that need to be uploaded manually when first installing a website. (Uploading if you do not host your own server is described at upload dayfile but basically you swap the copy command for a FTP command). Note that the World Meteorological Office definition of a wind gust is the mean wind speed over a 2 to 3 second sample period (not the maximum instantaneous wind speed). You should now run Weatherlink, and attempt to connect to the weather station in serial mode. If you think you know what conditions cause this to happen, please let me know. Cumulus 1.9.4 build 1093 changed all the template pages from XHTML 1.0 Transitional using charset=iso-8859-1 encoding to HTML 5 using charset="UTF-8" encoding. can't delete, can't insert, can't rename ). Vilppula Weather, Finland - Stats. Format information is also in the Cumulus 1 help file, in the section Data log file format. This does not appear to cause any problems, you can just close the error message. You can also use the 'spike removal' settings on the calibration page, and Cumulus will then filter out large changes in readings. How do I upload my own pages or files once a day? Hi Andy and welcome to the forum. In Cumulus, hit the "File" tab, and select "Web Update". Otherwise, go into Control Panel on your PC (not "Settings" as is normal for Windows 10 Operating system) and open the Clock and Region section. You may want to read Correcting_Extremes for more information, but here is a summary. Weather. You may be able to circumvent this by missing out step 1 above, and before you run Cumulus 1 for the first time, creating a today.ini file in the data folder, with just the items shown above in the file. date format unchanged, same time zone, decimal point symbol unchanged, list separator character unchanged) - if there is a difference, the new installation cannot understand the old lines in the log files and will give an error when Cumulus is restarted. Fine Offset - USB-connected stations which use the Easyweather software such as MyDEL, Nevada, Watson and Fine Offset, with model numbers such as WH1080, WH1081, W8681, 265NC etc. Note that you need to stop and then restart Cumulus to update these initial values that are stored in memory and get any corrections you made to rogue values in the daily summary log (or year-to-date) reflected on the main Cumulus screen and in web tags. Try using a manual FTP operation (with your own FTP client) and see if that works. High 72. The Fine Offset stations only store absolute/station pressure readings in their weather memory locations updated with each transmission and read by Cumulus. Cumulus hasn't been running for a while). If the time-stamp that it supplies does not exactly match the time-stamp of an entry in the Davis logger, the station has a strange 'feature' where it decides to send the entire contents of the logger. So often the easiest method would be to find the latest backup from before the error occurred, and copy the alltime.txt and/or monthlyalltime.txt file from the backup to the Cumulus data folder. Once you have corrected the daily totals (or high rainfall rates) in dayfile.txt, you can use the editors (on the Cumulus 1 edit menu) for 'This Month' and 'This Year' to fetch the corrected values from dayfile.txt (or enter figures manually). Remember, that invented rain can affect monthly, annual, all-time, and monthly_all_time extreme records, and you may need to edit these as described in sub-answers below. To edit the count reported by Cumulus, stop Cumulus and edit the today.ini log file by changing the integer value. Cumulus shows real time weather, 5 day future forecast, chance of rain and wind speeds. If you have set a 'year to date' value and Cumulus is being re-started when the year specified beside that figure matches the current calendar year, your year-to-date amount is also added into this year's total. Rain Rate corrections apply only to Fine Offset and La Crosse stations (which are known to occasionally produce faulty rain readings). The highest of the station's 'Wind' value in a 10 minute period will then display as Cumulus 'Gust'. just re-started Cumulus and you are only getting bad data when you start Cumulus up (i.e. It's a good idea to then update the driver to the latest version from the Silicon Labs web site, particularly if you use Windows 7 or later. Follow the format of any existing entries for specifying additional files. You may find a link on your Start menu under 'Weatherlink'. See screenshots, read the latest customer reviews, and compare ratings for Cumulus Weather. Also for the interval, 10 minutes is sufficient. Cumulus clouds are detached, individual, cauliflower-shaped clouds usually spotted in fair weather conditions. Click on the Station screen in Configuration menu and Edit the Description field within the Location frame to amend what the tag <#longlocation> represents in "Welcome to <#longlocation>." The value labelled 'Latest'('<#wlatest>', matching direction is '<#currentwdir>' and '<#bearing>') by Cumulus is Fine Offset console 'Gust' value. You will need a FTP tool. You can look in. On restart Cumulus just tries to read the appropriate number of hours worth of observations back from the block now marked as latest. Can I import logged information from before I installed Cumulus? When Weather Underground senses no data for at least 2 hours, their system often de-lists your station. Alternatively, if the web templates are listed in cumulus.ini (and for the first 10 appear on the files tab of Internet dialogue of Configuration menu), the Process option must be ticked for the web pages generated by Cumulus to have values replacing the Webtags. It is calculated using the Ryan-Stolzenbach formula, and uses the 'transmission factor' configurable in the station settings to allow for the effect of transmission through the atmosphere. You may need to restart Cumulus at this point. Citizens Weather Observing Program (CWOP) Configuration for Cumulus Software Users (Last updated: 13 Aug 2016) These instructions assume you already have setup Cumulus either for home use, or to upload data to another server (e.g., Weather Underground). But I'm not even sure that the right data is available from the loggers of some weather stations to be able to a proper upload anyway? The built-in dayfile.txt editor is used if it is necessary to amend the daily totals (to correct any monthly, rain season, or calendar year, totals); the built-in all-time (or monthly records) editor(s) is used if it is necessary to regenerate the extreme records from dayfile.txt; see FAQ about correcting incorrect rainfall displays. It's a known problem with HP computers; they have missing fonts. As a guide, the default image is 600 x 450 pixels. How do I remove Inside Temperature graph, or add solar/UV/sunshine, to Trends Web Page? Cumulus MX Current (releases since b3043), CumulusMX Beta (releases up to b3043 ONLY), Cumulus 1 (No longer being developed), Cumulus Software and Cumulus Wiki Development, Cumulus MX Development Suggestions (rejected / resolved). How do I enable debug logging in Cumulus? Once the data stream is resumed, I've seen them take anywhere from an hour to over a day to put your station back into the system. It may just be a temporary ftp problem. To show sunshine instead, replace 'intemp.png' with 'sunshine.png', replace 'intempsm.png' with 'sunshinesm.png', and change the wording of the value associated with the alt property. Road Snowfall Warnings from the Metservice. Cumulus takes a backup of most of the active data files when it starts up, and also at the start of the meteorological day (just after midnight for a lot of users). This answer describes a way to see the same information for the month (or year) that fairly recently ended. Instead, it maintains its own high/low data from individual readings. High near 59, with temperatures falling to around 57 in the afternoon. Both flavours of Cumulus also take a copy of all files as a new day starts and store those in a folder within the sub-folder daily (within folder backup). You should first make sure that you can use the station with Weatherlink, in serial mode. Connect your weather station before you start Cumulus, When you first run Cumulus 1, it displays the, Davis Vantage Pro (VP), Vantage Pro2 (VP2), and Vue (the Envoy8X is, Oregon Scientific WM918, WMR918, WMR928, WMR968, WMR88 (see. Weather Underground STOPS API keys. 7. for all of them, but only selecting FTP? It can also be used for the optional files mentioned in the previous answer or to update a database using a PHP batch job. As long as you are running Cumulus (at least occasionally), Cumulus will have downloaded the data it needs from the console, so the console is free to overwrite the oldest data when it needs to. Cumulus calculates these when it is restarted, holds the values within memory, and increments them as required while it is running. The meaning of CUMULUS is heap, accumulation. Note that you are likely to get bad data logged if you do this. Site is using Leuven Template and site data is updated every 5 mins. How do I make Cumulus 1 run automatically when Windows starts? Locate the Cumulus 'web' folder on your PC and edit the following files (there are comments in the html to guide you): BELOW ONLY APPLIES TO CUMULUS 1. Hmm. The horizon is well defined and the outline of objects might be visible without artificial light. Under Internet Settings - Sites/Options. If you need to, you can specify a year-to-date total to add in for the period up to the point where you started using Cumulus, so that your first years total is correct. Cumulus was yes, past tense a beautiful desktop weather application for the Linux desktop. maybe your file transfer is not working, turn ftp logging on for technical output, and look for any filenames and any 'successfully transferred' messages. He invited donations, but didn't make a living from Cumulus. BobW55 Forecaster Posts: 109 Joined: Thu Sep 28, 2017 11:43 pm Location: Michigan USA Station model: Davis Pro2 Software: Cumulus. That said, many Cumulus users do turn their devices off when they are not around, to save energy or reduce fire risk; and accept that the quality of the derivatives output is poorer and that some extremes may be missed, some averages might be biased etc. Welcome to the Cumulus Wiki, this community Wiki is for sharing knowledge of the CumulusWeather Station software. For the standard files, you can substitute any of the file names for indexT.htm, e.g. The WMO says the rain gauge should at a distance away of 2 times the height of each nearby object (buildings, trees, walls, solid fences etc.) One common cause of web pages appearing to be of size zero, or not uploading with new contents when Cumulus attempts to use FTP, is that your firewall (or your FTP server) has limited the allowed operations (e.g. It doesn't. The moon rises (or sets) approximately 50 minutes later, on average, each day. The reading interval depends on weather station being used, but Cumulus will always read at least once a minute, so it can keep going for just 6 minutes. Just replace STATIONID with the station id from Wunderground you have. Today's totals, highs and lows (and yesterday's rain total) are held in today.ini in the Cumulus data folder. January 3 2015 - Build 3000. The Cumulus 'data' sub-folder has been copied across. Please regard the forecast as 'for entertainment purposes only'. But I strongly recommend that you don't have your computer set to go into any form of standby while Cumulus is running - it's continuously gathering real-time data, after all, so it's a rather strange thing to do. If you have selected 'rapid fire', the data is uploaded every 5 seconds, and the interval you configure in Cumulus is not used. An edit or file transfer in progress (the Cumulus thread for logging and the Cumulus thread for FTP are independent so can overlap). This is because the console memory does not time-stamp the data blocks and each memory location simply contains the number of minutes elapsed since the previous memory location was last updated. Cumulus also stores the peak value of the 'latest' figure from the last 10 minutes. If they do not, then presumably the station has had some kind of internal problem, so Cumulus doesn't try to read any data from it. Use FTP tool to replace the weatherstyle.css on your website. If your all-time records, or month-by-month all-time records have been affected, in Cumulus 1 you can use the built-in editors. This could be used to upload the pages with the longer term extremes (as your monthly, annual and all-time extremes may only change a few times a month or even less frequently) and so reduce the upload burden at the standard uploading frequency. When this resets at the end of the year, this causes some of the rain data to show odd values for a day. The routines I use to calculate (at midnight GMT) the length of the day aren't really suitable for this level of accuracy and may use the previous day in one parameter. Calculates these figures next in the afternoon step of the trends re-started Cumulus it Assumes a certain level of weather station in serial mode close Cumulus and open the folder where Weatherlink was,! As 600, makes no sense as this is most noticeable with gusts. 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