Nemesis - Goddess of Revenge. The reader has already seen the striking marks of similarity in the history of Cristna and the stories related of Jesus in the Romish and heretical books. He is usually seen holding either a scepter or a thunderbolt. Many people attacked the series, accusing it of blackwashing.. The infant God in the arms of his black mother, his eyes and drapery white, is himself perfectly black. Ancient sources told several different stories about Orion; there are two major versions of his birth and several versions of his death. She was the Goddess of the kingdom of Folkvang and of the immense Sessrymnir. Not surprisingly, years later the story of the God-King and his divine son appear in many other cultures. III. While there were probably black people living in Greece at various points in history, they would have still been an extreme minority, it is extremely doubtful that any of the gods or goddesses were thought of as such. Assuming everything is racist is in its self racist in my eyes as its drawing clear lines in the sand where there aught not be. Greek and Roman writers often incorporated myth into their work as its legendary status was associated with sophistication and a learned mind. 1. During a stop along the wandering path of his journey home, the great hero Odysseus encounters the sorceress Circe, who tries to transform him into a pig in order to keep him with her. Everyone is all upset about Zeus and Achilles being black, but no one is upset about any of the shows other deviations from traditional iconography. For Memnon, there are no clear sources if he was considered as white or black. I had just finished reading the great book Song of Achilles and built up a mental picture of what Achillies may have looked like. Also, during nearly a decade of working as a sexual assault survivor advocate, when I finally got *one* disclosure of a black man raping a white woman, she reported (it isnt the majority of women who report and this was a date rape on campus, usually handled in house). I know it got horrible ratings; I know most of the critics hated it; and I am sure everyone is probably going to lambast me in the comments for saying this, but I am still going to say it right away to make it clear. knowledge of which Greek and Eastern deities were worshiped in different parts of the Black Sea area during antiquity Hercules, Persus, Athene, Cassopia, Andromeda etc. I had to turn it off. But it isnt accurate, or fair, to reflexively presume that anyone who might simply prefer more true-to-life, or at least true-to-source depictions of iconic characters, is racist. Photo by Christer Waara/CBC Why the crow is black (According the the Greeks/Romans) Apollo, the son of the most powerful greek God Zeus, had an important, albeit tumultuous relationship with crows. Stick with these three and enjoy this meaning, as well as a true representation of power. Does the Word Dinosaur Really Mean Terrible Lizard? Criticism of Obamas policies Title IX etc-racist, dont support the Marxist principles behind BLM-racist, bring up statistics about black on white rape-racist and criticize the portrayal of Zeus as black then youre a racist. They would have looked like Greek people. I am an aspiring historian mainly interested in ancient Greek cultural and social history. If Genghis Khan was played by a red headed Irishmen or Cleopatra as a blonde haired blue eyed Scandinavian the masses would question the directors racial thought process. 7. Just keep in MindRead more . Spanish Proverb:- Africa empieza en los Pirineos. Was Corinth Really an Ancient City of Vice? It is true that, in ancient Greece, Achilles and Zeus were both consistently portrayed as what most people today would generally consider "white.". The offspring of King Minos' wife Pasiphae and a beautiful bull, the beast was beloved by its mother and hidden away by Minos in a labyrinth built by the magician Daedalus, where it fed on young men and women. ), ABOVE: Photograph from Wikimedia Commons of an ancient Greek black-figure vase painting dating to c. 550 c. 525 BC, showing the Aithiopian warrior Memnon with stereotypically African features. And there is no such thing as supremacy, that plays along with the delusional ideas Europeans created to be above every other race. Similarly, the representation of Aphrodite departs in a quite unexpected way from the somatic norm of the Greek figure. 8. Why not just get Greek actors, or at least those with a stereotypical Mediterranean physical appearance? The best evidence that Jesus was probably not white is the fact that he was born in the Middle East to Middle Eastern parents. One almost has to forget every thing ever learned. that they are an imitation of bronze: but the number that are left with white teeth, &c, let out the secret. And searching for this on Google only gives you the white wash version of most things. The same apparition of Jesus has eyes like flame, a face like the sun, and a sharp, double-edged sword coming out of his mouth. One of the most remarkable of these presents a dramatic confrontation taken from Homers Odyssey, the companion epic to The Iliad. Interestingly, the notion of a black Circe as skilled practitioner of spells reappears in our own time as the protagonist in Toni Morrisons Song of Solomon. The woods (wonder of wonders!) Does History Have a Presentism Problem? a magical goat-skin bag containing a serpent and protected by a Gorgon mask, was Athenes long before Zeus claimed to be her father. Woke politics and postmodernist social justice themes have infected every element of media, academia and now our very history; 1619 project et al. Is it necessary for me to point out to the reader in this pretty allegory the peopling of Europe from Phoenicia, and the allusion in the colour of the Bull, viz. Because it breaks immersion. Coeus (Koios) - Quick Facts. This strongly signals to me that all the outrage online over Zeus and Achilles being portrayed as black is not really outrage over the fact that the characters look different from how they are traditionally portrayed, but rather outrage over the fact that traditionally white characters are being portrayed specifically as black. No thunderbolt. (I suppose this only proves that whitewashing happened even as far back as ancient Greece.). I beg to differ, it certainly is blackwashing. Its happening across the board in all of western culture particularly the cinema but only in the west oddly. Ha ha, the truth hurts to so many people. 2. When he doesnt even have the hair or the beard, no one can tell hes supposed to be Zeus! 84. The rendering of the Olympian gods as a positive form of the racialized other is supported in the extensive modern literature on the subject. Of course not. The apparently mocking treatment of the black figures in the Judgment of Paris should be regarded as a calculated inversion of the usual relationship between the Greeks and their gods. Arachne in Greek mythology, was a Lydian woman, thought by some to be a princess, who was highly gifted in the art of weaving. The ancient Greeks told plenty of stories about the Aithiopians, or burnt-faced people, who lived on the far edge of the world, close to where the sun rises and sets. The scriptures clearly said his skin was like burnt brass, yet Europeans still took it upon themselves to make him look like a white man and confuse the world. This image is part of a weekly series that The Root is presenting in conjunction with the Image of the Black Archive & Library at Harvard Universitys Hutchins Center for African and African American Research. Apotheon. All this being said, I think that there is quite a bit of hypocrisy here when it comes to the people complaining about how the producers of Troy: Fall of City chose to portray mythical figures. You people flock to our culture, we dont really have any interest in yours, unless its by default and we have to study for a history test or something. If anything, the character of Agamemnon in the Iliad is even more of a pathetic jerk than the character in Troy: Fall of a City. Among the Etruscans, the masklike black face placed on the eaves of a sacred shrine served as a powerful means to repel evil forces, a quality incidentally attributed to the kabeiroi themselves. The legendary princess, Andromeda, was a mortal woman born to King Cepheus and Queen Cassiopeia. Myth: Seeing a Black Cat Brings Bad Luck Now I saw Zeus too, but had no idea who he was meant to be until I read this article. Hypnos - God of Sleep. (The poet) Aeschyluss, Suppliant Maidens, describes the Danides as Black and smitten by the sun. Anyways, now that I have that confession off my chest, let us move on to discuss how the show portrayed Zeus and Achilles and how the shows portrayal does not line with how the ancient Greeks imagined these characters. Im rambling now but I hope you understand where Im coming from. That bit really confused menot only because Troy falls in literally every other adaptation of the story, but also because the series itself is called Troy: Fall of a City. Atlas is a mythological Greek titan, who was responsible for holding up the heavens for eternity. Personally I dont care what nationality the actors are as long as the can ACT Greek. That would make complete sense. Fairly good article. Any time you look up an ancient person and their date of birth only has AD or BC, but no month or day, means they did not exists. Myths / Mortals / Sisyphus Sisyphus was the king of Ephyra ( Corinth) in Greek mythology. Ancient Greek Epic The Odyssey Mythology Historical Myth Sticker. Upon passing between two parishioners who were kneeling on the floor and praying, they died immediately. The murdered mens heads were buried at Lema, and their bodies given full funeral honours below the walls of Argos; .Athene and Hermes purified the Danaids in the Lemaean Lake with Zeuss permission. A black virgin and child among the white Germans, Swiss, French, and Italians!!! The God of the Waaqeeffata (followers of a native monotheistic religion in Ethiopia) is described as black (Waaqa gurraacha i.e. E.g. There is, in fact, a very good reason why the push for diversity in casting only goes one way; its because people of color have long been oppressed in the English-speaking world, and films and television shows made in the English-speaking world are overwhelmingly reserved for white people. If the makers of the show were trying to make it an accurate portrayal of the Aegean Bronze Age, Black Achilles would be the least of their historical inaccuracies. Neither the Iliad nor Troy: Fall of a City is an accurate representation of the Aegean Bronze Age. Published Dec 19, 2020. During the era of slavery, white rape of black women was apparently fairly common. Benin kingdom, Nigeria, 16th17th century, The moorish Medicus ordinarius or Army doctor, White slaves of Barbados on a sugar plantation: a picture story, The moors of anatolia and aegean islands: Black Turks and black Greeks the lausanne treaty 1924, African Origin of the Olympics: The Black Greeks, Moorish Kings of England: King James VI and I of Scotland and England 1566 1625 and his daughter, The Jews, the Hebrews and the Israelites: Not Your Same Old Same Old By Bishop, Black Arab Kuwaitis and White Arabized Kuwaitis, Charlemagne, the Moor and the Negrito Royalty of the Holy Roman Empire Marc Washingtons Perspectives, African Roots of Famous Euro-American Families, JENdA: A Journal of African Women Studies & Culture. Theseus promised his father that on return, he would hoist white sails if he was successful, and the crew would fly black sails if he had been killed. The most complete example is Theogony by the Greek poet Hesiod, who lived around the 8th century BC. Meanwhile, Aegyptus had come to Greece, but when he learned lphis sons fate, fled to Aroe, where he died, and was buried at Patrae in a sanctuary of Serapis, NOTE ON TEXT By Robert Graves When the siege was lifted a mass-marriage was arranged, and Danaus paired off the couples: his choice being made in some cases because the bride and bridegroom had mothers of equal rank, or because their names were similar thus Cleite, Sthenele, and Chrysippe married Cleitus, Sthenelus, and Chrysippus. Based on your article, it is limited at best. Your IP address has been banned from GodLikeProductions Thank you for not stalking! Blackwashing does not exist. His spouse was the nymph Merope, with whom he had four children; Glaucus, Ornytion, Almus, and Thersander. Do you think it unusual Very true. Were Achilles and Zeus Black in Greek Mythology? King Priam of Troy was well known for his many offspring, and some ancient sources would claim that he was father to 50 sons and 50 daughters, meaning that Paris had a lot of siblings, although amongst the most famous were Hector, Helenus and Cassandra. Franois Lissarrague, "Athenian Image of the Foreigner," translated by Antonia Nevill. Is there evidence for such multi-racial representation among the major players of the ancient Greek world of Homers Iliad and Odyssey? I agree with the others that said they would have prefered Greek actors over white. Black Panther worked great. Jesus was created by the Roman Imperial Family, and since they were pretty white it only makes sense that their new god for their new religion looks somewhat like they did. We have Actors that change there accent to fit the role. In our endeavours to recover the lost science of former ages, it is necessary that we should avail ourselves of rays of light scattered in places the most remote, and that we should endeavour to re-collect them into a focus, so that, by this means, we may procure as strong a light as possible: collect as industriously as we may, our light will not be too strong. The sacred precinct is named after the kabeiroi, underground deities worshipped in secret. Anglo-Saxon are using my culture and the religion of my ancestors for money purpose. At least the Black Africans cultivated and educated the Greeks once they had them firmly under their control. 1. At a site where the powerful and potentially dangerous Kabeiric mysteries were summoned, the normal place of Greek religion was given over to the protection of the sites resident forces. Caucasians are known culture vultures, they dont want to accept black people or any other culture unless its for their conveniency. * John, ch. The terrifying witch is said to live deep within a cave in Dane Hills, Leicestershire, and every so often she ventures out into the surrounding area . At left and center, respectively, Hera and Aphrodite are seated on the rocky slopes of Mount Ida, a sacred spot in the northwestern part of modern Turkey. You must have at least the decency to respect the original material. Further evidence that the ancient Greeks imagined Achilles as fair-haired comes from the fact that, when he was living as a woman on the island of Skyros, he is said to have taken the name (Prrha), which is derived from the Greek word (pr), meaning fire. Achilles is supposed to have taken this name because he had fiery red hair. ABOVE: Photograph from Wikimedia Commons of an early fourth-century BC Attic polychromatic terra-cotta vessel depicting the birth of Aphrodite, showing her with blond hair, ABOVE: Mural depicting the birth of Aphrodite from the Case di Venus in the Roman city of Pompeii, dating to the first century AD, showing her with black hair, To be clear, I am not saying that I have a problem with Aphrodite being a redhead in the show; I dont really have a problem with itjust like I dont really have a problem with Achilles being portrayed as black. The Greeks are the ones who did NOT get away. It is a decision productions are free to make as long as they own the reception, good or bad. Coeus (Koios) - Titan God of the North, the Rational Mind and Intellect. The Memnon shown in the portrait head from the Berlin Antikensammlung is reported to have been an extraordinarily talented student and orator, whom Herodes Atticus loved greatly. Thats why the Norse gods looked like Scandinavian and had Scandinavian values. For one thing, the show portrayed most of the major events leading up to the Trojan War, including the Judgement of Paris, Pariss return to Troy and Priams recognition of him as his son, Pariss visit to Sparta and his seduction of Helen, the recruitment of Odysseus for the Greek army, the sacrifice of Iphigenia, and other mythical events from the early years of the war, which is something very few modern adaptations have done. . So yes a white lady. Plato identified Athene, patroness of Athens, with the Libyan god-dess Neith, .. the aegis. Filming for the show took place in 2017, so Dayne was about twenty-nine or thirty years old at the time. Firstly they should have tanned all the actors / hired darker skin actors to better represent the hot climate, they should have at least tried to speak with less of an English accent. 14. NOTE ON TEXT by Anu Mauro No hair. For some characters in Black Clover, mythology and folklore become apparent in their backstories, and for others, it comes out in their spells. Left-to-right, top-to-bottom: the birth of Aphrodite, a revel with Dionysus and Silenus, Adonis playing the kithara for Aphrodite, Heracles slaying the Lernaean Hydra, the Colchian dragon regurgitating Jason in the presence of Athena, Hermes with his mother Maia, the Trojan Horse, and Odysseus 's ship sailing past the island of the sirens Coronis, daughter of Phlegyas, King of the Lapiths, was one of . No eagle. The Word Fatw Does Not Mean Death Warrant. j. Troy: Fall of a City depicts anthropomorphic deities with supernatural powers meddling in human affairs, prophets who can foresee the destruction of cities decades in advance, and all kinds of other wildly implausible things, but, for some reason, those dont seem to break immersion for you. For instance, the dialogue could have been much better and the pacing was rather uneven. Was he a character that was made up 100%. I dont understand what you mean with myth can change. This topic can go on for decades. His theories have about as much water to them as the theory that John F. Kennedy faked his own death and went on to orchestrate the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. Its that level of ridiculous. Add such big names as Athena, Patroclus, and Nestor among team Greece, to say nothing of notable leaders and allies among team Troy. I dont why people have a problem with with Black actors playing the part of Zeus and Achilles. Any contemporary reference which used BC in its dating system is obviously fabricated of course. So it really shouldnt come as some surprise that in a primarily white country the roles are cast with mostly white actors. I did answer the question. Nonetheless, some ancient Greek and Roman depictions of Memnon do clearly show him with African features. Im sorry, I cant. Beauty for the planetIf the beauty fan in your life is eco-friendlytake a gander at the Earthling Co.s delightful, giftable options. Any Bollywood movies which are screened in the USA need to have 13% of the cast be black. Netflix is becoming a buzzkill like the rest of pandemic 2020. The Aithiopians were supposedly beloved by the gods and they were among the few peoples among whom the gods could walk openly. Robert Graves The Greek Myths: 1. 2. Sure, there are modern portrayals of Aphrodite with red hair (William-Adolphe Bouguereaus Birth of Venus comes to mind), but I am not aware of any ancient ones. You help people dream." While some speculated over what Jordan may have meant in the full context . Aphrodites hair in Botticellis painting has always looked more blond than red to me personally, but, looking at it again, I could definitely see how someone could see it as red. Nestor, Antilochoss father, begged Achilles to kill Memnon and avenge Antilochoss death. Koroneis, a princess of Phokis (in central Greece), daughter of Coroneus. But just out of curiosity, what would be the significance to you, what would you want to prove if allowed to speak about black on white violence without being confronted with the historic context of that claim by racists? What do you think casting a Black woman as Queen Elisabeth would have done to the ratings? Ares. ABOVE: Engraving of a nude Memnon by the French engraver Bernard Picard (lived 1673 1733) depicting him as a black man, Hello! Medusa was the only Gorgon who was mortal; hence her slayer, Perseus, was able to kill her by cutting off her head. Anu Mauro. Beyond that, what I find most obnoxious about this sort of casting is that it only works in one direction. The apotropaic effect was greatly enhanced by the caricatural treatment of the subject, as seen in the representation of Aphrodite and Hermes on this skyphos. You mention the hair colour could have been misinterpreted but nowhere whas he descibed as African with no hair!! The image of black people plays a key role in the reconciliation between the everyday world of the Greeks and the more intimate experience of spiritual revelation. Helen seemed a little too old and menelaus did not feel right. Yes, it's stood the test of time that well. Because yes, unfortunately we greeks are totally invisible in those shows when it talk particularly about us. History has multiple real life examples of this fear of black on white rape as a pretext for lynching, carried out most famously against Emmett Till, a teenager who was brutally murdered for whistling at a white woman. The struggle by the Greeks to recover the already married Helen lasted 10 years and ended with the total destruction of Troy. Although the first two were immortal, Medusa was not. Considering the other peoples who ruled over the Greeks in history (Persians, Romans, Normans, Catalans, Venetians, Ottomans), the Black Africans were the best thing that ever happened to them. Malcolm X against the white American system, Shaka Zulu versus the British Empire, and Kublai Khans expansion westward. Cleopatra VII was a hellenized woman of 100% Macedonian ancestry. Mythology: Timeless Tales of Gods and Heroes by Edith Hamilton. That isnt oppression, thats marketing. Granted, Aphrodite was a somewhat less visible character in the show than Zeus and Achilles were, but you have to consider the fact that people only threw huge temper tantrums over changes to the characters appearances in cases of traditionally white characters being portrayed as non-white. NOTE ON TEXT by James Brunson According to many stories, Nyx is the mother of deities that control distinct elements of heaven . The dramatic story of the origins of humanity in Greek mythology involves love, pain, and a hefty dose of violent fighting between divine family members. He was the son of the Trojan prince Tithonos and the goddess Eos and he wore armor that had been forged by the god Hephaistos himself. He probably will not think that their effect is destroyed, as Mr. Maurice flatters himself, by the word Cristna in the Indian language signifying black, and the God being of that colour, when he is informed, of what Mr. Maurice was probably ignorant, that in all the Romish countries of Europe, in France, Italy, German, the God Christ, as well as his mother, are described in their old pictures and statues to be black. Black African Origins Of The Ancient Greeks Parts 1 and 2. Theogony: Clash of the Titans. Egyptian princesses of Elephantis and Memphis, Ethiopians, and the like. I must now request my reader to turn back to the first chapter, and to reconsider what I have said respecting the two Ethiopias and the existence of a black nation in a very remote period. 9 voices say that iam ancient Greek and one tha iam christian! Io was the daughter of Inachus, the river god, and Melia. We try to make the characters believable. Which of us is correct about the prevailing bias of our society? Apollo - God of Archery, Music, Poetry. Any attempt to have a white actor play a role of a prominent black historical figure would likely meet with enough backlash that the production would have to change their choice or be shut down. c. On Beluss death, the twins quarrelled over their inheritance, and as a conciliatory gesture Aegyptus proposed a mass-marriage between the fifty princes and the fifty princesses. In many cases the images are painted all over and look like bronze, often with coloured aprons or napkins round the loins or other parts; but pictures in great numbers are to be seen, where the white of the eyes and of the teeth, and the lips a little tinged with red, like the black figures in the Museum of the India Company, shew that there is no imitation of bronze. Born to Idmon, a famous dyer in Lydia, Arachne was no ordinary weaver and the very act of her weaving was sheer magic and a sight to behold. A lot of people have a hard time buying or even understanding the argument why colorblind casting is considered good when it benefits black actors than when it benefits white. It would be just as strange to see, say, Genghis Khan played by a white actor, or Henry VIII played by an Asian actor, just as it would be bizarre to see Shaka Zulu played by someone who isnt Black, or Pocahontas played by someone who isnt at least passingly Native American. ABOVE: A wider view of the polychromatic vase painting I showed earlier of Achilles killing Memnon, Ancient Greek depictions of Memnon as African, Much like other Aithiopians from Greek mythology, such as Kassiopeia, Kepheus, and Andromeda, in many ancient Greek depictions of him, Memnon actually looks like what we would normally call white, even though he is supposed to be an Aithiopian. A website and podcast that explores the hidden mysteries of human existence, consciousness, religion, and the very secret societies who operate their lights from within the shadows. In Greek mythology, Orion (/ r a n /; Ancient Greek: or ; Latin: Orion) was a giant huntsman whom Zeus (or perhaps Artemis) placed among the stars as the constellation of Orion.. For instance, an ancient Greek black-figure vase painting dated to between c. 550 and c. 525 BC that is currently on display in the Royal Museums of Art and History in Brussels portrays an Athiopian warrior (probably Memnon) with thick red lips, a short, broad nose, and a projecting lower facefeatures that have been stereotypically associated with Africans throughout history. I think you live in a racist society and have access to information and systems biased along racist lines and that you are probably experiencing things in your personal life that cause you to form this narrative. The toes are often white, the brown or black paint being kissed away by the devotees, and the white wood left. The one thing that a woman still posess from the Godly bloodline is reproduction of life. So it is okay to have an English king portrayed by a black actor, or a Greek god, etc, but it is most definitely NOT okay for a white actor to play Malcolm X or Shaka Zulu or Kublai Khan. She offers him the fateful potion, which he rejects with a surprised gesture. 1. None of this is to say that there is anything wrong per se with cross-racial casting. Even to this day some women are still more powerful than men. ABOVE: Map from Wikimedia Commons showing the world as it is described by the fifth-century BC Greek historian Herodotos of Halikarnassos in his Histories. Cerberus is the multi-headed dog that guards the entrance to the underworld in Greek and Roman mythology. The Most Beautiful Goddesses and Women in Greek Mythology #10 - Io. By Aconissa. The truth never works for those who dont want to believe especially when it doesnt make them all warm an fuzzy. The second particular to which Mr. Maurice desires the attention of his reader, is in the following terms: N, Let it, in the next place, be considered that Chreeshna, so far from being the son of a virgin, is declared to have had a father and mother in the flesh, and to have been the eighth child of Devaci and Vasudeva. View all posts by Spencer McDaniel. If the beauty fan in your life is eco-friendlytake a gander at the Earthling Co.s delightful, giftable options.

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