Each topic page has a leftmost column that shows an overview of all the other topics, making navigation easy. Standard API analytics will tell you which endpoints are used more often, so you can focus on certain parts of documentation and provide more useful info or create dedicated tutorials. Search and select the " ASP.NET Core Web API " template and click " Next ". Claro is a clean, accessible, and powerful administration theme. This will increase the usage and popularity of your APIs and encourage developers, testers, and integrators to use your API products. Like Twilio, Slacks documentation includes a menu on the leftmost side of the screen that lists topics and subtopics, making it easy to access the information you require. Microsoft, for example, has a huge range oftechnical documentationavailable for developers to access, but its directory makes it easy for users to quickly drill down to the information that they need. A pop-up will display allowing you to select a template from the gallery. The documentation provides clear examples illustrating how to use the API and includes a comprehensive list of all the available API methods. Check out the example. If they dont like an API, its most of the time because of junky docs, even if the product is actually great. observers like journalists, tech writers, and even competitors who wont necessarily use your API ever. An Overview This is similar to the abstract page of a project report. In this post, DreamFactory highlights eight of the best API documentation examples from well-known tools. Heres how to ensure regular and useful doc updates. There are many reasons why the Jira REST API documentation is great. Next time you read through your APIs reference, think about how you can apply one of these examples to your documentation. This will make it easier for users to understand what your API does and how to use it. Technical Product Proposal Documentation Details File Format MS Word Download 2. Each topic page has a three-column template: A menu that lists document topics on the left, the document itself in the middle, and a contents list for that article on the right. An Alignment object stores the alignment between these two documents, as they can differ in tokenization. Use this 28-page MS Word template to document your REST/Web APIs. Its usually assumed that devs will know how to send HTTP requests in their language of choice, but sometimes, API creators include requests in various languages. This is another end of the spectrum where explanations are abundant, but there are minimal examples of the actual code. Examples are usually presented as pieces of code, which are useful enough but can be made even more practical. Still, organizing large volumes of data, making it findable and easy to navigate is a complex task. Become a part of the worlds largest community of API practitioners and enthusiasts. The rest of PayPals documentation is just as helpful. Technical Project Presentation Documentation Template Details File Format PowerPoint Google Slides Apple Keynote PDF Download 3. Finally, click the Publish button within Stoplight Studio to generate the documentation for your API reference. The absolute lowest friction is to supply everything for the developer. One of the most useful parts of any documentation is the Getting Started guide. Mock APIs can be easily shared via a URL or on GitHub, and if done to a certain level of detail, even used in the final product. You will find complicated information broken down into smaller chunks with bullet points. A very nice and interesting, we are providing the Voice calling API those results in fewer dropped calls, lower phone bills, and improved call quality thereby boosting employee productivity and customer satisfaction. As a quick heads-up, these API reference docs are great for many more reasons than one. However, the Twitter API docs feel less like a mundane blog post, and more like an interactive guide theres a quick note of how many minutes read the page is, you can switch between different methods within the post, and the concluding Next Steps heading is always pointing you in the right direction. An API as any software product is created for a specific audience. A product directory that lists document topics in alphabetical order. News sources. Its design is clear, well-formatted, and manages to feel uncluttered even when delivering a vast amount of information. Can't make it to the event? In that case, it will usually treat documentation as the software - using git, markdown, and building it from the code - usually, docs as code model. Travel Booking. Well go through some of them. First, all of the documentation is written using the same font as GitHub for a better reading experience. An API Reference Page Note, for a GET /api/campaigns/ request the page parameter indicates which set of results to return. This wiki specifies a RESTful API for creating and managing cloud resources, including compute, storage, and networking components. Examples. If youve used a few ones, you know how to approach new docs. The Paypal team is also very responsive to questions and comments and is constantly improving the documentation. 2013-2022 Nordic APIs AB High In addition, the documentation is constantly updated to reflect changes in the API, making it an invaluable resource for developers. This will increase the usage and popularity of your APIs and encourage developers, testers, and integrators to use your API products. Source: Pawel Psztyc. Create fully responsive documents. Click edit. Here are some features of the most functional layout. Here are some of the man benefits of using Bit: Collaborate in real-time. But the audience for documentation is vast. Select 'From Template' in the dropdown. This template pack includes detailed examples, guidelines, and screenshots. SDK examples (if SDKs are provided) showing how to access the resource/method utilizing the SDK for their language Interactive experiences to try/test API calls ( API Console, API Notebook) They found what docs features are considered the most important in the community, giving us a list of the must-have documentation sections devs want to cover. You probably already know what functions people use your API for. Providing web requests in HTTP is the bare minimum for documentation. Prepare docs prior to the updates. By targeting the least experienced users. It helps you onboard developers faster, increase the number of integrations, reduce support requests, and enhance customer satisfaction. Note in the screenshot above that the sample code to POST a simple SMS using the Programmable SMS API includes code forNode.js,C#, PHP, Ruby, Python, Java, Curl, and other programming languages, as well as a sample JSON API response. API Docs, api documentation, dev docs, dev experience, developer experience, docs, documentation, Dropbox, dx, FAQ, GitHub, Stripe, Twilio, Twitter. A Microsoft Learn blog that provides additional information about topics in documents. It's a concise reference manual containing all the information required to work with the API, with details about the functions, classes, return types, arguments and more, supported by tutorials and examples. This API lets you read and write documents programmatically so that you can integrate data from various sources leveraging the power of Google Docs. as " TutorialWebApiDocumentation "), select the location that it will be saved, and click " Next ". It shouldnt need mentioning that there are plenty of code snippets which you can copy and paste over right away. But first, we need to understand what makes bad API docs. Signup to the Nordic APIs newsletter for quality content. Then . Although it may not be as popular an example as the others on this list, the Twitter API documentation is one of my personal favorites on a visual level. [Screenshot source:https://www.twilio.com/docs/usage/api], Twilios API documentationstarts with an introductory page that lists different documents for all of its products capabilities. The API gives you access to all of the supported functions of our service. Many pages also contain screengrabs that illustrate key points and help you learn the different features of this product. Not used very often, this layout allows you to have another column on the right for the code examples. With Aspose.Words you can generate, modify, convert, render, and print documents without utilizing Microsoft Word, that is, Microsoft Word is not required in order to use Aspose.Words. Its a good idea to include a changelog or release notes, such as thosepublished by PayPalfor their REST API, to make it easy for users to check what has changed recently. In addition, the documentation is constantly updated to reflect changes in the API, making it an invaluable resource for developers. Skype makes for a great documentation example as its software documentation is loaded with user-friendly features such as different navigation and sorting options. Postman understands GitHub Markdown content which is great to create rich API documentation, including images, code blocks, links, tables, etc. Maintaining your API documentationincluding adding documentation on new features and removing or flagging documentation on depreciated featuresensures your resource continues to be useful to developers. Create API documentation that is only visible to yourself or your colleagues. DreamFactory is an enterprise-grade API-as-a-Service platform enabling businesses to quickly create fully-documented REST APIs without coding experience. Watch this video for an inroduction to the API technology. Using the API. Class Libraries & REST APIs for the developers to manipulate & process Files from Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Visio, PDF, CAD & several other categories in Web, Desktop or Mobile apps. When writing user documentation, its important to remember your audience. Amazon Alexa API docs start with explaining what Alexa does and what benefit it can bring to the client. The code is editable, so users can make changes to see what effects these changes have. Documents generated by tools can become wordy and require editing. Although Spotifys web API docs are very typical, they have a lot of additional information in its Spotify for Developers platform. This template pack includes detailed examples, guidelines, and screenshots. what an endpoint does and what the guide will let users do, what youll need any accesses or accounts a user must get first. Introduction The Datumbox API is a web service which allows you to use our Machine Learning platform from your website, software or mobile application. To document the reference endpoints of an API, provide detailed information for each of these sections. The single container design, like with Dropbox and GitHub, directs all your attention to one place. The lesson: be beginner-friendly. The best API documentation reaches beyond simple accuracy. Status and errors. Postman allows you to publish documentation quickly and easily. If your API requires the use and understanding of third-party products and concepts like OAuth or npm, include links to docs or installation guides. It will also reduce the learning curve of the API in the long run. Versions Endpoints Often, this is a technical writer who knows how to speak to audiences of different skills, who can translate developers words into actionable points, who monitors the timely maintenance and updating of the docs. In no order of preference, here's some that caught our eye. API docs, or API description documents, are the collection of references, tutorials, and examples that help developers use your API. Use analytics to improve docs. Three-column layout. The lesson: save developer time wherever you can. [Screenshot source:https://api.slack.com/authentication]. impact blog posts on API business models and tech advice. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google, What Developers Hate in API Documentation, What is API: Definition, Types, Specifications, Documentation, Technical Documentation in Software Development: Types, Best Practices, and Tools, API Economy: Essentials and the Impact on The Software Business, developers who will intimately interact with the docs. API documentation is a technical content deliverable, containing instructions about how to effectively use and integrate with an API. Other things to note include: Users can indicate whether they found a document to be helpful or not, and share their feedback. Its not written using simple human language. In this post, DreamFactory highlights eight of the best API documentation examples from well-known tools. Always keep the contents in sight. APIs make the world go round. REST/Web API Documentation Template (MS Word) Use this 28-page MS Word template to document your REST/Web APIs. Google News . 2. The API documentation describes the common components used by each of the APIs for iOS, Android, and other platforms. What We Love About It The docs have to be reviewed often, at least once every few months. If we missed one, let us know here. You can use these examples for inspiration when creating your API docs. Another one of our top 8 API documentation examples is Slack. Your docs are your main marketing tool if people love them, they will use your API over competitors and drive the community around it. Example.__init__ method. If developers are running into issues with their implementation, one glance tells them whether it may or may not be server-related. This includes information on how to create and configure your PayPal account and how to use the API to accept payments, create transactions, and more. Step 4: Create Your Desired Document. To keep you informed of the bigger picture, though, well refer back to this five-part checklist of documentation basics throughout the post: Authentication guide Quickstart guide Endpoint definitions Code snippets Example responses . The documentation for GitHubs REST API is also praised frequently by developers. The Read more:7 Tips for Designing Great API Documentation. These API documentation examples show how important it is to properly document your APIs. Automatically create fully-interactive documentation as soon as you create a new API. Pay with PayPal. to populate your documentation page with dynamic examples and machine-readable instructions so you can easily share your API with the rest of the world. You'll then be required to fill in the mandatory field and select a category for your app. Although docs are just the tip of the iceberg of all the help Twilio shares there are SDKs in several languages and sample apps for iOS, Android, and web. #2) Now let's add some info in markdown format to the collection. Regularly remove deprecated data. The Dropbox API documentation is yet another fantastic example of excellent reference documentation. Best practices for using developer tools. JSON API Request Documentation Represents request for a new meeting from an online calendar. The PayPal REST API Documentation provides all the information you need to get started using the PayPal REST API. Use this easy-to-use template to write API reference documents. May 05, 2022; 2 minutes to read; This section provides a full list of examples (grouped by features) contained in this help. It has aneasy-to-read quickstart guide, great navigation, and clearly explains everything a developer might need to know. API Features Live News Available on: All plans. Finally, the documentation is constantly updated to reflect API changes, so users always have the most up-to-date information. Facebook provides a clear reference for beginners and follows the getting started process step by step. It is well-organized but is not always easy to navigate. Once you login to your account the base URL for your API requests will be shown here. Instead of using the same two-panel design as other contenders on this list, Dropbox gets you to choose your programming language of choice first, and then provides tailored documentation for that language. Authentication guide Quickstart guide Endpoint definitions Code snippets Example responses . Facebook keeps Its data in a central server, whether you are using your Facebook Account from a browser on your Desktop or in your Smartphone Application. Application Programming Interface or API is a concept in software technology that defines the interactions between multiple applications and data exchange. This not-so-slick maneuver does nothing for your marketing. Generate your No Code REST API now 1. Twilio has famously good API docs. Introduced with Office 2016, the Word JavaScript API provides strongly-typed objects that you can use to access objects and metadata in a Word document. Clicking on one of these documents will take you to a separate page with a menu on the leftmost side of the screen that lists topics and subtopics, making it easy to find the content you need. | Supported by, 5 Examples of API Documentation With Great Developer Experience, A getting started page for fast integrations. All examples in this document use the Javadoc-Style (can be used in C#, Go, Dart, Java, JavaScript, PHP, TypeScript and all other Javadoc capable languages): /** * This is a comment. Errors are often put on a dedicated page of the docs, but it makes sense to duplicate some of them directly under the endpoint where they surface the most. The most popular docs are also listed on the main page, as well as help and support links. Stripes biggest strength is how it displays documentation. If youre using a documentation generator, the layout is already decided for you. Authenticationarrow_forward. This happens because theres no established process for docs updates and its no ones responsibility. The usual Was this page helpful? message will let you know how well youre addressing devs questions and the feedback form will be used often as long as you deliver on it. Take a look at the FAQ page for lots of tips on how to get things done. Theres a reason technical documentation is usually not written by developers themselves its the job of technical writers, experts in translating tech aspects into a readable format. No, the navigation bar doesnt distract nor does it steal precious screen space. For example, API Console automatically generates docs from RAML and OpenAPI formats and helps you run it on your existing web application or as a standalone app. The three-column layout on the main page provides users with options to find documents for maps, routes, and places. Developer documentation for all DevExpress products. But in this piece, you'll be introduced to seven API examples, including: Twitter Bots. The lesson: dont overdo it. #1) Create a collection with 3 requests i.e. We have added metadata information about the REST API such as API name, author, website, license and . 2. Educate on external tools. Covering everything from cryptocurrencies to medicine, and now APIs, you can find out more about Thomas on LinkedIn or on his website at http://thomasbush.co. Documentation is the only touchpoint youll have with most of your audience, so you need to learn to communicate clearly through it. Show where to start. Its specifically passionate about the things they dont like. Stripe and Twilio are two great examples of documentation done right. There's also a Twitter and Slack community for developers. Google API documentation includes a few other nice touches, such as a flask symbol for features currently in beta mode. Its available only to registered users. The best tip here is to make it someones job. Find Your API First, you'll go find your API in the Akana developer portal and go to the details page. Sounds more professional use these examples to your API reference does a fantastic job copy-paste. By creators started and API URLs ) found/inaccurate/hasnt been updated in years, etc. documentation information the same as. Start with explaining what Alexa does and how to create them new & x27. 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