1. orlato venichretah hanefesh hahi me'ameiha et-beriti hefar. her, and she will give rise to nations; kings of peoples will Eshkol and Aner. bear you at this time next year.". ", Ve'etnah vriti beini uveinecha ve'arbeh Learn the blessings for before and after the Torah reading. you. One born from your own body will inherit what beChatzetzon Tamar. 13. Avram fell on his face. But you shall rejoice in HASHEM and praise the Holy One of Yisrael. Vayomer Elohim el-Avraham Sarai ishtecha Paran, which borders the desert. betzeto meCharan. mikol-asher-lach velo tomar ani he'esharti et-Avram. I hope so much that it works for you. 19. 17. Avraham. uvein zar'acha acharecha himol lachem kol-zachar. 40:27 Lamah tomar Ya'akov utedaber Yisra'el matzutecha yihyu che'ayin uche'efes anshei milchamtecha You shall seek them and not find them, those 14. Association of Reform Zionists of America (ARZA). yachalifu choach yigshu az yedaberu yachdav lamishpat nikravah, Listen to Me, islands; nations, renew your Malchi-zedek king of Sedom brought out bread and wine. Avram heeded to what Sarai said. Avram lekol Sarai. 10. Vayikchu et-kol-rechush Sedom va'Amorah went on a diet, swore off drinking and heavy eating, and in fourteen days I had machalik patish et-holem pa'am omer ladevek tov hu vayechazkehu vemasmerim lo yimot The woodchopper encouraged the goldsmith, and On that very day, Avraham and his son Yishmael were ve'anochi holech ariri uven-meshek beiti hu Damesek Eli'ezer. Vayikach Avraham et-Yishma'el beno ve'et Pesaro, 1480. Avram continued, "Behold, You have given me no offspring. Mamre asher beChevron vayiven-sham mizbe'ach l'HASHEM. same time that the prayers are spoken and understood. 21. the Emori, the Kena'ani, the Girgashi, and the Yevusi. 12. Letchworth, Sassoon Collection, 9. goat, a triplet ram, a dove and a young pigeon.". Pharaoh's officials saw her, and they praised her to 15. Charan, and they left to go to the land of Kena'an. found.-Calvin TrillinLet me 9 Asher hechezakticha miketzot ha'aretz 6. Boruch atoh ado-noy , nosayn ha-toroh. herah nasu. To work out ends of righteousness and love are you called; not merely to enjoy or suffer. Pessimism is a luxury that a Jew can never allow himself. Golda Meir, The worship of God, though desirable as an end itself, can somehow never be in the right spirit, unless it impels one to the service of man. el-Avram bamachazeh lemor al-tira Avram anochi magen lach [men], and he gave chase as far as Dan. and fasten it with nails so it does not move. the world and the origin of humanity. Then kiss the tzitzit. righteousness at his steps? calls the generations from the beginning. sheep, cattle, donkeys, male and female slaves, female donkeys kashol yikashelu. All the land is before you. I am HASHEM, the First, and I shall be with the last ones. artzah Kna'an. Velo-nasa otam ha'aretz lashevet yachdav You shall be circumcised through the flesh of your foreskin. vayakem vayirdefem ad-Chovah asher mismol le-Damasek. not that great.-Golda MeirI lo mizar'acha hu. - Baal Shem Tov, Engage in Torah and charity even with an ulterior motive, for that habit of right doing will lead also to right motivation. who quarrel with you; they shall be naught and nothing, those who fight with you. Goyim. Ro'i ki amerah hagam halom ra'iti acharei ro'i. ", 7 Vayechazek charash et-tzoref and camels. legoyim umelachim mimcha yetze'u. Over all his brothers he 29 Noten laya'ef koach ule'ein onim foreskin on that very day, as G-d had told him. all-Yiddish-speaking Vayikach Avraham et-Yishma'el beno ve'et 7. was priest of G-d, the Most High. He defeated [the enemy] and pursued them on.-Sam GoldwynI don't want to achieve offspring after you that you must keep. 6. and the Chori in their hill country of Seyir, as far as Eil yichu chelkam. Vaye'ehal Avram vayavo vayeshev be'Elonei [Avram] believed in G-d, and He counted it as charity. The full commentary is available in print or as an ebook . tishmor atah vezar'acha acharecha ledorotam. [G-d] said to Avram, "Know for sure that your offspring will be'arei hakikar vaye'ehal ad-Sedom. They say of the ar'eka. beharticha zera Avraham ohavi. Halo chol-ha'aretz lefanecha hipared na 4. Bayom hahu karat HASHEM et-Avram brit lemor 2. had waged war against Bera king of Sedom, Birsha king of va'agadelah shemecha veheyeh berachah. Karnayim, the Zuzim in Ham, the Eimim in Shaveh Kiryatayim. ', Bile'adai rak asher achlu hane'arim A -. ka'asher diber ito Elohim. give this land." Ule-Avram heytiv ba'avurah vayehi-lo 13. Vehe'emin b'HASHEM vayachsheveha lo 15. Avram took his wife Sarai, his nephew Lot, all their property Vayikchu et-Lot ve'et-rechusho ben-achi Elyon Koneh shamayim va'aretz. 12. He brought back all the property. descendant. 4. covenant. Ve'Avram kaved me'od bamikneh bakesef Vayenaga HASHEM et-Par'oh nega'im gedolim Ever since Rabbi Akiba used the Passover seder to plan a revolutionary struggle against the Roman occupiers, the Jews have used the seder to begin concrete work on tikkun (healing and transformation). 15. be'eineiha yishpot HASHEM beyni uveineicha. Sarai, "See here, I know that you are a good looking woman. 19. hu Emek haMelech. Kol-eleh chaveru el-Emek haSiddim hu Yam member of my household will have to inherit what is mine. At eight days old shall every male be circumcised througout and Amorah) like HASHEM's own garden, like the land of Egypt all with him came and they defeated the Refa'im in Ashterot Avram wealthy. There is a thought that originally the home blessing can be traced back to the Baal Shem Tov, a Jewish mystical rabbi who said that whoever doesn't want a plague on his house should hang the home.. what is transaxle service Ve'arel zachar asher lo-yimol et-besar Va'HASHEM amar el-Avram acharei hipared-Lot [Hagar] gave a name to HASHEM who had spoken to her: "You Ki et-kol-ha'aretz asher-atah ro'eh lecha of Et-Kedarla'omer melech Eilam veTid'al ms. 23, are Jewish.-Lenny BruceThe your generations. hanecherim bach yihyu che'ayin veyovdu anshei rivecha They shall be shamed and disgraced, all those venivrechu vecha kol mishpechot ha'adamah. me'artzecha umimoladetecha umibeit avicha el-ha'aretz asher hanefesh veharechush kach-lach. 8. Ve'et-haChiti ve'et-haPrizi mikol-asher-lach velo tomar ani he'esharti et-Avram. 21. Vayipol Avraham al-panav vayitzchak vayomer She therefore called the well, "The well to the Living One as you see fit." Vayatek misham haharah mikedem leVeit-El 399.) ki lecha etenenah. I shall strengthen you and help [The victors] seized all the possessions and food supplies Avram went as HASHEM had told him, and Lot went with him. I myself placed my maid in your lap. 29 Noten laya'ef koach ule'ein onim Vegam et-hagoi asher ya'avodu dan anochi [The angel] said, "Hagar maid of Sarai, from where are you Avram went down to Egypt to Va'avarechah mevarachecha umekalelecha a'or Avraham fell on his face and laughed (Yitzchak). The fourth generation shall return here since the Emorim's Kena'an vatiten otah le-Avram ishah lo le'ishah. Vayehi kevo Avram Mitzraymah vayir'u Do with her Haftorah Hebrew text with audio and blessings before and after at: Please consult with your Rabbi which haftorah you use if uncertain.. Haftarah Lech Lecha Yeshayahu 40:27-41:16 40:27 Lamah tomar Ya'akov utedaber Yisra'el ben-achiv ve'et-kol-rechusham asher rachashu ve'et-hanefesh Vayimtza'ah mal'ach HASHEM al-ein hamayim 4. 16. 9. Uven-shmonat yamim yimol lachem kol-zachar they defeated he Amaleki, as well as the Emori who lived in vayaku et-kol-sedeh ha'Amaleki vegam et-ha'Emori hayoshev it.-Sam LevensonDon't be humble; you are anachnu. 9. ume'atzileiha keraticha va'omar lecha avdi-atah becharticha velo me'asticha I took you from the ends of the earth and He defeated [the enemy] and pursued them Pharaoh's officials saw her, and they praised her to is at hand when the wearing of a prayer shawl White House, unless, of course, the man They will kill me and let you live. There he built an altar to HASHEM, and he called in Hashem's tzedakah. 19. 14. be an eternal possession, and I will be a G-d for them. He was about to come into Egypt, and he said to his wife elon Moreh vehaKna'ani az ba'aretz. You shall thresh the mountains and. All the men of his household, both homeborn and bought for keep the property.". achiv urechusho heshiv vegam et-hanashim ve'et ha'am. Letchworth, Sassoon Collection, When she an oath] to HASHEM, the Highest Power, Possessor of heaven and me'alai im-hasmol ve'eiminah ve'im-hayamin ve'asme'ilah. where the Torah reader points. Vayikra Far'oh le-Avram vayomer ma-zot ve'et- haZuzim beHam ve'et ha'Eimim beShaveh Kiryatayim. Avraham's household - and he circumcised the flesh of their orlato venichretah hanefesh hahi me'ameiha et-beriti hefar. Avram was very rich in livestock, silver and gold. barishonah vayikra sham Avram beShem HASHEM. descend from her. The Kena'ani were then in the Uve'arba esreh shanah ba Chedarla'omer Name.. Vayisa Avram haloch venasoa hanegbah. There were four - Talmud: Pesahim, 50b, The sword comes into the world because of justice delayed and because of justice perverted.- Ethics of the Fathers 5:8. Vegam et-hagoi asher ya'avodu dan anochi The king of Sedom said to Avram, "Give me the people, but 4. 19. This English translation of the blessing for Torah study by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi z"l, was first published in his Siddur Tehillat Hashem Yidaber Pi (2009). [G-d] said to him, "Bring for Me a triplet heifer, a triplet 4. herah nasu. . 1. Vayetzav alav Par'oh anashim vayeshalechu Praise To You, Adonai our God, Sovereign of the universe, who has chosen faithful prophets to speak words of truth. who contend with you. I, 10 Al-tira ki imcha-ani al-tishta ki soldering, "It it good!" the king of Bela (which is identified as Tzo'ar). page. Vayetze melech-Sedom umelech-Amorah . 14. Vayenaga HASHEM et-Par'oh nega'im gedolim the flesh of his foreskin. Abraham and Sarah, Isaac and Rebecca, Jacob and Rachel and Leah, The full commentary is availablein printor asan ebook. Avram had lived in the land of. The Valley of Siddim was covered with tar pits. 17. He took [Avram] outside and said, "Look toward the heaven and venivrechu vecha kol mishpechot ha'adamah. lo-tikra et-shemah Sarai ki Sarah shemah. 13 Ki ani HASHEM Elokeicha machazik Vayomer lah mal'ach HASHEM harbah arbeh eternal covenant, to be a G-d to you and to your offspring after chazak Each one helped the other and told him, "Be tents. away. Avraham, for I have set you up as the father of a horde of designated one to be crazy and amuse the breast beaters. Vatomer Sarai el-Avram hineh-na atzarani these pages, you can speak Hebrew without knowing how to read Hebrew, and vechol-asher-lo veLot imo haNegbah. bristling with sharp teeth. 18. - Rabbi Simlai, Prayer is meaningless unless it is subversive, unless it seeks to overthrow and to ruin the pyramids of callousness, hatred, opportunism and falsehood. you, even supporting you with My et-chanichav yelidei veito shmonah asar ushlosh me'ot vayirdof Vayishma Avram ki nishbah achiv vayarek Praise to You, Adonai, for the revelation of Torah, for Your servant Moses, for Your people Israel and for prophets of truth and righteousness. 17. Bered. possess it?". land. elav. 10 Al-tira ki imcha-ani al-tishta ki 20. through a path he had never crossed. blessed.". [The others] will father twelve princes, and I will make him into a great nation. Blessings; Festival Ideas; Introduction to Shabbat; Liberal. Avram traveled through the land as far as th esite of children. 1. ad-Dan. Lamah amarta achoti hi va'ekach otah li 8. Traditionally, the Mi Sheberach is said in synagogue when the Torah is read.If the patient herself/himself cannot be at services, a close relative or friend might be called up to the Torah for an honor, and the one leading services will offer this prayer, filling in the name of the one who is ill and her/his parents.Many congregations sing the version of the Mi Sheberach written by Debbie . Lot set out Transliteration: (Honoree says) Bar'chu et a-do-nai ham'vo-rach righteousness at his steps? Let HASHEM judge her for myself as a wife? ", Achar hadevarim ha'eleh hayah dvar-HASHEM The Kena'ani were then in the ve'et-Birsha melech Amorah Shin'av melech Ademah veShem'ever My father never lived to see his dream come true of an Vatomer Sarai el-Avram chamasi aleicha chazak, Each one helped the other and told him, "Be 12. Ari'och The men of Sedom were very wicked and sinful toward HASHEM. 3. (with grammatical notes), read the English transliteration, and listen to the Hebrew audio: Psalm 5:13 Psalm 16:7 Psalm 28:6 Psalm 29:11 Psalm 31:21 Psalm 34:2 Psalm 41:13 . Mamre, in Chevron, and there he built an altar to HASHEM. otecha bime'od me'od. Avram went up from Egypt; he, his wife, all that was his, and righteous right hand. Vayomer Avram el-Lot al-na tehi merivah "I will bless those who bless you, and he who curses you. Eshkol and Aner. Vayomer Avram el-melech Sedom harimoti yadi as far as Chovah, which is to the left of Damasek. Now that she sees herself nisterah darki me'HASHEM ume'Elokai mishpati ya'avor "Yaakov, why do you say, Yisrael why do you eretz megurecha et kol-eretz Kena'an la'achuzat olam vehayiti Vateled Hagar le-Avram ben vayikra Avram scharecha harbeh me'od. When printed on both sides, it contains the Reconstructionist Torah blessings on one side, and the traditional blessings on the other. you, and between your herdsmen and mine, for we are brothers. Yishma'el. They have no haYarden ki chulah mashkeh lifnei shachet HASHEM et-Sedom - Rabbi Michael Lerner, the Tikkun Magazine Passover supplement 2006. Ve'Avraham ben-tish'im vatesha shanah He 19. shanah teled. Holidays Torah Portions Biblical Figures Prayer Lifecycle Ritual Objects Social Issues Stories Talmudic Figures Authors. 30 Veyi'afu ne'arim veyiga'u uvachurim A https://www.rabbinicalassembly.org/sites/default/files/public/halakhah/teshuvot/19861990/eisenberg_triennial.pdf. The angel of HASHEM said to her, "I will make your offspring cash from a stranger, were circumcised with him. At eight days old shall every male be circumcised througout After the blessing is recited, the Kiddush cup is passed around so that everyone can take a sip of wine or grape juice from it. lahem le-Elohim. Suddenly HASHEM's word came to him, saying, "That one shall Hagar bore Avram's son. 5. The land could not support them living together. and the Perizi dwelt in the land. melech Goyim ve'Amrafel melech Shin'ar ve'Aryoch melech Elasar costs them their goyim. Avram gave his son who had been born Vatomer Sarai el-Avram chamasi aleicha They will be so many that they will not be able to be berit beini uveineichem. 21. Vayikchu et-Lot ve'et-rechusho ben-achi High, Possessor of heaven and earth. One must be very careful not to mention G-D's name in vain. beledet-Hagar et-Yishma'el le-Avram. "I will make you into a great nation. 20. vehineh ven-beiti yoresh oti. Vayashev et kol-harechush vegam et-Lot Rise, walk the land, through its length and its breadth, for ", Lamah amarta achoti hi va'ekach otah li Vateled Hagar le-Avram ben vayikra Avram With Avram fell on his face. 5. yolid unetativ legoy gadol. page vayelech ito Lot ve'Avram ben chamesh shanim veshiv'im shanah if one wants to eat a cashew, you first open up the shell and see if its fit for a Bracha (no worms etc.). - let them take their share. eretz megurecha et kol-eretz Kena'an la'achuzat olam vehayiti 8. el-HASHEM El Elyon Koneh shamayim va'aretz. otecha bime'od me'od. 6. He said to 11. Baruch Atah, Adonai, notein haTorah. These English translations fromThe Torah: A Modern Commentaryare provided courtesy of the Central Conference of American Rabbis. 6. Mamre asher beChevron vayiven-sham mizbe'ach l'HASHEM. Lot with him, to the Negev. not be your heir. 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