behind it. You've put so much thought and care into your content creation process, so don't stop at publication. And certainly everybody has their own budget they have to work within. And I was taking on other roles at the company like managing our press and PR and building out our advisory board and starting the podcast tour, which is quite consuming. And Id imagine that applies to just about any industry. Did you bring any other journalism or writing experience into this role? I think thats a really useful lesson for people to remember that your first job description might not be the right one and you should always be open. This website is sustainably hosted on a server with 100% green electricity by BRANDS IN GREEN. It wasnt an easy thing to do, but she focused a lot on the quality of the pieces that were getting put out, and really this angle to educate people about metabolic health, to create awareness that theres an epidemic, that theres a global crisis in metabolic health. I talked to Sandra Daniels whos the CEO of Thumbtack, Ben Worthen whos the former Sequoia editor-in-chief, Sarah [inaudible 00:46:03] whos an incredible journalist and content strategist, many other people and just wrote down everything they said. The course starts now and never ends! But one of the things I loved that we did was we had the job description, which was very detailed as a Google Doc. Many companies produce content because they read somewhere that its necessary, without understanding the. Casey Means: Yeah, that sounds great. Kits, Books, & More. And it was almost magical like youre putting something out into the world and youre getting all this return of people just caring and seeing without even trying or doing paid advertising for it. Other words for pillar content are primary content or hero content. Even with these high investment quality over quantity approach, we were still getting immense increases in our numbers. We started tracking when we were looking at the metrics a few months ago how many people go from a blog post to the waitlist sign up. But you still have to find the writers. In fact, the only time you know whether your idea is good or bad is when youve already published and received audience feedback. And I linked for each of these to multiple papers that basically showed there was a relationship between blood sugar and these conditions. So now when we go to do a guest post or we go to create some new Instagram slides, weve got stuff to pull from. You could do cancer or other hard science things. And so thats how it initially started evolving. To be of any use in the real world, it must be accessible to users and developers. Coming from just nature of medicine Im like, No, no, no, no, lets not, lets not, we dont need to put And he really was like, No, lets put it up, lets see what happens. And he was the first one to really also get us in touch with some content marketing writers he had I think sourced from talking to his founder friends. Brainstorming. I worked with our medical advisors to produce content. All of it centers around that healthcare policy and food but then also the medical humanities. So we were looking at metrics like average time on page. Casey Means: Ultimately, if youre an entrepreneur, thats what youre doing, youre trying to change something about the system or create a product thats going to better the world. This was really my domain in the beginning of the company and all of the five co-founders were all doing different things. A few months later, we decided to take the research and planning done in this course, and actually create a blog from it. Casey Means: So I was Googling articles about top 10 tips to boost SEO status of your article. First, to keep your readers coming back, you need to be continuously creating new and useful content. Marble Machine Plans: Ideas, Inspiration, and DIY Tips. Good luck, and let me know how it is going . But after listening to all of Gary's material online, I knew how valuable it would be to put out more and build a content machine. And I mean adding value to people and bettering their lives. Dont do the initial Casey thing of its got to be perfect, its got to be the exact right thing, lets not post it until we have 15 blog posts that we can post all at one time. You have your team tweet and post on LinkedIN about the YouTube video, the podcast episode and the two blog posts twice each promoting it from different angles (47). Robert T Gasperson. Caffeine in chai tea, for example, has an auto-answer from Google, so I dont want to waste time on an article about it: Scheduled: A yes/no column for tracking which keywords weve already scheduled in the content plan. Read reviews from world's largest community for readers. Likewise, when coming up with new ideas for content, prioritize ideas that can be repurposed. And obviously to you Mike for creating this vision and getting us started on enacting it. So in January, we had three articles, it was glucose and skin health, glucose and exercise, and glucose and weight loss plus this short what is metabolic fitness piece. Mike Haney: I think that is all fantastic advice. As a result, content becomes a fluffy afterthought. For example, once you posted it, you can merge it with other short videos to make a review video about all major findings at your institute in the last year, or you could be inspired by that one video and have a copy writer also produce a blog post about the topic covered in the video. And a lot of the inspiration and the insight for it actually came from Caseys background. And you could undo an awful lot. Sarcastic? This will give you an overview of what you're building and what you're going to operate: Now we'll go over the machine, part by part. You'll learn how to find and monetize your message and build a content machine that reliably creates predictable, recurring revenue for your business. And what they really emphasize is that content needs to be building trust and increasing awareness, and that normal marketing is really a thing of the past. I think any company will do better if they have that. Build-a-Button Software. Citation Machine's Ultimate Writing Guides. And early on, you can really experiment a little bit with what works and hypothesis test. And I remember after one of my first in-person meetings with the co-founders down in San Francisco, I put together a spreadsheet that was basically just all of the conditions I knew of that were related to blood sugar in some way. It also enables you to produce a wealth of content in the least amount of time. As long as you have a blog you can work on, you're good to go! I know one of the questions I hear a lot and I want to end on some advice, weve given plenty already, but any other key points that you give other people who ask how to do this. Content-based recommendation uses information about the items to learn customer preferences, and it recommends items that share properties with items that a customer has previously interacted with. Not everyone can afford $8,000+ a month to have us run their content marketing. So they ask, thats the title of book, They Ask You Answer. One can literally find content gold nuggets in every single researchers office, since most researchers work on topics that will eventually shape the future of our societies. I think its the type of thing that really should be part of the standard curriculum because, like I mentioned, its this structured time to step back and reflect and think and really regain that awe what youre doing. Arguably, designing security challenges requires one to try much harder than breaking them. And nobody asked for that, nobody came to me and said, Hey, Haney, I want you to hit this many waitlist sign-ups. But its because from a behavior standpoint I am curious, exactly as you said, does this content drive some portion of people to want to take the next further step in education? Before coming to a sales meeting, they basically could almost guarantee that they were going to convert to a sale or something like that. Watch out for these six red flags when hiring a content marketing agency. Take the example that we just had of the video. Promote. So I was a section editor for a medical humanities journal in medical school. And so how does the person take different conclusions and create something that is accurate and balanced and nuanced and still provide service to the reader but keeps total intellectual rigor when the research is somewhat mixed? And so for one unit of work towards content, you can get so much lasting units of output. That said. Its the strategy, processes, and systems that you use to give every content piece that you produce the maximum reach and leverage. Casey Means: I think the other I think early learning was just that how much your network and people in your network can help you on this journey. Marble machines involve a combination of engineering, science, and woodworking. The best way weve found to do that is to have a running hiring call for writers, which we then turn into our Preferred Writer Network. Its what were giving and bringing into the world. People struggle finding the right vendors or the [] And content is the best way to do that I think. For the big components, I had an old PC to salvage the power supply and CD rom from. Mike Haney: The last thing well end on, and again, I think weve probably given an awful lot of useful advice in the show. In short, having a small team is not an excuse for you to not be able to build an efficient content machine. I would say its a big thing, but its not necessarily a fully integrated part of the medical curriculum. And you can cobble something together. And when you do it well, it can create incredible lasting connection, which is ultimately I think what were trying to do as a business is create connection and create a movement. You can build your CNC machine using different methods, but the easiest method is by using aluminum extrusion. Don't just write about your business or your product. That's why we created "Build Your Own Content Machine." So that you'd have the exact processes, tools, and guidelines we use to grow sites from 0, to 100,000, to 1,000,000 monthly visitors, so you can do it yourself for a fraction of the price. Step 2: Get the Parts and Build the Frame Once you are done with your CNC machine's design, you will assemble the needed parts. I hope we have anyway in this episode. Building Security Challenges. Ben Grynol: Im Ben Grynol, part of the early startup team here at Levels. This is where most sites run into problems. We didnt necessarily have a product at that point that could feed them information because it was so early, but we could send them an article that said, Heres 12 glucose lowering strategies. It guided what we said in our first podcast tour. And people told me to follow Gary V., and I just like followed everything that he, hes a marketing expert, everything he put out there about multi-channel content distribution. These tend to focus on healthcare economics, nutrition, food policy, metabolic health. Work with writers who deliver amazing articles with minimal work, Develop clear content guidelines to simplify editing and writing, Manage all of your writing production with simple productivity tools, They communicate any blocks, questions or problems they run into, They appreciate and incorporate edits and suggestions, They dont need hand holding or micromanaging, They look up other posts on the blog for interlinking and referencing. That's why we created "Build Your Own Content Machine." So that you'd have the exact processes, tools, and guidelines we use to grow sites from 0, to 100,000, to 1,000,000 monthly visitors, so you can do it yourself for a fraction of the price. In the last year, weve had the pleasure to work with major brands like Yummly, Patreon, Kettle & Fire, ButcherBox, Credit Card Insider, Perfect Keto, Tenth Street Hats, Four Sigmatic, and many more. I mean, I think about some of my favorite brands WHOOP and Eight Sleep, they all have such a perspective. By teaching the fundamentals of content marketing, how to create great content and how to stand out from the crowd, it simplifies the otherwise challenging process of creating content with impact. Whether its weekly checking what the page views are, what the average time on page is or what your average search ranking is or just something that because itll be helpful to have a grasp of how things are going. And all of this, it can be traumatic to just be in that constantly. And I think big picture just philosophically, I think one to two years out I think Im excited about the Levels content operation having really deeply inspired millions of people. There's a certain amount of truth to a content marketing machine in the same way as it is possible to build something that lookslike a perpetual motion machine. Casey Means: Yeah. Casey Means: I think one thing that was validated very early on other than this quality and quantity but really focused in quality, that was a big one. And I know with a lot of our positions we hire, we do a technical challenge of some kind to assess peoples ability. Building a money making machine should be a priority for your finances and overall life for a few reasons. And I found this edit test a really good sample of what it was going to be like to do this job. I just talked to somebody this morning who was expressing really deep admiration for the kind of content that we do. As tasks get checked off, everyone on the card will get notified, and youll be able to keep moving them through the system. That is direct repurposing. The content creation conundrum has two versions that have the same outcome. People with a science background are super savvy with PubMed and with reading papers. And as people click on it, it rises up. Here are the 5 steps to build a quality content machine for your business: A content culture sounds like an extremely abstract idea, but its the very first and important step in building an effective and efficient content machine. I got accounts for Google search console and Google analytics and had people who knew how to use those programs walk me through them. This course distills everything I've learned about SEO, content marketing, and how you can use it to grow million dollar plus businesses. That spreadsheet looks like the table of contents of our blog essentially. The plan is only the first step though. a content creation machine? Machine learning algorithms in recommender systems typically fit into two categories: content-based systems and collaborative filtering systems. Make: Membership. Difficulty: A scale of 1-100 for how hard it is to rank for the keyword according to ahrefs, with one being the easiest. Heres five research references, and they all say something a little bit different in terms of the conclusion. And this was really what I was a big part of, what I was focusing my time on. In between that, working with a bunch of more freelance not in-house writers, but yeah. So I think thats going to be fascinating. Mike Haney: And then the last thing Ill just mention is to really underline in this content world the value of the edit test to somebody whos taken a lot and written a lot and done it well and done it poorly, its a really, really useful tool. If you didnt know what it was you wanted to do, you could have hired somebody who was super talented and really smart and great and maybe even a good culture fit but just had a different vision. Casey Means: Yeah. 01 Describe your needs Tell us about your project and goals and we'll give you an estimate, no commitment whatsoever. Podcast Building a content machine - Part 1 Episode introduction Episode Transcript Casey Means: Ultimately, if you're an entrepreneur, that's what you're doing, you're trying to change something about the system or create a product that's going to better the world. Designing. They are content gold mines (Link to gold mines [] No longer worry about specific button dimensions or arranging them properly on a page, Build-a-Button does everything for you. So we had about 40 articles in the pipeline. But I think it does actually circle back to a point you made early on about content scaling. And Im just so grateful that we ended up connecting with you because its like I was reading through the job description again in preparation for this podcast. You chop up the video and create lets say 15 short videos out of it. Pay for the full course over 6 months while you implement the strategies. And if were talking about fiber or were talking about the deep microbiome, and if were talking about meditation, we get into HRV and Heart Rate Variability and autonomic nervous system. Shop. Shout out to Derek Flanzraich, founder of Greatist. They might want to pursue an SEO-focused content strategy, but they dont know how to publish on a consistent basis. Mike Haney: Oh, thats fantastic. Well, that leads really nicely into the first question, which is when you came on to the Levels team, and obviously you came on with a number of expertise, including being a doctor. Mike Haney: So what were going to tackle today is sort of era one of content at Levels. Not to say that educational content isnt a marketing tool, but it wasnt aimed from beginning about why you need a CGM or why our particular product is great. Figure 1: Overview of content-based recommendation system (Image created by author) B . We explain everything as we're going, with clear steps you can follow to duplicate the process for your own site, removing any hesitation from the process. And thats just not where I thought for a medical device that people are implanting into their arm and its very new, I didnt think that was going to be the win for us, I thought really building that trust was going to be the win for us. And this basically had people evaluate, took essentially a research article from a leading medical website for lay people and critique it, go back and look at the original papers and see if you agree with how they summarize the article. From the beginning, it sounds like, the motivation was education. Ask them to tailor fit their services depending on your needs and budget. A well-oiled and well-run content machine is composed of solid, high-quality elements that are all working together to achieve the same objective. This is why when we start working with a new site, the first thing we do is to spend two weeks researching and getting aligned on what the content plan should be. People were giving us incredible feedback on the content. Host a class or workshop. Youll even get a detailed spreadsheet, based on the spreadsheets we use to plan our clients content, that youll be able to fill out as you go. And that was very illustrative as opposed to someone just saying, Yeah, Ive done all this stuff. It was multiple paragraphs about what they thought about that particular bullet point and their experience with it. Content Machine outlines a strategy for using content marketing to build a 7 figure business with zero advertising. And thats 18,000 eyeballs caring about metabolic health and learning about Levels without spending a single marketing dollar. Casey Means: And they let me essentially do a sample, like a trial for that with one of their editions. So thats one thing. And then theres also great research that its excellent for patients who are in the clinical setting to also be doing writing as a therapeutic tool. Nevertheless, the key steps to build your own CNC machine will generally be as follows: 1. Are there any key lessons or things to think about that you give them? In this article we will be creating a content based recommendation engine using Python and machine learning. Nunnington and Walker demonstrated how relevant branded content is the key to increasing visibility and traffic for winning SEO performance, with machine learning in mind. Another just concrete metric that we saw that was really heartening was not just about numbers, which were going up and up month after month, but this 200X increase over the course of one year, but also engagement was high. Is anybody whos gone through medical school aware of that, are most doctors aware of that or is it fairly niche within the medical profession? When working a full-time job, your time is tied up for 40 hours a week (and sometimes even more! HEY's Exquisite Use of Storytelling in Business Resulted in 120,000 Signups In Under 2 Weeks And each part comes with a different price, depending on your needs. Casey Means: If you do that, I do not think you can fail. Repurposing means that content is created in one format and then reused in a different format somewhere else. You never have to let your content marketing fall through the cracks again. It allows developers to train and deploy ML models. Mike Haney: Yeah, I think it will, I think thatll be great. So its not specifically focused on conversions or selling the product, its just focused on answering peoples questions, they become comfortable and interested. So it was a really long list, it was like acne and psoriasis and decreased immunity and infertility and wound healing problems and stroke and arthritis and Alzheimers, dementia, depression, and low testosterone and chronic pain. Here are the 5 steps to build a quality content machine for your business: 1. Mike Haney: So many really important lessons there. From building trust with the community, whether thats potential future members or investors or broader network. And it is so exciting I think to understand your body in this deeper level of core pathways and how you can affect them to make your life better and longer and happier and more vibrant. I know you edit a medical journal or you have in the past, I believe. Hi, this is a comment. Casey Means: You do need the time to integrate that though, and writing is just such an incredible catalyst for that or visual arts or whatever it is. But to do it at a time when the stakes are still relatively low, you have room to learn, you have room to experiment. Stepper Motors Every article is 1,500 to 2,500 words, SEO optimized, interlinked with existing content, meticulously copyedited, published right on time and promoted to all of its relevant channels. I think the people who are really interested in medical humanities are big proponents of making that really deeply embedded in medical training. Then from that master topic list, we start planning out the content week by week: Lay out your content plan like this with a week number and a due date to help you make sure that you have a clear deadline for each article. Casey Means: We have a platform, people care. Depending on the complexity of the articles were working on, well usually pay $150 to $500 per post to make sure were getting an in-depth, well-thought-out resource on the subject, instead of another thrown-together listicle. Whatever you want to accomplish in life, you will first need to have the attention of the group of people that will help you doing so. Casey Means: These days people dont want to see interruptive ads, they dont want to see fluff pieces, they dont want to talk to salespeople. Maybe, but youll almost certainly have to take that time from another project. But stepping back and thinking about it and thinking about their picture and your role in that, that is what transforms those experiences into awe and into inspiration. NPR 392,800.00Model: BIBIT-PC-CNT395XBrands: AMD. However, since most of us spend more and more time online, the easiest and most efficient way of reaching out to your target group is to create and distribute content at scale that provides your target group with value. ). On a more practical level, what Im super excited about is really our multi-channel content distribution strategy that you have outlined so beautifully and that were really working on systematizing. Step 5. And so that was super telling. Just to give some concrete metrics. Styling: Do you have certain ways you like your images, pull quotes, lists and other styling elements in your posts? The content assembly line makes up the biggest chunk of your content machine. First, you are not alone. Step 1: Define the problem. And to say like, Heres our arsenal of stuff weve already written, does any of this interest you? So that just scalability and all the utility of content, its amazing. Casey Means: And from there, we just started pulling from that research compilation and just posting them on this blog in January 2020. "Story-Telling". Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Those would be some of just the 20 hours worth of stuff I would start with to just get your head wrapped around the landscape. Early on, we focused on quality and really focused on producing the content in-house. And like we talked about, were moving the ball forward, were changing the mental model through which people are approaching health and wellness here with a new tool. The second version involves businesses that have considerable number of staff. But I know one of the things I hear when I get that question is about how much it costs, and is it worth the investment? I think with content marketing, and that term means a lot of things to a lot of different people. How to Build a CONTENT MACHINE book. Hi, Im Nat. Here is a video sample of what you can do. Oh, and also just guest, people who wrote us to basically do a guest piece. A researcher and writer who will find more information on a topic and execute the content itself, A proofreader who will check the content for grammatical and spelling errors, A marketing editor who will check the different marketing aspects of an article such as SEO compliance and if its aligned with the content avatar, A multimedia specialist who will source visual assets such as images and videos that will go together with the articles, A CMS personnel who will publish the post on your blog platform (i.e. Mike Haney: But I think the point about scaling is a really important one to remember when you think about the longterm ROI of this investment. Perform Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) on the data Build the recommendation system Get recommendations Step 1: Perform Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) on the data The dataset contains two CSV files, credits, and movies. So throughout that whole process, she was so, so, so helpful. Write an article about X isnt helpful. Its so cool to hear your perspective, and Im so excited for part two of this podcast hearing more from when you started to now, the second half of all this. Start Here: advice on how to use the machine like a pro2. And if you make people feel smart, they will stick with you. It might be seem strange when youre starting a company focusing on a product to be like, Oh, should I spend all this time on writing and investing in this? One of our first 15 hires was you, an editorial director. Or you enter the repurposing game. How should you plan it? This ranged from buyer guides (affiliate articles), information posts for the aforementioned affiliate sites, press release articles, and website content. Today, content marketing is an essential part of building and growing a business. Here the initial video piece of content is repurposed into a written piece of content. Who did you feel like you were writing for when those first couple dozen articles or first dozen articles were going up? And so Ive been editing that section now for a couple of years, and its been incredibly fulfilling to work with physicians and researchers and edit their stuff and go back and forth with them to really refine their pieces. The small CNC mill for steel can cost up to $200. Again, entrepreneurship, building a company, its about trying to create something in the world that doesnt exist. Casey Means: So in medical school, that was actually my area of concentration was medical humanities. This is meant to be both a beginners guide to explain the different parts needed to build a home arcade machine. But it's more than that. This is also why having a great writer from the start is so important. And I think about that all the time when Im writing of, is somebody going to read this phrase or the answer to this question? I also really love writing editorials and opinion pieces. Casey Means: Totally. And do it early because the stakes are lower. I think those are really good lessons, and I think its really impressive that youve landed on those things through this notion of being a constant student and your openness to iteration. And its evergreen, it lives on. Some say that high blood sugar seems to be protective against hot flashes and others say that metabolic dysfunction promotes hot flashes.

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