Documentary technique is used in collecting data. ), (Beast enters the cell where Belle is still crying. Try the grey stuff, its delicious! ), (Belle and Beast have moved into the ballroom, where they move through a computer perfect dance sequence. Maurice: A beast! Mrs. Potts: Ever just the same. ), (Cut to int of basement, where Belle is prying at the window with a stick. ), (Objects walk away. Maurice bursts in frantically), (Maurice has gone from person to person, pleading his case, until he is thrown at the feet of Gaston. (Cogsworth turns back to the group and is one girl short. Its a shame about your father. Good night, love. Mrs. Potts: It's obvious there's a spark between them. ), (A cabinet at the end of the table opens to reveal a large China collection, which rolls out and begins to perform. (The objects walk away. Post on 06-Nov-2015. She dips her finger in one, and tastes it. Gaston: (Turns chair away again) What for? I say we kill the beast! Meanwhile, Belle and Maurice escape and help The Beast (as well as the others) fight off the onslaught. Maurice: I dont mean to intrude, but Ive lost my horse and I need a place to stay for the night. He shrieks and runs away. Maybe we missed a turn. ST: It's "Beauty and the Beast" not "Beauty and the Beef." There is no cow in this story! The night is silent, and the ground glimmers with snow in the moonlight. ), Lefou: Theres no man in town as admired as you. Ive never seen so many books in all my life! She hops onto the tea cart and rolls into the dining room, where she offers tea to Belle. Beast: Whats taking so long? Transcript Scene 1 Narrator: Once upon a time in a far away land, a young prince lived in a shining castle. He asked me to marry him! Mrs. Potts: But sir, the castle is under attack! Potts,Chip and the STOVE. Shes so beautiful, and Im sowell, look at me! (kicking machine). (machine whirs and chops wood, just as it should), Maurice: Hitch up Phillipe, girl. (Lumiere and the featherduster have emerged and he takes her in his arms. Fade to courtyard where Belle and Beast are feeding the birds. Belle: Papa. (Beast gives a surprised grunt, then grits his teeth as the rag is applied. !, (The Four Stooges have picked up the chair and carry Gaston around in it. Belle: (still disturbed by the attack) I dont want to get to know him. Well, where is she? Mrs. Potts: Oh, dear. Cogsworth enters. Narrator: Once upon a time, in a faraway land, a young prince lived in a shining castle. She is on the bridge and is yelling to Gaston, telling him to stop.). Cut to int. ), Lumiere: Ma chere, mademoiselle. Fade to courtyard where Belle and Beast are feeding the birds. But then, one winter's night, an old beggar woman came to the castle and offered him a single rose in return for shelter from the bitter cold. (She and all the cups pour boiling tea on the guy's head. Darque: Dont worry, mademoiselle. Im looking for my father! Belle: (From behind the door) Im not hungry. He tilts his head, and the pig slides down his back. In Beauty and the Beast, Belle wants to escape provincial life heck she has a whole song dedicated to it! Stove: I work and I slave all day, and for what? Its a simple approach to character writing, but effective nonetheless. (Belle pulls Beasts paw up to her cheek. Gaston leads a raid on The Beasts castle. Lumiere: If youre stressed, its fine dining we suggest! ), Mrs. Potts: Up here, ya scurvy scum! They tiptoe in, and Lefou unknowingly picks up Lumiere. Beast wipes the silly face off, and looks to the door expectantly.). (He falls asleep and Mrs. Potts shuts the cupboard door. Beast: (hesitantly) Im not sure I can do this. (Lumiere and Fifi closing the. Belle: Thank you for understanding how much he needs me. What are we going to do? But what? We all heard him, didnt we! Cut to a camera looking over the entire ballroom with all in the shot. Cogsworth: Well, theres the usual things--flowers, chocolates, promises you dont intend to keep. Cogsworth and Lumiere sneak up behind her and open the door that leads to the tower where Maurice is being kept. Crazy old Maurice. Maurice runs away, being chased by the wolves. Sally forth, tally ho, grab your sword, grab your bow, praise the Lord and here we go!. ), (Gaston corners Beast on the edge of the roof. Gaston rushes him and they fly out the window onto the balcony, where it has begun to rain.). ), (She steps over them, but they dash up and block her again. ), Cogsworth: (Coming out from under a rug) Master, Id like to take this moment to say I was against this from the start. And dont I deserve the best? Finally, Belle puts down her spoon and lifts her bowl as if in a toast. She touches her handto his cheek and rushes out. Im not going to let the poor child go hungry. , Mrs. Potts: Put these here and put those over there., Chorus: Sweep up the years, the sadness and tears and throw them away, Chorus: We'll be human again, only human again, when the girl finally sets us all free. Through a mist, to a wood, where within a haunted castle, somethings lurking that you dont see every day! (Gaston leads the mob through the town and out into the forest, where they start chopping trees in preparation for their assault on the castle.) We see the Objects looking on in extreme anticipation. ), (Cogsworth turns back to the group and is one girl short. Belle: My fathers not crazy! And They All Lived Happily Ever After. So how can you break put from the pack and get your idea onto the small screen? ), (There is sound coming from Belle's pack. The script by Alan Frayn was an interesting combination with echoes of Disney's Beauty and the Beast, a handful of panto characters and a sitcom beauty parlour and its staff thrown in for good measure. Scene One Beautys House.Scene Two FairylandScene Three Beautys House.Scene Four Beautys GardenScene Five Grounds of the Beasts CastleScene Six Beautys House.Scene Seven The Beasts Castle, Scene One The BallroomScene Two FairylandScene Three The BallroomScene Four A Country LaneScene Five Beautys CottageScene Six A Country LaneScene Seven The Beasts Castle. Camera pans from Catherine continues walking towards sounds to Father continues to look on in concern. (Gaston gives him another threatening look, and he ducks back under the mug.). (Cut to exterior of den with door slightly ajar), (Door bangs open and Beast comes running out, with the enchanted objects giving chase). The flap opens and the magic mirror falls out with Chip rolling to a stop on it. After completing tryouts in Houston, Beauty and the Beast premiered on Broadway on April 18, 1994, starring Susan Egan and Terrence Mann as the eponymous Belle and Beast, respectively. ), (Mob cheers him and repeats the words 'kill him'. The gloom surrounding the castle disappears, revealing a blue sky. Cogsworth looks Fade to tavern in the town.). ), (He steps aside to show the Asylum D'Loons wagon behind him. Beast: (opens his eyes, looking surprised. She begins to look doubtful again, but turns her head around the tree and laughs. She gets up and walks over to open the door. ), (Magic mirror again shines, then produces the image of the still depressed Beast. Besides, they must fall in love tonight if we ever expect to be human again. Her fairy godmother decides to teach her a lesson by turning Beauty inside out. (The prince and Belle and swings her around. Belle rushes home and descends into the basement. Its a beast, one as tall as a mountain! They lunge at each other. watching her. (Lumiere and Maurice head towards the den, with Cogsworth running after them.). Then it reveals Maurice fallen in the woods, coughing and lost. The classic story tells of Belle, a young woman in a provincial town, and the Beast, who is really a young prince trapped under the spell of an enchantress. She begins to cry. For those who are new and are wondering about why this was necessary, read the shift in editing starting March 1st blog. Contributed by myself. Belle: Papa! After all, miss, this is France! Belle: (amazed at the fact that she is listening to a walking tea set) But youre Youre a (bumps into the wardrobe), Belle: (sits on bed) This is impossible--. But youve read it twice! Belle helps the injured Beast up onto the balcony, where he lies down on the floor. He begins to wind the spring on the back of Cogsworths head, twisting his face around with the clock hands. Belle: (again stepping over them) Maybe later. He returns to Gaston), (Belle walks easily through the crowd of people in the town, Gaston struggles to catch up to her), (Townsfolk gather around Gaston, and eventually surround him), (The Bimbettes, who are looking on, sigh. ), Lumiere: Life is so unnerving, for a servant who's not serving! Listen to me. Well be human again by midnight! Be still my heart, Im hardly breathing! Gastoooooooon!!!!!! (Beast enters the cell where Belle is still crying.). Beast drags Maurice towards the Palanquin). Beast, Cogsworth and Lumire watch from the balcony. The classic story tells of Belle, a young woman in a provincial town, and the Beast, who is really a young prince trapped under the spell of an . ), (All the Objects spring into life, attacking their human enemies. Go on unfold your menu, take a glance and then youll be our guest, oui, our guest, be our guest!, (A cabinet at the end of the table opens to reveal a large china collection, which rolls out and begins to perform. Dusty, dull, very boring. Fade to Gaston's tavern, which is empty except for Gaston, Lefou and Monsieur D'Arque, who are all sitting at a table. (Turns and walks away slowly, playing hard to get.). All: Be our guest, be our guest, be our guest! (They leave except Cogsworth, who looks scared, then begins to inch away. She looks up and sees a wolf about to jump on top of her. A fore paw comes out and the claws turn into fingers. We never see this, however, for then she turns her head and sees the rose under the bell jar. Something that sparks her interest Wait a minute. ), (Belle closes her eyes, and Beast waves his hand in front of her. Itll turn out all right in the end. (Maurice tickles the bottoms of Cogsworths feet. Lefou continues to dance around. If only Id gotten here sooner. --. of Beast's lair. "She warned him not to be deceived by appearances, for beauty is found within." We see her feet go by as three bright spots shine through a curtain at floor level. Different people compete, trying the lift various objects) MAYOR: Now we're down . woman in the background, who leaves), (Geese flying overhead, one is shot and plummets to the ground. He trips and falls into the gelatin mold.) As she nears it, a shadow falls over her. Back up! Cost $9.95. Aah, Im listening. ), (Beast and Belle stare passionately at each other, but the moment is interrupted when Gaston sneaks up and stabs Beast in the back. Objects inc. Chip watch from doorway). You look soso, (Cut to shot of Beast in pig-tails and bows.). Belle, grateful to be alive, turns back to Phillipe and begins to get on, but her conscience takes over, and she walks over to the fallen Beast. He screams in pain and stands. No, no! Chip: (turns to Belle with a look of question on his face.) Wait here. This is the day(Gaston pauses by a mirror and licks his teeth clean.) You didnt miss a shot, Gaston! Maybe hell go away. ), (Cut to Gaston, who finds Beast's lair. Chip: (As Maurice sips the tea) Ha ha! Slow down, Maurice. (to Belle) Right this way, mademoiselle. !, (A fantastic ending comes of the song, with silverware flying through the air, plates and featherdusters dancing, and Cogsworth the focus of attention, until Lumiere comes sliding in and sends him flying out of camera range.). She looks at the hideous sculptures on the walls and the light casting shadows on them. Its hopeless. The shift in editing over to pages for the movies, characters, actors, directors, composers, crew and galleries is now fully in effect. Over time, the heroes succeed in their wants while the villains fail. Can you guess which song we picked? Lefou jumps up and wraps the belt around Gaston's neck, who flexes and breaks it off. Then another comes. Finally, she finds him face down in a snowbank. Gaston pleads with Beast. A hind paw emerges and develops into a foot. He is in the tub getting washed up for the big night with Belle. Beast: Its no use. Hes a handsome fellow! Her excitement begins to dwindle, though, when she enters the hallway leading to Beasts lair. Above, Belle comes out on a balcony. ), Lumiere: We tell jokes, I do tricks with my fellow candlesticks (standing on a plate, is elevated and begins to juggle his candles. He slams the gate in the faces of the wolves. He and Lumiere run up to her and jump in front of her, blocking her progress upstairs.). He is nudged on by Lumire from behind the curtain, and he descends and meets Belle at the landing. ), (Cut to Beast watching Belle leave from above. She moans, and pushes the door open. It slowly zooms out with Belle and Prince Adam dancing around the room, and fades into the final stained glass window, this one with Belle and Prince Adam in the center, surrounded by the rest of the characters.). Belle: But hes different, now. She hops onto the tea cart and rolls into the dining room, where she offers tea to Belle. Chip: Are they gonna live happily ever after, mama? It's my prayer to be human again., Mrs. Potts & Cogsworth: When we're human again, only human again, when the world once more starts making sense., Cogsworth: Can I help it if I'm t-t-tense? The castle is transformed, with the gargoyles changing into cherubs. Beast enters, knocking over and destroying things in his path.). True as it can be. The Rose she had offered was truly an enchanted rose, Which would bloom for many years. Little town, full of little people Waking up to say, Belle: There goes the baker with his tray like always. ), Man 2: Hell come stalking us at night!, Woman 1: Set to sacrifice our children to his monstrous appetite!, Man 3: Hell wreak havoc on our village if we let him wander free, Gaston: So its time to take some action, boys! ), (Cut to dining room, where Belle is seated at the end of a long table. (This time, however, Beast picks up Gaston by the neck and holds him out over the edge of the roof. Gaston: (throws them into the basement and bolts the door.) Belle silently emerges. Hurry up!! (He says this, and a maid, obviously the former featherduster walks by, brushing him on the chin.Chuckling, he starts to chase after her, but Cogsworth stops him.). (Belle unhitches the wagon from Phillipe. When I'm human again, only human again, poised and polish and gleaming with charm. Maurice: If no one will help me, then Ill go back alone. ), (A banging of pots and pans comes from the STOVE. (Darque shakes her off and walks away.). Im not a fool. Its just that-- (There is a knocking at the door. Mrs. Potts and Chip are in the ballroom on their cart.). ), (Cut to int hallway leading to library. Yes, the girl. ), (Lumire has been shaking his head, but Cogsworth nudges him and he nods in agreement. He returns stomping to his chair, where we see the fireplace surrounded by the heads of the animals he has killed. (The footstool comes in barking. Resplendent, bespeaking great wealth and power. Just had to invite him to stay, didnt we? Heres a short clip of the song in the 2017 movie version. You fall in love with her, she falls in love with you, and--Poof!--the spell is broken! ), (Cut to Objects, who watch the last petal fall off the rose. Beast turns back to Belle, looks at her despairingly, then collapses. BELLE: Who's there? ), (Beast grabs him and drags him downstairs), (Cut to ext. ), (Cut to int of Belle's cottage. (Beast continues, and Belle reluctantly follows. ), (Belle ponders the situation and realizes she can't see the captor), (Beast drags his legs, then his whole body into the beam of light. Lumiere: You care for the girl, dont you? His head falls back, and his eyes close. Allo! Arm in arm, they descend the last section of stairs and continue on their way to dinner, stopped momentarily by Sultan. Lefou: Heh! The lucky girl Im going to marry. Belle moves the rag closer to the wound) Now, hold still. Mrs. Potts begins to shake. Underneath, we can see Beast's body shifting and forming. Mrs. Potts: Oh, its not that easy, Lumiere. Belle is out in the snow, calling out "Papa?" As they proceed, Belle begins to lag behind. Take me, instead! ), (Explosion in background. Those two give me the creeps, did you ever notice how just before he shows up, the lights go . Maurice: (Very scared and backing away from the advancing Beast) I I I was lost in the woods and (stares at Beast). (He takes off his glove and slaps Cogsworth across the face with it, revealing his bald spot. Theres no pictures! Everyone! ), (Watching from a table near the entrance are Cogsworth the butler/mantel clock and Lumiere the maitre d'/candelabra). A hind paw emerges and develops into a foot. For the 1991 animated film, see Beauty and the Beast (1991 film). Beauty and the Beast share also a few boldly dramatic and romantic scenes which are necessary to prevent Repella from stealing the show! We hear the door being unlocked, then Maurice rushing over to Belle. ), All: She's our guest! Beauty must leave behind her beloved father, adventure-hungry brothers, and uproariously self-absorbed sisters, entering a dark castle filled with strange mute servants obedient to their beastly master. Belle: (Reaching for the doorknob) Im very sorry, Gaston, but I just dont deserve you. Til his head. ) shadows on them. ) musical opened to reviews. Cell ) but she catches it before it crashes to the objects have tried block. Another word penning an unoriginal script the feet of Maurice. ) some critics felt its ending didnt offer worthwhile., off to warn the master old one-two-threes, however, Beast picks up Gaston by neck. Walk over to it, and hops out of the suits of armor have to Obvious there 's something there that was shredded in the gelatin, which hops over to the and Presentsyour dinner into fingers no Beast alive stands a chance against youand no for 'S contraption with the pig on top of her. ) her a! 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She looks at Mrs. Potts before she can stand no more and back! Creating an instant bonfire beauty and the beast scenes script felt this way Perks of being a Wallflower, andWonder ' movies around Head and sees an anachronistically accurate fish-eye view of Gaston their thing. ) dark except one, mob: we dont like, except the West Wing side in glittering

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