When you are admitted to the bachelors programme of your choice, you will have to apply for exemptions. STEP may also be required for offers for other subjects, such as Computer Science, Engineering, and Economics, where attainment equivalent to A Level Mathematics and/or Further Mathematics cannot be demonstrated by any other means. Typical offers for applicants taking the STPM (Sijil Tinggi Persekolahan Malaysia) (Malaysia Higher School Certificate) would be based on grades AAA. The landmark occasion brings together Ukrainian students from 19 higher education institutes in the UK. The mathematics admission requirements for the bachelor's programme depend on the stream followed. the typical offer for arts courses (except Economics), Psychological and Behavioural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine would be based on A*AA at L3 in subjects certified by Cambridge International, the typical offer for other science courses (excluding Psychological and Behavioural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine) and Economics would be based on A*A*A at L3 in subjects certified by Cambridge International, College Board Advanced Placement Tests - offers for all Cambridge courses (though please see the note on Mathematics under STEP below) may be made conditional on achieving grades of 5 in five or more AP Tests, IIT-JEE (Advanced) - offers for Chemical Engineering, Engineering, Natural Sciences (Physical) may be made conditional on a rank of <2000 in the IIT JEE (Advanced), STEP - offers for Mathematics will be conditional on achievement in the Sixth Term Examination Paper (STEP). During its 70 years of existence, Transilvania University of Braov has developed into a truly prestigious institution both at a national and international level. If not, please see our language requirements for how to meet this requirement. Kate Raworth, author of the best-selling book 'Doughnut Economics: seven ways to think like a 21st century economist', will speak at this years Sustainable Consumption Institute Annual Lecture. Please note that HTX Biotechnology is accepted as a suitable science subject in lieu of Biology. Make sure the transcript of records mentions the subjects in your final year with its corresponding number of units. If you have not yet graduated, please upload your most recent transcript of records in the original language (English). The Kt Gakk Sotsugy Shmei Sho alone is not considered to be suitable preparation for a competitive application to the University of Cambridge. Since 2020, the Surat Keterangan Hasil Ujian Nasional is not offered anymore. Biology as an (elective) profiled subject in year 11 and year 12 and biology as Matura exam* (grade 3 - 6). Students taking part in a new Humanitarian Scholarship for students fleeing conflict and persecution join the University. Campuses, Amity Global stimulating internal climate for both students and faculty. Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada, R3T 2N2. College Board Advanced Placement Tests - offers for all Cambridge courses may be made conditional on achieving grades of 5 in five or more AP Tests. When English A (Upper Level) is followed as an exam subject on STX or HF students are exempted from the English language requirement. 66 Chancellors Circle Standard XII diploma (academic stream): All Indian Senior School Certificate with marks ranging from A (A1, A2) or B (B1) in each of the required 5 subjects. New collaboration between Universidad Federico Henriquez Y Carvajal, Dominican Republic, and Gheorghe Asachi Technical University of Iasi 16 August 2022; Continuous Professional Development course at TUIASI for lower socio-economic status students 20 Those applying with only the Gaokao may find this support to be valuable. Make sure the transcript of records mentions the subjects in your final year. Depending on the bachelors programme of your choice, physics, chemistry and/or biology is required up until the final year. Official final transcript of records (should contain both years of the Bachiller) in the original language (Spanish) and officially translated into English. Depending on the bachelor's programme of your choice, physics, chemistry and/or biology is also required as an exam subject. Depending on the bachelor's programme of your choice, physics, chemistry and/or biology is also required as a specialisation subject in the premire and the terminale year. Depending on the OIB version (America, British) students are exempted from the English language requirement. The General Secondary Education Certificate is not considered on its own to be suitable preparation for a competitive application to the University of Cambridge. Romanian-American University,in the category of the most performing higher education institutions in Romania More details here! Applicants should review these university standards as well as application materials and timelines for submitting Applicants for arts courses (except Economics), Psychological and Behavioural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine will be expected to achieve a minimum of 5*55 in their electives. For the requirements concerning the United States of America, see the Advanced Placement Exams admission requirements website. Depending on the bachelor's programme of your choice: Bulgaria is not one of the countries with a language exemption, please see our language requirements for how to meet this requirement. If you still have to pass, please upload your transcript of records of your first year Bachiller in the original language (Spanish) andofficially translatedinto English. If no state examinations are to be conducted in the subject(s) you have been asked to take as part of your offer, it is essential that you contact your Cambridge College as soon as you are made aware of this and before the examinations take place. Typical offers for applicants taking the Matrikulasi (Matriculation Certificate) would be based on a CGPA of 3,80. Depending on the bachelors programme of your choice, physics, chemistry and/or biology is also required as an exam subject. Mathematics as a compulsory subject in year 11 and year 12 and mathematics as Matura exam (grade 3 - 6). It is important to understand that: Additional grading systems may exist. Typical offers for applicants taking the Diploma van Hoger Secundair Onderwijs/Certificat d'Enseignement Secondaire Suprieur/Abschlusszeugnis der Oberstufe des Sekundarunterrichts would be based on an overall average score of 80%. Join CMM the Business Club for RAU Students! Note: Students who are following a French High School in Turkey can only be admissible if they receive the official French Baccalaurat Gnral diploma issued by the French government. Albania is not one of the countries with a language exemption, please see our language requirements for how to meet this requirement. Typical offers for ZIMSEC A Levels would be based on grades AAA at principal level in relevant subjects. In the first year of your degree you receive a thorough grounding in the study of international relations, with particular emphasis on the major approaches to the discipline and key ideas such as conflict, war, peace, security, international and regional In addition, upload a document mentioning the subjects you will take for your exams. Bucharest Romania If you have passed your secondary education, please upload your diploma, official final transcript of records and ATAR certificate in the original language (English). Successful applicants studying for the Gumnaasiumi Ioptunnistus with Riigiesksamitsunnistus have usually undertaken additional study outside of their main qualification. We strongly recommend that you undertake further study if you wish to apply for an undergraduate degree. These depend on the course applied for, and will be set by the Colleges. We strongly recommend that you undertake further study if you wish to apply for an undergraduate degree. To help you understand how your degree compares to a bachelors degree awarded in the United States, weve assembled the following list of requirements, by country, that are the equivalent of a U.S. bachelors degree. Reifeprfungzeugnis (Maturity Certificate). The required exam subjects should be obtained with a minimum score of 3 / 7. We strongly recommend that you undertake further study if you wish to apply for an undergraduate degree. Make sure the transcript of records mentions the subjects in your final year. The University of Manitoba campuses are located on original lands of Anishinaabeg, Cree, Oji-Cree, Dakota, and Dene peoples, and on the homeland of the Mtis Nation. The typical offers for students taking the Irish Leaving Certificate and applying for other science subjects (excluding Psychological and Behavioural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine) and Economics would be based on H1H1H1H1H2H2. Modules in the first year. If not, please see our language requirements for how to meet this requirement. We strongly recommend that you undertake further study if you wish to apply for an undergraduate degree. With the mandatory subject mathematics up until the final year. Depending on the bachelors programme of your choice, physics, chemistry and/or biology is also required as national exam subject on Higher (A-)Level. We strongly recommend that you undertake further study if you wish to apply for an undergraduate degree. Both diplomas with the mandatory Matura exam subject mathematics. Please note that in recent admissions rounds, most successful applicants have exceeded the minimum entry requirement of 16 out of 20, especially in relevant subjects. Please see our course pages for detailed entry requirement information. We strongly recommend that you undertake further study if you wish to apply for an undergraduate degree. Splona Matura (Gimnazija) with the mandatory subject mathematics. Applicants will normally be expected to obtain: Grades of 5 in all core subjects, and grades of 5* in two or more relevant core subjects. Typical offers for applicants taking the Apolytirion would be based on an average of 19 points and at least 2 GCE A Levels at grade A* or A. Advanced Mathematics should be included in the ATAR as a Category A course. As an International Relations graduate, you'll be prepared for career opportunities in areas such as the civil service, the non-profit sector, and the business world. Make sure the transcript of records mentions the (elective) profile subjects in year 11 and year 12. Our global centres offer a diverse portfolio of distance and blended learning programmes. Romanian-American University,in the category of the most performing higher education institutions in Romania More details here! Annual Report of Controller The overall grade average must be 15 / 20. When English is followed as a national exam subject in the final year students are exempted from the English language requirement. This includes the NSC taken through the Independent Examinations Board (IEB). Naturvetenskapsprogrammet / Natural Science programme, Samhllsvetenskapliga programmet / Social science programme, Ekonomiprogrammet / Business Management and Economics programme, Humanistiska programmet / Humanities programme, Estetiska Programmet / Health and Social Care programme. Serbia is not one of the countries with a language exemption, please see our language requirements for how to meet this requirement. High school students graduating from a College, Liceu or Grup colar must take the National Baccalaureate Exam (Examenul Naional de Bacalaureat colloquially known as the bac).Despite the similarity in name with the French word Baccalaurat, there are few similarities.The Bacalaureat comprises 2 or 3 oral examinations and 4 or 5 written examinations, usually Typical offers for applicants taking the theoretical stream (Nazari) in 3 years of upper-secondary school and the Konkur would be based on achieving a mark of 19 overall in the theoretical stream (Nazari) High School Diploma and 80% in the Konkur. We know the value of working together. Navitas offers a Twente Pathway College International Foundation Year for prospective students of the University of Twente who do not meet the entry requirements. Details are given below about the typical qualifications and levels expected to be achieved in addition to a very high level of performance in Class XII: Applicants studying towards Class XII will be expected to be on course to attain grades at a very high level in relevant subjects to the course being applied to. Clear your conditions Romanian-American ; More information on the tuition fees and rates Typical offers for applicants taking the Maturitni Zkouka would be to pass the Maturitni with a score of 1 (vyborny) in at least 3 relevant subjects. Depending on the bachelor's programme of your choice, physics, chemistry and/or biology is also required up until the final year at a Liceo Scientifico. In addition, upload a document explaining which subjects you will take on your national exam. Romanian-American Diploma za poloena dravna matura / Diploma general secondary education (4 years) obtained at 'shkoll e mesme gjimnaz'with the mandatory national exam subject mathematics. Typical offers for applicants taking the Atestts Par Visprjo Vidjo Izgltbu (Certificate of General Secondary Education) would be based on an overall average of 9.0-9.6 as well as 90-95% in three relevant state exams. Universitatea Romno-American - 2022. In addition, upload a document explaining which subjects you will take for your national Matura exam. A single application for international students to apply to the worlds best schools and universities. When you wish to study at Tilburg University, you must pay a tuition fee. If you require further advice and guidance you shouldcontact the Collegethat you wish to apply to. In all cases, you can use our general examples of the requested documents. Typical offers for applicants taking the Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools Grade 12 Certificate are as follows: The Attestat/Svidetel' stvo o Srednem Obrazovanii (Certificate of General Secondary Education) would not be considered to be suitable preparation for a competitive application to the University of Cambridge. Modules in the first year. Typical offers for applicants studying towards the Higher School Certificate would be based on grades achieved in three International A Levels offered by Cambridge International, Oxford AQA or Pearson Edexcel as part of the Certificate, as follows: Typical offers for applicants taking the Matriculation Certificate of Examinations would be based on grades AAA in three relevant Advanced Level subjects. Examples of suitable further study include relevant science Olympiads, A Levels, the International Baccalaureate (IB), Advanced Placement (AP) Tests, or possibly the first year of an undergraduate degree at a university outside the UK. If you have passed your secondary education, please upload your diploma including official final transcript of records in the original language (English). Students graduated before 2022Diploma Za Sredno Obrazovanie (academic stream) with at least 350 hours of mathematics as Compulsory Training. If you studied a Common International Curricula in high school, which includes the International Baccalaureate (IB) and the British patterned Education (GCE), you must meet the following requirements. After you have done so, you will be informed about your admissibility as soon as possible via email. International Arab Baccalaureate (IAB) students will only be considered as competitive for Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences courses (including Economics) and Psychological and Behavioural Sciences. If you have not yet graduated, please upload your most recent transcript of records in the original language and officially translated into English or Dutch. Please submit your application to the University of Twente before you make a reservation for one of the tests (to prevent possibly unnecessary costs). Typical offers for the Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education (UACE) would be based on grades AAA at principal level in relevant subjects. International Students. Typical offers for applicants taking the Diplme de Fin d'Etudes Secondaires would be based on an overall score of at least 50 (trs bien). Applicants will normally be expected to attain a pass mark in Citizenship and Social Development. Impressive by size, architecture, facilities and functionality, our Campus serves as a laboratory for modeling the professional values that characterizes RAU students. If you have passed your secondary education, please upload your diplomaand official final transcript of records in the original language and officiallytranslated into English or Dutch. Details are given below about the typical evidence expected in addition to a very high level of performance in both the Certificate of Complete General Education and the Independent External Examination: In some circumstances, Colleges may consider an application from a student who is undertaking one year of undergraduate study at a university outside the UK, and wishes to use that study as evidence of their suitability for our degree course. Basic information on data protection. Search by Discipline, BFA with specialization in Painting We would normally expect students to be taking at least two of the five Matura subjects at the Higher Level. Diploma van Secundair Onderwijs, richting Algemeen Secundair Onderwijs (ASO), Certificat d'Enseignement Secondaire Suprieur, enseignement general, Diploma o poloenom maturskom ispituobtained at a, Diploma o zavrenoj srednjoj koli or Diploma o zavrenoj gimnaziji obtained at a. The Matura Shtetrore is not considered to be suitable preparation for a competitive application to the University of Cambridge. Applicants taking the Singapore-Cambridge GCE Advanced Levels would be expected to be taking four subjects at H2 Level. Please contact a College Admissions Officefor further guidance on this route. You must have an IB diploma with all of the following: overall minimum grade of 24 Countries where RAU students go for studies mobilities, Accommodation places in the campus dormitory, Studies programs with full accreditation (RO + EN). We strongly recommend that you undertake further study if you wish to apply for an undergraduate degree. The University of Twente assesses on individual bases whether or not you are eligible for such a test and inform you via email after a submitted application. From local talent to global experts, we want to hear from you. R3T 2N2, University of Manitoba Please see further information about the Dutch educational system and routes if you are not directly admissible. 9. Tuition fees cover the cost of lectures and facilities provided by the university, such as the extensive university library, Wi-Fi on campus, and symposia and other meetings. Applicants for Sciences courses with either the HTX or STX should be aware that significant additional independent study will be required for both the admissions assessment and the commencement of the course. If you have passed your secondary education, please upload your diploma and official final transcript of records in the original language (German) (translations into English/Dutch are not necessary). Visit our admissions assessment pages for more information. Current undergraduate students of the University of Sunderland, please use this apply linkApply now. In addition, upload a statement if you will pass the Swiadectwo Ukonczenia Liceum Ogolnoksztalcacego (General lyceum) AND Swiadectwo Dojrzalosci Liceum Ogolnoksztalcacego (General lyceum). Chemistry as an (elective) profiled subject in year 11 and year 12 and chemistry as Matura exam* (grade 3 - 6). Some countries have their own webpages, click on them below to see more detailed information. Romania. Applicants are also usually asked to achieve scores of 90% in three subjects. For exemptions macedonia is not considered suitable preparation for a competitive application to the University of Manitoba throughout the and Year with its corresponding credits ) always in combination with Swiadectwo Dojrzalosci Ogolnoksztalcacego ( Gaozhong ) with the mandatory subject mathematics award-winning approach to teaching inspires lifelong learning and shapes graduate. 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