Few informants reported challenges or barriers to conducting risk communication that were specific to senior citizens. The compendium is a database in an Excel spreadsheet. In accordance with the development of the COVID-19 outbreak, Table 2 illustrates the processes of internal and external communication with other events related to COVID-19 information. Journal of Health Communication, 12(3), 217-32. A Fact Sheet for People who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing, Community Emergency Preparedness Information Network (linked from Disabilityinfo.gov site), Volcanoes-- Are You Ready? Action Orientation. Psychological Bulletin, 133(4), 673-693. People have widely varying capacities to process risk messages, including scientific and technical understandings of risk. & Allen, F.W. As described in the literature review in Task 3 of this project,[3] vulnerable populations face specific challenges in their ability to access, process, and act on risk communication and may have particular needs before, during, and after emergencies. The booklet, Listen, Protect, and Connect: Psychological First Aid for Children and Parents, (#250) from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS), includes places to write in details, which helps to ground the risk communication in an individuals experiences. Cordosco, K.M., Eisenman, D.P., Glik, D.C., Golden, J.F., & Asch, S.M. Finally, a field was included in the DAF to enable a qualitative analysis wherein the review team summarized the main points of each study in a free text entry of 3-4 sentences. However, where materials that met inclusion criteria were translated, we noted these other languages. Senior citizens, in turn, shared their experiences in disasters over their lifetime so that some intergenerational learning took place. However, we learned that senior citizens may be difficult to reach if they have weak social networks or do not receive any social services. States tend to develop some pre-planned, standardized messages around emergency events that are likely to occur every year in their state, such as heat waves, tornadoes, fires, or hurricanes. Numerous materials on various types of disasters are available for download. This review, in turn, uncovered a number of promising risk communication strategies that were effectively implemented by these resources. (2007). Last of Unaccompanied Children in Katrina Shelters Reunited with Families. Finally, reaching at-risk populations requires the use of multiple channels, formats, and tools. All vulnerable populations included in the PAHPA definition are not included in Chapter 68 of Title 42. A set of tip cards for first responders from the Center for Development and Disability at the University of New Mexico (#4) consists of simple, bulleted information broken down by disability type. Misinformation can stem from our knowledge gaps: not yet having a full understanding of the virus and our seeming inability to act beyond staying at home. Prehospital and Disaster Medicine, 22(3), 165-173. To inform this gap, RAND researchers, under contract by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation (Task Order 07EASPE000074), sought to understand the communication needs and to identify strategies with potential for improving risk communication with at-risk populations. Evaluate the impact of risk communication efforts. In collaboration with the Sheriffs Department, the California Department of Health and Human Services, through its PIO, conducts periodic exercises to ensure that responders are properly trained for helping at-risk populations during a disaster. Quinn, S.C. (2008). Involve the public in dialogue about risk. Yet, the literature review (Task 3) and recent events such as Hurricanes Katrina and Rita highlight the specific challenges and shortcomings of risk communications for vulnerable populations. U.S. Code Title 42: The Public Health and Welfare, Chapter 68 (Disaster Relief). To be effective in keeping the public safe, risk communication must allow for individuals to access, process, and act upon information provided about the risk (Mileti and Sorensen, 1990). This assessment is intended to inform planning for risk communication regarding public health emergency preparedness, response, and recovery for at-risk populations. Along with the themes regarding successful risk communication strategies with vulnerable populations, gaps in the literature were revealed through our review as well. (2006). However, the early history of the COVID outbreak in Wuhan shows information disclosure and delayed decision making, which commonly illustrates an ineffective risk communication associated with COVID-19 [7]. Speculation may be rampant as a result, and its not based in full factual analysis. We avoided sites that were over-studied (e.g., Louisiana) to reduce the research burden on potential informants and sites that would not be generalizable to the other sites (e.g., New York, given its extreme mix of urban and rural areas and its exposure to terrorism). Ringel, J.S., Chandra, A., Leuschner, K.J., Lim, Y.W., Lurie, N., Ricci, K.A., et al. Assets mapping can be used to elicit perspectives of at-risk populations through the process and can engage communities in identifying key strengths, assets, and partners that may be useful in risk communication activities. Educational Gerontology, 30(4), 275-285. An extensive search of web-based resources from 73 Federal Government agencies and national organizations uncovered 242 available risk communications. The Pardee RAND Graduate School (PardeeRAND.edu) is home to the only Ph.D. and M.Phil. The EAO would work through the federal Joint Information Center and within the Logistics Section of the JFO. Coordinating risk communication planning with state and local agencies and non-government partners. Most of these citations were primarily descriptive and qualitative in nature, with an emphasis on emergency response to natural disasters (as opposed to emergency preparedness or recovery related to other types of public health emergencies). The evaluation, which was performed at two sites, revealed that health promotores do affect recipients actions with regard to emergency planning. Supplementing imagery with audio messages is likely to address the needs of many at-risk populations. Informants learned that one-shot interventions do not work well. A Fact Sheet for People who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing, Community Emergency Preparedness Information Network (linked from DisabilityNow.org site), Extreme Heat-- Are You Ready? However, in Section 5197h, the Minority Emergency Preparedness Demonstration Program is described. Emergency preparedness communities often use language that may not be well-known to vulnerable populations, and hence need to be defined. Additionally, all references dated 2000 or later in the National Cancer Institutes Risk Communication Bibliography were searched, and publications posted on the Center for Risk Communication website (http://www.centerforriskcommunication.com/home.htm) were also reviewed for inclusion. Download Now . The recommendations (summarized below) address several barriers to risk communication success identified in the peer-reviewed literature, including trust in risk communication sources, resources to disseminate messaging, and clarity and consistency of risk communication. Abstract 92340. Atlanta, GA: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. In this paper we present an empirically-derived and theoretically-informed framework for emergency preparedness to inform local/regional public health agency practice. In natural disasters, individuals need to have information about potential dangers and how and where they can seek safe shelter, while in emergencies with a contagious agent, communication-related to isolation and quarantine procedures is required. Wuhan (2958 N3122 N, 11341 E11505 E) is the capital city of the Hubei province and is the seventh largest city in the Peoples Republic of China. (Secure your stuff and Have a disaster kit are key messages.) After removing 40 of these that we deemed outside the scope of the project and 27 that were unavailable for download and hence not immediately available to our audiences, 242 materials remained in the final compendium. New York, NY: Random House. Communication was the functional area was most commonly addressed in the literature,[7, 21, 22, 24, 25, 26, 27, 29, 30, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 40, 41, 44, 45, 46, 47, 57, 58, 61, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72] followed by medical care,[21, 22, 23, 28, 30, 33, 35, 37, 39, 47, 58, 66, 67, 68, 71] transportation,[31, 32, 34, 35, 37, 39, 47] maintaining independence,[27, 31, 71] and supervision. It also augments the resources available to achieve a core recommendation from the literature review: communicate early, communicate often, and communicate in accessible and personally relevant ways. As described in more detail below, risk communication materials for vulnerable populations were identified by searching publicly available websites. ; resources, K.C. Whereas the number of translated materials reported here seems low, we did not compare them to resources targeting general audiences, which may suffer from the same lack of translation. The government was busy refuting these rumors. Once the acute stage of a disaster has subsided, communications can focus on after-action reports and other evaluation activities, including sharing experiences and lessons with other counties and states. Emergency planners and managers need to know how to identify, locate, and reach all affected groups in an emergency. Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations. Compendium search methods. Cites, Individuals with disabilities, institutionalized individuals, elderly, diverse cultures, limited English proficiency, children, chronically ill, pharmacologically dependent, geographically isolated. There is no consensus on its basic reproduction number (R0 or R-zero), although current scientific studies demonstrate that the range of R0 falls within 2.56.5 [15,23,24]. Therefore, the risk communication was not evidence-based but arbitrary, because it failed to conform to a dynamic process as the understanding of the risk evolved. Items could also address any stage of the preparedness cycle, including preparedness, response, and/or mitigation and recovery. [1] In addition, our review identified several promising approaches to successful public health emergency risk communication with vulnerable populations: Offer frequent risk communication in multiple modes that are locally and personally relevant. Additionally, each of the reviewed references addressed the broad points that early and consistent risk communication is key in public health emergencies (See [21]) and that risk communication must take into account the special needs of vulnerable populations (See [10, 22]). An official website of the United States government. Establishing a Director of At-Risk Individuals within ASPR. We provide several examples of functional needs of at-risk individuals. (2005). However, we also learned that some content of emergency risk communication is specific to a particular at-risk group. As emphasized in the literature review, it is important that risk communication efforts for at-risk populations go beyond straight translation to also teach cultural competence (e.g., address linguistic barriers and incorporate cultural beliefs) to ensure comprehension. Most common were themes related to the clarity and understandability of the resources, closely followed by comprehensiveness and having an action orientation. To support the efforts of public health emergency planners and responders working to successfully address the communication-related needs of vulnerable populations, we conducted a literature review in response to Task Order 07EASPE000074 to identify promising risk communication approaches and messaging strategies that address the communication limitations or barriers facing vulnerable populations before, during, and after a public health emergency. Having youth interact with senior citizens makes emergency preparedness more collaborative and enjoyable for those involved. Gaps Related to Functional Areas Addressed. These infections may either be asymptomatic or have symptoms that include fever, cough, and shortness of breath [21,22]. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This must be done in rapid timeframes and without knowing everything about the crisis. [40] Though meteorologists were only mentioned twice, in a relatively small literature it is worth noting that two studies arrived at this same conclusion. In particular, it is important to consider the likelihood that certain factors need to be addressed for successful emergency risk communication. Key messages they promote are to (1) make a plan with family; (2) have a disaster kit with basic supplies; and (3) be informed--get appropriate and correct information during a disaster. The interim reports from the literature review and compendium are included in Appendix A and Appendix B.1. (2007). Recognize people's emotions. Executive Order 13347: Individuals with Disabilities in Emergency Preparedness (retrieved from the White House website). We also learned from site visits that states regularly engage their PIOs in continuing education. Poor trust and privacy concerns. In many parts of the country, citizens are often well connected to their religious institutions, and the institutions stay in good communication with their members through the use of bulletins and volunteers. ), Handbook of Social Psychology (Vol. Organizations often have a vested interest in a particular interpretation of risk [28,29]. Risk communication, risk perception, and public health. Haddon, W. Jr. (1980). In general, risk communication in the context of public health emergencies is a complex process. Risk communication messages and strategies must consider at-risk, isolated, and AFN populations. In addition to a qualitative synthesis of the existing peer-reviewed literature, we also examined data collected by the DAF to provide a general summary of the quality and content of the existing literature on public health emergency risk communication with vulnerable populations, including the main issues addressed by relevant statutes, regulations, and other related government or organizational reports. In addition, the Developmental Disabilities Council is creating a manual to help PWD prepare for disasters, know what to include in emergency packets, and know what to do in the event of a disaster. The Washington, DC, metro area in particular is poised to respond to threats of terrorism given the events of 9/11 and the subsequent anthrax attacks. Washington, DC: National Academy Press. Risk communication is one of 8 core capacities in order to prevent the global spread of disease as required under the International Health Regulations (2005). We learned from informants that PWD have experienced challenges when trying to access shelters; not all shelters follow ADA guidelines regarding accessibility. The compendium construction involved three progressive phases of review. The primary goal of the network is to get command center emergency information back to the partner organizations through real-time communication channels (email, wireless devices) and for community partners to return feedback about their local needs. Guan W., Ni Z., Hu Y., Liang W., Ou C., He J., Liu L., Shan H., Lei C., Hui D.S.C., et al. (2007). Marketing Social Change: Changing Behavior to Promote Health, Social Development, and the Environment (1st ed.). This is also one means of enhancing the comprehensiveness of the risk communications--a theme identified from the compendium of risk communications--since local partners are more likely to be aware of needs of at-risk populations specific to their communities. For additional information about this subject, you can visit the DALTCP home page at http://aspe.hhs.gov/_/office_specific/daltcp.cfm or contact the ASPE Project Officer, Emily Rosenoff, at HHS/ASPE/DALTCP, Room 424E, H.H. Below we summarize some of the issues that were mentioned. Fox, S. (2005). Emergency communication challenges in response to Hurricane Katrina: Lessons from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Public Law 109-59. Informants in Oklahoma would like to see more messages disseminated appropriately for older adults and PWD. For example, the Oklahoma Department of Health regularly translates preparedness materials into Spanish but uses CDC-prepared materials translated into other languages spoken in the state. Risk communication must consist of an interactive process where all parties are given access to multiple messages representing all relevant views. Another example is that people who use wheelchairs need to know how to evacuate on wheels.. RAND recently developed a tool that can import local Census data for identifying and locating at-risk populations; this may be useful in assisting states with resource planning. The parish nurses and other community nurses use a core set of materials to train others about emergency preparedness in their respective congregations. In addition, there are also opportunities for mutual learning that would allow for formative research, improve health departments cultural competence, and enhance the capacity of organizations, including faith-based organizations, to serve their communities. Ambulatory Pediatrics, 7(5), 401-404. Virtually every day, crisis and emergency risk communication is needed somewhere in public health. More details about this task, including the compendium, are available in Appendix B. Further, Internet access to Electronic Health Records, where available, can facilitate communication critical to the medical needs of individuals with chronic illnesses. An expert clarified that this study is not a detailed research but only preliminary, and indicated that scientific expression should not be exaggerated [37].

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