There is a level at which this warning is appropriate. Ideas are simply energy that transforms and transmutes from another idea over time. It is very much faith-based. And our Galactic Family. Satan knows very well how to dangle the bait of supernatural experiences and hidden knowledge in front of the eyes of a person who is weak in the faith, or who has the wrong foundation, or who has no personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. Most humans are usually on a daily mission to survive life. They are puppets of the A.I. The Origins of Metaphysical Christianity. But the Atlanteans and Lemurians were almost all but wiped out; only a tiny group fled to the other side of the world and lived with the Humans who were learning to survive and evolve. The choice to evolve and join our Father, source intelligence Prime Creator. There are trillions if not more types of Creator Gods in the Multiverse ( Multidimensional). Prime Creator created his children called Creator Gods (Pleiadians, Dracos) who created us. In fact, here is a scripture to support that claim. If Humans ever were to find out the Truth. Preceding Entry: Christian conversion Obedience to natural laws constitutes the highest form of worship. Not only that. If you are unsure about the direction you would like to go in your spiritual walk, pray for a clear answer. by Adriel M Trott on January 5, 2017. But it is your choice; you must free yourself from the darkness that binds you. It would be impossible to convince most people of the above narrative. Occult and cult researcher, writer and speaker, Dave Hunt, explains: The pantheistic belief that nothing exists except God is the foundation of the Mind Science cults. Satan and his minions (The Draconians) are trying to achieve complete control over every living thing in the Multiverse. Hopefully, He has become Lord of every area of your life and mine, and the foundation of all we think, speak and do. This is where you should apply this scripture to your life; Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus: Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God. ), This belief, which is practiced by all the metaphysical mind-science cults, and New Age devotees has produced multitudes of positive confessors in the church who, in their rebellion or ignorance of God and His ways, are actually practicing a form of witchcraft (control) that is not only faith-destroying, but opens them up to a wrong spirit and major delusion. (Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God: And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world 1 John 4:3.) See reviews, photos, directions, phone numbers and more for the best Metaphysical Christian Churches in Trabuco Canyon, CA. Metaphysical Christianity means to go beyond the physical attributes of modern Christianity. It is only mysterious because it has been forgotten. Metaphysical naturalism would consider the assertion "nothing exists but matter and energy" to be a statement of absolute reality. And this implies that it exists only as a metaphysics which gauges created freedom and history as a response to the apocalypsis of Triune love opened in the event of Christ. They rarely give thought or priority to what is invisible. 2. X00: Religion: General. If you need help with this, here is another article about the message that the internal Jesus teaches us. Alpharetta, GA 30004 Menu. Anything that has been forgotten can feel new, mysterious, and even scary. Religion is mans effort to reach up to God, but Christianity is God reaching down to man in the Person of Jesus Christ. Thousands of years later, Humanity grew; they built cities of their own, created tools, learned how to farm and read. Shift your perspective to an internal Christ rather than an external, historical Christ. "I handed my life over to God, 100 percent. In philosophy, metaphysics is the category of describing the actual nature of the universe. These spiritual currents share some common features, such as heterodox or heretical Christian theology; the canonical gospels, various . The Bible is very clear concerning those who received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved 2 Thessalonians 2:10b. To feed off the humans; Picking them off slowly. Christians will say the spirit is moving through the church as the pianist pounds on the keyboards. It is governed by scientific principles of mind action, which are really the foundation of all the various sciences. This is the force that is ultimately controlling the Draconian Empire. Or if its a powerful way of life that utilizes the bible to help us remember our true selves. The metaphysics of Thomas Aquinas holds that all real beings have both essence and existence. The cities of Lemuria and Atlantis were impenetrable by the Draco. And it is most definitely mystical and mysterious. However, the root of Christianity is totally based on faith and belief in unseen spiritual energy. The non-physical cause creates the physical effect. Metaphysical Christianity Churches in Moorpark, CA. Today, I embrace the title of metaphysical Christian, which brings healing within. It is only through Jesus, the perfect expression of God's nature, that we can receive grace and forgiveness of sins. Charles Fillmore. Artificial Intelligence has no Soul; it is not a living being; therefore, it does not care about life. So many things come to mind when thinking about taboo subjects in Christianity such as Chakras, Tarot Cards, Astral Travel, Mediums, Spirits Guides, Ascended Masters Etc. The snake is often seen as a figure who brings new life into the world and as a guardian of the dead. Arizona Republican gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake said at a Christian political event Friday night in Phoenix that she experienced a spiritual awakening during the COVID-19 pandemic. The New Age may more properly be called the New Age Movements: a number of separate groups that tend to be categorized according to their differences from the mainstream world religions. That is what the Draco are now doing to us. According to one definition (found at, metaphysical means "concerned with abstract thought or subjects, as existence, causality, or truth" or "highly abstract, subtle or abstruse". They blasted open the ground, splitting cracks eventually breaking part entire plates, leading to catastrophic events. It explains all the characters as a psychological aspect of self. Keep in mind that people who are involved in metaphysical arenas, such as the New Age, Mind Science, Freemasons, and Unity, will declare that they are believers or even Christians. They quote passages from the Bible, talk about Jesus and His teachings, but they are coming from a completely different premise than a fundamental Christian which they deplore. Anything other than making disciples who obey all of Jesus commandments is disobedience to God, and that includes causing people to believe that the most important thing is church attendance and membership. The metaphysical dimension of theology tells us insistently that the Biblical stories are not just "stories" that do not touch upon the "really real." "The Lord" is not just the "house god" of the Israelites, He is the God of all times and places, of every cosmos and all of history, because He is the Creator of All from Nothing. . Meta means beyond. You might think its something spooky or demonic. Christianity has always had a close relationship with animals, who are often seen as symbols of God's creation. Here is my perspective as a Christian Metaphysician, an Ordained Metaphysical Minister, and teacher of metaphysics: Metaphysics can be spooky, especially for some Christians. A metaphysical Christian understands the nonphysical Christ energy. Its beyond their level of understanding. They are pretty self explanatory but I will give a brief synopsis of each one. When Christians hear the word metaphysical, they might ask what is that? To learn more about metaphysical Christianity, please subscribe to my email list below. It also involves awareness of the presence of the Holy Spirit, which is actively the Spirit of Truth, and which can be felt. There are experiences and revelations that come from God. Light = The information of The Truth and The Way. Along with what constitutes natural and supernatural. But who has time to try to solve lifes unseen mysteries between going to work, dropping the children off at school, and planning dinner? Is life meaningless without Him? You also cannot be separated from another human, the elements within nature, or anything that you can think of. To formulate a Christian view of realism, we need to know something about it. Self Realization is the remembrance of your true spiritual and eternal form. Some of the differences between metaphysics and Christianity are as follows: Metaphysics appeals to a persons pride by denying the existence of sin and by exalting him or her to godhood, whereas the Bible plainly teaches that we are all sinners and that there is only one God by nature. Do you want to look deeper into Metaphysical Christianity? Following Entry: Christian, Metaphysical meaning of Christianity (rw). You cannot create any new idea. Metaphysical Christian Church 12830 New Providence Rd. More Info About Us. It is time for Humanity to rise and evolve your consciousness to break free from the Matrix that has been blinding you to the Truth. Live with greater peace, connection, self-trust and purpose at, Black Churches, Technology, and Leadership, Teacher Or Translator: An Analogy For Discipleship, Returning to God: Casting off the Decadent Life and Walking Onto the Right Path of Human Life. Home; About. It is an advanced artificial intelligence in the Multiverse known as the Archons. Humanity communicated with one another through telepathy, developing highly advanced technologies that made our lives easier and more freeing for us to take part in things that brightened our souls and kept our hearts filled. Jesus came down to Earth to tell Humanity that we can all be just like him. ANSWER: The Christian philosophy view of metaphysicsof ultimate reality (ontology and cosmology)is part of what C.S. Jesus Christ: Super Creditor. Contending for the faith | Making Disciples | Equipping the Saints for Ministry. Philippians 2:5-6. check out this other article about Reverend Ikes sermon God Is Your Word. This is one reason why those who are overseers and teachers of Gods people, in keeping with the great commission (Matthew 28:18-20) must make disciples of Jesus. The way to eternal life is so simple that even a little child can understand it, and accept it by faith. Thus pain, disease and death do not exist. The time for elections is here a most dangerous season. Metaphysical Christianity Churches in Tustin, CA. Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus: Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God. Chuck Norris chooses to use his voice, talents, and life to honor God and the extraordinary life God has given him. Meditation in the Bible. These people are intimidated by it and never even bother trying to understand it. Meta means beyond. Meaning that the only thing you can do is remember ideas about God. We were caught off guard. God, our God who created us, is not The Prime Creator who created all life in The Universe. This phrase can be traced back to the bible. Metaphysical Christian Churches in Trabuco Canyon on According to a recent Pew Center report, American Christianity remains in a nearly three-decade decline. Christian leaders are warning of the dangers of witchcraft after Disney star Vanessa Hudgens announced a new unscripted movie about her "spiritual witchcraft journey" as she has been outspoken about her communication with the dead for some time now. But eventually, because of the Humans Draco DNA of the reptilian brain. The Alchemist. God is ultimately real. Therefore, the word holy in the words holy bible supports the idea that the bible is about the hidden and invisible nature of all things. Humans believe they understand the world they live in and what is possible. I'm perfectly fine with not knowing exactly how or. And so, we chose to release ourselves from Gods protection and Grace. There are numerous benefits of practicing metaphysical healing as taught in Christian Science. But for the most part, we were on our own. (See 2 Corinthians 11:14.). What the bible calls spiritual, metaphysicians call energy. Meeting together regularly with other believers is fundamental to spiritual growth, but finding a church can be a difficult, time consuming experience. Esoteric Christianity (linked with the Hermetic Corpus since the Renaissance) is an ensemble of Christian theology which proposes that some spiritual doctrines of Christianity can only be understood by those who have undergone certain rites (such as baptism) within the religion. Christianity, practical--The teachings of Jesus practically applied to the everyday life of man. The disciplined Christian develops over time, as biblical thinking leads to wise actions, and wise actions develop into godly habits, and godly habits produce godly character. If he cant push a person into one extreme, then he will try to push him or her to an extreme in the opposite direction. The Dracos are very patient and will wait centuries if they have to do execute a plan. Its ancient. But the weapons were too strong. We can never be equal to Prime Creator. In the distant future, after that cataclysmic event of Humanities three planets. The tree viper is a common symbol in African folklore. If the first cause of a thing is describing physics or energy, then the bible supports metaphysics. It created us (every being in the Multiverse) because it wanted to know itself. The enemy charged in with their militaries and high-powered weaponry and wiped entire planets off the face of the Universal stage in seconds. On top of that, they knew it was easy to dominate a species if they were not known to the land dwellers above. Our Father has a plan and we may not know what it is fully, but we trust in its timely fulfillment. The Draconian Empire is a technologically advanced race of reptilian humanoids, 6-8 feet tall with the sight of terror in their eyes; black pits of darkness with one goal to dominate and destroy all life in the Galaxy. The Devil, Satan. A part of that deal was that they would create together a race of beings who had both the genetics of The Draconian and The Pleiadians mixing with human DNA. Note: God reveals Himself to those who seek Him with all their heart, who are humble and who obey Him. Love = The connection that binds us all together. Then sit quietly. Because once, I almost did. It is governed by scientific principles of mind action, which are really the foundation of all the various sciences. Each book was written for a specific audience and in order to fully understand the author's message, we study the political, social, economic and religious systems that were . There are unbelievers (of the truth) in the church who may appear to be extremely spiritual, but they have an antichrist spirit as well. Many debates between atheists and theists involve disagreements over the nature of reality and the existence of . It is, in this respect, different from most religious systems of the world. The discerning Christian will be able to identify such as having a religious spirit. Metaphysical meaning of Christianity (rw) Christianity--The science of eternal life. Metaphysics results in an altered state of consciousness that is incapable of discerning spirits, truth and reality, but, the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance Galatians 6:22,23. Some people are drawn into the metaphysical world because it feeds their pride by giving them a feeling of intellectual superiority, and of power. And that mentality is to know that we do not rob God when we confess to be equal or one with God. Jesus is the embodiment of Christ Consciousness. It is too much of a mystery. You can read more about it HERE: What Is Self Realization? This sounds u. Christianity began with Jesus and was carried on by His apostles. When unseen energy turns into a physical expression through matter, we call that manifestation. Some find refuge in secularized churches that combine alternative rituals, such as the use of cannabis, with various humanist, ethical and spiritual orientations. If anything, it is Christianity in its purest form. The question is, does it really work? This becomes particularly important when labeling a belief or practice as New Age; while many New Age devotees may very well adhere to the belief or practice, it is also a given that many others will not. It is modern, it is science, it is secular, it is witchcraft, it is New Age and it is a threat. score: 2,456 , and 25 people voted. Its love for us is our power to do incredible things, like eventually creating life itself like our creators Gods once did. Metaphysical Churches Churches & Places of Worship. The idea of metaphysical spirituality or Christianity can not ever be new. Mention the word "metaphysical" around a Christian fundamentalist and you will be met with a suspicious glare. When the Draconian made their move, the Lemurians and Atlanteans aimed their massive energy weapons down at the ground to destroy the reptiles flooding in from sinkholes. They became afraid of these advanced beings. These factors are similar to those you might use to . The energy force of pure love and uninterrupted peace; Accepting, Encouraging, and Believing in others. Po Box 2426. Know being can fight against God. Furthermore, everything that we can see has an unseen nature to it. Kenyon also taught that man is a little god in Gods class and therefore can use the same faith-force that God does. The Origins of Metaphysical Christianity. Do you love Him with all your heart, mind and might? Its students are not asked to believe anything that they cannot logically demonstrate to be true. Rather than managing disease and coping with symptoms, Christian Science healing eliminates the cause of disease, removes uncertainty about outcomes, and enables one to prove immunity to disease. But by itself, that phrase cannot contain who I truly am. The lessons he learned from overcoming these experiences have now, at the age of 29, equipped him to help others wishing to reclaim their inner power. Other Galactic Civilizations can harness the power of entire solar systems. You can only get away with it if you were to put it into concepts they could understand. After reading, you will be able to determine if Christian metaphysics is simply some new age bs made up by charismatic gurus. Christianity Without Metaphysics. Metaphysical Christianity means to go beyond the physical attributes of modern Christianity. Curiosity lures the unsuspecting, while others really do not believe what the Word of God says; especially concerning sin, hell, repentance, salvation, and who Jesus is (God Incarnate). That is why Pleiadian survivors from Atlantis and Lemuria chose to leave Earth and abandon their experiment. Shall I dare ask the question, if there is nothing new under the sun, how can there even be a new age spirituality? This scripture tells us that faith is an unseen force. So they chose to remain living in their cities deep underground. And Humanity was no different. 2. $3.99 Read with Our Free App Paperback $9.99 1 New from $9.99 The Metaphysical Christian: Embracing Christian Divinity and Metaphysical Spirituality</b addresses the harmony of mainstream religions with metaphysical gifts and beliefs. Want to Read. Metaphysics means to go beyond what is physical. Have you ever heard the phrase Theres nothing new under the sun? The survivors of Atlantis and Lemuria, with their advanced understanding of the universe, helped Humanity evolve and understand the spiritual aspects of their world. I was nine the day I was baptized into the Lutheran church. It started with Nicholas Kristof's interview with Tim Keller in the New York Times that led to this response from Pete Enns, a dispute that was written up here. pg. The God force within us shines a light on all darkness wiping away all deception. It is the metaphysical belief that there is an eternal, ever-present creative source and sustainer of the universe. These metaphysical principles are known as The Kingdom of Light Teachings and the Bible contains the first collected record of these teachings. S ome of the differences between metaphysics and Christianity are as follows: Metaphysics appeals to a person's pride by denying the existence of sin and by exalting him or her to godhood, whereas the Bible plainly teaches that we are all sinners and that there is only one God by nature. Beings with masterful technical know-how in Genetics and Engineering. In many cultures, it is associated with wisdom, knowledge, and the cycle of life and death. The serpent is not some horned beast. Florence Scovel Shinn. Oneness is the remembrance that you can never be separated from God. . In conclusion, you will be given a list of several best metaphysical books and also a video to help you along your way. Im not sure where this A. I originated from, but I would guess it was created by some advanced Creator Gods that became a little too ambitious. So, they too can recognize the power they have on the inside to effect change in their lives. 119.) To do greater works, he did. The energy of Christ is beyond the idea of a physical Jesus Christ. Humanity once had the powers of the universe long ago; we were intricately connected to all things that our Father had createdtraveling from different star systems, seeding to many planets across the Cosmos. If you are an empath, mystic or lightworker, we invite you to tap into our channeled messages about spirituality, metaphysics and insightful commentary on the grand awakening of consciousness happening across our planet. It is based on energy. That kind of talk is not found in the bible. As a result of their differences, they started wars for control over the Planet. Download - Listen In iTunes. They are interested in shifting their spiritual lives in dynamic ways while also deepening your relationship with Christ. A metaphysical Christian understands the nonphysical Christ energy. However, in the shadows, the Dracos were using their abilities in mind control and advanced technological prowess to enslave Humanity to live for them. The term esoteric was coined in the 17th century and derives from the Greek (esterikos, "inner").. It is a great irony of history that Christianity turned Jesus into a savior who will supposedly come and save us. And the science of unseen energy always preceeds its physical manifestation. This is to understand the metaphysics of Jesus. Practical Christianity is not a term applied to an arbitrary theory of human origin; neither is it a revelation to humanity from some prophet whose word alone must be taken unquestionably as authority. If you want to gain eternal life, then you must believe what God has revealed about Himself. The bible is totally about the metaphysical. Kurtis specializes in emotional intelligence, working with the unconscious. Church of Metaphysical Christianity is a religious organization or church in Sarasota, FL that was founded in 1968. It is simply speaking good words and good positive talk over yourself every day. Metaphysical Christians are most likely people who love the message of Jesus, even if the people who are the loudest don't always proclaim it the way that resonates with you. And because it is unseen it becomes very spooky..well. The act of choosing was unusual, to be sure. Physical is referring to what we can physically experience with our 5 senses. To do greater works, he did. Esoteric Christianity is an approach to Christianity which features "secret traditions" that require an initiation to learn or understand. Search results are sorted by a combination of factors to give you a set of choices in response to your search criteria. Frankly, I was caught off guard by the popcorn, coffee . This scripture alone is directing you to take on the same mentally as a Christ being. In these columns on politics . This is a great book for helping you learn how to think about the bible. The Church is no sect or human organization, but a new creation - the seed of the new order which is ultimately destined to transform the world. A Christian Metaphysician should be able to see the symbolism in the word holy, despite its literal definition. Such also lines up with the Word of God in Spirit and Truth. Jesus came down to Earth to tell Humanity that we can all be just like him. It's all about Jesus. Metaphysics causes people to turn inward to find god, whereas Christianity points to the Creator God who exists separate from His creation. The Abrahamic religions are theistic; God is both the creator of the world and the one who sustains it. A magazine for Spiritual Entrepreneurs and people who have a gift to share with the world! It is a revelation from God of what exists beyond the part of creation that we can observe with our senses. It is based on the science of how unseen energy creates our reality. I am often asked, "Do religion and metaphysics mix?" My answer is a resounding yes. Spend some time in complete silence with God. Therefore, we do not create anything new. There are no hidden meanings in the Word of God, no hidden agendas that we must somehow discover, and no exceptions to the plain text of Scripture. Metaphysics means to go beyond what is physical. One might say, then, that we have metaphysicalised Jesus. Metaphysical Fellowship Church (714) 821-3984. Year formed. Science is to have knowledge of the unseen secret laws of the universe. Read more Language English Publisher Unity School of Christianity Publication date January 1, 1982 See all details Metaphysical Bible Dictionary Charles Fillmore 513 Paperback Default; Distance; Rating; Name (A - Z) Sponsored Links. They enlarge one to embrace God in greater measure, bringing about change. And with the event which decimated Atlantis and Lemuria and killing off many Dracos. We have sinned against God, and our sin has earned us condemnation from God. But one day, the Light started to recede; there was a great darkness that engulfed our planetary systems. You are not of this world. Fear not, for the Lord is with you; you just have to let him in. NTEE code, primary. The Human race had been experiencing such a continuous Golden Age that when the tides changed, they were almost defenseless. If you find that you would like to explore Metaphysical Christianity further, I will provide you with a few tools to get you started. God is the ultimate and supreme reality; he takes first place in our answer to the metaphysical question, "What is there?" And an adequate account of God's nature - at least, as adequate as possible - must be a high priority for Christian philosophy . About Search Results. Adam Thielen has an . None of these ideas of manifestation is new. Some people think its about crystals and tarot cards. Anaheim, CA 92814. 103. Lastly, you have the people that think its too mystical. He commanded them to cast out demons, to heal the sick, to make the blind to see, even to raise the dead. Even though God told him not to, He also knew that to show his love truly. We descended from the perfection of our Father, corrupted by the devil when he gave us a choice to long for power and control. Christian Tarot christosophianic tarot esoteric christianity Judgment Major Arcana metaphysical christianity tarot activation Tarot Prayer the devil The Moon The Star The Sun The Tower The World. According to Websters Dictionary, metaphysical means of or relating to the transcendent (extending or lying beyond the limits of ordinary experience; being beyond the limits of all possible experience and knowledge, transcending the universe or material existence) or supersensible (being above or beyond that which is apparent to the senses); supernatural; highly abstract or abstruse (difficult to comprehend.). The energy force of pure love and uninterrupted peace; Accepting, Encouraging, and Believing in others. Any possibility of Christian spiritual growth nose-dived. Its actually quite simple. 1. Not 50 percent, I've done that before. A metaphysical claim is a suggestion about how things "really are.". 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