121CE, d.161CE) and under Marcus Aurelius. [82] Vermaseren also reports about a Mithras cult in 3rdcentury BCE. Composite trade marks - combinations of shapes, colours, words etc, Part 22 Section 41 - Capable of Distinguishing, 1. Right of appeal: revocation of registration, 8. See how employees at top companies are mastering in-demand skills. TUM was one of the first universities in Germany to be named a University of Excellence. [77], International design applications are filed directly through WIPO, according to the requirements and procedures established by the Hague Agreement. Both the frequency and the quality of Mithraic materials is greater in the rest of the empire. [44], In Greece, Rome, and Etruria, the use and development of musical instruments stood in stark contrast to those cultures' achievements in architecture and sculpture. Rhythm was of paramount importance in Indian music of the time, as evidenced by the frequent depiction of drums in reliefs dating to the post-classical era. Among the items found are about 1000inscriptions, 700examples of the bull-killing scene (tauroctony), and about 400other monuments. What is the filing date in this situation? FLAVIUS AUG. LIB. According to the translator J.H. Mozley it literally means Persean, referring to Perses, the son of Perseus and Andromeda,[9]:29 this Perses being the ancestor of the Persians according to Greek legend. The Global Innovation Index is an annual ranking of countries by their capacity for, and success in, innovation. Beck summarizes them in the table below. The module ends with examples of food quality standards. [134][135][136], He also says that "the old Cumontian model of formation in, and diffusion from, Anatolia is by no means dead nor should it be. [156], At some of the mithraeums that have been found below churches, such as the Santa Prisca Mithraeum and the San Clemente Mithraeum, the ground plan of the church above was made in a way to symbolize Christianity's domination of Mithraism. In New Guinea, drum makers would mix human blood into the adhesive used to attach the membrane. [25] (See section Interpretations of the bull-slaying scene below. Can a divisional application be based on a parent application which is itself a divisional application? Filing Process (excluding filing of applications for registration), Part 3 Filing Requirements for a Trade Mark Application, 3. [40] Granting patents remains under the control of the regional or national patent Offices in the "national phase". The program is intense, valuable, and very useful. [34], Mithras is depicted as being born from a rock. Applying Requirements for Material Particulars and Provisions of Paragraphs 51(1)(a), (b) and (c), 7. [96], Instrument builders developed other features that endure today. [168][169] For instance, Tertullian wrote that as a prelude to the Mithraic initiation ceremony, the initiate was given a ritual bath and at the end of the ceremony, received a mark on the forehead. It is committed to excellence in research and teaching, interdisciplinary education and the active promotion of promising young scientists. A set of reed-sounded silver pipes discovered in Ur was the likely predecessor of modern bagpipes. Various methods examine aspects such as the physical properties of the instrument (material, color, shape, etc. Message from WIPO Director General Daren Tang. Share your views on how innovation can shape the world you want to live in using #WorldIPDay. Some examples are Champagne, Darjeeling Tea, Chanderi Saree, Kanchipuram Silk Saree, Nagpur Orange, Bikaner Bhujia, etc. [103] The slide trumpet appeared, a variation that includes a long-throated mouthpiece that slid in and out, allowing the player infinite adjustments in pitch. [11] FIPS 8-6 "Metropolitan Areas" and 9-1 "Congressional Districts of the U.S." were also withdrawn in 2008, to be replaced with INCITS standards 454 and 455, respectively. Have a look at our trailer for a brief introduction to this course: https://youtu.be/GADAgxTHjgE. [66] Islamic influences brought new types of drum, perfectly circular or octagonal as opposed to the irregular pre-Islamic drums. After the lesson you will be able to classify product attributes based on when consumers are able to assess their true qualities. No registration or payment required! Mental health, as defined by the Public Health Agency of Canada, is an individual's capacity to feel, think, and act in ways to achieve a better quality of life while respecting the personal, social, and cultural boundaries. [56], Although civilizations in Central America attained a relatively high level of sophistication by the eleventh century AD, they lagged behind other civilizations in the development of musical instruments. If you only want to read and view the course content, you can audit the course for free. [112] Despite this trend in traditional instruments, the development of new musical instruments exploded in the twentieth century, and the variety of instruments developed overshadows any prior period. [39] This one PCT application has the same legal effect as filing separate regional or national patent applications in all PCT member countries. The mithraeum represented the cave to which Mithras carried and then killed the bull; and where stone vaulting could not be afforded, the effect would be imitated with lath and plaster. Clauss (2000). Virtually every material in nature has been used by at least one culture to make musical instruments. By 1400, musical instrument development slowed in many areas and was dominated by the Occident. 5. Musical instruments are also often classified by their musical range in comparison with other instruments in the same family. [145][146][147], The Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights (SCCR) was created in the 1998 to examine issues in the field of copyright and related rights on substantive law and harmonization. Browse through our latest dissertation examples. [5][6], Some examples of FIPS Codes for geographical areas include FIPS 10-4 for country codes or region codes and FIPS 5-2 for state codes. [73] Conical oboes were involved in the music that accompanied wedding and circumcision ceremonies. [34] Turcan also connects this event to the tauroctony: The blood of the slain bull has soaked the ground at the base of the altar, and from the blood the souls are elicited in flames by the caduceus. [2] As instruments evolved, so did the selection and quality of materials. The lamps found with the, In the course of the First International Congress, two scholar in particular presented devastating critiques of Cumont's Iranian hypothesis One, John Hinnells, was the organizer of the conference Of more importance in the long run, however, was the even more radical paper presented by, "Since Cumont's reconstruction of the theology underlying the reliefs in terms of the Zoroastrian myth of creation depends upon the symbolic expression of the conflict of good and evil, we must now conclude that his reconstruction simply will not stand. Process procedures for non payment or underpayment of the appropriate fee, 11. No dedicatory plaques have been discovered that might aid in the dating. [61] Cymbals gained popularity, along with more advanced trumpets, clarinets, pianos, oboes, flutes, drums, and lutes. The god is sitting on the bull in an unnatural way with his right leg constraining the bull's hoof and the left leg is bent and resting on the bull's back or flank. The WIPO Academys IP4Youth&Teachers service offers complementary practical tools for youth, designed to facilitate teaching. Firstly, because it looks again at Anatolia and Anatolians, and more importantly, because it hews back to the methodology first used by Cumont. The deal itself was made possible in part by backing from a crypto powerhouse, Binance, giving the worlds biggest crypto marketplace a say in reshaping a major social network. His body is a naked man's, entwined by a serpent (or two serpents, like a caduceus), with the snake's head often resting on the lion's head. The Piano Book, 4th ed. This module will give you an introduction and overview of the course. 32A.2.6 Non-Roman characters (NRC) and transliterations in class 31 plant examination. More questions? [12], In response to the NIST decision, the Census Bureau is in the process of transitioning over to the GNIS Feature ID, which will be completed after the 2010 Census. Other instruments were changed just so they could play their parts in the scores. Other circumstances - paragraph 44(3)(b), 5. Honest concurrent use - paragraph 44(3)(a), 3. [80], According to the rules laid out by the Hague Agreement, anyone who is a national of, or who has a domicile, habitual residence or real and effective industrial or commercial establishment in any Hague System contracting party[81] including any country of the European Union or the African Intellectual Property Organization can use the Hague System. var stopVideo = function(obj) { Filing evidence of honest concurrent use, prior use or other circumstances, Annex A1 - An example of a letter of consent, Part 28 Honest Concurrent Use, Prior Use or Other Circumstances, 2. Rejection of an application for registration, 61.4. [83] R.D. [143] According to David Baskerville in the book Music Business Handbook and Career Guide, the working hours of a full-time instrumentalist may average only three hours a day, but most musicians spent at least forty hours a week. [109], The evolution of traditional musical instruments slowed beginning in the 20th century. Of these, only the flute was capable of producing a melody. Therefore, builders paid special attention to materials and workmanship, and instruments became collectibles in homes and museums. [17], The science of marking the order of musical instrument development relies on archaeological artifacts, artistic depictions, and literary references. In 2009, WIPO started drafting future treaties on intellectual property and genetic resources, traditional knowledge and folklore in relation with indigenous peoples and local communities. "[74], Soldiers were strongly represented amongst Mithraists, and also merchants, customs officials and minor bureaucrats. playVideo (v2); [f], Mary Boyce, a researcher of ancient Iranian religions, writes that even though Roman Mithraism seems to have had less Iranian content than historians used to think, nonetheless "as the name Mithras alone shows, this content was of some importance".[24]. The civilization also made use of sistra, vertical flutes, double clarinets, arched and angular harps, and various drums. [110], The proliferation of electricity in the 20th century led to a new category of musical instruments: electronic instruments, or electrophones. The discovery of a large quantity of tableware as well as animal remains in a pit outside the newly excavated mithraeum at Tienen, Belgium, has also attracted new attention to the topic of Mithraic processions and large-scale feasts, begging a re-examination of the secrecy of the cult and its visibility in local society provides evidence for large-scale, semi-public feasts outside of the mithraeum itself, suggesting that each mithraeum might have had a far larger following than its relative size would imply. This book, the Syntagma musicum by Michael Praetorius, is now considered an authoritative reference of sixteenth-century musical instruments. Bjrnebye (2007). [72] Frame drums and cylindrical drums of various depths were immensely important in all genres of music. [4]:xxi It has been estimated that there would have been at least 680mithraea in the city of Rome. [40] Other instruments of the period included the tof (frame drum), pa'amon (small bells or jingles), shofar, and the trumpet-like hasosra. [5] German archaeologists have found mammoth bone and swan bone flutes dating back to 30,000 to 37,000 years old in the Swabian Alps. Monitoring and Measuring Quality at IP Australia, 2. Before we turn to the Danube, however, there is one early event (rather than geographical location) which should perhaps be mentioned briefly in passing. This is the supposed arrival of the cult in Italy as a result of Pompey the Great's defeat of Cilician pirates, who practiced 'strange sacrifices of their own and celebrated certain secret rites, amongst which those of Mithras continue to the present time, have been first instituted by them'." The GNIS database is the official geographic names repository database for the United States, and is designated the only source of geographic names and locative attributes for use by the agencies of the Federal Government. Prayers were addressed to the Sun three times a day, and Sunday was especially sacred. Membership is free of charge and it is open to young professionals with a background on IP and ADR. [2] The concept of melody and the artistic pursuit of musical composition were probably unknown to early players of musical instruments. Italy I propose to omit, as the subject needs considerable discussion, and the introduction of the cult there, as witnessed by its early dedicators, seems not to have been military. [146], Mithraism reached the apogee of its popularity during the 2nd and 3rd centuries, spreading at an "astonishing" rate at the same period when the worship of Sol Invictus was incorporated into the state-sponsored cults. This scene, called 'Procession of the Sun-Runner', shows the Heliodromus escorted by two figures representing Cautes and Cautopates (see below) and preceded by an initiate of the grade Miles leading a ritual enactment of the solar journey around the mithraeum, which was intended to represent the cosmos. This course is taught by a group of international experts from Universities in Italy, Germany, Ireland, Scotland and the Netherlands. [4]:132133 In ascending order of importance, the initiatory grades were:[4]:133138. [l][m] Beck disagreed strongly. Musical instruments evolved in step with changing applications and technologies. Amendment to notice of intention to oppose or statement of grounds and particulars, 5. The English language draws a terminological distinction (which does not exist in every language) between translating (a written text) and interpreting (oral or signed communication between users of different languages); under this distinction, Sometimes Mithras also has other weapons such as bows and arrows, and there are also animals such as dogs, serpents, dolphins, eagles, other birds, lions, crocodiles, lobsters and snails around. Flutes and bowed instruments underwent many modifications and design changesmost of them unsuccessfulin efforts to increase volume. Barnett has argued that the royal seal of King Saussatar of Mitanni from c.1450BCE. Non-compliance with filing requirements, 4. "[19] Reporting on the Second International Congress of Mithraic Studies, 1975, Ugo Bianchi says that although he welcomes "the tendency to question in historical terms the relations between Eastern and Western Mithraism", it "should not mean obliterating what was clear to the Romans themselves, that Mithras was a 'Persian' (in wider perspective: an Indo-Iranian) god. Information that the Registrar of Trade Marks will Not Accept in Confidence, 5. [4]:115 The presence of large amounts of cherry-stones in particular would tend to confirm mid-summer (late June, early July) as a season especially associated with Mithraic festivities. China became the 68th contracting party to the Geneva Act (1999) of the Hague Agreement and, therefore, the 77th member of the Hague System. [92] As a result, many instruments that were incapable of larger ranges and dynamics, and therefore were seen as unemotional, fell out of favor. In these reliefs, the four elements could be invoked together. What, then, do the reliefs depict? Beck calls this "the most likely scenario" and states "Until now, Mithraism has generally been treated as if it somehow evolved Topsy-like from its Iranian precursor a most implausible scenario once it is stated explicitly. An ancient Hindu system named the Natya Shastra, written by the sage Bharata Muni and dating from between 200 BC and 200 AD, divides instruments into four main classification groups: instruments where the sound is produced by vibrating strings; percussion instruments with skin heads; instruments where the sound is produced by vibrating columns of air; and "solid", or non-skin, percussion instruments. It also contains provisions on minimum protections and special provisions for developing countries. [125][126] WIPO Re:Search supports collaborations between scientific institutions and pharmaceutical companies all over the world with the goal to advance research for medicines, treatment methods and diagnostic techniques against the neglected tropical diseases that affect over 1 billion people worldwide. [130][131][132][133] It consists of three main elements: WIPO GREEN online database of green technologies and needs, WIPO GREEN Acceleration Projects, and WIPO GREEN partners network. [27] This proposal was well supported by developing countries. Factors to consider when comparing trade marks, 7. [8] Romans played reed instruments named tibia, featuring side-holes that could be opened or closed, allowing for greater flexibility in playing modes. Mithras-worship became one, and perhaps the most significant, of the religions of redemption in declining paganism. However, most historians believe that determining a specific time of musical instrument invention is impossible, as many early musical instruments were made from animal skins, bone, wood, and other non-durable materials. He is shown as emerging from a rock, already in his youth, with a dagger in one hand and a torch in the other. [41] Although inspired by Iranian worship of the Zoroastrian divinity (yazata) Mithra, the Roman Mithras is linked to a new and distinctive imagery, with the level of continuity between Persian and Greco-Roman practice debated. WIPO Lex is an online global database launched in 2010,[198] which provides free public accessto intellectual property laws, treaties and judicial decisions from around the world. After the module you will be able to describe consumer choices in a differentiated market and explain the link between quality and value. ", C.M. The notion of quality for food and agricultural products and consumer value. [6], Numerous archaeological finds, including meeting places, monuments and artifacts, have contributed to modern knowledge about Mithraism throughout the Roman Empire. The emphasis on rhythm is an aspect native to Indian music. While the evolution of traditional musical instruments slowed beginning in the 20th century, the proliferation of electricity led to the invention of new electric instruments, such as electric guitars, synthesizers and the theremin. The Agreement between the United Nations and the World Intellectual Property Organization[24] notes in Article 1 that WIPO is responsible: for promoting creative intellectual activity and for facilitating the transfer of technology related to industrial property to the developing countries in order to accelerate economic, social and cultural development, subject to the competence and responsibilities of the United Nations and its organs, particularly the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, the United Nations Development Programme and the United Nations Industrial Development Organization, as well as of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization and of other agencies within the United Nations system. Procedures for dealing with "fee" correspondence, 8. [9] The graves these instruments were buried in have been carbon dated to between 2600 and 2500 BC, providing evidence that these instruments were used in Sumeria by this time. In this module we will talk about Corporate Social Responsibility in the Agro-food Sector and its Relevance for Food Companies. He observes that "Mithras moreover, a Mithras who was identified with the Greek Sun god Helios" was among the gods of the syncretic Greco-Armenian-Iranian royal cult at Nemrut, founded by AntiochusI of Commagene in the mid 1stcenturyBCE. [155] According to Mark Humphries, the deliberate concealment of Mithraic cult objects in some areas suggests that precautions were being taken against Christian attacks. Furthermore, they are changing the way we communicate, solve problems, provide goods and services, create and do business. For example, stringed instruments of uncertain design called nevals and asors existed, but neither archaeology nor etymology can clearly define them. He sees iconographic and mythological parallels between the two figures: both are young heroes, carry a dagger, and wear a Phrygian cap. There is no date, but the inscription tells us that it was dedicated by a certain Alcimus, steward of T. Claudius Livianus. 29.4. Keyboards and lutes developed as polyphonic instruments, and composers arranged increasingly complex pieces using more advanced tablature. Burned residues of animal entrails are commonly found on the main altars, indicating regular sacrificial use, though mithraea do not commonly appear to have been provided with facilities for ritual slaughter of sacrificial animals (a highly specialised function in Roman religion), and it may be presumed that a mithraeum would have made arrangements for this service to be provided for them in co-operation with the professional victimarius[52] of the civic cult. "[142], Archaeologist Lewis M. Hopfe notes that there are only three mithraea in Roman Syria, in contrast to further west. [14], The Convention was adopted in diplomatic conferences held in Paris, France in 1880 and 1883, it was then signed on 20 March 1883, on behalf of Brazil, France, Guatemala, Netherlands, Portugal, Serbia, Spain and Switzerland, Belgium, Italy and El Salvador. Wind instruments such as flute, pan-pipes, pitch-pipes, and mouth organs also appeared in this time period. PATENTSCOPE is a public patent database provided by WIPO that serves as an official publication source for patent applications filed under the Patent Cooperation Treaty and covers numerous national and regional patent collections. It receives no support from the Iranian material and is in fact in conflict with the ideas of that tradition as they are represented in the extant texts. Unless we discover Euboulus' history of Mithraism we are never likely to have conclusive proof for any theory. [109] Citing Eubulus as his source, Porphyry writes that the original temple of Mithras was a natural cave, containing fountains, which Zoroaster found in the mountains of Persia. Gordon argued that Cumont severely distorted the available evidence by forcing the material to conform to his predetermined model of Zoroastrian origins. [115] Whereas once they had filled rooms, synthesizers can now be embedded in any electronic device,[115] and are ubiquitous in modern music. No inscription naming Arimanius has been found engraved on a lion-headed figure. [38], Unlike Mesopotamia and Egypt, professional musicians did not exist in Israel between 2000 and 1000 BC. Endorsements where the provisions of subsection 44(3) or 44(4) and/or reg 4.15A are applied, Annex A1 - Information sheet for trade mark applicants - Evidence of honest and concurrent, prior use or other circumstances, Part 29 Section 43 - Trade Marks likely to Deceive or Cause Confusion, 1. [4]:73 There is usually a narthex or ante-chamber at the entrance, and often other ancillary rooms for storage and the preparation of food. The Paris Convention was the first international agreement to protect the works of creators in other countries. Specific evidence requirements for trade marks with no inherent adaptation to distinguish, 6. Process procedures for the filing of a trade mark application, 2. Making Convention documents available to opponent, Part 48 Removal of a Trade Mark from the Register for Non-use, 2. Bicknell, Stephen (1999). Although the exact identity of the lion-headed figure is debated by scholars, it is largely agreed that the god is associated with time and seasonal change.[42]. [x], According to Roger Beck, the attested locations of the Roman cult in the earliest phase (c.80120CE) are as follows:[99], According to Boyce, the earliest literary references to the mysteries are by the Latin poet Statius, about 80CE, and Plutarch (c.100CE). [99] Bowed instruments such as the violin, viola, baryton, and various lutes dominated popular music. Effect of a disclaimer on registration, Part 26 Section 44 and Regulation 4.15A - Conflict with Other Signs, 1. [2] According to Geden, while the participation of women in the ritual was not unknown in the Eastern cults, the predominant military influence in Mithraism makes it unlikely in this instance. Any regulations or rules which, on the date of publication of this Act, are in force under the Trade Marks Act [Chapter 26:04] shall apply, mutatis mutandis, in respect of applications, references, appeals, proceedings and other matters in In the first lesson you will learn about the consumer's purchasing process. 2022 Coursera Inc. All rights reserved. [52] Early Chinese philosophers such as Confucius (551479 BC), Mencius (372289 BC), and Laozi shaped the development of musical instruments in China, adopting an attitude toward music similar to that of the Greeks. Introduction. A geographical indication (GI) is a name or sign used on products which corresponds to a specific geographical location or origin (e.g., a town, region, or country).The use of a geographical indication, as an indication of the product's source, is intended as a certification that the product possesses certain qualities, is made according to traditional methods, or enjoys a good European Union - 2022/10/27 Draft Commission Implementing Decision on the nonapproval of certain active substances for use in biocidal products in accordance with Regulation EU No 5282012 of the European Parliament and of the Council Projected GMSLR for 1.5C of global warming has an indicative range of 0.26 0.77m, relative to 19862005, (medium confidence). [89] Reed players of the Middle Ages were limited to oboes; no evidence of clarinets exists during this period. [20] Eventually, some cultures assigned ritual functions to their musical instruments, using them for hunting and various ceremonies. [101] The context is a prayer to the god Phoebus. "[32][33] China again rejected Wikimedia's bid, for the same reason, in October 2021. [115][116] There have been different views among scholars as to whether this text is an expression of Mithraism as such. [79] The domestic legal framework of each designated contracting party governs the design protection provided by the resulting international registrations. You will also learn about strategies for building consumer value. The Chinese believed that music was an essential part of character and community, and developed a unique system of classifying their musical instruments according to their material makeup. For other uses, see, Classical literature about Mithras and the Mysteries, Cumont's hypothesis: from Persian state religion, Interpretations of the bull-slaying scene, "The term "Mithraism" is of course a modern coinage: In antiquity the cult was known as ". The Center also provides domain name dispute resolution services under the WIPO-designed UDRP. [106], Some instruments also had to become louder to fill larger halls and be heard over sizable orchestras. [2], Musical instruments are constructed in a broad array of styles and shapes, using many different materials. WIPO has also established an advisory board of Judges, currently comprising 12 members who serve in their personal capacity. Fayum. $('#wipoBtn2').click(function (){ Assignment or transmission of collective trade marks, 6. It is published by the World Intellectual Property Organization, in partnership with Cornell University, INSEAD, and other organisations and institutions,[195][196] and is based on both subjective and objective data derived from several sources, including the International Telecommunication Union, the World Bank and the World Economic Forum. [10][13], National Institute of Standards and Technology, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, International Organization for Standardization, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Federal Information Security Management Act of 2002, "Minimum Security Requirements for Federal Information and Information Systems", "87-20-20 Key Escrow Encryption Policies and Technologies", "Announcing Approval of the Withdrawal of Ten Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS)", "American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Codes", "Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS)", "2009 TIGER/Line Shapefiles Technical Documentation", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Federal_Information_Processing_Standards&oldid=1107988813, Short description is different from Wikidata, Official website different in Wikidata and Wikipedia, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 1 September 2022, at 23:28. Effect on registration of a claim for priority based on an earlier application, 3. [121][122] The most common classifications are strings, brass, woodwind, and percussion. Can the divisional details be deleted from a valid divisional application? 2. FIPS standards establish requirements for ensuring computer security and Cases where multiple priority dates apply, 7. Specification of goods and/or services, Annex A1 - Abbreviations of types of companies recognised as bodies corporate, 1. if (!obj.paused){ The Agreement marked a transition for WIPO from the mandate it inherited in 1967 from BIRPI, to promote the protection of intellectual property, to one that involved the more complex task of promoting technology transfer and economic development. Early musical instruments were made from "found objects" such as shells and plant parts. One should bear in mind that the Mithraic New Year began on, For a time, coins and other monuments continued to link Christian doctrines with the worship of the Sun, to which Constantine had been addicted previously. He identified the ancient Aryan deity who appears in Persian literature as Mithras with the Hindu god Mitra of the Vedic hymns. [7] WIPO also works with governments, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), and individuals to utilize IP for socioeconomic development. [ 99 ] bowed instruments underwent many modifications and design changesmost of unsuccessfulin. The control of the regional or national patent Offices in the 20th century tum was one of the.... Hunting and various drums directly through WIPO, according to the requirements procedures..., double clarinets, arched and angular harps, and about 400other monuments with other Signs, 1 to their! 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