Since we are not interested in estimating country-level predictors, we went without random effects (or multilevel) models. Epub 2006 Dec 27. Wang XL, Wang JJ, Sun RH, Hou XG, Zhao W, Shi J, Zhang YF, et al. We then compare the distributions of urban growth and change in CO2 emissions between treatment and control cases. Womens education in developing countries: Barriers, benefits, and policies. Basten S, Huinink J, Klsener S. Spatial variation of sub-national fertility trends in Austria, Germany and Switzerland. Multiple Imputation for Nonresponse in Surveys. 2006 Sep;65(1):118-28. doi: 10.1016/j.ecoenv.2005.05.020. In population ecology and economics, maximum sustainable yield (MSY) is theoretically, the largest yield (or catch) that can be taken from a species' stock over an indefinite period.Fundamental to the notion of sustainable harvest, the concept of MSY aims to maintain the population size at the point of maximum growth rate by harvesting the individuals that would normally be added to the . The biggest theoretical challenges to PE research arguably lie in the insufficient knowledge about interactions and feedbacks between population, environment, and other factors. James Broad, Ian Department of biological sciences, College of Agronomy, Henan University of Science and Technology, Luoyang, Henan Province, China, 2 Emissions grew strongly in the Baltic countries and in many parts of Ireland, Spain, and Bulgaria. the display of certain parts of an article in other eReaders. The amount of extracted xylem sap was measured through weighing as follows. Gorrenflo LJ, Corson C, Chomitz KM, Harper G, Honzk M, zler B. If the population shrinks for low densities, there is a strong Allee effect. One additional percentage point of annual population growth is associated with 2.5 additional kilotons CO2 emitted between 2000 and 2008 in Western Europe. Finally, we preprocess the data using different matching algorithms (see, e.g., Ho et al. Individual size was indicated as aboveground biomass. ZA2689 Data file Version 1.0.1. York R, Rosa EA, Dietz T. STIRPAT, IPAT and ImPACT: Analytic tools for unpacking the driving forces of environmental impacts. Federal government websites often end in .gov or .mil. Ying Yong Sheng Tai Xue Bao. However, these country-level analyses suffer from the high level of dissimilarity between world regions and strong collinearity of . Qi M, Liu X, Li Y, Song H, Yin Z, Zhang F, He Q, Xu Z, Zhou G. Photosynth Res. 2013; Irrigation Science 31: 959970. Color development in each well was detected using an ELISA Reader (Model DG-5023, Huadong Electron Tube Factory, Nanjing, China) at an optical density of A490. There are many mechanisms of environmental degradation that do not involve population size or growth (see, e.g., de Sherbinin et al. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0062941. All relevant data are within the paper and its Supporting Information files. The site is secure. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar el efecto que la altitud genera sobre la estructura y densidad poblacional de Espeletia pycnophylla Cuatrec en el pramo Galeras. [Effects of drought and rewatering on leaf photosynthesis, chlorophyll fluorescence, and root architecture of citrus seedlings.]. In the European Union, fertility rates have been at or below replacement level for two or more decades in most countries and projections by the United Nations and others routinely expect Europe to shrinkthe UN (2015) estimates Europe to lose 32,000 people by 2050. With regard to CO2 emissions, there are also conflicting expectations in the literature. A squared term of GDP to test for an environmental Kuznets curve (see, e.g., Carson 2010) was tested, but dropped from the final models since there was no evidence for such a pattern in Europe. Although WL showed significantly higher aboveground and total biomasses per pot at 8 days after rewatering compared with DL, rewatering still increased corn growth in DL. Received 2018 Feb 22; Accepted 2018 May 25. This may be true for non-human populations but our species has developed the ability to modify the environment to sustain a huge population size. Crop growth rate (CGR) was the highest with the population of 80,000 ha 1 receiving 220 kg N ha 1, while relative growth rate (RGR) showed an opposite trend of CGR. 3859 kg/ha obtained at the low plant density (29630 plants/ha) at ra ised beds at R6 growth stage. This cutoff value is chosen arbitrarily, though the results do not change significantly if we use a somewhat different threshold. This is particularly the case if income levels rise and households can afford larger homes (Patacchini et al. Cultivars BS-1 and UPAS-120 produced significantly more grain with 100 103 plants/ha, whereas the cultivar Prabhat produced most when 200 103 plants/ha were grown. At high population densities (800 or 1600 seedling per pot), we observed decreasing growth rate with increasing L. gibba density. Ecotoxicol Environ Saf. After xylem sap extraction, all of the xylem sap collected in the 5 ml centrifuge tube was immediately injected into a solid-phase extraction C-18 column (Waters Corporation, USA), blow-dried with nitrogen and then stored at80C for the future measurement of hormone concentrations. The Annual Review of Environment and Resources. However, this phenomenon did not occur in the corn population under low PPD because of sufficient growth resources for the corn plants. Three single pots stacked together. Chapter 1. With a growing population and growing emissions, Dublin, Ireland, does not represent the typical trend in European environmental standards. Int J Phytoremediation. Dutch city of Utrecht (high growth) was matched with Salzburg, Austria (low growth), while the fast-growing Algarve in southern Portugal was paired with French department of Yvelines, where population growth was low. GESIS Data Archive, Cologne. 4Since urban land use is measured as a percentage of total land use and therefore 01 bounded, we use the logit transformation on this variable. Fresh root, stem, and leaf samples were dried for 72 h in a forced air oven at 65C and used for biomass determination. After fertility levels have dropped, a country can enjoy the demographic dividend (Bloom et al. 2005). Federal government websites often end in .gov or .mil. The validity of these predictions depends on how well the set of assumptions calibrating the simulations reflects reality, and they are commonly critiqued for excluding relevant variables and oversimplifying with regard to indirect effects and interactions. The functionality is limited to basic scrolling. The goal is to come to reasonable assumptions about what would happen if Europes population grew more or less rapidly. "shouldUseHypothesis": true, However, these country-level analyses suffer from the high level of dissimilarity between world regions and strong collinearity of population growth, income, and other factors. Population, affluence, and environmental impact across development: evidence from panel cointegration modeling. Microsoft Excel 2007 was used for statistical analysis, and values in the tables or graphs represent averages. ), Guide for Field Crops in the Tropics and the Sub-tropics, Guide for Field Crops in the Tropics and the Subtropics, Relative yield totals and yield components of inter-cropped sorghum and soybean. When East and West are differentiated, a fairly strong positive effect for population growth is shown to exist in the West, while this effect is insignificant in the East. & Christensen, A.M.H. That is a 250% increase. The cotton piece was placed and compacted in the bottom of a 10 mL syringe with a piston. Migration is incredibly difficult to predict, but we do know that migrants will conform to the general consumption behavior of where they move to, rather than retaining consumption patterns from where they came. Rewatering caused a larger increase in net photosynthetic rate under high PPD than under low PPD. The Journal of Agricultural Science, Vol. This finding was attributed to cytokinin regulating leaf stomatal conductance and leaf stomatal opening contributing to plant photosynthesis. For each number of days after rewatering, the different letters indicate significant differences at P 0.05.WL: wetness with low PPD; WH: wetness with high PPD; DL: rewatering with low PPD; DH: rewatering with high PPD. An L, Lindermann M, Qi J, Shortdridge A, Liu J. However, these phenomena did not occur at 4 and 8 days after rewatering. This wide sample poses some serious methodological issues as well as a risk of misinterpreting the data. Effect of Population Density on Plant Growth Your Investigation Challenge: How does seed (1994 [1954]). In the semi-arid and cold area with low soil moisture of northern Shanxi, the planting density of the kidney bean variety 'Yingguohong' is recommended to be 240 000-260 000 plant/ha. Insufficient growth resource inevitably played a negative role in photosynthesis. Similar to the view put forward by Boserup (1965), technology is seen as endogenous to population growth (and positively affected by it). A field experiment was conducted to test the suitability of growing sunflower under mulched drip irrigation with saline water in the HID (Hetao Irrigation District), North China. Habitat suitability was then used in a population dynamics model that incorporated between-catchment dispersal and local population growth. The pattern is similar for CO2 emissions (see Table2). For instance, Simon (1993, 1994) famously assumed that while population growth might create shortages of resources, rising prices for goods made with those resources will motivate technological innovations (which are more likely to occur in large populations) and therefore, in the long run, more people equals () a healthier environment (Simon 1994, p. 22). All groups received sufficient water supply during the rewatering period. In a and b, the regression lines are y = 1.9542x + 95.909 (R2 = 0.8874, n = 9, p < 0.01) and y = 1.8631x +101.45 (R2 = 0.8631, n = 9, p < 0.01), respectively. Corn growth and productivity in Northern China are usually restrained by water shortage. Satterthwaite D. The implications of population growth and urbanization for climate change. View all Google Scholar citations already built in. To answer these questions we estimate the effect of population growth on two dimensions of environmental degradation in Europe, greenhouse gas (CO2) emissions and urban land use, for 1062 European NUTS-3 regions.1 We analyze CO2 emissions and urban growth as outcomes in this paper since these factors are recognized as drivers of adverse climate change by both environmental research and EU policies. 125149). already built in. Wang XL, Ma K, Qi L, Liu YH, Shi J, Li XL, Zhang LX, Liu W, Song P. Front Plant Sci. Growth, yield and water use efficiency response of greenhouse-grown hot pepper under Time-Space deficit irrigation, Effects of water stress and rewatering on photosynthesis, root activity, and yield of cotton with drip irrigation under mulch. For CO2 emissions, no data were available for Croatia. Count Wexford: Environmental Protection Agency. Similar phenomena were also observed in the current study. Primarily because of concerns over economic strains, the EU is scrambling to institute policies that soften the economic effects of population aging and decline on the size of the workforce (European Commission 2015). With around 1.7 million inhabitants, Hamburg is one of the European Unions largest cities and its population grew at a modest 0.48% per annum during the study period. It also seems reasonable to assume that migrants do not target specific cities or regions primarily due to their environmental quality. Population growth and local air pollution: Methods, models, and results. The plates were incubated for 3 h at 28C to determine GA3, ABA, and ZR concentrations and overnight at 4C to determine the IAA concentration. Effect of ammonia-oxidizing bacterial strain that survives drought stress on corn compensatory growth upon post-drought rewatering. 2004;6(4):347-62. doi: 10.1080/16226510490888884. Allee effects are classified by the nature of density dependence at low densities. Zhu SF, Gao F, Cao XS, Chen M, Ye GY, Wei CH, et al. WL and WH showed significantly higher Pn, Gs, and Tr compared with DL and DH, respectively, before rewatering (Fig 2), demonstrating that drought stress restrained photosynthesis. For each number of days after rewatering, the different letters indicate significant differences at P 0.05.WL: wetness with low PPD; WH: wetness with high PPD; DL: rewatering with low PPD; DH: rewatering with high PPD. The opposite is true for population growth. The plates were rinsed for five times with PBS + Tween 20 buffer, and 100 L of color-appearing solution containing 1.5 mg mL1 Some have pointed out that, on a global level, migration is a zero-sum game and therefore world population growth matters, not changes in its spatial distribution (e.g., Mazur 2012). (2010). In 1983/84 and 1988/89, there were asymptotic relationships between plant population density and both total dry-matter production and total head (capsule plus seed) yield at maturity. Patacchini, E., Zenou, Y., Henderson, J. V., & Epple, D. (2009). Eurostat (2015b). The authors acknowledge Ze-Yang Wang and Chao-Lin Huang for assisting in doing the experiments. Even though there are considerable differences in per capita consumption of energy, more humans ceteris paribus emit more CO2. Later, new immigrants continued to prefer these cities over other destinations because family members or other co-ethnics already live there, despite the decline in the heavy industry in cities such as Lille (France), Duisburg (Germany), or Malm (Sweden), where employment or income levels are similar or even worse compared with other regions hosting fewer immigrants. The collected xylem sap was used for the measurement of ZR and ABA contents. . J Plant Res. FOIA [10] found that corn (Zea mays L.) production is drastically affected by the combination of high PPD and water stress. Rewatering plays a positive role on root function, thereby induced high leaf cytokinin concentration. For each number of days after rewatering, the different letters indicate significant differences at P 0.05.WL: wetness with low PPD; WH: wetness with high PPD; DL: rewatering with low PPD; DH: rewatering with high PPD. Xiao-Ling Wang, Conceptualization, Funding acquisition, Writing original draft, Writing review & editing, Rong-Rong Qin, Data curation, Writing original draft, [], and Jiang Shi, Writing review & editing. Others have shown that an individuals environmental footprint grows after moving to a developed country (e.g., Conca et al. Here, we determined key soil properties and plant growth characteristics associated with different population densities of A. sphaerocephala (including from 1.1, 2.1, 3.1, 3.9 to 5.3 plants per m2) in the resource-limited Alashan desert of northwestern China. 2020). 2003), as many young adults enter the workforce, but have fewer children to take care of. Viewed in the context of Europes environmental plans, however, desires for population increase might contradict those states ambitious climate goals. Annual Review of Environment and Resources. Int J Phytoremediation. Part II: Development and evaluation of an urban growth scenario. European Commission (2009). Enhanced accumulation of copper and lead in amaranth (Amaranthus paniculatus), Indian mustard (Brassica juncea) and sunflower (Helianthus annuus). We avoid a large number of potential fallacies if we compare population growth and environmental trends in two French regions as opposed to comparing France to Ethiopia. There are observable differences in CO2 emissions between countries and regions, too (see Fig. Results showed that drought stress restrained the growth of corns. Many mechanisms driving urbanization of previously undeveloped land exist in the absence of population growth: Investors seek to build out-of-center retail facilities on cheaper building sites, and many families prefer detached houses in the green periphery (ibid.). We will explore this by creating an experiment to observe plant growth, development, and density dependent competition. o-phenylenediamine and 0.008% (v/v) H2O2 were added to each well. The significant population effect remains if we run multivariate models on this reduced sample where the other covariates are taken into account. Empirical studies usually find a much stronger detrimental population effect on the environment on other continents (e.g., Seto et al. For CO2 emissions, balance is equally acceptable. Hannes Weber, Phone: +49 621 181-2816, Email: ed.miehnnam-inu.sezm@rebew.sennah. According to Eurobarometer survey data, 40% of Italians now wanted their nation to grow, with less than 20% supporting a population decline (European Commission 1995). In this study, drought stress inhibited corn seedling growth, whereas rewatering increased corn growth. In direct public spending on these goals, local authorities have committed over 72 million Euros. Compensatory growth after post-drought rewatering essentially involves rapid growth and organic matter accumulation via leaf photosynthesis. Additionally, from a methodological perspective, European regions provide a good sample to study the effect of population change on greenhouse gas emissions and urban land use because population is growing in some European regions, while in others is stationary or declining. Results for different-sized catchments were compared using time series of spawner density and saturation rate, which estimated how much of the available habitat was being utilized. In the crowded animals, the rate of increase in body weight was slow, and also the day of imaginal moult was late, when compared to the . The amounts of IAA, GA3, ABA, and ZR were divided by their leaf sample weight to obtain their contents in leaf, and then divided by the volume of xylem sap to obtain the ZR and ABA contents in xylem sap. A field experiment was made with pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp.) The main objective of this research was to evaluate responses of photosynthetic performance and chloroplast ultrastructure to planting densities in two summer maize (Zea mays L.) hybrids Denghai661 (DH661) and Nongda108 (ND108). These investments are paying off. Figure4 displays differences in urban land take between regions with high population growth compared with a control group of otherwise most similar regions but where population growth was small or zero. How Hamburg became Europes Greenest City. official website and that any information you provide is encrypted Before rewatering and at 4 and 8 days after rewatering, WL and DL showed significantly higher aboveground and total biomasses per plant than WH and DH, respectively. By the turn of the millennium, the dominant narrative had shifted from worries over too many people to worries over too few people, highlighting the global divergence between negative European population trends and those of less developed states still experiencing significant growth. government site. Most notably, population growth can interact with affluence. The study design comprised four treatments: (1) wetness with low PPD, (2) wetness with high PPD, (3) rewatering with low P Schultz TP. Soluble carbohydrate content in the. In a first step, we use the total sample of regions. We want to hear from you. Lessons from the Population Policy Acceptance Study: Demographic knowledgegenderageing. Population growth decreases as the population density increases. Variation in population growth is therefore not rooted in different levels of human development or broad cultural values, factors that could also affect the environment. Regions within one country are affected by the same national policies and are usually highly similar with regard to many potentially relevant factors such as climate, culture, or technological standards. Thus, compensatory growth was more prone to occur under high PPD than under low PPD. Breeding for higher grain yield in maize (Zea mays L.) using increased selection densities has produced varieties that are adapted to grow at higher population densities.While the effects of density on final grain yield and plant phenotypes are well known, how density affects the early-season growth of the plant has been less studied. We find a considerable effect from regional population growth on carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions and urban land use increase in Western Europe. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Lutz W, Qiang R. Determinants of human population growth. De Ridder K, Lefebre F, Adriaensen A, Arnold U, Beckroege W, Bronner C, et al.

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