These errors include a number of misspelled names such as George in one place and Geogre in another. The book is consistent throughout, with no major issues. 10: Creating the Body of the Speech and finally; Ch. Section 2.2 contains the NCA Credo for Ethical Communication. I thought this book covers most of the basics of writing and delivering a speech topic. The figures are easy to read and understand. The what, why, and how-to guide to leveraging microlearning. Students will enjoy how each chapter builds upon the previous chapter, and the class is able to move in a logical fashion by following the chapters of the book. In addition, all chapters contain information that perfectly falls under the umbrella of public speaking. It is not retrogressive, it is not revolutionary. For example, Chapter 9 refers to Chapter 6, but 6 does not refer to 9. Language is consistent and in spite of including multiple authors, is seamless. It does this quite well, and clearly and concisely, without detracting from any of the other essential elements of public speaking. It represents a communication theory/sciences perspective and, although there are a few references to Aristotle, it does not represent a rhetorical approach to teaching public speaking. The headings appear to be in a different font as they are sans serif along with the text in those highlighted areas such as the "key takeaways" and exercises, but "sidebars" (like NCA Credo on page 24) were back to a serif font. Images display nicely online and look the same in the PDF version. Behavior is driven by genetic and environmental factors that affect an individual. Explore Collins Big Cat ebook library. The biggest drawbacks included not enough listed references, no listed glossary of key terms, no listed page numbers in the printed copy of the text, and a lack of popular examples from public speeches. How can modern technologies help with personalized learning? Outside of this, it is organized in much the same way that a speech is developed, which is ideal. See how writers take one subject and transition into another. The visual aspect of the text also makes it appealing. One study referenced was from 1975--maybe there is a more current study that could be used instead? They are very useful for breaking down tasks that have multiple steps and ensuring that children follow rules and deadlines. As always with examples from contemporary political and business speaking (Obamas speech citations, for example) will become quickly dated. Coursera, edX, Linkedin Learning, OpenSesame, and many, many others. Id encourage students to use the GitHub site if possible - though introducing the navigation aspects might take up valuable class time. Culture is often originated from or attributed to a specific region or location. By analyzing the learning history, it could become clear what learning format is most suitable for the person. The text lacks commas after most introductory elements or between clauses and phrases consistently through the text. Nevertheless, the type is sufficiently large, and I can assign students chapters accordingly. There is not a detailed Table of Contents. You are taken directly to the video, web page, blog entry, etc. By clicking on the link, students can see a roast of President George W. Bush done by Stephen Colbert, a eulogy for the late Rosa Parks by Barack Obama, and Derek Jeter's farewell to Yankee Stadium to name a few. ), The Oxford handbook of compositionality (pp. Within another 4-8 years, the typical college student will not likely remember events/leaders from their elementary and middle school years. It combines the best features of an introductory workbook such as interactive checklists and extended examples with strong features of a textbook. The spacing and allowable white space helps keep this text reader friendly and visually appealing. A clear and detailed table of contents would make it easier to assign specific sections and navigate. There are no substantial issues that make anything unusable or unreadable. There are several examples that also use Native American culture and others. The inclusion of learning objectives at the beginning of each section and of the coordinating key takeaways at the end reinforce the focus of the section. The book does make good decisions regarding the use of inclusive language and the examples do seem to use individuals with traditionally gender-diverse names. The structure is consistent throughout. Conclusion, I would consider using this text if a few tweaks were made. Also provided are frequent checklists to help students assess their own progress. Behavior is also driven, in part, by thoughts and feelings, which provide insight into individual psyche, revealing Like public speaking itself, there is no one particular order to present material. The audience analysis chapter is inline with other industry textbooks, though I think there is room to more fully address cultural relevance and diversity. SALT I is the common name for the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks Agreement signed on May 26, 1972. Cambridge, MA, London: The MIT Press. Ethics is certainly important, most students coming into a public speaking class are going to be nervous and really dreading it, so I think focusing on speaking apprehension in the first or second chapter makes the most sense. I would also like to know why APA references are not formatted with hanging indent. I believe students will find it much more engaging than the average textbook because the analogies are interesting - not bland like other textbooks I've reviewed. In the outline section, which is typically the most difficult thing for my students to learn, the formatting was horrendous. The latest Lifestyle | Daily Life news, tips, opinion and advice from The Sydney Morning Herald covering life and relationships, beauty, fashion, health & wellbeing I suspect that a simple checklist in an appendix would be a good substitution. As mentioned, I would have liked to a content guide included in the online resource itself. The text covers tried and true speech techniques and approaches, but it is not dry, and the authors' insights and analogies are refreshing. Most chapters seem to have logical groupings. Reviewed by Adria Goldman, Assistant Professor of Communication, University of Mary Washington on 4/26/19, The book touches on the main topics traditionally covered in a public speaking text/class, ranging from the role of ethics to the different types of speeches (informative, persuasive, entertaining). It is the roadmap that the learner will follow to reach their educational or training goals. There are some topics I would not expect to see highlighted in a text of this nature, such as "librarians are your friends" and information on how to research a topic. Reviewed by Robert Green, Assistant Professor of Communication Studies, Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania on 3/13/19, Although the comprehensiveness of this textbook might be a barrier to some students, and although the market appears to be trending towards minimalist textbooks, the comprehensiveness of this textbook is one of its strongest points. Reviewed by Patria Lawton, Instructor, Inver Hills Community College on 12/5/16, This text is a comprehensive guide to the many aspects of public speaking. If you start to feel lost, refer back to your outline and get back to kicking ass and taking names. The terms in this book are consistent with other text books on the market. The book is quite comprehensive, and covers similar materials to other public speaking texts. This text is a comprehensive guide to the many aspects of public speaking. SALT I froze the number of strategic ballistic missile launchers at existing levels and provided for the addition of new submarine-launched ballistic missile (SLBM) launchers only after the same number of older intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) and Culture is often originated from or attributed to a specific region or location. The book covered many of the essential elements of a public speaking textbook. The advice on dealing with nervousness, analyzing ones audience and adapting the speech to them, selecting and narrowing a topic, research, building arguments, creating speeches that unroll in effective stages, building credibility, persuasion, and the physical presentation of a speech was all quite strong. ethical language choices that include member identification/labels) and exercises that state unbiased examples like "one audience will consist of business men and women". Each chapter is divided into sections. No grammatical errors noticed. The fundamentals of public speaking do not readily change. There is no index or bibliography, so there is no way to determine research accuracy other than your personal knowledge base. Students could easily create an outline from the structure on the chapters. The chapters are divided into sections; this makes the content easy to use in case select chapter sections are assigned. read more. To be honest, there were not very many pictures, graphics, or features. It would make it nearly impossible to direct students toward certain page numbers for course content and examples. Being overwhelming was the purpose , I believe. There is not an effective index and/or glossary. It reaches out to students by providing relevant stories and illustrations along with bibliographic footnotes. Easy to read and the use of supporting illustrations and other visuals was very helpful to get the information across to readers. The examples presented of these concepts and theories were timely/contemporary and are integrated in a way that would make them easy to update in the future. I think it should be important for a text book, especially open textbooks to include a reference page. I really liked how in depth the discussion was in regards to the introduction, conclusion, and transitions, and I will be using the worksheets provided throughout for my students. When a concept is referred to in a later section, a reference to the previous coverage of it is given. This piece was first published back in June, and I still remember it. There are also electronic digital circuits called synchronizers that attempt to perform arbitration in one clock cycle. Rinse, repeat. Each chapter and section featured learning objectives, concepts, terminology, examples, and key takeaways consistently. It has all of the necessary elements that a basic public speaking text should have. I would have liked to see more on this area. This is easily supplemented, but if you choose to use this book, you should plan to supplement in those key areas. Dont be contrarian for its own sake, and dont set out to purposefully piss anyone off, but make sure theres enough of you in your writing to make it a worthwhile read for your audience. Saving Lives, Protecting People, Essentials for Parenting Toddlers and Preschoolers, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. The United Nations Operation in the Congo (French: Opration des Nations Unies au Congo, abbreviated to ONUC) was a United Nations peacekeeping force deployed in the Republic of the Congo in 1960 in response to the Congo Crisis.ONUC was the UN's first peacekeeping mission with significant military capabilities, and remains one of the largest UN operations in both scale Links connect the reader to more information if they are interested in specific examples. Maintaining and updating this text should prove to be simple and easy to implement. For example, I appreciated the teaching on the "Ethical Pyramid" (end, mean and intent) which was thoroughly explained in a way that showed the value and importance of being truly honest with both content and delivery. This textbook has an average concept load of approximately 4-6 ideas/chapter. Examples: Topic Selection/Research, Organizing the Speech, Delivering the Speech, and Speech Types. Visual schedules reduce anxiety by providing consistency while also reducing resistance that comes with certain activities. read more. However, I also appreciated that gender and race weren't discussed in stereotypical terms in this unit. This text reflects cultural sensitivity and is inclusive. By knowing something from my son's previous experience and linking new information to that, I made this new concept easy for him to learn. This textbook was one of the most comprehensive public speaking textbooks I have viewed. Learning theories develop hypotheses that describe how this process takes place. I did not find any instances within the text where there was inconsistency in the terminology or framework of the text. The ethics approach is interesting, and provides for many discussion starting points. SALT I Treaty. The table of contents is detailed and covers all subsections within each chapter. The textbook does not offer politically incorrect presentation. At no time does this text use any language that I would question. This is a good basic public speaking textbook. Excellent! CRC Press, Boca Raton/FL, ISBN 978-1-351-04352-6. Students know these famous people and appreciate the opportunity to see them give speeches because they are part of their current culture. European Journal of Neuroscience, 2, 588-606. Stand up, Speak out is divided into chapters, which are divided into sections, which are divided by concepts. look at where Appendix 1 is listed on the table of contents. Ive been writing professionally, in one way or another, for the past ten years. Stand up, Speak out is free of grammatical errors. It addresses a very wide variety of speaking circumstances, including key notes and toasts. I would have no trouble teaching chapters or sections of chapters out of order from the way they appear in the textbook. End of chapter exercises were nicely done. The sections were arranged in a logical order. The book's formatting and interface are largely clear and easy to use and understand. Easy to find topic subheadings - could be used by the instructor as a resource for different topics and does not need to be used chronologically. The best example of this is from Chapter 13 on language, which might be described as a slightly more detailed glossary. The books does a particularly good job of describing exactly this process. I did not encounter grammatical errors while reviewing this textbook. Although I currently use the online Public Speaking Project textbook and find it effective, I would be likely to try Stand Up, Speak Out because it is a bit more streamlined. There are three types of specific speeches covered (speaking to persuade, inform or entertain) and while each is dealt with in a good amount of detail, some may want more of these "specific speeches" included. Access over 1000 levelled ebooks at school and at home in your own virtual reading library. It lacked material on international culture. There are many disagreements about its precise definition. Visually, the book is pleasing to the eye and does not distract from the content. Finally, the textbook should correctly model assignments. I dont just mean blog posts, either diversify your reading material. For example, they discussed dimensions where your communication takes places such as temporal, physical and social-psychological dimensions. The font styles and sizes used worked well, and there was not anything that distracted me from the text. Thanks for giving me the opportunity to review this book. The framework for the resource seemed to be consistent for the most part with learning objectives identified in the sub-headings and the key takeaways listed at the end. There was no differentiation in the text, font, spacing, colored highlighting (i.e. Admittedly, a course in Voice and Diction is more appropriate for a thorough examination of these techniques. It is awkward and confusing, but so is developing the skills to be a good public speaker. The author considers its audience and involves them using pronouns such as us, you and we. The algebraic mind. Reviewed by Shannon Crawford Barniskis, Instructor, Doctoral Candidate, Consultant, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee on 1/7/16, The book is quite comprehensive, and covers similar materials to other public speaking texts. With its emphasis on best practices, an effective speaking text is expected to encompass the history of public address, from the Ancient Greeks to the present day. Stand up, Speak out: The Practice and Ethics of Public Speakingfeatures two key themes. Later in the book, the authors usefully talk about cognitive dissonance theory and other theory that makes it difficult to persuade listeners to ones perspective. When compared to the industry giant - Lucas' work - this open source book is a very good alternative. Appropriate language for the level of the audience is used. As I was reading, it was easy to figure out which sections or which chapters could be eliminated for my student needs without losing the integrity of the book. Also, the authors appear to have many years of experience behind this, and to have given careful thought to some of areas that often can be quite confusing to inexperienced student speakers. Time-keeping and synchronization of clocks is a critical problem in long-distance ocean navigation. This book is perfect for all classes on public speaking. As I commented above, yes the material is 'readily divisible into smaller reading sections'. In chapter 1, section 1.2 under Models of P.S., I am disappointed that the 3 models shown are not detailed enough for me - I will add materials to enhance the understanding of how these models work in relation to P.S. This gives each page the appearance of one gigantic paragraph. However, I understand that it might cost more to acquire the rights to those really popular public speaking examples. Several minor problems interrupt the flow of an otherwise well-organized textbook. Does a writer you like use humor to spice up dry topics? Statements like this made me question this books aim to teach ethical public speaking. The latest Lifestyle | Daily Life news, tips, opinion and advice from The Sydney Morning Herald covering life and relationships, beauty, fashion, health & wellbeing As I look at pictures, they tend to be of older white men - I do not prefer this as I think it s not a good representation of the population of our country. A more serious issue is the lack of table of contents, index, glossary, foot/endnotes, and bibliography. The book addresses the difference between hearing and listening, but seems to miss the most obvious metaphor for it. All the topics one would expect in a public speaking course are included. [18] Line dance and military step are examples. Finding a writing partner is also a great way to hold yourself accountable and keep going. The United Nations Operation in the Congo (French: Opration des Nations Unies au Congo, abbreviated to ONUC) was a United Nations peacekeeping force deployed in the Republic of the Congo in 1960 in response to the Congo Crisis.ONUC was the UN's first peacekeeping mission with significant military capabilities, and remains one of the largest UN operations in both scale The Speaking Ethically sections do an excellent job of continuing the importance of ethics throughout the entire text. In this text, subordinate points are listed as Arabic numerals (1., 2., 3.) It is this practical approach and integrated ethical coverage that setsStand up, Speak out: The Practice and Ethics of Public While I did feel that some topics could have been given their own entire chapter though, all the major concepts were still touched on. According to the so-called "Binding-By-Synchrony (BBS) Hypothesis"[3][4][5][6][7][8][9] a precise temporal correlation between the impulses of neurons ("cross-correlation analysis"[10]) and thus a stimulus-dependent temporal synchronization of the coherent activity of subpopulations of neurons emerges. Kids Definition of exercise(Entry 2 of 2), MedicalDefinition of exercise(Entry 2 of 2), LegalDefinition of exercise(Entry 2 of 2), Nglish: Translation of exercise for Spanish Speakers, Britannica English: Translation of exercise for Arabic Speakers, Encyclopedia article about exercise. In dyads, groups of two people, synchronization has been demonstrated to increase affiliation,[22] self-esteem,[23] compassion and altruistic behaviour[24] and increase rapport. The book basically perpetuates the known facts and information regarding public speaking. read more. Every now and then (but not too often), re-read your earlier work and marvel at how much better you are now than you were then. Most of my students probably wouldnt notice. These cookies allow us to count visits and traffic sources so we can measure and improve the performance of our site. This was an easy-to-use online text. (See metastability in electronics). The section on language use did a nice job of addressing cultural relevance and sensitivity to diversity. The writing is unbiased and inclusive. There was some mention of ethos, pathos and logos but these were minimal. the discharge of an official function or professional occupation. In R. A. Wilson & F. C. Keil (eds. The end of chapter exercises allow students to reflect on the content learned in each chapter. First, chapter 4 and chapter 14 should be switched with each other. Theories and models are cited clearly and introduced in a logical manner. I did not find any actively offensive issues in the book. Detail, though not particularly culturally relevant in ways that matter to both students and instructors will see movie-related. 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