Up until now, To Do key results only had Pending & Done statuses. Pricing: LaunchNotes doesn't offer a free plan, but their lowest paid plan is $24 per month. We are now moving the Employee Success server app to our new consolidated platform. Minor bug fixed due to which roadmap portal link was not working as expected. Jira Software 8.20.x upgrade notes Jira Software release notes provide information on the features and improvements in each release. One of the long standing requests was automated reminders to key result owners. Now the action is available only as part of the additional actions menu and not from the current value link or checkbox. Ability to import Objectives in the review form so that they can become part of the performance review process. Sorting on distributions tab wasnt working as expected, quashed. Progress calculation when Jira issues are KRs is now much more configurable. OKRs section on My Dashboard now lets you drill down into an objective to view further details. 360 review base template for performance reviews now incorporates lot of feedback points we received in the past month or so. And the choirs that dwell on high. Confidence score column was not being displayed on the browse OKRs screen, that is now corrected. Now, need to search with the new cycle ids. 'Contact Support' link can be made invisible for non-admin users, Easy navigation for viewing form responses, Base template name is displayed in the template listing view, My OKRs section on my dashboard is now modified & gives clean overview of all the OKRs logged in user owns. Short description of the bug or enhancement. Enhancement that allows managing company directory including the users who do not have access to UpRaise. At the time of upgrade, all the UpRaise screens will be blocked from access & you will be able to see a migration in progress screen. Minor bug fixed that caused 'unknown error' when service desk request was unassigned. Now one can add remarks while grading OKRs, Each KR can have an associated remark/assessment. Oct 30, 2019: 17.011.30152: Optional Update: This patch fixes specific . Ability to watch a key result, similar to an objective. This configuration lets you customise that behaviour. They describe what is in the product, or in the case of updates, what has changed. Whats more, this linkage is also visible on the hierarchy/explorer views. Please go through these release notes first. Ability to add sections in review forms & then assign weightage to these sections. Improved the experience on the UpRaise panel displayed within Jira issue details page. There are so many good things going on in Intercoms release notes. Check out the release notes for change notifications , important announcements and updates! Also, the API to update progress is now available. Employee Success server & DC versions now support REST APIs to get the forms data in your own tools for further processing. Overview Calendars Space Settings. Brief description of modifications made to fix the bug. Looking at the results, we will be able to help you assess readiness of your instance to migrate to any V 5.x version. In the next 4 weeks, we will be releasing a couple of more updates focused on migrating the existing modules to the new db structure. Conflict between UpRaise for Employee Success and another Jira app, Clone + was reported. How Upraise SaaS can help, startups and established businesses alike Self-Sufficient Enable access to information so employees can take informed decisions rather than falling prey to bureaucratic red-tapism. Quick access to actions on Objectives from thumbnail & list view. Just look at how robust their November 2020 release notes are. UpRaise is an agile performance management tool natively developed as a JIRA app (previously known as add-on). All of this comes together to create a release notes example that not only informs but also sprinkles in moments of delight just like the best products do. Have you taken advantage of it, starting with a You can search or explore specific categories, Try typing How to become a better Product Manager, product roadmap always reflects our current strategy. On-screen filters apply on top of the 'view' that is selected (useful to pin down a specific set of OKRs within a view during meetings), On-screen filters can be hidden from the screen (thereby reducing the clutter), You can also choose which filters you want to be displayed, Finally, your latest view & the on-screen filters are persisted to be used for your next visit to browse OKR screen, Views can now be shared across users and/or teams (similar to how you would define visibility for an objective), It is now possible to 'Clone' a distribution. Grade option was failing for closed OKRs, now fixed. You make some fair points. UI/UX improvement for creation of objectives, Grades of objectives are not ceiled anymore, they are displayed upto decimals, Now admins have the option to re-open an objective even after it is closed, Version 3.8.0 had some incompatible classes for Jira versions before 7.6.1 - that is now handled, Now it is possible to create an upward alignment at the time of objective creation, Continuous feedback - UI improvements along with performance enhancements, Impact of import OKRs is now addressed on print form, export responses etc, Now the app does not import all Jira users on install, rather admin has the option to import users from one or more Jira groups. This allows you to create multi step hierarchy that involves Departments, Divisions, Team & Sub-teams levels of OKRs. In the upcoming releases this enhancement will make way for better organisation of forms. Sections make for easier scanning, and they've also helped me organize myself while I write. First, theyre a list of changes. Theyre written so poorly, with such little regard for the actual human being who must read them, that weve all learned to just ignore them., (Read How to Write Release Notes Your Users Will Read on the ProductPlan Blog.). The table is ordered by release date, with the most recent release date listed first. Now, need to search with the new team ids. Objective detail page is more structured with feedback incorporated from previous releases. Ability to hide Weightages related to OKRs. It is now possible to connect Jira issues to key results (as actions). One can now set up KR reminders from key results detail page. Support for Emojis in all the WYSWYG editors is now available. In a corner case, OKR summary page was throwing NPE. So weve worked to make a few enhancements of our own. My Dashboard --> OKRs section now allows choosing any view, Browse OKR page now has the ability to display latest comment, description, grade remarks on OKRs, Additional on screen filters added on browse OKRs page (Team, Owner's team, Confidence status), Objective start date is now displayed on objective details page, in all cases, Company objectives are now associated with objective cycles, Existing company objectives are migrated to corresponding objective cycles (based on start & due dates for the objectives), If the dates do not fit, a new objective cycle is created to accommodated those company objectives, New workflow is added for 'One-on-one discussion' within the 'Team member & Reviewer template', Now it is possible to have multiple separate units created within Employee Success & then create independent OKRs for them. In an upcoming release (before EOY) we will ship with German language. Some corrections in the Estonian language version of the app. MTU size greater than 9000 bytes: With vCenter Server 7.0 Update 3, you can set the size of the maximum transmission unit (MTU) on a . Objective & KR detail pages were not loading if they were linked to a deleted Jira issue, now rectified. In addition, HubSpot does a great job of building tutorials for how to use a new feature-complete with screenshots. Features, resolved and known issues of vCenter Server are described in the release notes for each release. Progress automation for metric types of key results is here. Welcome to the release notes for Zuora Release 2022.11.R3. With this change, it is possible for Jira issues to have progress as any number and not just 0 or 100 based on resolution. Find your answers here Search documentation UpRaise for Employee Success now supports German language , request other languages from here. Ability to share the review form with additional users, Mail notifications on different events of the review form, New actions on review forms - Copy & Create, Delete. Past dated objective cycle creation bug fix, Logging clean up for Data center instances. They are always available and interested in your ideas to improve the add-on. Changed version name from 5.9 to 5.9.0 to address JCMA compatibility issue. Release notes here. With metric KR progress automation via JQL, if the JQL returned 0 results - app wasnt updating the current value to 0. This issue is now addressed. Additionally, you can control the default KR reminder frequency as an UpRaise admin. But yes, some people do read release notes. Zoom SSO authentication protocols have been enhanced to provide the ability for deep linking within SSO responses, ensuring users are authenticated before joining a meeting or viewing a cloud recording, as well as automatically authenticating on the client when launching the application. Timing of email notifications is more opportune. About UpRaise. Gradle Release Notes Version 7.6-rc-1. In general, they contain a variation of the following: A brief overview of the product, feature update, or bug fix. Once you've made an account and opened our app, click on the Changelog tab in the sidebar. Let Your Brand and Personality Shine: Seize the opportunity to create a meaningful interaction with your user base. Breaking up text with bullets, headers and lists can help engage your target audience and improve readability. When hovering your mouse over any Team level objective, the app shows level of the objective along with the team name. It is available for cloud, on-premise as well as data center version. Crunchbase News recently reported that global venture capital funding totaled more than $288 billion in the first half of 2021, up by approximately $110 billion versus the second half of 2020. Newly created custom roles had their permissions left non-editable due to a bug. Comments mandatory while updating the OKR progress, Ability to 'label' feedback, so the measurement can happen against values or tasks, Ability to request feedback for another user, Change question positions in review forms. When browse OKR pages were filtered on objective owners, the query took long time & thus the page load time was high. The title of each release, previously just named according to the day it was released, highlights the most important part of each new release. It gives you the entire alignment structure in one view. For many companies, release notes are an undervalued, perfunctory activity performed during a product launch or update. Punch-in action accessibility made consistent from all the screens. This ensures that you don't have to 'store a view' even for a quick temporary search. Milestone release with a number of critical enhancements. Continuous feedback sharing options can now be configured to prevent feedback sharing with all users or teams or users. Review forms module enhanced further with, Here is the list of enhancements released in this version, Here's what we have added to UpRaise in this release. Last but not least, we have our own release notes. This article is a consolidated page of all release notes for the following Zuora products: Zuora Billing. To that end, their release notes are organized by product, with a whats new section at the top followed by whats fixed or improved. Additionally, InVision keeps a menu hanging out on the top left of the screen so users can easily click on the sections that matter most to them. Now you can export additional information about users involved in continuous feedback. We will continue to post these release notes, even when the noticeable changes are minimal, so you're aware when updates are coming to the app. Thats a nice human touch. This allows updating of linked issues automatically. Main navigation is now modified. Cool, I guess. Nodes in the hierarchy are now ordered alphabetically, it is now possible to search for an objective & view its entire alignment tree (from top to bottom), UpRaise is now compatible with new Jira UI. Good grief! Similar to user history, we are now showing the team history on the team profile page. At the time of upgrade, all the UpRaise screens will be blocked from access & you will be able to see a migration in progress screen. Metric type Key Results can now be added to Objectives. Ability to convert team objective into individual one, and vice versa. UpRaise admins can only view distributions that they have distributed. This upgrade enhances OKRs in UpRaise to have confidence scores. Team member & reviewer pairs in form distributions got jumbled on save, improved the UX by making them consistent. We are continuing to get closer to our DC compatibility release with new migrated platform. That is now corrected. But do I want to read about product changes?. Zuora Collect. Please perform this upgrade on your production Jira instance over the weekend to avoid any potential downtime. Common examples of these templates include: [This] is now [that]. And should not depend on the manager- employee.. Focus on outcomes rather than checking off task lists, Enable cross-function alignment in the organization, We build software products to help teams increase efficiency, enhance collaboration & achieve ambitious goals, Copyright 2022 UpRaise Terms of Use Privacy Policy. Conduct and manage performance appraisals. Leave the techno-jargon out. There was a date related problem when exporting data (. So before we get into our advice for release notes best practices, let's briefly review some of the worst practices. More Resources. Fixed a bug that displayed team member name instead of manager name on the company directory page. Exporting the Confidential review data didnt include team member name, now corrected. The release note's date. So obviously, you'll have an idea of what you need your readers to know. Available: 12:00 p.m. PT - November 3rd, 2022. Ability to expand one level in the hierarchy view at once, with a single click is now live ; Customisable UpRaise dashboards are here ; Now KR based progress calculation shows the linkage both ways. Forms with due date past 6+ weeks are auto-marked as Historical. The version number is 8u351. That is now corrected. Now they work normally. In fact, rejecting formality in favor of personality is a theme throughout Intercoms release notes. List of specific changes required to administer the software. This is now addressed. Includes breaking changes, please go through https://amoeboids.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/UP/pages/2578284564/V+5.x+-+Milestone+releases+notes. UPRAISE is such a fun place to work with so much room for growth within the industry. When done well, they have the potential to nurture engagement and increase customer loyalty. Team type value, if not empty, is now being displayed at all places wherever team name is displayed. It is now possible to export 360 template responses in an excel sheet. Objectives module is now optimized for faster page loads even in case of large number of OKRs. The intention is to increase OKR adoption & keep the progress updated for as much duration as possible. 'License is for an older version and maintenance has expired' error resolved. Form actions from UpRaise were visible on the Jira workflow post functions page, we have now removed them from the screen. Continuous Feedback enhancements to help manage feedback sharing properly. Release Notes Release Type* Focus; Dec 10, 2019: 17.011.30156: Q: This update provides new features, security mitigations, feature enhancements, and bug fixes. Please do remember though, visibility is honoured at all times. Owners team value was not being displayed on the Browse OKRs page, now corrected. Different templates added for review forms. Release notes have become the product-update equivalent of Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy statements. My Objectives are now available on the dashboard. It is now possible to add/edit/delete comments on Team member & Reviewer type of forms, once distributed. For the latest release notes of Zuora Revenue, see Zuora Revenue release notes. Marketing Cloud TSE SOAP API Certificate Update Read More. If something is not meant to be visible to you, it wont be seen in the reports as well. Thus, no internet connection required. Here are some of the best release note examples weve seen from companies who know how to tell a product story. Before, this was limited to Jira group/s that are synced to teams in the Company directory, We do not show inactive/deleted users or teams in the default search results anywhere. Upgrade performance management by turning your Jira into a strategy compass for your team, with real-time coaching, feedback, and more. Now fixed. If you are upgrading from V4.5 or a lower version please, UpRaise v3.3 is here! Ability to add Confidence Status to objectives manually, Team filter extended on browse OKRs to allow 'Logged in user is a member of', OKR screens optimised especially for cases where visibility is set to a large number of users, Team dropdown was broken while creating/editing team objectives, Dashboards now do not need to connect to internet for displaying charts/graphs, Sorting was broken on Browse OKR columns after the last release, Unknown error occurred error while adding objective, More powerful OKR filtering based on labels, Labels are now clickable & display all OKR view filtered based on the clicked label. Earlier it was only limited to C, T & I. Chile's DST is delayed by a week in September 2022. CSS. OKR progress chart dashboard gadget is now available. Employee Success videos . OKR progress chart was displaying progress % as undefined, fixed. Objectives can be classified (e.g. What Is a Release Note? Introducing Recent activity section for OKRs to keep an eye on ongoing activity on OKRs. Shortcuts. Previously, our release notes were a simple list of new features, enhancements, and bug fixes often copied from our engineering team and then spruced up with some marketing language. Where Intercom excels in personality, Invision excels in detail. Ability to manually sync user's status in Jira with UpRaise added. 1. Metric key results now allow progress calculation based on other metric key results. Thus, we encourage to perform this upgrade when there is minimal activity expected in Jira. JDK 8 Update Release Notes Java SE Development Kit 8, Update 351 (JDK 8u351) October 18, 2022 The full version string for this update release is 8u351-b10 (where "b" means "build"). Similar to how metric type KRs progress can be linked to other metric KRs, the same feature is available for To Do type of KRs as well. Carry forward action is now available from the objective detail page. User profile attributes update/deletion is now async for improved loading times. Does anybody even read product release notes? Agile started with software development. Ideal use case would be - someone from HR department want to set up the company directory right before turning off the limited rollout. Grid/thumbnail view is improved for ease of use. The ones that were rarely used are taken out for ease of set up. Objective cycle sequence in dropdowns wasnt correct, resolved. The version of the release note, if you've created multiple versions. Contact Support. Service Desk integration deprecated because of the issues it was causing on customer portal (issue is now fixed). In the upcoming release, we will enhance this with ability to share the views with other UpRaise users/teams. Performance Reviews module released with this version, Continuous Feedback module is now available with this release. UpRaise panel on the issue details page is relocated in the right-hand sidebar. UpRaise Admin can now set the UpRaise visibility to a select users. Role is more appropriately now called UpRaise role. That lead the daily jobs to run more frequently than needed. ' error resolved personality Shine: Seize the opportunity to create multi step hierarchy that involves Departments, Divisions team., headers and lists can help engage your target audience and improve readability cloud on-premise. Software release notes so many good things going on in Intercoms release notes for change notifications, announcements! German language, request other languages from here caused 'unknown error ' when service request... Large number of OKRs keep the progress updated for as much duration as possible results, we have own... Section on My Dashboard now lets you drill down into an objective to upraise release notes! Have an idea of what you need your readers to know available: 12:00 p.m. -... 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