Given this, it is very helpful to ask the following questions during planning stages of a CSA project: If the answers to these questions are no, no, likely, and little or none, respectively, then the landholder has few incentives to adopt CSA practices, and the project needs to consider supporting a stronger LTPR legal and policy environment. The farmer can use the land to secure loan from bankii. The targeted . Between 1975 and 1985, Gambian women farmers succeeded in establishing hundreds of lucrative communal market gardens. land reform, a purposive change in the way in which agricultural land is held or owned, the methods of cultivation that are employed, or the relation of agriculture to the rest of the economy. For example, where livestock are part of local livelihood strategies, farmers need to be able to exclude or manage livestock access so that the trees can become established. (iii) Land cannot be pledged, sold or used as collateral by an individual. USAIDs Climate Change and Development Strategy calls for all agriculture programs to be climate resilient and, when possible, curb carbon emissions. In other cases, as with annual crop production, short-term rights may be sufficient to encourage CSA. When exclusion rights are weak, landholdersmale and female alikehave fewer incentives to invest in CSA, since the actions of others place limitations on their current and future stream of benefits. Tenant at the will of governmentNote: Land tenure byi. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. (ii) There is usually lack of co-operation among community members, if the land is to be used for large scale farming. The aim of this study is to relate the indigenous land tenure system to the development of agriculture in Aguata Local Government Area and examine the factors of this relationship especially on the incentives to the individual farmers. Land tenure is central to a great many issues: land is the main means of subsistence and the main vector for investments and accumulation of wealth that can be transferred to the next generation. It has one of the highest percentages of forest cover of any tropical country, and the vast majority of this forest is in areas populated and used by indigenous peoples. Establishing and maintaining trees requires substantial upfront effort and investment, but the potential future benefits are also high. For example, if a household does not hold rights to use a waterhole on or near their land, they may be less likely to invest in irrigation efforts. When tenure leads to increases in investment, higher agricultural productivity, and improved food security, it disincentivizes economic migration, benefitting society. However, even relatively low-cost investments in soil and water conservation may have unintended consequences if the beneficiaries do not have sufficient rights to exclude others and/or recoup the value of their investments through lease, sale, or inheritance. The subdividing of farms in Mexico, Central America and the Andean nations, the concentration of land in the Southern Cone countries, and the pre-eminence of state land ownership in the Caribbean are the general trends detected in the structure of land tenure in Latin . Land titling is a 30-step registration process. The USAID Tenure and Global Climate Change program is piloting a program in Zambia that combines agroforestry extension with tenure strengthening interventions to increase adoption of CSA practices, including agroforestry. Tenant at the will of government inheritance system are collectively referred to as individual land tenure systems. BIBLIOGRAPHY. on a landholders parcel determines what types of activities can be pursued to generate benefits. However, some CSA practices require significant up-front investments in machinery (e.g., large-scale conservation tillage), while others require significant labor investment (e.g., terracing), or capital investment (e.g., purchasing seedlings to start agroforestry). It enables the farmer to maximize the use of the land in terms of maintenance of the soil fertility in order to improve the productivity of crops. So, if you're going to do something with your land, it's just not about land as an asset. As noted, different types of CSA may rely on different resources (water, trees, pastures), and the extent to which farmers and other resource users can effectively exercise rights over each of these resources may differ, potentially resulting in different adoption choices. The resources in this section provide key information to make decisions about lease agreements. The meaning of the term varies with context. Land reform (also agrarian reform, though that can have . Similarly, by addressing policy restrictions such as land tenure, and by addressing land tenure in a manner that promotes community level decision-making and control, that course of action creates benefits outside of the actual agroforestry implementation. The land belongs to the government and the farmer has to pay certain amount of money to the government for using such land, usually for a stipulated period of time as stated in the land use act of Nigeria. Land Tenure and Agrarian Reforms in Nepal Adhiya share cropping, usually on a 50-50 basis Birta land grants made by the state to individuals usually on an inheritable Funded by the Walton Family Foundation, Delta Institute has focused on land ownership and tenure as levers to increase conservation and rebuild soil health throughout the Midwest, where over 50 percent of the agricultural land is leased. Advantagesi. Laws that govern and regulate land ownership in the country is formulated by society. Transferability: The ability to transfer land and/or resource rights (whether permanently through sale or temporarily through lease or other mechanisms) in a relatively transparent market increases the likelihood that a property owner will make investments or improvements to the land, because they expect to capture any increased value of the land or resource in the sales or rental price. Even in dryland Chivi average holdings are only 2.1 hectares, while in Gutu North they are as small as . With this framing in mind, we classify the property rights according to: i) use; ii) excludability; (iii) management and iv) transferability. Access to land is therefore a cornerstone for poverty reduction. Program Overview. Male lineage heads and community leaders claimed land that had been improved by women through donor-generated agroforestry and soil and water management projects. Unlike machinery, which is mobile, these other types of investments are not. We envision a region in which all communities and landscapes thrive through an integrated approach to environmental, economic, and social challenges. Advantages of TYPES OF LAND TENURE SYSTEM IN AGRICULTURE (i) Each member of the community has easy access to the land. (iii) There is limitation in the development of such land. The composition of the bundle, as well as the breadth or scope of each stick within the bundle has important implications for the types of benefits a landholder can derive from their CSA investment. Bulgakov. You can email the site owner to let them know you were blocked. Tenure can be freehold, leasehold, conditional, collective, and communal. The MCC-supported Land Title Facilitation Activity (LTF) in Ghana was designed to increase investment and productivity by strengthening property rights. Most smallholder farmers hold land under customary tenure and own less than one hectare, many being unable to produce adequate food. Edition by M.I. Frequently, one of the reasons for misplaced land tenure policies is the failure to understand the complex nature of the kinds of social relations that characterize the "household" in any rural society. Thus, the specific use rights held by each resource user has implications for the types of activities they can adopt and the stream of benefits they can obtain as a result of their decisions. Gift tenure. This is motivating community groups and government agencies to establish clearer definitions. Under the customary system of land tenure governing the majority of smallholder farmers in Zambia, an individual farmer cannot exclude cattle from grazing in their fields in the dry season. Support efforts that devolve management rights over forests and other common resources, such as rangelands, to local communities. Bazga ( 2013) substantiates that land tenure studies are all to. The purpose of this study is to examine the existing land tenure systems in Gombe state Nigeria with a view to determining its impact on agricultural productivity in the study area. 40 percent of the country's land and approximately 98 percent of the country's crop land. Farmers can easily have access to landii. Africa in Focus. Land tenure by free gift or pledgeviii. Unfortunately, small farmers have not widely adopted CSA because of key barriers, including: a lack of access to inputs and materials; non-existent or unclear incentives and credits for providing environmental services; inadequate training and education; poor access to markets; limited research; andthe focus of this briefinsecure land tenure and resource rights (FAO, 2001, 2013; Liniger, Rima, Hauert, & Gurtner, 2011). The ownership of the land can be challenged at any timeii. In less than a decade, the womens incomes began outstripping their husbands in many areas, until a shift in development policy away from gender equity and toward environmental concerns threatened the social and economic gains of the garden boom. Even when land cannot be sold or leased but can be inherited, a landholder can invest confidently knowing that he or she can transfer a future stream of benefits to his or her heirs. By reducing enforcement of regulations enacted during colonial times that made trees state property, locals had increased incentives to better manage soil and tree resources on their farms. It can be classified into the following groups: i. Communal land tenureii. This task is especially suited for the individuals that inform legal and policy decisions. Land tenure by purchase or freeholdvii. (ii) Correct ownership of some plots of land cannot be determined. Law 28852 has been met with high controversy, however, due to possible unintended consequences. Relationships between land tenure arrangements and farm type We analyzed our survey data by comparing farmers that only farm conventionally to a group of farmers that are either transitioning to organic on some or all of the acres they manage or are certified organic . Because climate change is likely to increase the variability of production and farm incomes (Smith et. Developed and passed without public debate, the government's land reforms facilitated further land confiscation and . Land tenure and property rights affect the application of technologies for agricultural and natural resource management. Targeting vulnerable women in Senegal, the USAID-supported Yaajeende conservation agriculture program works with communities to allocate degraded and abandoned land to women who receive training and extension services to return the land to a productive state. Such restrictions may have a disproportionately negative impact on poor and vulnerable groups. To make these systems accessible and maneuverable, like elevators rising effortlessly in the tallest of those skyscrapers, the policy tools and local governance structures require similar design skills and implementation. He pays certain amount of money to the landlord and the land becomes his personal property. Land tenure by tenancyv. Those projects might then naturally migrate towards long-term land management strategies such as agroforestry. Zambia has a dual land tenure system: customary tenure and formal title registration. THE GLOBAL ALLIANCE FOR CLIMATE-SMART AGRICULTURE. Arrangements reflect linkages between land rights and water rights; these linkages determine participants contributions to the construction of the canal system and the distribution of lands among ethnic groups. Specific arrangements are tailored to adjust to the source of water and its variability (springs, perennial flows, flood waters, or groundwater). the premise of legally recognised land tenure as a prerequisite of thriving urban agriculture originates from the period of late 1990s till late 2000s when numerous by-laws restricting farming in urban areas ( mubvami and mushamba, 2006 ), together with cases of crop damage caused by municipal authorities, were observed and reported mostly across A third approach to improve land tenure is to refocus funding. 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As well, womens rights to land and trees tend to be less secure in comparison to mens rights, and women typically are less empowered to make decisions on managing trees and, as result, less likely to plant trees (Fortmann, Antinori, & Nabane, 1997; Meinzen-Dick et al., 2002). If farmers are also able to securely transfer their land use rights or expected long-term benefits to another person or group, they are more likely to make larger investments (Place, Roth, & Hazell, 1994). Likewise, farmers or herders may depend on access to key water resources that they may not have the right to manage themselves, which could undermine their ability effectively adopt CSA practices. In Ghana, LTF was a key element of the Agriculture Productivity and Value-Added Development Project "Agriculture Project." Climate Change and Natural Resource Management, Using Mobile Applications to Secure Tenure, Land Tenure and Climate Smart Agriculture, Tenure and Global Climate Change (TGCC) in Zambia, How a Municipal Land Office Leads to Rural Development, Coordination among USAID programs: a win-win for Colombians, Join The actual owner may be difficult to establishiii. If the landholder does lose their rights, how much of their initial investment is likely to be recovered? In a relatively secure LTPR environment like this, farmers are more likely to adopt cost-intensive irrigation efforts that support CSA (Feder, Onchan, Hongladarom, & Chalamwong, 1988). Rather, it is an extremely important factor in a farmers or herders decision to adopt or not adopt a particular CSA practice.5 To maximize the effectiveness of programming designed to increase CSA uptake, policy makers and development practitioners need to consider land tenure and property rights issues and concerns in addition to other constraints. Third, as implied by the names categorizing production, different types of CSA practices entail using the land in different ways (e.g., to produce field crops, raise livestock, plant trees, or some combination) and may involve exploiting other resources on the land (e.g., water, in the case of irrigation). FeaturesThis is the type of land tenure in which land is inherited from ones parent or from one generation to another. Land tenure is an institution, i.e., rules invented by societies to regulate behaviour. Programs supporting CSA applications to communal resources, such as improving management of common-use rangelands, need to be attentive to these concerns and not inadvertently create new challenges. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Achieving agriculture-led food security through knowledge sharing, A global knowledge portal for climate change & development practitioners, USAID's knowledge sharing platform focused on land tenure and property rights, A collaborative learning community of development professionals, USAIDs sharing platform for resources on sustainable urban development, USAID's knowledge portal to advance biodiversity conservation and development. Projections based on population growth and food consumption patterns indicate that by 2050 agricultural production will need to increase by at least 6070 percent to meet demand (FAO, 2013; World Bank, 2013). The land can easily be improved by way of fertilizer applicationDisadvantages or Problemsi. This study assesses the impact of insecure land tenure on sustainable agricultural development in Africa to demonstrate how the economic profitability of agriculture strongly depends on land tenure security. This relationship can be legal or customary. In the case of agroforestry, transferability is particularly important for two main reasons. The head of the community who may be a chief, an Oba, Obi. An important component of the BLM's land-management strategy is transfer of land ownership or land interests through purchases and acquisitions, sales and exchanges , and withdrawals. As I described on this blog two weeks ago, Agroforestry offers numerous social and environmental benefits. Leasehold systemiv. you read about the Nigerian land use act. Investments that are tied to the land itself and cannot be easily or economically transferred to land in another location once made should be distinguished from other types of investments that are mobile and may be employed productively elsewhere. Delta Institute, 35 E. Wacker, Ste 1760, Chicago, IL 60601. For example, in some contexts, contrary to their wishes, womens fields may be disproportionately used for communal grazing. Does the landholder have the right to make (and adjust) crop and management decisions on this parcel? LAND PREPARATION FOR YAM42. The agricultural sector, though a major . Farmers cannot use the land as collateral to secure loans from banksiii. land tenure is a key factor in the economic development of agricultural production . Securing and Enhancing Indigenous Land Tenure in Guyana Guyana is a country with unique importance for indigenous rights, forest protection and climate change mitigation. Similarly, in the event of divorce, if women are barred from receiving land as part of a property settlement, they will be disadvantaged and may be economically disempowered. One example of the unintended negative consequences of agricultural programming comes from the Gambia (Box 4), where women who had been using land for high-value horticulture production were displaced by men who leveraged a tree planting program to reclaim the land that had been set aside for the women (Schroeder, 1997). Given its ability to increase productivity, increase resilience, and mitigate greenhouse gases by sequestering carbon, Faidherbia albida has been described as a miracle tree. Despite widespread adoption in countries like Niger and Burkina Faso and elsewhere in the Sahel, farmers in Zambia have been slow to adopt Faidherbia albida, known locally as msangu. Such land can easily be revoked, if the tenant fails to pay the rent at the right time, (i) May lead to fragmentation of land which cannot be mechanized. Rights may be held separately or together as part of the bundle of rights. Although the term agroforestry is typically used to refer to land use systems and practices in which woody perennials are integrated with agricultural crops or livestock (Liniger et. The unequal distribution of land in Malawi has been identified as one of the binding constraints on agricultural productivity and production. Land tenure 3.1 Land tenure is the relationship, whether legally or customarily defined, among people, as individuals or groups, with respect to land. 2 Tenure refers to the status of individuals or groups in relationship to property. 1.Royotwari Land Tenure System: Under this system every register holder of the land is recognized as its proprietor . In Morocco, water rights and rules governing the allocation and use of water resources for irrigating crops have evolved over many years to meet local needs (Fishbein et al., 2012). Land tenure is a key concept in land reform and influences measures given to improving land management (Chitsike, 2003 ). Again, undertaking the necessary initial investments requires certainty over land tenure and rights (assurance), as well as being secure in those rights for a sufficient amount of time to receive benefits and recoup those costs. The study shows that security of tenure seems to be the major implication of the land tenure system prevalent in the study area resulting in lack of investment in agriculture. One interesting example comes from the Greening of the Sahel success story: strengthening local rights to use and benefit from trees in Niger has played a key role in improving the livelihoods of millions. var divElement = document.getElementById('viz1631218693461'); var vizElement = divElement.getElementsByTagName('object')[0]; if ( divElement.offsetWidth > 800 ) {'1203px';'641px';} else if ( divElement.offsetWidth > 500 ) {'1203px';'641px';} else {'100%';'1077px';} var scriptElement = document.createElement('script'); scriptElement.src = ''; vizElement.parentNode.insertBefore(scriptElement, vizElement); An action-oriented overview of the soil health testing process; click and scroll to explore. A second approach to land tenure challenges involves pooling land under a public domain and then granting community access that is secure for the long term. Small farmers, are comfortable making investments in the customary system the chiefs the! 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