Save this spreadsheet with any name you want, 4. Again, if you are not familiar with Javascript, jQuery or AJAX, it might be a steep learning curve. It was really helpful and very well written. Find your source spreadsheet's and destination form's ids -- see images (2) and (3). Any Way in PHP? Select 'Add dashboard', then 'Add widget'. Copy the script (4) below, and paste it in the code editor. This latter part is the same problem Im working on I think. These will be the column headers of our spreadsheet we save the data in and they MUST match up. Ill let you know how it goes. Dimas, thanks so much for this. Current problem however is that I notice, on error, prints out my log in name and password for google, and sometimes has CAPTCHA challenge response. I try: $spreadsheetService = new Zend_Gdata_Spreadsheets(); Additionally, if you are having problems, try taking things back to basics, if youve integrated the code above into your own code, try creating a basic example using only the code above get it working correctly, then start integrating it with your own code. The weird thing is that when I use the google docs UI and enter in the same formula it works. I have adapted your code to try to insert only new rows so it tries to do a check in the spreadsheet : thank You very much for this lib, im gona build my blog app using this approach, no mysql involved , @Mark Yes I had issues with path to zend lib, I started to think that it doesnt work for me to or something else but i fixed it and it works fine (sun). I have written a PHP script which fetches data from Google Spreadsheet using Zend Google PHP API. Great post. Get your API URL from API Spreadsheets 1. Thanks for any help and suggestions. Click the Save and continue button. Im not sure how necessary that is, but then that would mimic my setup. This will be a radio selection field with two age options. } //end add function, Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/user/public_html/xxx/Google_Spreadsheet.php on line 72, Fatal error: Uncaught exception Zend_Gdata_App_HttpException with message Expected response code 200, got 400 Blank rows cannot be written; use delete instead. in /home/user/php/ext/ZendGdata-1.11.0/library/Zend/Gdata/App.php:709 Stack trace: #0 /home/user/php/ext/ZendGdata-1.11.0/library/Zend/Gdata.php(219): Zend_Gdata_App->performHttpRequest(POST, https://spreads, Array, performHttpRequest(POST, https://spreads, Array, post(insertEntry(entries[1]->getCustomByName(stay); browser), then it can add rows again, so perhaps its not inserting If you use it in form spreadsheet is used by the moral of the response between the code that process includes exporting is add. Find the location of the file and select it. with-openssl-dir[=DIR] FTP: openssl install prefix If you enter a value into the form field and press submit, the console should print "success" and you'll have a new data element added to your Google Spreadsheet! Expected response code 200, got 400 We're sorry, a server error occurred. Click Contains Header, then click Save. Open up a new Excel spreadsheet. I still cant get the read row to function, it gives me the same error as Tom ..App.php on line 700. This is the error that I receive from my site. I am definitely going to give this a hack. Posted in Downloads, PHP | Tagged form data, gdata, Google, google api, google docs, Google Documents List Data API, google spreadsheet, PHP, spreadsheet, Zend, Zend Framework | 183 Responses. 2. But to add data or change something, I guess there's no other way through it. Ive been doing some googling around and found: I essentially need to search for data in one worksheet and then use that data to pull a matching record on another worksheet. im running centos and dont have much unix experience -_- hi, it's me again.Just want to ask if is it possible in your updateRow function to specify a certain row using multiple conditions? well well well any ideas? Local web form to excel spreadsheet. Do not give it any other id as the data submission to spreadsheet function that we will write later in the Javascript is dependent on it. Nice tutorial. Is it possible? 16Go to the Google > OAuth > FinalizeOAuth Choreo, and supply the callback ID returned earlier by the InitializeOAuth Choreo. $query = new Zend_Gdata_Spreadsheets_ListQuery(); Im hoping your new version has an addRow that is not sensitive to the size of the existing sheet. set_include_path(get_include_path() . How do I close the feed so I can open a new one to a different spreadsheet or workbook? You can keep submitting data to this spreadsheet and it will contain all the records whenever you download it. Method 1Creating a Data Entry Form. 1. Open up a blank file in the text editor you use for programming, copy and paste the code below and save the file with a [.html] extension. Let's see how it works. Eg first line is not all the headings, there are random blank lines etc. Tracing the problem with echo commands shows the code gets stuck in the first login made in the class constructor when executing the first line $ss = new Google_Spreadsheet($u,$p);. Sorry, Temboo requires JavaScript! Configure your Javascript file to submit data from the form. It has worked for me for a couple of months. We are doing the same for the input text element "lastName". Click Browse to select the Excel file. 11Under APIs & auth > Credentials, create a new Client ID and specify Web application for the Application Type. Replace value of url_script with that WEB APP url in line 33 3. Indeed something wrong with HttpClient, but what is it???. // if not setting worksheet, Sheet1 is assumed For example, you can save names from a signup form to a Google Spreadsheet. Now lets test it out and see how to view our data. How do you turn off error reporting? Let's create a form in HTML. Prepare your spreadsheet that the data will be saved to & write column headers equal to the names of the tags Go to, upload the spreadsheet file and copy the API URL for your file to use it in javascript. Have you got a code snippet I could use? My initial tests inserting =1+1 work the spreadsheet shows the evaluated value, but the underlying formula is still present. Life is too short to work on spreadsheets. Much thanks Dimas. Im still blown away I guess. Anyways, I have found the solution. This input will now be set by the form we're about to create. Its a basic contact form and doesnt contain any styling. Ive started a PHP/Google only integration which should remove Zend out of the mix and make things easier. I would be very relieved to be able to trace this and get anything_zend finally working. We are going to use AJAX to submit the form. I was unable to get it to work before , but the comment added on 9th Dec made all the difference. @wolf3d, this lib is no substitute for a good db like mysql or sqlite. Well, the only thing to do is to either upgrade to PHP5 or use a 3rd party site. $listFeed = $spreadsheetService->getListFeed($query); Click Create. In the Save As box, type a name for the document. If you are using a Spreadsheet, do the following: If you have any further questions, feel free to email us at! Learn on the go with our new app. Hopefully I will have the time to finish it soon. Geoff, I dont have a solution for you. alright well how about getting data from a specific cell such as Jeff, a LIKE operator would be nice I have not been able to find anything about it in the Google documentation. I have found if you dont have extra blank rows at the bottom of the spreadsheet, the updates fail. Run the Choreo from our site by clicking the Generate Code button. any idea?!?!?!? I really appreciate it . #5 /home3/ in /home3/vmcadedu/public_html/ryan-test/Zend/Gdata/App.php on line 709, Fatal error: Uncaught exception Zend_Gdata_App_HttpException with message Unable to Connect to ssl:// I guess I havent installed ZEND properly, can you suggest how to install it? Scroll down to the Action section and click Update Google Sheets as the automation's action. Lets walk through it: We use jQuery syntax to call ajax. I assume you have already seen this: Thanks dmon, I appreciate the code, I've made the addition. :/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php:zend/library) in /home/mydomain/public_html/ on line 216. The LibreOffice official website is as below: https://www . If I add extra blank rows to the bottom of the worksheet (via a ; Search and select the Google Sheets integration. It's . $ss = new Google_Spreadsheet($u,$p); Id like your thoughts on the problem and the potential fix, and whether you should look at that approach for your library? =if(feed!a2 >5, Good,Bad) There is no current getCell implementation, however it probably could be added. By doing this, you can quickly view all the submissions at a glance and you are also able to export CSV files of the data. A Google account, in order to be able to create a spreadsheet document using Google Docs. Mark, as this class seems to have lots of interest, I will continue work on the non-zend version of it. Click Get All Cells and click Save. Open the dropdown menu that says "Collect Responses". Click on Delimited > Next. We saved ours as ContactForm.html. ); Select the . For Images, Videos, Audios and other kind of media we can save it on our local system or in a database. Here, you can create an API for the database table we will be saving the form data to. This step is super important so make sure these headers are EXACTLY the same as the names of the input tags above. $this->client = new Zend_Gdata_Spreadsheets($http); This is Really nice, is there any way to format the rows. When you have formulas in your worksheet and use the updateRow method, the formula is overwritten and the actual value of the cell is inserted instead. If it is the case, the code wont work from October 20th (see $ss->useSpreadsheet(test1); I hope to solve this issue with w new version of the class which will do away with using Zend_Gdata completely, just need to find the time to get it finished. It doesn't matter what the column labels are, but there must be text in the first row of each column. Importing data from the web into Microsoft Excel saves you from manually feeding the data or copy-pasting it. Pay attention to the name attribute of the tags. $query = new Zend_Gdata_Spreadsheets_DocumentQuery(); Still get the same error. @drooh, sorry to hear that you couldnt get it working. Let me know if that clears it up for you. Works great, except Ive started getting the following error on my server. Copy the API URL for your file and save it somewhere handy. #0 /home/almoblux/public_html/ZendGdata-1.11.5/library/Zend/Gdata.php(219): Zend_Gdata_App->performHttpRequest(POST, https://spreads, Array, performHttpRequest(POST, https://spreads, Array, post(insertEntry(getRows(id=zd92cd4a8f7a001c343a5144ad3570668); I assume that the id= should be the key of ones own spreadsheet. Check your php.ini file and uncomment. Scraping data and merely displaying on the screen doesn't make any sense. It talks about getting a response code 400, but I get this msg always and I can access the spreadsheet with a browser. im currently useing [Optional] If your API is Private you will also need to copy the Access and Secret Key and save them somewhere handy. Click File > Save As. Upload Your Local File or Connect to the Google Sheets you created in Step 2. any guesses? I tried various different things such as edit the PHP file and add: mbstring.language = Neutral ; Set default language to Neutral(UTF-8) (default) It was that the column headings where on row 2 and not row one. I think working with Zend makes it a bit cumbersome and difficult for some. Awesome work! CHARACTER SET utf8 Use Microsoft Forms to collect data right into your Excel file This post is the first of a few where we look at how easy the Office 365 stack integrates. I tried once on my development server and once on my main server, both gave me different errors and wasted my time. mbstring.func_overload = 7 ; All non-multibyte-safe functions are overloaded with the mbstring alternatives, init_connect=SET collation_connection = utf8_unicode_ci; SET NAMES utf8; It doesnt use the Zend GData Client Library, but fairly relevant none-the-less. Copy the API URL for your file under the Create Tab. Zend has some classes for that also. Pangulo, this is a problem I have also had with the class, the combination of using Google API/Zend Gdata all seem to be really slow I would actually like to try to only use CURL for the requests and do away completely with the need for Zend Gdata and see if I can get any speed gains that way. Simple and Easy! Hit the Enter key (or click the New button) to enter the record in the table and get a blank form for next record. mbstring.internal_encoding = UTF-8 ; Set default internal encoding to UTF-8 but now im gettin a ssl not installed error O.o (the problems never end),, i have also included the phpinfo() in the above link to show that openssl is in fact installed and enabled in my php.ini , After much pain and toil, I figured out what was happening. Click Connect Google Account. Then use and smile. global $ss; if ($ss->addRow($row)) echo Form data successfully stored using Google Spreadsheet; Hi, i saw that the Google_Spreadsheet.php had a getColumnNames() function. Please email me at dimas3 [at] farinspace [dot] com and I can help you further or if you use IM you can contact me with AIM:junkyut or YahooIM:farinspace. If you have kids, you're probably well aware of the rising cost of college. In my sample, I have created form with the following fields: Email, Firstname, LastName and Company. has address Ive added a form to my body, but I cannot figure out how tie the form data into the script and have THAT data pulled into the SS. are still commenting on it. It works for my needs. custom field names, using worksheets, etc). If that's all you need: Select the form. Then, insert the web URL in the From Web dialogue box. Dimas, Thanks a lot for providing this simple working code, very useful. Then, when you deploy your script, you get a link that you can call . getColumnNames returning an array of names might be quite a handy addition to your code for many people for the same reason I want it . add this function in the google spreadsheet helper class: function deleteRow($search) { if ($this->client instanceof Zend_Gdata_Spreadsheets AND $search) { $feed = $this->findRows($search); if ($feed->entries) { foreach($feed->entries as $entry) { if ($entry instanceof Zend_Gdata_Spreadsheets_ListEntry) { $this->client->deleteRow($entry); if ( ! Create a new, empty spreadsheet in Excel. I did install the newest Version of Zend, could that be the actual Problem i use 1.10.2. However your helper class is great! The column names are returned clean, meaning Google will strip disallowed characters in the column names, but this should still allow you to check for expected fields as needed. Now lets test it out and see how to view our data. 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