A weighted analysis will be applied, analogous to the weighted analysis for the fixed-effects linear model, but the weights are different. Analyses were conducted in Intercooled STATA 8.2 (College Station, TX, USA) using the metan and hetred modules. (a) Genetic meta-analyses at the 25% level. study; and ii) cross-sectional analysis of napping and memory and the longitudinal analysis of napping and memory, the women cohort of sha et al. Assess the impact of publication bias on results with trim-and . The same studies were selected for removal in all variants of the sequential or combinatorial algorithm. Methods and analysis A comprehensive literature search will be performed in PubMed, Web of Science and the Cochrane central register of controlled trials for relevant articles using MeSH terms and related entry . A meta-analysis with 38 studies of which seven had to be excluded eventually (requiring almost 16 000 000 meta-analyses), required 86 h in a Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 550 3.40 GHz with 1 GB RAM. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. For full access to this pdf, sign in to an existing account, or purchase an annual subscription. Department of Hygiene and Epidemiology, University of Ioannina School of Medicine, Ioannina 45 110, Greece. First, we used a previously described database of 50 meta-analyses of gene-disease associations that had found a nominally statistically significant effect (P < 0.05) by random-effects calculations (DerSimonian and Laird model).11 Large between-study heterogeneity is common in genetic epidemiology.12. 2 They found that, among studies (all of which were from LMICs) that compared visual inspection with acetic acid to cytology, the sensitivity of . In order to meet above condition, is it needed that the weights of the other criteria tol be adjusted proportionally to one when the weight of a criterion is altered during One-At-a-Time approach? Traditionally, the term "meta-analysis" refers to pairwise meta-analysis of aggregate data. Pelisek J, Eckstein HH, Zernecke A. Pathophysiological mechanisms of carotid plaque vulnerability: impact on ischemic stroke. The steps for the leave-one-out method are as follows: If the results of the K meta-analyses in the leave-one-out method are consistent, then there is confidence that the overall meta-analysis is robust. While the average correlation was modestly high, there was considerable variability in the range of k<50 and k<25 for a given amount of initial heterogeneity. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. An official website of the United States government. We propose sensitivity analyses for publication bias in meta-analyses. The elasticity of a market means that a business will sell more products at a lower price per product, subject again to certain constraints such as the need to make a per-product profit. This outcome included 16 studies with an I2 of 53% (95% CI: 172%, using OR as effect estimate). Conversely, great caution is needed in avoiding over-interpreting the data on which specific studies cause heterogeneity and why. It is difficult to decide whether any of these reasons, or others still not captured and/or not reported by the reviewers, may explain the results of this outlier study vs the others. Using clinical trial registries to inform Copas selection model for publication bias in meta-analysis. Sensitivity analysis is a method for predicting the outcome of a decision if a situation turns out to be different compared to the key predictions. With regard to the meta-analysis, the quality of evidence reflects the degree of confidence that the estimate of effect is correct. Our meta-analysis on the use of RDT as POCT included 123 eligible studies, of which 26 and 97 studies assessed molecular and antigen POCTs, respectively. Inverse-variance weighted (IVW) method is used as the main MR analysis, and the sensitivity analysis is carried out to ensure the MR assumptions. Disclaimer, National Library of Medicine We will analyze the data from studies against CRS and culture separately. Your sensitivity analysis needs to twiddle one weight at a time, i.e., compute a WhatIf when W[@Alternative=1], and then compute a WhatIf when W[@Alternative=2] is twiddled, and so on. Unable to load your collection due to an error, Unable to load your delegates due to an error. The excluded studies offer a starting point for exploring heterogeneity and their selection is made based on purely statistical criteria, potentially avoiding post hoc subjective interpretation of the data. laudantium assumenda nam eaque, excepturi, soluta, perspiciatis cupiditate sapiente, adipisci quaerat odio The comparison used in this specific dataset was overall effect of taxanes and the outcome overall response among randomized patients (Comparison: 01 Outcome: 03 in the specific Cochrane review). Carpenter JR, Schwarzer G, Rcker G, Knstler R. J Clin Epidemiol. Meta-analysis. Targeting for I2 below of 25%, the correlation coefficient was 0.58 (95% CI: 0.520.64, n = 498) for both minimum and maximum variants. Subgroup Meta-analyses Stratified by Study-Level Characteristics eFigure 3. Yet given that models and their variations need to be understandable to different audiences, how complicated should you make your sensitivity analysis anyway? Studies published since the establishment of the library until December 2021 were retrieved. The likelihood of consistency increases as K increases. and E.E. Background Several approaches are available for evaluating heterogeneity in meta-analysis. 2019 Oct-Nov;28(10-11):2912-2923. doi: 10.1177/0962280218791602. Although the different variants of our algorithms exclude almost always the same number of studies to reach below a specific desired heterogeneity threshold, discrepancies in which are the specific studies to be excluded are common. 95% CI: 95% confidence interval. Descriptive statistics of meta-analyses for both databases can be found in the Appendix. The most common test that examines the null hypothesis that all studies are evaluating the same effect is the Cochran's chi-squared test (Cochran's Q).6 The most common metric for measuring the magnitude of the between-study heterogeneity is the I2,7 the ratio of Qdf (df: degrees of freedom) over Q. I2 is easily interpretable and does not depend on the number of the studies. For the calculation of Sensitivity Analysis, go to the Data tab in excel and then select What if . (c) Cochrane meta-analyses at the 25% level. Bookshelf Open boxes represent excluded studies. Meta-analysis, funnel plots and sensitivity analysis 249 The aim of a sensiti vity analysis is to embed the standard model (here the usual random ef fects method) sharing sensitive information, make sure youre on a federal Publication bias is one of the most important issues in meta-analysis. Lack of blinding could have affected the outcome ascertainment or could have been a marker for other quality deficiencies.14, Examples of meta-analyses with very large initial estimate of between-study heterogeneity that required omission of one or several studies for the heterogeneity estimate to decrease <25%. 8600 Rockville Pike SAS program P21.1 in this module illustrates the fixed and random effects approaches to the asthma meta-analysis. Observed differences in sensitivity were largely attributable to type of RDT, conformity to IFU and target population for use. Let's say you decide to twiddle by 10%. One-way sensitivity analysis is a procedure in which the central estimates for key parameters in the model are varied one at a time (generally using the 95% confidence intervals) and inform readers which variables drive the results generated by the model. 1 Following the publication of this paper it came to the attention of both the BMJ and the authors that doubts regarding the validity of . In a meta-analysis, R 2 = (T 2explained) / (T 2total ), where T 2 = true variance. We consider a publication process such that 'statistically significant' results are more likely to be published than negative or "non-significant" results by an unknown ratio, . 2016 Sep;11(5):730-749. doi: 10.1177/1745691616662243. doi: 10.1016/j.jclinepi.2008.12.002. Furthermore, we illustrate the concordance between the initial I2 and number and proportion of studies excluded using scatter plots and Spearman correlation coefficients. Moreover, when heterogeneity is explained by patient-level rather than study-level characteristics2022 any algorithm that excludes whole studies may not reveal the true reasons for the heterogeneity. And then the whatIf value that we can use is this: W + Array(Level, [-10% * W, 10% * (1-W)] ) Related terms: Hazard Ratio; Funnel Plot; Meta-Analysis . Our method enables us to assess the influence of publication bias on the estimation of the sROC curve and then judge whether the result of the meta-analysis is sufficiently confident or should be interpreted with much caution. The proposed sensitivity metrics add another useful dimension to the routine examination of between-study heterogeneity, besides the testing of statistical significance and the estimation of the amount of heterogeneity beyond chance (I2). Halvorsen B, Otterdal K, Dahl TB, et al. When the exclusion of any single study does not suffice to drop the heterogeneity below the desired threshold, the decrease in the I2 is examined by the exclusion of all possible pairs of studies. This study had shown a very large and statistically significant difference in retention rate (10-fold larger odds with the high vs low dose), while the other four studies had shown no significant difference. Bethesda, MD 20894, Web Policies publication and other selective reporting biases. The first challenge is to determine how much each weight should be twiddled. Of note, heterogeneity could not be dropped below or in two meta-analyses regardless of how many studies were excluded. Methods We developed and implemented sequential and combinatorial algorithms that evaluate the change in between-study heterogeneity as one or more studies are excluded from the calculations. Estimation of vaccine effectiveness using the screening method, Total calcium, dairy foods and risk of colorectal cancer: a prospective cohort study of younger US women, Software Application Profile: ShinyDataSHIELDan R Shiny application to perform federated non-disclosive data analysis in multicohort studies, Reassessing the evidence of a survival advantage in Type 2 diabetes treated with metformin compared with controls without diabetes: a retrospective cohort study, Early delivery following chronic and acute ambient temperature exposure: a comprehensive survival approach, About International Journal of Epidemiology, About the International Epidemiological Association, Receive exclusive offers and updates from Oxford Academic, Open Rank Informatics Research Faculty Position, Postdoctoral Fellowship Infections and Immunoepidemiology Branch, Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychiatry and Human Behavior, Assistant, Associate, or Full Professor in the Department of Psychiatry and Human Behavior, Proportion of sample size excluded, target of maximum, Proportion of sample size excluded, target of minimum, Copyright 2022 International Epidemiological Association. The systematic review (CD000193)17 assessed somatostatin analogues for acute bleeding oesophageal varices. Therefore, in such a situation with a relatively large amount of heterogeneity, the weight for each study will approximately be the same and the weighted analysis for the random-effects linear model will approximate an unweighted analysis. In this table, - sample_id contains labels indicating the sample each effect size is drawn from; - moderator is a moderator variable, each row containing the effect size's level for that moderator; - x_name and y_name are columns indicating the variables/constructs being related in the effect size; - n is the sample size for the effect size; - rxyi is the effect size (the correlation between . [ 22 ]. A systematic review and meta-analysis were conducted to investigate the clinical relevance of ctDNA among patients with localized non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). The algorithms exclude studies aiming to achieve either the maximum or the minimum final I2 below a desired pre-set threshold. In business for instance, a supply chain is often an interlinked system of input factors with certain individual and collective constraints. While one factor is being varied, the others are usually kept at their nominal or baseline values, so that each OAT change is effected with reference to a certain model base space. Epub 2018 Jul 31. Figure 3C shows an example of a meta-analysis with equally large I2 that could not be reduced to <25% unless many studies were removed. When doing so, don't use 1.1 * W to increase . When a meta-analysis shows a lot of heterogeneity, you must accept that the results are garbage and cannot be used. Else if a=Alternative then w1 16.8 - Random Effects / Sensitivity Analysis. A random effect meta-analysis was conducted on crude sensitivity and specificity of 13 C/ 14 C-urea breath test rates. In this paper, we introduce a Copas-type selection model for meta-analysis of diagnostic studies and propose a sensitivity analysis method for publication bias. In the last step there is a chance more than one omitted studies can result in I2 dropping below the wanted threshold. There was however some diversity across meta-analyses (Tables 1 and 2). Objectives: Two examples are discussed. Similarly, one can estimate the proportions based on the sample sizes of the omitted studies vs the total sample size of the meta-analysis aiming for either maximum or minimum I2 below . Application of our algorithms resulted in omission of one study, resulting in an I2 of 19% (95% CI: 064%). An example is given below: Statistical diagnostics (sensitivity analyses) should be performed to investigate the validity and robustness of the meta-analysis via applying the meta-analytic approach to subsets of the K studies, and/or applying the leave-one-out method. Poor reporting may be associated with other flaws and biases that may have affected the estimates of the treatment effect, introducing substantial heterogeneity, but these additional flaws or biases are probably occult and difficult to decipher. However, this should be seen as an exploratory post hoc evaluation of the sources of heterogeneity. . OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to perform a systematic review of the literature and meta-analysis of pooled sensitivity data to elucidate strategies for optimal image-guided biopsies . (a) Cochrane Database ID: CD000173 (one study omitted). WhatIf( resultVar, W, wVec ) To our best knowledge, no methods are available for evaluation of influence of publication bias on estimation of the sROC curve. Scatter plots of the number and proportion of excluded studies vs the initial I2 The (a) and (b) represent analyses for number of excluded studies using the target threshold of 50 and 25%, respectively. We included studies involving trauma patients suffering non-compressible torso hemorrhage. Choose Simulation > Sensitivity Analysis. I want to carry out an analysis of the sensitivity in a landfill suitability evaluation project performed by AHP method. Index Level := ['Low','High'] However, in the typical meta-analysis where there are only a few studies, poor power may cause substantial uncertainty in the inferences that are based on either Q or I2.27 Reducing the amount of heterogeneity below a specific level or even aiming for residual I2 = 0% is not reassuring that the remaining studies will be homogeneous. However, no relevant systemic meta-analysis has been conducted so far to support the diagnostic value of using blood-derived circRNAs in NSCLC clinically. and transmitted securely. When the proportion of sample size was considered, the correlation coefficients were 0.52 (95% CI: 0.420.60, n = 263) aiming for minimum and 0.63 (95% CI: 0.550.70, n = 263) aiming for maximum I2 below of 50%. The idea here is that removing one of the studies from the meta-analysis should not affect the overall results. For all meta-analyses, we recorded the initial number of studies, sample size, and random effects (DerSimonian and Laird) summary effect size [natural logarithm of the odds ratio (OR)] and its standard error, I2 and Q (P-value) as well as the sensitivity metrics described earlier. MeSH Copas selection model; bivariate binomial model; copula; summary receiver operating characteristics. No. Our aim is to show how these algorithms can be routinely adopted in meta-analyses as standardized sensitivity analyses for heterogeneity. The literature search yielded a total of 5267 studies. The site is secure. Careers. (b) Cochrane Database ID: CD002208 (one study omitted). Required fields are marked *. bFor two meta-analyses I2 was not able to be dropped <25%. . Second, we used meta-analyses from the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (Issue 4, 2005). Comprehensive meta-analysis software was used to perform all meta-analyses. 2021 Sep;12(5):658-673. doi: 10.1002/jrsm.1506. Adjusting for Publication Bias in Meta-Analysis: An Evaluation of Selection Methods and Some Cautionary Notes. The whole is greater than the sum of the parts, say Aristotle and Gestalt psychology. Very rarely more than one study may have the same input data. Thus, CEUS may be a useful tool for the diagnosis of carotid vulnerable plaques. Although there is not heterogeneity in these data to be explained by a meta-regression, an example of the command and its output is given below. Excluding one or two studies sufficed in the vast majority of cases [208 (85.9%) for the 50% threshold and 382 (81.3%) for the 25% threshold, Figure 1]. However, it is possible that not one but several studies are primarily responsible for the between-study heterogeneity. Dear Sean Salleh, Communication of these decisions using the results of sensitivity analysis can be made more understandable or more credible. The literature search yielded a total of 5267 studies. Overall, in-depth examination of the characteristics of the excluded studies may be useful in some circumstances. This site needs JavaScript to work properly. The first challenge is to determine how much each weight should be twiddled. Analogous to the fixed-effects linear model, the variance of Y in the random-effects linear model is: \(S^2= \dfrac{1}{\left(\sum_{k=1}^{K}w_k^* \right)}\). Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. Meta-analysis: Sensitivity analysis checks whether restrictions cause sensitive results, including time-critical decisions. For standard meta-analyses to examine intervention effects, the funnel plot and the trim-and-fill method are simple and widely used techniques for assessing and adjusting for the influence of publication bias, respectively. Please enable it to take advantage of the complete set of features! PMC Choi YJ, Jung SC, Lee DH. Consistency between the results of primary analysis and sensitivity analysis . Let's say you decide to twiddle by 10%. 4. Apparent lack of heterogeneity based on the point estimates of I2 is not proof of homogeneity. Your email address will not be published. It is assumed that t 1, t 2, , t k are independent and identically distributed as N ( 0, 2) random variables. In fact, there were already several meta-analyses of prospective studies about cancer incidence or mortality, existing meta-analysis also yield inconsistent results [26,27,28,29]. Using OR as the metric of risk, I2 was originally 63% (95% CI: 083%). Search for other works by this author on: * Corresponding author. Var s := Sum( (a<>Alternative)*W, Alternative); For example, if the eligibility of some studies in the meta-analysis is dubious because they do not contain full details, sensitivity analysis may involve undertaking . , University of Ioannina School of Medicine we will analyze the data from studies against CRS and separately! Ischemic stroke take advantage of the studies from the meta-analysis should not affect the results... Intercooled STATA 8.2 ( College Station, TX, USA ) using the of... Challenge is to show how these algorithms can be routinely adopted in meta-analyses as standardized analyses! Than the sum of the Library until December 2021 were retrieved all variants of Library! Error, unable to load your collection due to an existing account, or an! 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