Data analysis and anomaly identification. Hotel Search Searching geographically for five-star hotels using a circle radius.871. Store Openings Historicizing a companys store openings. Stratigraphy Plotting boreholes, cross sections, and well logs. GIS is capable of executing all relevant Engineering & Consultancy services as offshore, with UAE home office support, no outside sub-contracting expected. Migratory Birds Cross-referencing telemetry GPS migratory (Osprey) bird locations with Langley Air Force Base flying operations to reduce an aircraft strike. Election Violence Reporting issues like outbreaks of violence, intimidation, or vote fraud during Tanzanias election. (Forensic GIS The Role of Geospatial Technologies for Investigating Crime and Providing Evidence)203. Real-time Sensors Monitoring carbon monoxide in real-time with GeoEvent Extension with set thresholds and alerts (Valarm Monitoring Company)362. Linear Directional Mean Determining the trend for the movement of elk and moose in a stream valley could calculate the directional trend of migration routes for the two species.313. Child Abuse Allocating family service facilities to sites where child abuse is more prevalent. Noise Map Mapping sound levels in parks to show how visitors and wildlife interact with each other and park resources. Mammal Magnetic Alignment Discovering how deer can sense magnetism through satellite image analysis and field observations of body alignments of deer beds in snow. 966. Gender Inequality Showing the history of how women are working in the GIS field.779. (CMECS)693. For most civil engineering projects, the link between spatial data and engineering projects forms by GIS. Data Analytics Analyzing location-based information to reveal the relationship between individuals, families, and communities, and the environment in which they live.167. 1. Soil Grid Helping agriculture decision-making with ISRICs 1km scale soil property and class maps of the world. We've updated our privacy policy. Archaeological Site Prediction Connecting favorable slope, aspect, geology, hydrology, and distance to water using the Multiple Criteria Evaluation (MCE) to predict archaeological sites.61. 10. 3D Synthetic Scene Overlaying synthetic scenes over the real scene. American Museum of Natural History Apply biodiversity information to collect, organize and analyze biological and environmental data to provide new insights into conservation, ecology, and evolution.500. Ensure engineering/design activities comply with company and contract requirements and support overall construction schedule. Crayfish QGIS Plugin Animating flood model outputs and flood propagation. (Flo 2D)528. Risk of Extinction Describing existing conditions of habitat and predicting risk of extinctions, the chance of recovery, and mitigation measures such as prohibiting hunting.303. Future Development Patterns Locating future growth and evaluating scenarios such as loss of prime agricultural land.605. Sea Level Rise Collecting data to study sea level rise and climate change from the Jason-3 satellite. The integration of GIS and BIM provides an environment where project professionals and stakeholders can collaborate across the entire life cycle, leading to a more predictable outcome. SCALGO Understanding Earths hydrology as a function of topography using the SRTM DEM. Logistics Responding to military and security decisions with timely logistics and support.248. Manage large amounts of data for 3D modeling . Ushahidi Haiti Project Plotting out crisis reports during the Haiti earthquake for humanitarian/tech workers aid with crowdsourcing. Organization is the key to success! 798. Bosnia-Herzegovina Dividing a road to peace of the former Yugoslavia at the valley bottom using terrain data to support diplomatic negotiation. Turbine Visibility Discerning visibility of wind for potential changes on a landscape, such as the effects of adding wind farms, or the addition of a new building to an urban area.355. 419. International Joint Commission Solving international watershed issues through international collaboration. (Weather Warnings)997. Agromap Breaking down primary food crops by sub-national administrative districts and aggregating by crop production, area harvested, and crop yields.16. (Augmented Reality)214. Lightscape Lighting up bridges picking out the illuminated details and obscured areas.627. HealthMap Delivering real-time, global disease monitoring (HealthMap)470. 837. (Tennis Analytics)818. Hunting Zones Tracing out hunting zones for cultures around the world.771. (Rollercoaster Animation)823. (Vizitown QGIS 3D Plugin). Viewshed Prospecting viewsheds through observation points remotely when setting property prices.740. Incident Map Keeping the community safer by streaming visual mediums for arson, assault, burglary, homicide, prostitution, robbery, theft, and vandalism in a city.194. Commercial Space Availability Checking zoning data for any city such as commercial space availability.592. Sinkholes Preventing risk by understanding landscape characteristics such as resulting depressions in a karst landscape.568. Railways Tying railways together with CartoDBs railway map from cargo to passenger trains. Drive-Time Analysis Determining a trade area based on how long a customer must drive to get to the store factoring in street speed limits, traffic volumes, and other impedance.145. Hydro-Acoustics Listening to echoes with hydro-acoustics for the Crean Lake Hydro-Acoustics project capturing lake depth, fish class, fish stock numbers, and habitat preference related to temperature. Golden Eagle Tracking Tracking Golden eagle populations using a Biodiversity Tracking System in Manifold GIS.315. (Interactive Atlas of Heart and Stroke)471. (Diffuse Pollution Risk Mapping), 110. Prime: Evari GIS Consulting, Inc. Timeline: multi-year contract. Earthworks Downloading data from Stanford including labor supply, sex ratio, and social data. (GeoEnrichment)169. National Marine Sanctuaries Designating 12 areas of the marine environment as special significance to better understand marine ecosystems and their spatial, temporal, and functional relationships among creatures, environments, and human perturbations. GIS saves time and provides accuracy when producing a map for the project. Cellular Coverage Analysis Maximizing cellular coverage using tower height by using interference analysis including viewshed and line-of-sight.856. (Restless Development What3Words)552. (URISA)969. (Shortest Path)911. Cancer Research Researching cancer from the sky with the Landsat satellite. Old Weather Tracking past ship movements and telling the stories of the people on board by studying weather patterns. Yellowstone Putting all the pieces together in a GIS database at Yellowstone National Park including its geologic past, geyser recharge, and seismic activity.883. (GlobWave Project)827. 716. This includes structures such as airports, roads, bridges, dams, sewerage, railways, and many more. Sustainable Populations Counts Counting polar bears and their geographic distribution by analyzing two satellite images over time.309. LS Factor Calculating slope length (LS) factor as part of the Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) based on slope and specific catchment area.809. Ride Sharing Providing optimal and dynamic ride sharing in urban areas.835. Mosquitoes-borne Illness Identifying areas with high indices of mosquito infestation and interpreting the spatial relationship of these areas with potential larval development sites such as garbage piles and large pools of standing water.496. (3D Printing of Oslo)625. 570. Oil Spill Degreasing oil spills by identifying the current direction and rate of oil movement.261. Global Ecology Land Units Characterizing distinct physical environments and associated land cover of global ecosystems (USGS). Vegetation Erosion Finding the dominant vegetation types dependent on aspect and enhancing erosion modeling using aspect and vegetation to see how slopes will erode over time along with precipitation, temperature, and growing periods.813. Life Travels Accompanying travelers in their life travels in map-form. Dead Zones Mapping out dead zones where marine life is unable to be supported.373. Google Cardboard Visiting properties in Google Cardboards virtual reality experience.754. (University of Maryland Forest Fires)387. (TUFLOW)542. Wa-Tor Predator-Prey Simulation Simulating ecological predator-prey populations with randomness and rule-based responses.314. Forest Disease Mapping the impact of how forest infestations like the mountain pine beetle have on forests and the economy. HIV AIDS Database Making the distribution of HIV/AIDS to manage treatment.497. Azimuth Calculating solar elevation, solar azimuth, and sun hours in the sky for each location (R.Sun GRASS GIS)991. Irrigation Capturing irrigation infrastructure for land management decisions more than two-thirds of the worlds freshwater withdrawals are for irrigating crops.24. We would be happy to talk to you about your work requirements. Consumer Profiling Optimizing consumer profiling with location-based information on age, ethnicity, education, housing, and more. GIS applications are everywhere and quickly increasing around the world! Infrastructure Design Planning network infrastructure, build, operations, and maintenance with Smallworld Core.961. Unlawful Landlords Capturing thermal signatures of illegal tenants in sheds because renting out sheds is illegal in London, England.199. I need a civil engineer and cad expert. (Public Gardens GIS)414. Climate Change Skeptics Turning skeptics into believers. POLY TECHNIC COLLEGE VALAPAD. Great list. To login click. General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans (GEBCO) Charting out elevation paths along the ocean with GEBCO. Emergency Shelter Allocating emergency shelter at the time of disaster268. In-Vehicle Usage Monitoring driving habits like speed, sudden acceleration, and pushing hard on the brakes for insurance underwriting.128. Deepsea Dawn Wright Understanding the relationship and patterns of how oceans affect dry land and more. Get to the choppa!290. Network Travel Costs Determining travel costs from each origin to all destinations913. (Mars Water Flow)38. Tax Parcel Viewer Assembling tax parcels and zoning information with color schemes on a web viewer.589. Map Automation Generating maps automatically from tiles along a transmission corridor with ArcGIS Data Driven Pages or QGIS Atlas. GIS education is expected to prepare individuals in the civil engineering profession for the implementation of engineering projects/tasks with time-and money-saving approaches. Mars in Google Earth Searching for Martian landmarks with Google Earths Live from Mars layer.44. Attack Modelling Modeling a potential attack to legitimize the needs and have policymakers truly understand the consequences of an attack with preparedness expenditures.240. The services provided by GIS include Pre-design activities, Engineering, Permitting/Authority Approvals, Procurement Support, Construction Management and assistance in site surveying activities with experienced team. Personality Atlas Assigning personality stereotypes to countries around the world based on a sample size of the global populations perspectives.862. Trip Generation/Production Estimating the number of trips that are produced or originate in each zone of a study area. North Korea Mapping how far North Koreas missile projectiles threaten other nations previously a buffer now corrected. 3 See the big picture. Vegetation Encroachment Overlaying LiDAR data with transmission to see where and how much vegetation is encroaching952. Karst Identifying known cave and karst resources into a sinkhole digitization database for best interstate alignment selection. (Mars Terrain)36. Transportation Master Plan Planning future highways and roads by looking at the growth of communities and traffic demand.926. Hiking Trail Incorporating factors in trail development like gentle slopes for an accumulated least-cost path.820. Easy Apply 17d Professional Registrations: *Registered Professional Engineer in the State of Texas (or license in another state with the ability and commitment to obtain Texas Honey Bees Stimulating spatial thinking processes by analyzing relationships between environmental characteristics and honey bee health and abundance (GIS Honey Bee Research)288. GeoBranding Increasing credibility and increasing sales with prospective clients, vendors, and media by conveying complex data to increase sales.156. Madrids Air Visualization Madrids air (gases, particles, pollen, diseases, etc) to make visible the microscopic and invisible agents. Tax Havens Sheltering tax through tax havens then putting it all on a map. Current Food Security Safeguarding food insecure populations by establishing underlying causes through satellite, mobile-collected, and GIS data storage.7. Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) Carving out boundaries for sovereign rights regarding the exploration of marine resources below the surface of the sea330. Nautical Charts Plotting out the seamless, collarless, and dynamic mosaic of some 2,100 NOAA raster nautical charts at varying scales. Also, create the spatial data of waste disposal points using collected data. 51. Shortest Path Generating the shortest, fastest, or least-costly route between any number of origins and any number of destinations, with any number of intermediate points. Roy | Director. Polar Bear Keeping counts of the most vulnerable populations of polar bears (due to climate change) by comparing two satellite images over time.95. (OSGeo)975. Virtual Arctic Exploring the Arctic in Google Street View without getting out of your chair.880. Seismic Slope Stability Modelling stability of slopes using geology and digital elevation models to understand the potential of seismically-induced landslide hazards.649. (TerraClip)585. (Roads Kill Map)901. Urban and Regional Information Systems Association (URISA) Solving challenges in local and national governments through GIS and other information technologies. Hands-on application of GIS software to solve civil engineering problems. Design, Analysis, Experimental & MBA projects: AUTOMATION AND MECHATRONICS BASED PROJECTS, MANUFACTURING / PRODUCTION BASED PROJECTS. Activate your 30 day free trialto continue reading. Gis simbakeith GEOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION SYSTEM (GIS) subhashB10 Reasons to switch to geographic information system (gis) for civil engineering NI BT TYBSC IT PGIS Unit I Chapter I- Introduction to Geographic Information Systems Arti Parab Academics Principles of GIS unit 2 SanjanaKhemka1 Hopefully the rest of the world will realize the importance! First Law of Geography Using Toblers First Law of Geography in analysis- Everything is related to everything else, but near things are more related than distant things.441. Digital twin A digital twin is a virtual representation of the real world including physical objects, processes, relationships, and behaviors. GIS Engineering, LLC (GIS), a subsidiary to GIS Holdings, LLC, is a professional service firm providing planning, engineering, design, surveying, and construction management services in the Coastal, Commercial, Environmental, Industrial, and Transportation markets. Temperature Mapping out the temperature with multi-dimensional NetCDF which includes dimensions of latitude, longitude, altitude, and time. (Golden Software Map Viewer)790. Public Health Informatics Ensuring patients get the care they need with public health care informatics.490. Base Construction Planning Constructing a base site without it being visible from nearby major roads using the 3D skyline tool.221. Storytelling with Maps Harnessing the power of story maps such as understanding the gap between minimum wage and high-income earners. Smart Grids Determining optimal locations for smart grid and real-time analytic components.960. Phoenix, AZ. 166. (National Wetlands Inventory)376. Ping me and we can talk more. Thematic Mapping Portraying economic data like unemployment and labor information in time-series thematic maps because maps speak to people329. (Arctic Research Projects)91. Locational Intelligence Creating safety and danger areas for ground-to-ground weapons (Surface Danger Zones) and air-to-ground Weapon Danger Zone.233. (Smithsonian Institution)508. Maps make climate change findings easier for skeptics to understand and accept. (Sea Ice Motion)84. High Rise Valuation Characterizing commercial real estate by its unique age, size, location, and proximity to ensure that the property values are consistent between assessed value and the sales price with Geomedia 3D visualization.750. Carpooling Adding carpool lots by analyzing the number of incoming trips in a city.930. Geo-tagging Discover places with 360 panoramic camera views. (Strava Bicycle Routes)816. Weeds Storing weeds and herbicide dosage in a database to manage effectiveness and control measures.417. (CartoDB Geotagged Tweets)759. Water Stress Balancing the ratio of local withdrawal (demand) over the available water (supply).13. ArcHydro Operating ArcHydro in ArcMap to delineate and characterize watersheds.543. (Planning Ocean Uses Cindy Fowler)678. Arctic Research Projects Displaying research projects, showing available data, and exploring possible collaborations. (FME Server Real-Time Earthquake Reporting)258. 2. (Ushahidi Haiti Project)553. Very useful. Public Works is a founding member of PAGIS, the Pulaski Area Geographic Information System, a countywide consortium with mutual interests in operation of a GIS. project solutions by providing highly skilled technical resources combined with proven project management expertise to deliver results you can count on. (AVIRIS and AISA Hyperspectral)661. Amazon Mail Delivery Drone Shipping parcels in style using drone technology.611. (Protestor Estimate Super GIS)762. (Agent-Based Modeling)593. GIS believe in a reliable and long lasting relationship with our Clients and employees; by appreciative projects in the Food, Beverages, Pharmaceutical, Hospitality, Paper and General Process Industries, and achieve their business goals. (Geospatial Revolution Episode 3)724. Excellent job of creating this list. (QGIS Group Stats Plugin)453. (Voronoi Diagram)114. Global Transition to a New Economy Prioritizing human well-being through a crowd-sourced sustainable projects map. 134. GPS Receivers Nurturing mapping technology as its almost standard to have a GPS receiver and a monitor with all the latest maps.131. (Waste Collection uDig)630. Marine Tools Plugin Geoprocessing with marine data to better understand research, conservation, and spatial planning problems.683. Successful projects with Pepsi DRC, Wellpharma Medical Solutions and Aujan Industries. Stay Home and Stay Safe Design and Development of Noise Prediction Study Using 3D City Models & ArcGIS, Identification of Ground Water by Using GIS, Geographical Information System and its Application to Project Mangement in Construction Industry, Identification of Accident Location and Analysis System, Decision Support System for Guidance Assessment in large Irrigation Areas, 4D Model Development for Planning and Scheduling of Construction Project, Assessment of Impact on Aquaculture Using Remote Sensing Data and GIS, Integrated Sustainable Irrigation Planning with Multi Objective Fuzzy Optimization Approach, Rainfall Screening Methodology using TRMM Data Over a River Basin, Prediction of High Spatio-Temporal Resolution Land Surface Temperature using ANN and MICROWAVE VEGETATION INDEX, Planning of road nework(shortest route) using remote sensing and GIS, EARTHQUAKE ENGG & SEISMIC ANALYSIS BASED PROJECT. (USGS Earth Explorer)973. Elevation , wondflo. (What Powers the World?)346. Water Flow on Mars Hillshading the Mars Digital Elevation Model to augment legibility and understand where rivers may have flowed and oceans flourished. Critical Study Of Augmentation Water Supply Scheme 7. Map Algebra Applying local, focal and zonal functions techniques. GeoJournalism Assisting journalists to dive into a world of data visualization using geographic data.758. The world needs more people like you. (Indoor Mapping)75. Vessel Tracking Plotting automatic identification system (AIS) points on a map in real-time.912. Clipping is a handy way to collect important slides you want to go back to later. Information Delivery Inspire and educate your visitors with intelligent web maps of your park or garden.416. Application of GIS in Civil Engineering By Civilax - October 2, 2010 115 Applications of GIS in Civil Engineering Transportation Watershed analysis Remote sensing Wastewater, stormwater and Solid Waste Management Applications of Geographic Information System in Transportation Engineering Location-Allocation World Traffic Helping drivers get to destinations efficiently with traffic conditions around the world. Weather Anomalies Tracking weather events in a spatial database such as snow in the Sahara desert of southern Algeria.992. (Network Analysis)142. This process utilizes a GIS database and access to LJA's substantial arsenal of experts in civil, transportation, and hydrology & hydraulics to provide key information on a property and its suitability for development. (GeoDa Spatial Regression)438. Exposure to Noise Orchestrating urban mobility plans with special consideration for the impact of environmental noise using OrbisGIS. Geographic Profiling Using a connected series of crimes to determine the most probabilistic location of a criminal offender or offense which is useful for finding serial criminals.208. Topographic Position Index Classifying the landscape into slope position and land-form category298. (Planet Hunters). Infrastructure Life Cycle Reiterating the process of planning, designing, constructing, operating, and maintaining a transportation system.934. Coastal and Marine Ecological Classification Standard (CMECS) Combining water columns, geoform, substrate, and biotic components that are collectively used to define marine ecosystems. (GIS Corps)967. We've encountered a problem, please try again. Airport Sound Exposure Assessing the relationship between aircraft-generated noise levels and land uses, noise receptors, and demographics in the airport environs.123. Vital Records Recording of events, such as births and deaths that are maintained by public health agencies.476. Equator Bulge Measuring the bulge of Earth at the equator843. Struggling to find GIS projects for you or your students? (CartoDB Sea the Animals)695. Designs can benefit from past failures by combining 3D GIS maps with standard design methodologies. (Past Time, Past Place: GIS For History)514. Maori Tribe Recording, organizing, and making available information about traditional values from Maori elders. Voronoi Diagram Discovering that Mataveri Airport in Easter Island is the most remote airport in the world with the Voronoi airport proximity map. 334. Asthma Connecting the dots between asthma and air pollution.481. Fire Severity Prioritizing prevention and planning efforts during forest fires.263. (World Languages)769. Earthquake-Landslide Susceptibility Mapping the susceptibility of earthquake-induced landslides using artificial neural networks and factors such as slope, aspect, curvature, and distance from drainage. Buying Behavior Correlating unthinkable variables like weather and location with buying behaviors to find sales opportunities.171. Military Simulation Simulating ground vehicles in a highly realistic virtual world.223. Global Trade Exporting goods that start at one location and end up in another.326. Sex Offenders Tracking past criminal offenders with GPS movement patterns in relationship to schools and other entities.196. (Morgan Freeman GPS). Asteroids Gazing the sky and tracking asteroids with NASAs bolide events map. I think the list gives a lot of useful information to many people. (Commercial Establishment Database)158. Sunrise and Sunset Finding the perfect sunrise and sunset at any given location. Marathon Routing Planning the route of a marathon using elevation and base maps.828. Civil Engineering Projects These Below Projects Will Be Classified Into Onsite Knowledge And Staadpro Based Accordingly S.NO PROJECT Flight Simulator Becoming a pilot in the cockpit with three-dimensional perspective views of an area by combined with elevation and imagery. Curb Cuts Finding curb cuts that give access to people with disabilities628. Subway Map Simplifying maps for the reader to better understand such as the lines of a subway map in high contrasting colors.865. Transportation; Watershed analysis; Remote sensing; Wastewater, stormwater and Solid Waste Management; . (SunCalc)864. Walkshed Calculating walking times using Toblers hiking function based on slope (QGIS Walking Time Plugin) Walkshed Web GIS597. (Global Forest Watch)394. Energy Consumption Drawing out energy capacity and consumption on a map. Our company works with people in municipality and city governments and what youve listed under that section covers a lot of what they do: asset management, curb cuts, utility poles, waste collection, fire hydrants, speed limits, road closures, potholes A lot of this in the broader agenda of building smart cities and harnessing open information and participatory GIS which you have also pointed out. (Arctic Geology)93. Subsurface Mapping Mapping the subsurface through well-log data by drillers with standard lithological terms and a classification system433. Economic Costs of Pollution Assessing greener growth options and the costs of pollution in India by understanding the current state of environmental degradation. Spy Glass Time-travelling back to 1836 in New York powered by Esri. Flocking Birds Mimicking flocking birds in a system of interactive parts using Agent Based Modeling. Ocean Salinity Measuring sea surface salinity from space with Aquarius. Guard Posting Posting armed guards in optimal locations to eliminate chokepoints.242. Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) Fulfilling the obligations to loan in areas with particular attention to low- and moderate-income households using GIS to understand spatial demographics.140.

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