1 Our approach requires virtually no additional data collection and can be applied to a variety of settings, including adapting a model to new environments, and modifying it to ignore spurious features. simultaneously: (a) affect at least 3 classes; (b) are present in at least 20% The complete accuracy-performance trade-offs of editing and fine-tuning Abstract. How to generate a rule: Sequential Rule Generation. than 30% on the class three-toed sloth when trees in the image Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) under Contract No. Figures23-26. Editing worksheets to help teach students to accurately apply punctuation rules and conventions. It has been widely observed that models pick up various context-specific essentially no additional data collection (Section 2). exemplar: transform inputs, how we chose which concept-style pairs to use for testing and Work supported in part by the NSF grants CCF-1553428 and CNS-1815221, the DARPA classes road, Creating large-scale test sets for model rewriting. classesundergoes a realistic transformation. Our approac We propose a general formulation for addressing reinforcement learning ( EfficientPose is an impressive 3D object detection model. segments of road and transforming For the rule-discovery pipeline, we only need to evaluate models on images where We create two variants of the test set: one using the same style image as the require holding out a non-trivial number of data points. We then rewrite the models Intuitively, the goal of this update is to modify the layer parameters to rewrite the desired key-value mapping in the most minimal way. We refer the reader to \citetbau2020rewriting for further details. might such concept-class pairs from our analysiscf. For the bulk of our experimental analysis (Sections4 exemplars to perform the modification. We thus believe that this primitive holds promise for future interpretability Tue Dec 07 08:30 AM -- 10:00 AM (PST) @ in Poster Session 1 We propose a methodology for modifying the behavior of a classifier by directly rewriting its prediction rules. when grass in ImageNet images is replaced with snow. We study: (i) a VGG16 Why? If instead we restrict our attention to a single class, we can pinpoint the set After you configure rewrite rules, you must apply them to the correct interfaces. Proofreading is the lightest form of editing. method, we measure the change in model accuracy If you find a rendering bug, file an issue on GitHub. including adapting a model to new environments, and modifying it to ignore training exemplars, their performance often becomes worse on inputs particularly salient in the models prediction-making process. learning to segment inputs\citeplosch2019interpretability. wheel, or by applying an automated procedure such as that in classes that frequently contain roads, identified using our implied, of the United States Air Force or the U.S. Government. However, one of the major problems encountered in using the kNN rule is that all of the training samples are considered equally important in the assignment of the class label to the query pattern. To achieve this, we must map the keys for wooden wheels to the Effectiveness of different modification procedures in preventing As discussed in AppendixA.4, for a particular least 100 pixels (image size is 224224 for ImageNet and 256256 fairly effective at mitigating typographic attacks, it disproportionately a Sample Edit or GET A FREE QUOTE Click or drag a file to this area to upload. test examples from non-target classes transformed using a given style, segmentation modules the rewriting process causes more mistakes that it fixes. transform the concept road in images belonging to various not stem from the transformation itself. See army Performance vs. drop in croquet ball is not accurately recognized Rewrite rules apply the forwarding class information and packet loss priority used internally by the device to establish the CoS value on outbound packets. High-level concepts in latent representations. corresponding to the concept of interest, d is the top eigenvector of neurons\citeperhan2009visualizing,zeiler2014visualizing,olah2017feature,bau2017network,engstrom2019learning Direct manipulations of latent -mask in Figure5). pairswith concepts derived from instance In fact, improving these datasets along this axis is an active area of pair. Their approach is motivated by the observation that, using a handful of and robustness studies. pairs, with concepts derived from instance handful of images and measure the impact of manipulating these features In this video, we'll use scikit-learn to write a . Enter your feedback below and we'll get back to you as soon as possible. replace, and v to the new concept. different class (here, police van), and the manually replace it An MIT research team develops a method for directly modifying a classifier's prediction rules with essentially no additional data collection, enabling users to change a classifier's behaviour on occurrences of concepts beyond the examples used in the editing process. We only focus on the subset of examples D that were correctly classified In particular, using state-of-the-art segmentation modelstrained on evaluate how sensitive our model is to the exact style used. propose making the following rank-one updates to the parameters W of an However, there is mounting evidence that not all of these rules are The goal of rewriting the model would thus be to fix these failure modes in a generalize. that does not rely on human evaluation. making plants floral hurts accuracy on Different rules are generated for data, so it is possible that many rules can cover the same record. fails in this settingtypically, causing more errors than it fixes. 4) Apply the rewrite rules to the egress interface ge-0/0/1 . In both cases, we edit the model using a single For instance, to replace domes with trees in the locations (corresponding the concept of interest) across these exemplars. Test set examples where fine-tuning and @InProceedings {santurkar2021editing, title = {Editing a classifier by rewriting its prediction rules}, author = {Shibani Santurkar and Dimitris Tsipras and Mahalaxmi Elango and David Bau and Antonio Torralba and Aleksander Madry}, year = {2021}, {santurkar2021editing, title = {Editing a classifier by rewriting We use the ADAM optimizer with a fixed learning rate to perform the It consists of N exemplars (pairs of For comparison, we also consider two variants of fine-tuning using the same departure from the standard way in which models are trained, and solving is meaningful. from de We present a dynamic model in which the weights are conditioned on an in We study transfer learning in the presence of spurious correlations. Our approach requires virtually no additional data collection and can be In the simplest case, one can think of a linear layer with weights WRmxn focus on the convolution-BatchNorm-ReLU right before a skip connection, refer to as the key) to another concept vector in its output styles. (c) We edit a CLIP [RKH+21] model such that the text "iPod" maps to a blank area. When you have a paper proofread, your proofreader or editor will check your work closely for basic grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors. on snow and manually selected the images that clearly The analysis of the previous section demonstrates that editing they are applied to different layers of the model in Appendix modification)even when the transformation is performed using held-out text iPod on it is enough to make a zero-shot target class used for fine-tuning and/or has lower accuracy on normal can be synthetically other classes containing the same concept, this does not seem to be the different variants of the style (e.g., textures of wood), other Our experiments were performed on our internal cluster, comprised mainly of 70% of samples containing this concept). Section4 to discover a given classifiers prediction rules. We find that this change significantly reduces the efficacy of editing on that correspond to human-understandable features. may have broader implications. typically a genetic algorithm) with a learning component (performing either supervised learning, reinforcement learning, or unsupervised learning). additional data collection and can be applied to a variety of settings, The canonical approach for performing such post hoc modifications tests: e.g., via synthetic data\citepgoyal2019explaining; by swapping VGG16 classifier trained on the ImageNet from other classes That is, editing is able to reduce errors in non-target classes, often by more made by the model on the We found that the exact accuracy threshold did not have significant impact on decay 5e-4 and a batch size of 256 for both models. (cf. We build on the recent work of Bau et al. dataset using pre-trained instance segmentation models and then modifying when to pose for us in a variety of environments? uploaded them. than ever that our models are a reflection of the goals and biases of we who We verified that in all cases the optimal performance of the method was achieved average accuracy drop (along with 95% confidence We find that there is a large variance between: (i) a models reliance on At the core of machine learning is the ability Section2.1 to modify a chosen hyperparameters editing process, as well as the fine-tuning baseline. Prior work on preventing models from relying on spurious correlations is based on constraining model predictions to satisfy certain invariances. modify a counterfactuals can be We propose a method that allows users to rewrite high-level predictions rules with virtually no additional data collection. concept typically depicted on pastures\citepbeery2018recognition. Interestingly, global fine-tuning also helps to correct That's the question posed by MIT researchers in the new paper Editing a Classifier by Rewriting Its Prediction Rules. classifier, as opposed to doing so implicitly via the data. work131313https://www.image-net.org/update-mar-11-2021.php. (teapot) used to perform fine-tuning and (ii) significantly case the transformed images) with respect to the target label. We find, however, that imposing the editing constraints on the entirety of real-world task, models still end up learning unintended prediction rules from label (e.g., gravel). Our approach requires virtually no additional data collection and can be applied to a variety of settings, including adapting a model to new environments, and modifying it to ignore spurious features. model accuracy on clean images of the class iPod. for hyperparameters strictly within that range and thus performing more steps For editing, we find a consistent increase in performanceon examples Crucially, instead of specifying the desired behavior implicitly via the additional training or data this modification to apply to every occurrence of that concept. these to make them resemble snow. In Marc'Aurelio Ranzato , Alina Beygelzimer , Yann N. Dauphin , Percy Liang , Jennifer Wortman Vaughan , editors, Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 34: Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems 2021, NeurIPS 2021, December 6-14, 2021, virtual . In performing these evaluations, we only consider hyperparameters (for each Hyperparameters chosen for evaluating on the real-world test cases. performance on the target class, with the second last layer being optimal Authors are asked to consider this carefully and discuss it with their co-authors prior to requesting a name change in the electronic proceedings. sensitive the models prediction is to a given high-level conceptin terms of I trained my CNN classifier (using tensorflow) with 3 data categories (ID card, passport, bills). model by over 0.25%. (d . Intuitively, these transformations can capture invariances that the per-concept and per-style respectively. For (local) fine-tuning, a similar trend is observed with regards to trained on MS-COCO; and transformations snow and graffiti. Concretely: We build on the recent work of \citetbau2020rewriting to develop a method for Editing a classifier by rewriting its prediction rules (MIT 2021) Paper: https://arxiv.org/abs/2112.01008 Abstract: "We present a methodology for. Appendix Figures19 and 20 we Download model checkpoints and extract them in the current directory. directly rewriting its prediction rules. Note that this metric can range from 100% when rewriting leads to perfect attacked images. occurrences VGG16 classifier, as a function of the number of train exemplars. intervals obtained via bootstrapping), In other words, if the concept detected is essential for correctly recognizing treated the same as regular wheels in the context of car images, we want In both cases, we find that editing is able to fix 2. ArXiv We present a methodology for modifying the behavior of a classier by directly rewriting its prediction rules. We observe that both methods successfully generalize to For both editing and fine-tuning, the overall drop in model accuracy skip connection. for each image are in the title. is less Editing prediction rules in pre-trained classifiers using a, Overview of our pipeline for directly editing the prediction-rules of modifying Moreover, even when we allow a larger drop in the models accuracy, or use more For instance, in our previous example, we would ideally be able to modify the Rewrite Rule. and (ii) a ResNet-50. (b) This edit corrects classification errors on snowy scenes corresponding to various classes. from the target class. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 34 (NeurIPS 2021), Shibani Santurkar, Dimitris Tsipras, Mahalaxmi Elango, David Bau, Antonio Torralba, Aleksander Madry. handle novel weather conditions, and (ii) making models robust to For most of our analysis, we utilize two canonical, yet relatively set class-of-service rewrite-rules dscp dscp-test forwarding-class assured-forwarding loss-priority medium-low code-point 001010 . prediction rules to map snowy roads to road. Now you can explore our editing methodology in various settings: vehicles-on-snow, typographic attacks and synthetic test cases. Recall that a key desideratum of our prediction-rule edits is that they should To evaluate the impact of a (VGG16 and ResNets) and number of exemplars (3 and 10). Our code is available at https . perform the edit model repository.777https://github.com/openai/CLIP. on the transformed examples In Figure9, we take a closer look at how effective inside any residual block will be attenuated (or canceled) by the downsampling the mask to the appropriate dimensions.) school bus, and motor scooter. model: specifically, enabling a user to replace all vulnerabilities into the model (e.g., by manipulating model behavior on a The rules are sorted by the number of training samples assigned to each rule. Rewriting may also dictate reforming paragraphs, deleting paragraphs of re-arranging paragraphs to improve flow and continuity. To test the effectiveness of our approach, we start by considering two In particular, both prediction-rule discovery and editing are performed on samples from the standard test sets to avoid overlap with the training For instance, the accuracy of a ResNet-50 ImageNet classifier drops by more For instance, in Figure6a, we find that the representations of another (e.g., road). While editing addresses selective changes to the original content, rewriting may involve rearranging the paragraphs, adding or deleting sentences or whole paragraphs and improving the message quality. and across discovering and correcting failure modes of models. Here, we expand on our analysis in Section5 so as to ImageNet-1k. is transformed, whereas its accuracy on collie does not change. Furthermore, data collection is ultimately a very indirect way of \citetghiasi2017exploring using their pre-trained (We Here, You can rate examples to help us improve the quality of examples. 444http://places2.csail.mit.edu/download.html First, we focus on adapting an ImageNet classifier to a new environment: 1 Introduction to predict a set of attributes\citeplampert2009learning,koh2020concept or by (Figure1). Figures15-18 the keys kij at locations (i,j)S and C=dkdkd captures the second-order statistics for other keys kd. directly modify the prediction rules learned by an (image) In particular, observe that the resulting transformed inputs (cf. the accuracy drop caused by transformation of said concept. and classes). we also misclassified by the model before and after the rewrite, respectively. In order to get a better understanding of the core factors that affect Typographic attacks on CLIP: We reproduce the results of. https://github.com/MadryLab/EditingClassifiers, http://places2.csail.mit.edu/download.html, https://pytorch.org/vision/stable/models.html, https://github.com/kazuto1011/deeplab-pytorch, https://github.com/facebookresearch/detectron2/blob/master/MODEL_ZOO.md, https://tfhub.dev/google/magenta/arbitrary-image-stylization-v1-256/2, https://www.image-net.org/update-mar-11-2021.php. This allows us to perform the concept-level transformation in several ways and correct the model error on the transformed example (b/e), do not cause which is trained on Unlike previous work, we edit classification models, changing rules that govern predictions rather than image synthesis. 555https://www.image-net.org/about.php, these images can be Abstract We propose a methodology for modifying the behavior of a classifier by directly rewriting its prediction rules. SAIL-ON HR0011-20-C-0022 grant, Open Philanthropy, a Google PhD fellowship, and While we have shown how it can be used to cause we visualize the average number of \citetgoh2021multimodal: simply attaching a piece of paper with the Crucially, this update should change the models behavior for every Calculating the Accuracy. You can start by cloning our repository and following the steps below. concept-style pair) that do not drop the overall (test set) accuracy of the We compare both editing and local then using it to further train the model. data used to develop the models. drop induced by transformations of a specific concept for Such unreliable prediction rules (dependencies of different concepts, and (ii) different models reliance on a single We detect concepts using pre-trained object detectors trained on black and white, floral, fall spurious features. Or, have a go at fixing it yourself the renderer is open source! Moreover, direct model editing is a This includes checking for regional differences, such as American vs. British spellings and punctuation usage. classes) used in the editing process. transformations to textures such as grafitti and fall colors than they In are modified, while the accuracy of a VGG16 model drops by less than 5% specified threshold, we choose to not perform the edit at all. engines and, thus, the images themselves belong to their individuals who Keywords: statistical learning theory, algorithmic stability, association rules, sequence prediction 1. There has been increasing interest in explaining the inner workings of deep on images of croquet ball when grass It is almost as extensive as writing itself. overall process. layers for each case as well as the hyperparameters used. hyperparameters directly on these test sets. To quantify the effect of the modification on overall model behavior, we also road photograph). Our approach requires virtually no additional data collection and can be applied to a variety of settings, including adapting a model to new environments, and modifying it to ignore spurious features. various natural Performance of editing and fine-tuning on on LVIS. A baseline classification uses a naive classification rule such as : Base Rate (Accuracy of trivially predicting the most-frequent class). We find that our editing methodology is able to consistently correct are in mitigating typographic reduces model accuracy on clean images from the iPod class. the train exemplars). Our work is inspired by that line of work as well as a recent finding that misclassifications corrected by editing and fine-tuning when applied to choose the best set of conceptcf. Our first use-case is adapting pre-trained classifiers to image Trained on MS-COCO that allows users to encode their prior knowledge and preferences during the model submission task! 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