To popodne je Darko YT1RX odrao predavanje o meteo sondama, za koje su uesnici pokazali prilino interesovanje, naroito kada su im pokazani trofeji tj. He covers her with a blanket and introduces the newest Kingsguard member, a monstrous man whom the maester explains has taken a vow of silence. The free trial period is the first 7 days of your subscription. "Am I ready?" Daario presents his queen with the flag of the city.

The Hound and Arya come upon a pork cart driver en route to the Twins. She has already proven herself a dutiful partner, she reminds her intended, as she poisoned Jon Arryn and manipulated the Starks into believing the Lannisters did it. The family of Danny then gathers on the beach and tells baby Lizzie they have to reclaim the beautiful beach for her and keep their love as strong as steel. Tyrion asserts his innocence, but Jaime can do little to help him or Sansa, whom Cersei is convinced also played a part in Joffrey's murder. Confused, Arya pulls off one face after another from the body on the ground, stopping when she sees her own. Daenerys stops her loyal bodyguard from leaving to give one final command: Find a cure and return to her.

Temporary peace has come to Meereen, but Tyrion wants people to know that Daenerys is responsible. In Blue, Julie de Courcy cries looking into space. "Best place to hide a body," he says. Shireen calls out for her father, who doesn't intervene. Although there are more Unsullied than sellswords, Ser Barristan warns Dany they are formidable. The play itself had dropped from the standard theatrical repertoire by the mid-1920s, but its operatic adaptation, Giacomo Puccini's Tosca, has achieved enduring popularity. The two proceed to a brothel and note the popularity of a whore dressed as Daenerys. The Unsullied rally the Meereenese slaves to take the city. Davos has concerns about Jon's appeal, but Sansa is confident her trueborn status will bolster Jon's; his legitimacy is no different than Ramsay's. [5] The second part of the trilogy, White, was ranked with 87% based on 46 reviews,[6] while its final film, Red, was certified "Fresh" on the same website and received 100% based on 53 reviews. Said she wanted us to know the truth now. says Becca. Ramsay argues the endeavor was a success: The new Lord Cerwyn paid up. Alone with his twin, Jaime confesses that he plans to stay in the Kingsguard to remain close to her, but Cersei is not interested in being intimate with him. "I respect him," Mance admits, "but I'll never serve him." Jon argues Mance's life work will have been for naught if his people die north of the Wall, but the wildling king decides he'd rather burn than betray his principles. He reveals to Sansa she played a part as well - the "heirloom" Ser Dontos gave her contained the poison that killed the king.

In the Red Keep, Margaery is shocked to learn Olenna Tyrell orchestrated the assassination to save her granddaughter from marrying Joffrey. Please wait while we process your payment. Just as the gates fall, Jon, Tormund, Edd and Wun Wun make their escape. She promises, "You will make kings rise and fall." Watching the scene, Arya is hysterical and calls Melisandre a witch. She flees in tears. "Come with me and plunder the greatest city in Westeros," he offers. ", Jan vankmajer, who had been making short films since the mid-1960s, says he got the confidence to make a feature-length film after finishing the shorts Jabberwocky and Down to the Cellar. After receiving a mysterious scroll, Petyr Baelish and Sansa depart, leaving Robin in the care of Lord Royce. Tyrion argues the same. Littlefinger is calmed, though, when Tyrion asks him to visit Lady Stark with a message. Dany sets out to find food when she hears the ground rumble beneath her. Aware that the Night's Watch has already expended everything they had, Mance refuses to turn back. Jon finally claws his way above the fray, looks around, and knows the battle is lost. Jon knows that although the crows won the battle, Mance will attack again that evening. Sansa makes one thing clear: should Ramsay win, she will not go back to him alive.

Disturbed by his conversation with Sansa, Jon tells Melisandre she is not to bring him back should he fall in the battle. Heartbroken, Meera reminds him Jojen, Hodor and Summer all died to protect him, and she too put herself at risk. A creaking noise draws her attention to a taxidermic White Rabbit in a glass case. Littlefinger subtly manipulates the boy to "forgive" Royce and help Sansa, whom Littlefinger assumes is headed to Castle Black.

The High Sparrow tells Margaery of his own humble origins: He was a cobbler who strove for luxury before realizing his indulgence was all for nothing. Littlefinger enters and calms his wife until Lysa releases Sansa. Nothing happened with Gilly, Sam shares, but even if it had, there's nothing in the Night's Watch vows that specifically forbids sex. She assures him she knows his daughter was not involved in Oberyn's death.

Stannis goes to visit Shireen and finds her absorbed by "The Dance of Dragons," a history of the Targaryen civil war. A destroyed Throne Room covered in snow leads her to the Wall, where she finds a Dothraki tent. Rad sa radio ureaja nismo previe promovisali jer je to vrlo teko za prezentaciju, povremeno smo odravali veze i sluali stanje na opsezima. He tries to impress her with his highborn status, and she gamely flirts back at him. "[5] Upon the British home-media release in 2011, Philip Horne reviewed the film for The Daily Telegraph. Four years later she made her debut in the title role of Paisiello's Nina and went on to sing at La Scala, La Fenice, and the Teatro San Carlo to great acclaim. Davos agrees, but can't help mentioning fire kills wights and Daenerys has dragons.

Queen Cersei speaks to a gathering of Westerosi noblemen including Randyll Tarly. Ygritte shows him a valley where thousands of wildlings have gathered to follow Mance.

Dolorous Edd, Grenn and Samwell Tarly search the snowy plains for dung to burn. He discovers the Hound burying the skeletons of the farmer and his little girl. She ignores her father's order to forget her friend and sneaks down to Davos' prison cell with a book to keep him company. "But what happened to Pippa?" A masked woman warns Jorah to watch over Daenerys.

Catelyn and Brienne ride for Robb's camp, shaken by what they've seen. Just as they relax, Robb Stark's direwolf, Grey Wind, leaps from the darkness and attacks. He's clearly drunk and furious at her choice of words. Watching her son watch Talisa, Lady Catelyn Stark reminds the King in the North that he is already engaged. [49] Le Bargy and Calmettes then re-filmed the work, this time with Ccile Sorel as Tosca, and released it in 1908. The Night King shatters and Viserion collapses. Qhorin arrives and tells Mormont and his men about Mance Rayder's massive army, "They'll hit us in force, and they won't run away when we hit back." Qhorin leads a small party - including Jon Snow -to take out Mance's lookouts.

Daenerys Targaryen and her handmaiden Irri play with one of her dragons in their new home of Qarth. The girl takes a sip. Cersei asks, "Is it a rumor or something more?" Updated throughout the season. What does the rabid dog Atticus shoots symbolize? From above, the Night King takes note of Jon.

A large group of wights jump off a cliff, only to rise unharmed to resume their murderous pursuits. Swayed by his approach, Lyanna offers the men she can 62 in total. Locke assures Jaime he'll take good care of his "friend."

On the road, Qyburn tends to Jaime's bandages, confessing he lost his chain for conducting human experiments. Heading out into a storm, Balon begins crossing a rope bridge to another Pyke tower, when he is stopped by a hooded figure. As soon as her engagement at the theatre was over, she and Cavaradossi planned to leave for Venice, where she had a contract to sing at La Fenice. In parting, Littlefinger informs her Brynden "The Blackfish" Tully has retaken Riverrun, and reminds her the army she has is not hers, but her half-brother's.

Jon Snow takes counsel as to who might join the Stark army. "Jon Snow's not a king," Tormund replies, and leaves for a drink.

Walking the camp all night, Davos discovers snow-covered mounds of charred timber, the remnants from Shireen's pyre. The boy from Bran's dream approaches, and is taken by Osha, who in turn, is threatened by the boy's sister. Alice wakes in her sitting room. "We could kill you, no one would care. Mormont is furious when he learns that Sam hasn't sent the ravens as instructed. Jon makes it clear Sansa is the only reason Theon is still alive. Bran, no longer crippled, watches as 12-year-old Ned Stark and his 7-year-old brother Benjen train with wooden swords. Jon rushes towards to her side and cradles Ygritte as she dies.

Under Edd's command, the Night's Watch uses a giant scythe to slice the remaining climbers off the Wall. "It's a game to you, isn't it? Although Roose is now Warden of the North, the Bolton claim on the land is tenuous as long as the Ironborn hold Moat Cailin.

Eager to demonstrate that "Reek" is both docile and useful, Ramsay commands his prisoner to give him a shave. Jon remarks that although the wildlings are brave, they cannot win. From the safety of his compartment, he watches Margaery step through the filthy streets into an orphanage. When he dares to ask Cersei to let him bring Joffrey back to the action, Cersei pokes his wound. Alice follows the sound of a crying baby to a tiny dollhouse, which she enlarges by eating a piece of the mushroom. The film was released in the US in 1947 as The Story of Tosca. "