[184], It takes 3,600L (950USgal) of paint to cover the 3,100m2 (33,000sqft) exterior of an A380. [262][263], In November 2006, the ICAO issued new interim recommendations. that no other suitable building or structure, 400 metres or more from the curtilage of a protected building, is available to accommodate the livestock; and, that the need to accommodate the livestock arises from, an emergency due to another building or structure in which the livestock could otherwise be accommodated being unavailable because it has been damaged or destroyed by fire, flood or storm; or, in the case of animals normally kept out of doors, they require temporary accommodation in a building or other structure, because they are sick or giving birth or newly born; or. [179] This aluminium-glass-fibre laminate is lighter and has better corrosion and impact resistance than conventional aluminium alloys used in aviation. The A380 has an improved glass cockpit, using fly-by-wire flight controls linked to side-sticks. [89] Airbus planned to deliver "between 20 and 25" A380s in 2011 before ramping up to three a month in 2012. the erection of a building or the reconstruction or alteration of a building where its design or external appearance would be materially affected. (a)the external appearance of the mine would be materially affected; (b)any building, plant or machinery, structure or erection or any deposit of minerals or waste. [8][9] Airbus considered several designs, including an unusual side-by-side combination of two fuselages from its A340, the largest Airbus jet at the time. [3]:7 McDonnell Douglas unsuccessfully offered its double-deck MD-12 concept for sale. [74] Airbus suspended work on the freighter version, but said it remained on offer,[75] albeit without a service entry date. On the same day it also informed the Food Standards Agency in the United Kingdom. the construction or erection of a hotel, or of a bridge or other building not required in connection with the handling of traffic, the construction or erection otherwise than wholly within the limits of a dock, pier or harbour of. amusement park means an enclosed area of open land, or any part of a seaside pier, which is principally used (other than by way of a temporary use) as a funfair or otherwise for the purposes of providing public entertainment by means of mechanical amusements and side-shows; but, where part only of an enclosed area is commonly so used as a funfair or for such public entertainment, only the part so used shall be regarded as an amusement park; and. The Portuguese ACMI/charter airline will use the aircraft for markets where high capacity is needed and airports where slots are scarce. Mai Trainingsflge in ganz Deutschland", "The A380 global fleet spreads its wings as deliveries hit the 'century mark', "Airbus A380 After Eight Years in Service", "Airbus could solve a huge problem with jumbo jets", "Europe Embarks On $11-Billion A380 Gamble", "Supersizing the superjumbo: Airbus says 1,000 seat A380 due 2020", "Europe Airbus plans 900-Seat Superjumbo; Emirates would buy", "Branson favors planned Airbus 900-seat A380", "Interview-Cathay Pacific to wait on next-generation planes", "Airbus to extend A380 to accommodate 1,000 passengers", "Kingfisher defers delivery to wait for A380-900", "A stretch version of the A380? Development is permitted by Class D subject to the condition that before the end of the period of 24 months from the date when the mining operations have permanently ceased, or any longer period which the mineral planning authority agree in writing, (a)all buildings, plant, machinery, structures and erections and deposits of minerals or waste permitted by Class D shall be removed from the land, unless the mineral planning authority have otherwise agreed in writing; and, The prior approval referred to in Class D shall not be refused or granted subject to conditions unless the authority are satisfied that it is expedient to do so because. [6] It carried out additional tests on 18 and 21 December. Postal Service, Code of Federal Regulations 39 CFR Part 111, Standard 7A. Development is not permitted by Class I if it consists of or includes the erection of offices, or the reconstruction or alteration of offices where their design or external appearance would be materially affected. 4.13.TA Institutions with Pauper Lunatics in 1844 All County Asylums open in 1844 are listed and all Hospitals receiving paupers. (b)in connection with the embarking, disembarking, loading, discharging or transport of passengers, livestock or goods at a dock, pier or harbour, or with the movement of traffic by canal or inland navigation or by any railway forming part of the undertaking. with its first flight on 27 April 2005. any structure assembled or provided would exceed 12 metres in height, or, where the structure would be within 3 kilometres of the perimeter of an aerodrome, 3 metres in height. the development is not ancillary to the use of any other telecommunication apparatus; it would exceed 90 cubic metres or, if located on the roof of a building, it would exceed 30 cubic metres; on any article 1(5) land, it would exceed 2 cubic metres, unless the development is carried out in an emergency; it would consist of the installation, alteration or replacement of any telecommunication apparatus on, or within the curtilage of, a dwellinghouse. 10 metres including any rooftop structure; the aggregate area of the floor space at or above ground level of any building or group of buildings within a toll collection area, excluding the floor space of any toll collection booth, would exceed 1,500 square metres. purposes in connection with the operation of the mine, the treatment, preparation for sale, consumption or utilization of minerals won or brought to the surface at that mine, or. ); (d)the size of the antenna (excluding any projecting feed element, reinforcing rim, mountings or brackets) when measured in any dimension would exceed. As a result, the European Aviation Safety Agency issued an Airworthiness Directive in January 2012 which affected 20 A380 aircraft that had accumulated over 1,300 flights. [39], In Saint-Nazaire, the ship exchanges the fuselage sections from Hamburg for larger, assembled sections, some of which include the nose. Runways, runway shoulders and taxiway shoulders may be required to be stabilised to reduce the likelihood of foreign object damage caused to (or by) the outboard engines, which are more than 25m (82ft) from the centre line of the aircraft,[241][243][249] compared to 21m (69ft) for the 747-400,[250] and 747-8. To help us improve GOV.UK, wed like to know more about your visit today. 2, or No. "[107], On 26 August 2016, Andronicos Sideras, owner of Dinos and Sons Ltd, was charged with conspiring with Ulrich Nielsen and Alex Ostler-Beech, of Flexi Foods, to sell horsemeat as beef between 1 January 2012 31 October 2012 by the City of London Police. which designates specifically the nature of the development authorised and the land upon which it may be carried out. [73][74], However, one problem raised was over documentation; all of the UK animals with phenylbutazone contamination tested in early 2013 possessed a "horse passport" that allowed the carcasses to be sold for human consumption. (b)the carrying out of development underground which is required in order to gain access to and work coal or coal-related minerals in a designated seam area. [236] In 2008 the A380 test aircraft were used to trial the modifications made to several airports to accommodate the type. Academia.edu no longer supports Internet Explorer. (2)Class A(a) and Class A(c) development is permitted subject to the condition that any apparatus or structure provided in accordance with that permission shall be removed from the land, building or structure on which it is situated, (a)if such development was carried out on any article 1(5) land in an emergency, at the expiry of the relevant period, or. it relates to a dwelling or a satellite antenna; any part of the building or enclosure to be constructed or provided would be nearer to any highway which bounds the curtilage than. Airbus is committed to reach the industry standard of 98.5%. [6] On 14 January 2013 the FSAI informed the Department of Health and the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine of the final results. the use of the land is for a caravan site, the land is, or is within, a site of special scientific interest and the use of the land is for. (iii)it would consist of or include the replacement of any plant or machinery, by plant or machinery exceeding 15 metres in height or exceeding the height of the plant or machinery replaced, whichever is the greater. For the purposes of Class G(d), (e) and (f), the land of the holder of a licence under section 6(2) of the Electricity Act 1989 (licences authorising supply etc.) Development by or on behalf of a sewerage undertaker consisting of. Apple Newsroom is the source for news about Apple. the development would be carried out on a separate parcel of land forming part of the unit which is less than 0.4 hectare in area; the external appearance of the premises would be materially affected; it would consist of, or involve, the carrying out of any works to a building or structure used or to be used for the accommodation of livestock or the storage of slurry or sewage sludge where the building or structure is within 400 metres of the curtilage of a protected building; or. The plan faced criticism, especially due to accessibility concerns. Most modern desktop personal computer power Total orders for the A380 stand at 251 as of November2019[update]. The formation, laying out and construction of a means of access to a highway which is not a trunk road or a classified road, where that access is required in connection with development permitted by any Class in this Schedule (other than by Class A of this Part). a statement that the prior approval of the authority will be required to the siting, design and external appearance of the building or, as the case may be, the siting and means of construction of the private way. the development consists of the extension, alteration or replacement of an existing building, within the limits set out in paragraph (3). The 11 seat row on the A380 is accompanied by similar options on other widebodies: nine across on the Airbus A330 and ten across on the A350. Any development required for the purposes of a mine which is carried out on an authorised site at that mine by a licensed operator in connection with coal-mining operations and with the prior approval of the mineral planning authority. the expiry of 28 days following the date on which the application was received by the local planning authority without the local planning authority making any determination as to whether such approval is required or notifying the applicant of their determination; where the local planning authority give the applicant notice that such prior approval is required the applicant shall display a site notice by site display on or near the land on which the proposed development is to be carried out, leaving the notice in position for not less than 21 days in the period of 28 days from the date on which the local planning authority gave the notice to the applicant; where the site notice is, without any fault or intention of the applicant, removed, obscured or defaced before the period of 21 days referred to in sub-paragraph (aa) has elapsed, he shall be treated as having complied with the requirements of that sub-paragraph if he has taken reasonable steps for protection of the notice and, if need be, its replacement; the development shall, except to the extent that the local planning authority otherwise agree in writing, be carried out. Development is not permitted by Class B if the waste material is or includes material resulting from the winning and working of minerals. [41] The first A380, registered F-WWOW, was unveiled in Toulouse 18 January 2005. (i)90 centimetres in the case of an antenna to be installed on a building or structure on article 1(4) land; (e)the highest part of an antenna to be installed on a roof would, when installed, exceed in height the highest part of the roof; (f)there is any other satellite antenna on the building or other structure on which the antenna is to be installed; (g)it would consist of the installation of an antenna on a chimney; (h)it would consist of the installation of an antenna on a wall or roof slope which fronts a waterway in the Broads, or a highway elsewhere. (b)the land shall be restored, so far as is practicable, to its condition before the development took place or restored to such condition as may have been agreed in writing between the mineral planning authority and the developer. [68] The delay also increased the earnings shortfall projected by Airbus through 2010 to 4.8billion. and the erection or placing of moveable structures on the land for the purpose of that use. On 19 December 2000, the supervisory board of newly restructured Airbus voted to launch an 9.5 billion ($10.7 billion) project to build the A3XX, re-designated as A380, with 50 firm orders from six launch customers. Karen Jennings, assistant general secretary of the UNISON trades union, said that "the industry isn't fit to regulate itself". (a)except in a case where a relevant scheme or a waste management scheme has already been approved by the mineral planning authority, the developer shall, if the mineral planning authority so require, within three months or such longer period as the authority may specify, submit a waste management scheme for that authoritys approval; (b)where a waste management scheme or a relevant scheme has been approved, the depositing of waste and all other activities in relation to that deposit shall be carried out in accordance with the scheme as approved. [89], An article by Will Hutton about contamination in the UK lays much of the responsibility at the door of those who have (in the name of relaxing stifling red tape) removed much of the regulation of the meat industry, and cut the budgets and workforceshalving the number of inspectorsof those responsible for enforcing the remaining regulations. Development is permitted by Class C subject to the condition that no mineral extracted during the course of the operation shall be moved to any place outside the land from which it was extracted, except to land which is held or occupied with that land and is used for the purposes of agriculture. The removal of material of any description from a stockpile. (i)its design or external appearance would be materially affected; (ii)the height of the original building would be exceeded, or the cubic content of the original building would be exceeded, by more than 25%; or. [291] In May 2010, Airbus announced that A380-900 development would be postponed until production of the A380-800 stabilised. "[18], The first apparent instance of fresh beef being adulterated with horse meat was reported by Asda, which removed its 500-gram own-label beef Bolognese sauce from sale. Conditions can include high or low temperatures outside of the recommended storage conditions for certain products. [56], Airbus obtained type certificates for the A380-841 and A380-842 model from the EASA and FAA on 12 December 2006 in a joint ceremony at the company's French headquarters,[57][58] receiving the ICAO code A388. Draap spelt backwards is paard, the Dutch word for horse. A number of designs of letterboxes and mailboxes have been patented, particularly in the United States. [59] The A380-861 model was added to the type certificate on 14 December 2007. [247][248] Runway lighting and signage may need changes to provide clearance to the wings and avoid blast damage from the engines. (d)the area to be covered by the development would exceed 465 square metres calculated as described in paragraph D.2 below. where any building, plant, machinery, structure or erection is rearranged, replaced or repaired, would exceed a height of 15 metres above ground level or the height of what was rearranged, replaced or repaired, whichever is the greater. The carrying out by the Coal Authority or a licensed operator, with the prior approval of the mineral planning authority, of development required for the maintenance or safety of a mine or a disused mine or for the purposes of ensuring the safety of the surface of the land at or adjacent to a mine or a disused mine. The use of any land by statutory undertakers in respect of dock, pier, harbour, water transport, canal or inland navigation undertakings for the spreading of any dredged material. As Boeing see the VLA market as too small to retain in its 2017 forecast, its VP marketing Randy Tinseth does not believe Airbus will deliver the rest of the backlog. [14] This requirement was phased in, starting with new delivery locations, around 1912. all buildings, plant and machinery permitted by Class A shall be removed from the land unless the mineral planning authority have otherwise agreed in writing; and. Development is not permitted by Class B(e) if the area to be covered by the development would exceed 465 square metres calculated as described in paragraph D.2 below. The purpose of the original research is to produce new knowledge, rather than to present the existing knowledge in a new form (e.g., Airbus CEO says stopping A380 production is the "right decision", "An American Airlines VP reveals why the Airbus A380 doesn't work for the world's biggest airline", Asian Airlines' changing presence at London Heathrow, China Southern's A380 problems may not be solved by possible Air China partnership, Opinion: Mega-Transports Hobbled By Their Size, "United Airlines does not see a fit for Airbus A380", "Breaking: The Final Airbus A380 Has Been Assembled", "The final Airbus A380 superjumbo makes its first flight", "The last ever A380 superjumbo is delivered to Emirates", "A380: Last of the superjumbos handed to new owner", "Emirates' Tim Clark threatens cancellation of 777-9", "Review of the Quota Count (QC) System used for Administering the Night Noise Quotaa at Heathrow, Gatwick and Stansted Airports", "Noise Data for the First Three Years of Scheduled Airbus A380 Operations at London Heathrow Airport ERCD REPORT 1106", Night Flying Restrictions at Heathrow, Gatwick and Stansted Stage 1 Consultation, "Designed for increased operational performance", "Airbus ponders A380 thrust reverser options", "Innovative Honeywell helps to curb A380 weight", Tourism and Mobilities: Local-Global Connections, "Updating the A380: The prospect of a neo version and what's involved", "A380 superjumbo gives thrilling morning air show", "Rapid growth forecast for carbon fibre market", "Thermoplastic composites gain leading edge on the A380", "Coming Soon: The Innovative Airbus A380", Aluminum Alloy Development for the Airbus A380, Airbus A380 Wing Flaws May Cost USD$629 Mln, "Integrated Modular Avionics: Less is More", "Barco extends its success in the civil avionics market with new Airbus deal", "Lufthansa Systems database plots route to the paperless cockpit", "A380 pushes 5000 psi into realm of the common man", "Eaton wins hydraulic system contract for A380, $200million potential for U.S. company", "Boeing's 747-8 vs. A380: A titanic tussle", "A survey of the best airline economy seats", "World's largest passenger plane lands at Copenhagen Airport", "Emirates A380s to Establish New Airliner Seat Record", "Recession causes turbulence for Airbus A380 sales", "Aerospace Notebook: It's no cruise ship of the sky, but A380 is raising the bar for comfort", "Airbus A380's bar, flatbeds, showers irk Engineers", "SIA is ready at last to start flying the A380", "Air France picks business seat; eyeing premium economy for A380", "Seat Map Singapore Airlines Airbus A380", "First class flight perks we envy slideshow", "Superduperjumbo Double the size of an Airbus A380? 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