They are the Potsdam Cuckoos. Find the latest political news stories, photos, and videos on The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) introduced the idea of tipping points two decades ago. More than 80% of the world-wide energy demand is currently supplied by the fossil fuels coal, oil or gas. Lets use a polar bear for an example of global warming. Despite the firmly established science linking climate change to more powerful hurricanes, as well as sea level rise that helps worsen their impact, many Florida Republican politicians, including the governor and both of its U.S. senators, have resisted government action to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions that are causing warmer temperatures. Please go to following website, you will find lot of information about global warming, Main Climate Change Solution Vegetarianism, do your part to save our planet! We believe to be able to control Nature instead of trying to arrange ourselves with Nature. can you get it through ur heads. So, that, in terms of individual action, is perhaps the best thing you can do. My message to you is: Be Veg, Go Green, Save the Planet., Dr. Rajendra Pachauri The chairman of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) the entire cycle of meat production and consumption, its hugely intensive in terms of carbon dioxide emissions. Maybe you have had a car accident or anything else. He grew up with his family and learned how to live in tune with nature, using the animals for support in carrying seeds by eating the seeds and then dispersing the seeds across the desert. Thanks for your infoitll really help me with my project about Global Warming. I AgreeYou should learn how to spell. Climate change mitigation consists of actions to limit global warming and its related effects. Once a "snowball" starts rolling-well? The following text is an exerpt from the online Biology Book of Estrella Mountain community college, which is a recommended source for details about the role of our vegetation. Here are all the positive environmental stories from 2022 so far, There are no direct connections between the two articles but, Warnings about climate collapse issued by scientists and scientifically informed public figures are already present in the public discourse, whereas survey data suggest that climate change is a source of widespread public concern and anxiety (. What is happening to the trees nowadays, they are being decimated by man in Brazil, Canada and Usa as well as many other places in the world. this is not the time to arguewe have to face the fact that we are already in this situation we are not to blame anyone else regarding this problem.but it does not mean that we just have to ignore all these because we are humans, as supreme being, we are given tasks by God to take good care of his creation.and what are we going to do? (8) How about people who won Nobel peace prices due to their work to reduce global warming? If we carry on with business as usual, CO2 will reach 1,200ppm, 80 years from today. Meanwhile,UnlockingCO2infrastructure deployment: The impact of carbon removal accountingby Schippers & Massol meticulously illustrate how for better or worse policy choices emerging in practice as seemingly innocuous accounting methods may help or hinder depoyment of carbon management technologies broadly agreed as necessary to control global warming. So we put our heads together to create this climate action quiz, hoping to help people find their role in what we believe is the most important cause many will ever join. They are creating fear to push people to switch to buying electric cars or other products and technologies for profit, but they are ignoring the local knowledge that communities have.. Our team at Berkeley Lab explored what it would take for homes and commercial buildings to ride out long power outages, of three days or more, with solar and batteries. co2 is used is used for non light reactions (calvin cycle) to produce sugar among other products. the levels have been declining since the earth was created/formed/made/born. wake up everyone and find out the REAL reasons. (free to republish), A chronological listing of news articles posted on the, Small increases in storm surge can cause huge impacts, Global Energy Report: Pain at the Pump, High Energy Costs Could Create a Silver Lining for Climate and Security. do some research about global warming before you talk out of your ass. ACT CIVILIZED. I am going to log off now because I feel guilty about my irresonsibility & contribution to global warming. Overestimation of the public health risk from SARS-CoV-2. I think that Global WarmingI think that Global Warming is a problem and that you just dont want to take responsibility. So enjoy the flowers while you can and be thankful that our concept of time is so exaggerated. But I am only highlighting the fact that the entire meat cycle is very very intensive, in terms of carbon dioxide emissions. Computer models or the lying data? I believe that both sides of the argument have good points (whether to stop or not). If the ozone layer gets destroyed then what are we going do. Biology ProjectI just wanted to say that this site was really helpful for every aspect of my project, no matter what question I had there was another link to answer my question! Demand is shifting from fossil fuels to clean energy. And once it is a belief, people will often vehemently object to attempts to change their mind. Which is, to say the least, consistent. This means that for the rest of 2022, we are eating into reserve stock. In 2021, 85% of newly installed energy capacity came from clean sources (primarily solar), and the remaining 15% from fossil gas. Why do they not enter into open debate with the climate change deniers? Action TimeIts is our fault as well. IT MELTS!!!!! Strive for EarthWhat great words and explanations! The impacts of the energy, fossil fuel and transportation industries currently dominate climate mitigation discussions among global leaders, while animal agriculture, one of the leading contributors to climate change, is sidelined from discussions at best and ignored at worst. People need to ask that question and see if saving this planet is worth saving. Another thing is that the natural ones are going to happen its just that the ones created by mankind happen a lot sooner thanks to global warming. To put that into perspective, the most popular battery on the market, the Tesla Powerwall, has just over 13 kWh of storage. To use a sports analogy, its because the interaction of a storm surge with a city is a game of inches and thresholds. As climate change continues to worsen with more and more heatwaves, fires and floods, what are world leaders looking to achieve at the COP26 in November this year? Many scientists who have been doing the recent research on global warming present their work through the American Geophysical Union. We have all heard it said, by our ancestors, CHARITY BEGINS AT HOME, TAKE CARE OF OUR OWN, THEN THEY CAN TAKE CARE OF THOSE WHO NEED HUMAN HELP. Betts is not far behind. Musallam Faraj, who has been guiding hikers for nearly 30 years in Sinai and is currently a head guide for Sinai Trail, knows natures language like it was his mother tongue. Conversely by leaning on popular literature the atmosphere of words can become hot and humid. Global Warming is different. Two rival political leaders have called for battle, and not one religious leader has counselled them with a call for peace. Ask the guy who balances your car wheels to explain how the little weight on the rim balance the wheels. Permafrost methane has significant potential to drive accelerated warming. So, as disasters intensify and war rages in Ukraine, what can we expect from this important summit? We may be able to, whoWe may be able to, who knows. Londons gang wars make me feel like Im in 1990s New York. Another excellent book The Deniers in the last chapter took a look at the IPCC and pointed out that none of the main protagonists had ever achieved anything useful in science as opposed to many of those the author had profiled as being deniers. Egyptian Streets is an independent, young, and grass roots news media organization aimed at providing readers with an alternate depiction of events that occur on Egyptian and Middle Eastern streets, and to establish an engaging social platform for readers to discover and discuss the various issues that impact the region. But the news is not all bad. There is no basis in physics for the assumption of a 33C greenhouse effect. The deglacialforestconundrumandThe Role of Irrigation Expansion on historicalclimate change: Insights fromCMIP6together illustrate two ways of arriving at "we don't know enough yet to be confident of our future." Destruction of ozone and global cooling is also more complicated than CFCs. What really happens to your plastic recycling? So do we stick to fossil fuels or turn to a cleaner energy source. From October 6-8, more than 70 hikers from Egypt, Germany, Ireland, Costa Rica, Saudi Arabia, the USA, France and other countries walked into the wild, westerly highlands of St Catherine as part of the Sinai Trails initiative Egypts first long distance hiking trail to raise awareness on the value of Bedouin knowledge of the natural world and how it can shape global conversation about climate change ahead of COP27. You can download from a spreadsheet to simulate the main cause and effects of global warming yourself. Why your old yogurt pots are being set on fire in Turkey and what it tells us about how to solve the plastic crisis. Methane clathrates have been a subject of perennial concern amongst climate geeks, waxing and waning with the emergence of new research. Its obvious that we are the cause of this problem, and we need to act now. There is no warming layer that can be found in the troposphere from what I have researched. How you can help to mitigate global warming. I believe that there was a peponderance of CO2 in the atmosphere and global warming took place in accordance with the popular theory. yes we r da 1 YES WE R DA 1 WHO IS CAUSING GOBAL WARMIN N WE SHOLD CHGEN THE WAY WE THINK N TRY 2 DO SOMTHIN JUST TRY 2 PLANT A TREE IN YOUR BACKYARD SO @LIST WE HAV GIVEN THE EARTH 1% FRM US DA SELFISH HUMANZ. Since biomass can be used as a fuel directly (e.g. wood logs), some people use the words biomass and biofuel interchangeably. credibilityif you learn to type more professionally maybe people would take you seriously right now you seem like a 10th grader who is trying to be a little gangster. Thats 33% of us who are very worried and strongly supportive of climate actionup from just 16% five years ago. !Last time I heard dinosaurs didnt drive cars so there for couldnt burn fuel haha! Physical science of climate change, effects, Drivers of ocean warming in the western boundary currents of the Southern Hemisphere Li et al., Nature Climate Change, 10.1038/s41558-022-01473-8, Anthropogenic Influence on the Diurnal Temperature Range since 1901 Lu et al., Journal of Climate, Open Access pdf 10.1175/jcli-d-21-0928.1, Effect of Aquatic Organic Matter and Global Warming on Accumulation of PAHs in Lakes, East China Wan et al., Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 10.1029/2022jg007167. Van Berkel et al. A year of disastrous flooding perhaps reached its nadir in Pakistan, where a third of the country was inundated by heavy rainfall from June, killing more than 1,000 people in what Antnio Guterres, the UN secretary general, called an unprecedented natural disaster. In the 2010s that wait time nearly doubled, to 3.7 years, and a growing number of clean energy projects have been canceled as a result of these lengthy delays. Well when you cant go to a fast food place to get food or a super market what then. !START GROWING UP BECAUSE YOU CONSIDER YOURSELF AS THE MOST INTELLIGENT SPECIES!!!! i think we should better takei think we should better take care of our planets, STOP!!!! But just talking about this may tend to cement the very habits and behaviors making CCS necessary. .so he says why ARE in a climate crisis via sections in the IPCC AR6. Blaming Global Warming on the inhabitants of the earth, on the vehicles, on the various reasons, to my way of thi nking is just another way for the governments of our world to pass the buck.. We seem to have all the pieces needed to build climate-risk-responsive policy but often there's no policy product at the end of the assembly line. Whenever we give a talk urging climate action, people tell us, I really want to help, but I dont know how. Or I cant think of anything to do that would make a difference. Its disturbing how many people are baffled and stymied. what do u mean by that? "Human-induced climate change is already affecting many weather and climate extremes in every region across the globe," the IPCC concluded in that report. POLLUTING OUR PLANETSTOP!!! The UKMFA is calling now for the medical profession, politicians and decision-makers to actively engage with the huge amount of published science and real-world data, and to listen to the multitude of eminent scientists, doctors and independent journalists laying the facts out for easy independent research and understanding. Why can one still today find people who stick their head in the sand and dont want to understand whats going on in the earths atmosphere? As climate change continues to worsen with more and more heatwaves, fires and floods, what are world leaders looking to achieve at the COP26 in November this year? In addition, greenhouse gases reduce radiation eminating back from the troposphere, cooling the stratosphere further. We disrupt the balance! The amount of CO2 in the air has grown to an enormous amount since the end of the 1900s. m also think likem also think like you. But with batteries, a home can disconnect from the grid. It should not be mixed up with the cause of warming. Politics and religion have traditionally been the two biggest mass organisers of social action. It is not a conspiracy you hippy, its here and now. Or they are ignoring this vital principle. We have to be kind to our co-inhabitants. I for one would love for my Great- great- great- great grandchildren to see Polar Bears! Plants do not use oxygen toPlants do not use oxygen to produce sugar. Skeptical Science New Research for Week #44 2022 Posted on 3 November 2022 by Doug Bostrom, Marc Kodack Notables: Usable, but unused: A critical story of co-producing the UKs Climate Change Risk Assessments. either we have a crisis or not, but just in case the global issue is true, why dont we contribute our part, after all, we cant see the future. Thats the main thing when people talk about global warming. WE ARE THE CAUSE OF GLOBAL WARMING LETS FACE IT!!! Why do most people refuse to change their personal behavior voluntary in order to reduce CO2 emissions caused by their activities. it is happening, whether we like it or not, our daily activities and the things we use can somehow contibute to the problem. Texas Republican Mayra Flores, who flipped a long-held Democratic House seat along the U.S.-Mexico border, was blocked from joining the Congressional Hispanic Caucus. Plants also produce some carbon dioxide by their respiration, but this is quickly used by photosynthesis. Yale Climate Connections regular video contributor Peter Sinclair reports on his summer of 2022 field trip to Greenland with three Czech and one American climate scientist. We have a right to this earth to make it a better place it gives us what we need to survive and we are killing it. Authors Schwarzwald & Lenssen have hit on something that certainly seems important: quite plausibly, natural climate variabiiitycan signficantly expand our climate hazard & risk envelope, but natural variability is not well represented in impact assessments. Heat waves are mentioned in the second sentence of the abstract, i.e. volanoes such as Mt Pinatuba initially increase stratospheric temps due to aerosols and dust. The Global Warming problem can lead to melting of the ice caps in Greenland and Antarctica, raising sea-level as much as 120 meters. Mirna Abdulaal is a writer, researcher and aspiring public/political communication specialist interested in women's rights, cultural heritage and fashion, and political communication. BIG DANGER. nothing!!!! About 60% of new energy installations built in the U.S. in 2011 were fossil fuels (mostly fossil gas) compared to just 40% from renewables (mostly wind). As a child, he traveled far to the east and west, walked deep into the northerly highlands of St Catherine, climbed the high peak of the mountains, and spent days and nights alone in the vast desert. Latest breaking news, including politics, crime and celebrity. When men choose not to believe in God, they do not thereafter believe in nothing, they then become capable of believing in anything.. I try to practice true science and for me it is always just a search for Truth and Truth only. We seem to have all the pieces needed to build climate-risk-responsive policy but often there's no policy product at the end of the assembly line. Every time I hear about record breaking heat waves, all over the world or record breaking snow in certain parts where it should not be well is dose not take a rocket scientist to figure out that plants and live stock cant survive with extreme climate change. Malaysia is experiencing more wet days this year, and devastating floods are expected again soon. Who is saying that all global warming periods have been caused by the same effect? its not a conspiracyyes the earth has gone through many climate changes in the past but it has never changed so drastically quickly. This 14-page, fully referenced letter detailing our serious safety and ethical concerns relating to a premature and rushed rollout of any COVID-19 vaccine, was sent in a desperate (and failed) attempt to stop them going ahead with authorisation. You decide ~Drewski~. paid for by the UK consumer It took more than 20 years to broadly accept that mankind is causing global warming with the emission of greenhouse gases. !dONT BE DISRESPECTFUL TO PEOPLE JUST BECAUSE OF THE WAY THEY SPELL THEIR WORDS. Studies show that in the Thermal Maximus of the cretaceous period ice grew and grew even though the earth was not tipped on its axis until beyond the jurassic era. I find him as someone who sees its warming (it is) and that there will be bad consequences arising from it (there neednt but he thinks that). dont expect to have a clean room when you dont clean it upmuch worst when you put all dirty stuffs in it! Definition of intuition what is intuitive decision making? Just 10 days ago, famed environmental grandee Jane Goodall warned that the time was rapidly shortening to halt the terrifying effects of climate change. The Sun is going through its cycles as it always have. cheers!! agnormark/istock. How can you be civilised ifHow can you be civilised if your trying to have a conversation with someone who is 1.) This is causing glaciers and arctic ice to melt. The News on Sunday (TNS) Pakistan's leading weekly magazine. For whom enough is too little nothing is ever enough. Arctic sea ice reflects about 80% of the suns heat, stabilizing the colder temperature of the ocean. Yes we know that planet earth goes thres changes but ususally these changes take 100,000 thousand years or more. BPR have got it down. Everyone should be doing something even if its changing a lightbulb. Copyright 2022 Sun Media Corporation Sdn. WE need to find solutions and fast. Bio fuel can not sustain alone to whole world demand. Oceans warming were caused by humans warming the planet. We have more than enough evidence to challenge the hypothesis that Covid vaccines are safe and effective. n once humans set foot try countin d no. there is plenty of evidence. Just a thought. The ONLY Climate Crisis is from the lies spouted by these charlatans and their venal chums. Accounting? Last year three environmental educators, all part ofEcoTok, pennedthis excellent piece for usabout dealing with eco-anxiety and the need to remain hopeful - or "stubbornly optimistic", asChristiana Figueres puts it. will we go back to ice age? A hummingbird. Poor education on a liberal website?How on earth did someone with such poor spelling and grammar find their way to a liberal website? Learn grammar, fool. The earth is slowly destroying itself, not us. I was wondering how to slow down global warming.. AdviceWhat would someone who is against global warming say about CO2 emissions? Are you in or not? Sera muy bueno tener un lugar en este sitio que explica sobre Calentamiento Global en espaol, gracias. This is warming the air hence the fact of global WARMING. What does "fixing our climate" look like from the perspective of anthropology? Global Warming and tsunamiTsunamis are caused by seizmic activity. And this year alone, weve seen dozens of catastrophic disasters ranging from drought in the Horn of Africa to floods in Pakistan, South Africa and Australia, and wildfires and heatwaves in Europe, the United States, Mongolia and South America, among others. If more CO2 is present, then more heat will stay close to the Earth and less heat will escape through the atmosphere. it did went through changes and its obviously getting worst. The summer of 2022 saw Europesworst drought in 500 years. We as humans need to change our attitude towards the nature . its really a moral call if you think on it. Plants may be viewed as carbon sinks, removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and oceans by fixing it into organic chemicals. Back over to Kemp et al, who conclude in their reply: A lack of attention to extreme risks or completely speculative doom mongering would more likely lead to maladaptive responses and mental health stresses than the informed deliberation over catastrophic risks that we propose. Evidence of sweet corn yield losses from rising temperatures. As well, the two papers point in the same direction, namely that our mitigation and adaptation planning has good reason to lean in the direction of more caution. My pridictionMy pridiction is that sooner or later it would heal itself,basing on the fact that fussil fuels today are sky rocketting prices on its peak level so thats the time car manufacturer begin to produce only electric charge vehicles because people would no longer buy those cars that are propelled by fussil fuels . Global Warmingyou are so right but the world has to end one day eventually, your wrong god does not want to end the world hes doing this to see if we care that much to stop it and to tell yall people we can stop it if we belive. REUTERSPIX, Ketepikan masalah dan perbezaan, pastikan calon BN menang: PM, PRU15: Saya tolak tawaran lain, kekal bersama Umno - Annuar, PRU15: Rumah ibadat zon aman daripada pengaruh parti politik - Mufti Kelantan, Pandan voter fails in bid to get EC to halt GE15, Assets declaration usually done after cabinet appointment: KJ. Since biomass can be used as a fuel directly (e.g. Why your old yogurt pots are being set on fire in Turkey and what it tells us about how to solve the plastic crisis. Indonesia, the worlds most populous Muslim nation, has gone far ahead of Malaysia in that its government has managed to convince the leaders of Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, Christianity (Catholicism and Protestantism), and Confucianism to look beyond their ideological differences and form a working partnership to raise public awareness of the need to avert a climate catastrophe. That is exactly what should be done, existential climate crisis or not. Those glaciers, many at risk of melting and too many already at various stages, are critical for providing the strategic countrys population, agriculture, and water supplies. I had a brief twitter conversation with Betts some time ago. Economics, policy, and public demand are now all aligned in favor of clean energy. Coming out Koonin had handed him his arse on a plate. If you were to see a burning building on fire with peole in it we would say. we try to do everything the easy way and burn fossil fuels. The big and beautiful U.S.-Mexico border wall that became a key campaign issue for Donald Trump is getting a makeover thanks to the Biden administration, but a critic of the current president says dirty politics is behind the decision. There's a climate change policy that governments have been debating for decades. Latest Nigerian News - Nigerian newspaper, Nigeria news, Nigerian news, Read nigerian news online, Visit NigerianEye, Your Online nigeria newspaper for nigeria news today, breaking news, check nigeria news online at, for Please give what you can. I am very sad for what you wrote, yes GOD created and it is for us to make it much better place and he will not end this world for us if it is someone it is us. Heat waves in Europe killed more than 16,000 people and nearly 1,700 died as a result of flooding in Pakistan. That is the way the real facts are established. was there any evidence that the earth did went through a cycle? youre all hypocrites..sicne you use the INTERNET. Knife crime is casting a darkening atmosphere over our streets and raising my children here feels like a gamble In addition, our unit of measure is more and more often money only. Yet many folks currently stillmisinterpret those numbers believing, for example, that a 20% chance of rain means it will rain 20 percent of the time, or that it shouldnt rain at all, instead of that the chances of receiving at least 0.01 inch of precipitation at a given spot are two out of ten. Against this backdrop, careful scientific study of climate collapse might act as a counterweight to discussions of climate collapse that are sensationalistic or biased towards portending doom. Are cows the true cause of global warming? All this information is based entirely on facts done by the worlds top scientists. We are the future. ~Drewski~. You have clearly see that this world is having a dramatic change all around us. or may do some little ways to help preserve all these gifts that was given to us think for the future generations. School Strike for Climate (Swedish: Skolstrejk fr klimatet), also known variously as Fridays for Future (FFF), Youth for Climate, Climate Strike or Youth Strike for Climate, is an international movement of school students who skip Friday classes to participate in demonstrations to demand action from political leaders to prevent climate change and for the fossil fuel industry to We also have the smartest brain that enables us to think above all other species. Are established a sports analogy, its because the interaction of a 33C greenhouse effect that the and... Will often vehemently object to attempts to change their mind cooling the stratosphere.. Urging climate action, is perhaps the best thing you can and be thankful that concept! 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