This article provides a breakdownof the seder: each major component and the order in which it traditionally occurs. Plural: Haggadot. Look any place in the house where chametz was used during the year, or designate one family member to hide 10 pieces of chametz (a Kabbalistic tradition) throughout the house (just remember where you put them). Set the Date and Invite Your Guests When it comes to decorating your kitchen, trends can come and go faster than you can say "induction oven." Innovation is key for a memorable and fun educational experience. Innovation is key for a memorable and fun educational experience. In ancient times, the Talmudic scholar Hillel ate the three symbolic foods (lamb, matzah, and bitter herbs) together so that each mouthful contained all three. Hametz is prohibited on Passover. While you may return to your favorite Seder recipes and kosher wines year after year, the rest of the week's meals have much more wiggle room. But charoset may be the most interesting, culinarily speaking. Pronounced: SAY-der, Origin: Hebrew, literally order; usually used to describe the ceremonial meal and telling of the Passover story on the first two nights of Passover. You can easily combine traditional texts with modern interpretations and readings, songs, and information. Make sure your device is fully charged before the seder and, if possible, test your microphone, speakers, and webcam before the start of your seder and if you have any cords, make sure they are positioned so you wont trip on them! Torah Club has transformed into study groups all over the world. You can make one of these yourself by sewing together four cloth napkins. There are specially made afikoman holders, but a large cloth napkin will also suffice. Look out for the names of the people you think may especially be in need of an invite. Lisa Katz. The presentation could be a drashan explanation of what the Haggadah is trying to say. FFOZ Friends supports of our mission and vision. As the Pharoah poured the clear water into the glass, it turned red! A glaze made with a pinch of cayenne, tart pomegranate molasses, cumin, and savory-sweet date syrup gives this gently roasted salmon layers of flavor and a gorgeous bronzed exterior. When the Haggadah tells us that we should feel as if we were redeemed from Egypt, what does that mean? this link is to an external site that may or may not meet accessibility guidelines. You don't have to be the leader, but . Prep for Passover like a pro with this special email series. It has five or six (depending on the host's custom) ceremonial foods that represent different themes in the Passover story. We start gathering Diet Coke (a real essential in my family) the minute it hits the stores. When I interviewed families for The Art of Jewish Living: The Passover Seder, I learned that the search for creative ideas for seder celebration is never-ending. The seder ceremony is a simulation of what really happened on that first night of the Exodus from Egypt, so weve decided to conduct our seder in this tent. is an important item for your seder. You might even want to rehearse to help things go smoothly. Once you've got a guest list you can figure out how much food you need to make. Gradually add 1/2 cup of sugar, 2 Tbsp. This lesson plan provides the structure for individual or group research projects. When our kids were in nursery school, Susie created a Pat the Bunny-type Haggadah using the coloring sheets sent home from class. A mixture of fruits, nuts, spices and wine eaten as part of the Passover seder. By studying the Haggadah text with the help of guidebooks like The Art of Jewish Living: The Passover Seder, you can develop a text that reflects your understanding of the seder story and that fits the needs of your family. This annual event is one of the most important, meaningful, and fun events in Jewish life. On Saturday evening, add the Havdalah section separating sanctity of Sabbath from the sanctity of holy day. Spend less time and money on your lawn by converting your grass to clover. For most kids, the seders high point is searching for the afikoman. We have new family Haggadot and that old standby, the Maxwell House Haggadah. Put three pieces of matzah on a plate, cover with a cloth or napkin, and place underneath or near the Seder plate. Before eating it, a blessing thanking God for this requirement is recited. This 10-minute play can be downloaded for free at Amy Kritzer; March 26, 2015; Pinterest. We make a chart with the order of the seder (Kadesh, Urhatz, etc.) Use the leftover seeds to grow your own pumpkin patchor roast them for a delicious snack. Fill the cup before this grace and drink the third cup at its conclusion, with the usual bore pri hagafen blessing. You don't have to give your house a top-to-bottom scrub before guests arrive, but there are a few areas you should pay attention to. The seder plate holds ritual foods used throughout the Passover seder . Pull out your Rolodex or scroll through your phone contact list, and start reaching out. "Dessert" (Greek); matzah is the official "dessert" of the Passover seder meal. If your loved ones celebrate Passover, then they are surely planning Seders and holding Jewish ritual services. How to Plan and Host a Welcoming Seder 1. Choose higher . Many Jews include a whole orange on their seder plate to symbolize inclusiveness. Here areHaggadot ideasfor seders hosting young children, including a few you can download right at home. The Hallel is completed, and all join in singing songs: Adir Hu, Had Gadya, etc. Parsley, celery, or other greens (karpas). Thus the symbols of slavery and liberation were intermingled. Blessing the wine at the start of the meal. Planning your seder dinner menu? All that preparation is typically behind the scenes for the perpetual house guest or hotel . Use kiddush cupsKiddush cup Cup used for blessing wine on Shabbat, festivals and other events, i.e., weddings. Any vegetable that is not bitter may be eaten. And finally (a little lesson learned from personal experience), Invite your downstairs neighbors. They were immediately engrossed in the book, following along and participating at their own level in their own very special way. Charoset: This is a mixture of apples, wine, walnuts and . Many people have beautifully decorated, sectioned platters that are intended for use just on the seder. (For those seeking a humorous option, check out Shoshana Hantmans Passover Parodies: Short Plays for the Seder Table.). Try but not too hard to keep it from being stolen by the children because it must be available for the end of the meal. Theres no need to be overwhelmed. Suits and ties, dresses, new clothes for the kids Shabbes (Shabbat) clothes we call them. For more Passover words, check out this glossary of terms used in the Haggadah from Chabad. Stay busy with our creative fall dcor crafts that can double as festive decorations all season long. Barukh atah Adonai Eloheynu melekh ha-olam asher kidshanu bmitzvotav vtzivanu lehadlik ner shel yom tov. Prepare Seder plate (s). Imagine our surprise when one year we arrived for seder at the door of our friends David and Shira Milgrom-Elcott in our dressy clothes, and they greeted us wearing the long, flowing robes of Bedouins! Published on March 15, 2021 We all have associations of certain meals with holidays, but the Jewish holiday Passover takes food traditions to a whole new level. Prepare for the chametz search by watching thisBimbam Video: Put a pillow on each chair at the seder table to encourage everyone to comfortably recline. The lesson is appropriate for middle school and high school students. Mamaleh's Passover menu is available for pickup 4/13 thru 4/23 so you can plan a few meals throughout the week of Passover when you run out of Seder leftovers. In Israel, Passover is the seven-day holiday of the Feast of Unleavened Bread, with the first and last days celebrated as legal holidays and as holy days involving holiday meals, special prayer services, and abstention from work; the intervening days are known as Chol HaMoed ("Weekdays [of] the Festival"). We have traditional unedited texts and greatly abbreviated liberal texts. The Sephardim [Jews of Spanish and Mediterranean descent] pick up the seder plate and place it over every persons head during the recitation of Ha Lahma Anya, the invitation to participate in the seder. It is an item on the Passover seder plate that represents the Passover sacrifice from . "I love your family's candlesticks!" I said, rising from my seat at the table to examine them more closely. Place glasses/cups on the table. Now the afikomen. Provided by Hillels Joseph Meyerhoff Center for Jewish Learning, which creates innovative educational resources based on Jewish texts and trains Hillel students, professionals, and lay leaders to infuse Jewish content throughout their activities. Another Sephardic custom is to beat the leader with green onions during the singing of Dayyenu as a reminder of the plagues. What are 10things that plague us today? is a question anyone, no matter what their Judaic knowledge level, can answer. 1. Related: Everything You Need to Know If You're Attending Your First Passover Seder, A Seder has no specific, prescribed timeline"It can take anywhere from 45 minutes to four hours, depending on who your family is and what they want to do," says Kayeso it's important to reach out to your loved ones in order to find out which parts of the ritual they consider essential before you start cutting, especially if your virtual guest list includes people from a variety of different religious depths. Hand-Washing Facilities. One of the commandments for the Passover season is to remove the leaven (chametz) from your house beforehand. The placement and symbolism of the items on the seder plate. The blessing over the festival candles is recited as the seder begins. Students choose a section of the Passover Haggadah to research. For hundreds of years, the 15 ritual steps of the Passover Seder have been a template for Jews to celebrate the end of their enslavement in ancient Egypt. She and the kids slice jicama very thin and with Jewish cookie-cutters, stamp out jicama Stars of David, Torah scrolls, and Kiddush cups. It is such a busy time -- cleaning the house, cooking the food, preparing for guests, reading up about the holiday, etc. Its also a good idea to communicate to them a little about what to expect and how long it will take. These items are: Beitzah Literally, "egg.". That means that if you see "Passover" marked on a day on your calendar, the seder is probably held the night before. Substitute grape juice for the children and the teetotalers of the group. A sacred obligation. Venue: Kraft . We created a way to include everyone in the afikoman search. Opens in a new tab. Susie also gave each child a goodie bag filled with Passover symbols, frog stickers, a bookmark, even moist towelettes for the inevitable spills of wine! Whether youre connecting with loved ones who cannot be present with you physically or streaming a seder hosted by a congregation, or both, technology has never been more important to Jewish practice. times, many families use chicken or beef bones instead. Offsite: TBD. '", While some of the Seder steps are simple and straightforward, otherslike the longer prayers and blessingscan feel daunting to less experienced leaders. Literally, telling. This is the Jewish text that sets forth the order of the Passover seder. Planning a Passover Seder can be daunting, especially if you have never done it before. Matzah is a cracker-like type of unleavened bread. We should have known what to expect from the desert garb worn by our hosts, but we were hardly prepared for the sight of that room. A truly joyful, interactive, and song-filled way to celebrate with your Jewish community. Cleaning. It is best to prepare these items before the Seder: 1) Three Whole (unbroken) Matzot--which should be covered by a cloth. There are many versions available ranging from very traditional to nontraditional, and you can also make your own. If you use the one large seder plate for 8 people Be sure to put enough of the following on the plate so everyone has enough. Passover is fast approaching, and Jews the world over are planning their annual Seders. Use the feather to sweep all the crumbs into the spoon and deposit them in the paper bag. Reprinted with permission fromThe United Synagogue Review. If you take it one step at a time, there is no reason to feel overwhelmed by Passover preparation. By Aviva Goldstein There is no doubt that the Passover Seder is one of the most challenging meal plans that a housewife must make and then live with. Use red or white horseradish for the meal, but raw horseradish root is more visual on the seder plate. The seder is filled with symbolic foods, elaborate rituals, words and song, and most importantly, questions designed to keep even the youngest of children interested. A Matzah Holder. The Knesset Menorah book by FFOZ presents the menorah reliefs in this beautiful new 9 x 13" softcover coffee table book with a wealth of detailed photographs, and descriptive analysis. Put a pillow on each chair at the seder table to encourage everyone to comfortably recline. Each year, experienced seder leaders look for new ideas to incorporate into the ceremony. So, we have The Haggadah for the Liberated Lamb (a vegetarian Haggadah) and The San Diego Womens Haggadah (a feminist Haggadah). Passover Seder Menus : Top Picked from our Experts Vegetarian Recipe She adds color to the display by cutting flowerettes of green and red pepper, carrots, celery, and other vegetables and placing them on skewers and into the cabbage. "It's about how we adapt what is there so it works." The seder ceremony of my youth never lasted more than 20 minutes. Adjust the traditional text to create an engaging, impactful ceremony. But, over the years, our presentations have also been given as a play, a song, and a take-off on a game show. Perhaps you would like to host a seder in your home, but don't know where to start. Remove your leaven. Planning A Child-Friendly Seder. READ:Passover Songs and Where to Find Them. There are three key things you'll need: 1. This year will be my third seder hosting gig. A few days before the seder, pull out your Passover dishes, cookware and utensils and move the regular sets into another room. 2. Play Passover bingo. Plus, we have a new Haggadah from 2017that was designed with you in mind! Passover is a major Jewish holiday that commemorates the Israelites' exodus from Egypt. 6 Things to Always Clean Before Guests Come Over. and more. Planning a Passover SederI love hosting our Passover seder, but I also prefer that it not stress me out and drive me crazy. Note: Before the seder begins, the host traditionally lights the holiday candles and says the blessing. Grape juice may be substituted for wine. Learn all about the holiday here. Wine Make sure there is enough wine on the table for each guest to have four glasses, an amount that symbolizes the four stages of the Exodus. PASSOVER SEDER. The Seder plate. "I think some of it is going to be about how comfortable people feel with various elements," says Kaye. 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