This article explained and showed examples of the main considerations when it comes to understanding the back focus of a telescope, a camera, and corrective optical elements such as focal reducers and field flatteners. I preferred this to my C6 and C8 for observing Mars. I prefer If they get past infinity so I could focus back to infinity. It also improves the contrast, similar the lens shade on a camera lens, when observing during the day or when there is excessive ambient light at night, such as a neighbors backyard security light. Please may I ask what lens you recommend and a link to the lens if possible (UK based). Excellent scope for the price. Very good star test without pinched optics and finish is first rate. Focused and guided properly during the exposure, these apochromatic objectives are capable of producing the sharpest wide-field astrophotographs optically possible for the given aperture sizes. There are two common methods of defining and measuring hyperfocal distance, leading to values that differ only slightly. There is a point, however, beyond which everything will be in pictorially good definition, but the longer the focus of the lens used, the further will the point beyond which everything is in sharp focus be removed from the camera. The long drawtube length also permits switching between visual or photographic use with no add-on extension tubes needed. Views of the Moon bring it to a new level of interest for me; I can even see lots of detail at or near full. All Rights Reserved. The terms 'apertal ratio' and 'focal range' have not come into general use, but it is very desirable that they should, in order to prevent ambiguity and circumlocution when treating of the properties of photographic lenses. ZWO designed this filter wheel to have a path length of 20mm, which along with the additional optical path length of 1mm from the filter itself, yields a total path length of 21mm. Some types of lenses are more prone to optical issues than others. I purchased this to use as a grab n go and a travel scope and it has exceeded my expectations. Nothing better than a child's face the first time they see Saturn. Perfect for the visual observer who wants near color-free views without a high price tag. This back focus spacing guide is sized to be saved on your phone for easy reference. e) be taken as 1/100 in., then the hyperfocal distance. The sum of the flange focal distance and T-ring, in both cases, is 55mm. The most popular explanation is that purple fringing is caused by blooming, where overexposed pixels essentially overflow to nearby pixels, with unexpected colors resulting. (only a few dollars on Ebay). 680 24th Avenue SW Norman, OK, 73069, USA 2022 In every lens there is, corresponding to a given apertal ratio (that is, the ratio of the diameter of the stop to the focal length), a certain distance of a near object from it, between which and infinity all objects are in equally good focus. Its a purely mechanical parameter thats defined by the focal length of the telescope and the physical length of the optical tube and focuser. Then the breadth of a point of light, which, of course, causes blurring on both sides, i.e. Still not sure what is the right gear for you? If you want to confirm, shoot us an email at and well help you out! Figure 5 A Tele Vue TR-2008 focal reducer with a 55mm back focus specification. After stacking 150 images of two minutes exposures, the photo came out very flat with no vignetting or anything. At left, the reducer is used with a DSLR and T-ring with a combined 55mm path length. There's more lateral aberration from my eyepieces than there is CA. Astronomy cameras dont have a back-focus requirement by themselves. Would definitely not hesitate to purchase again. Dew shield: A retractable dew shield slows the formation of dew on the lens in cold weather to extend your undisturbed observing time. The camera will come to focus, but theres no space for any other components such as filter drawers or off-axis guiders. Youre in luck! Except for an obvious factor-of-2 error in using the ratio of stop diameter to CoC radius, this definition is the same as Abney's hyperfocal distance. This wheel includes an M54 (male) to M42 (female) adapter ring that adds to extra path length and make it easy to interface with the other threads in the optical path. Add Your Review, Regular Price: C. Welborne Piper may be the first to have published a clear distinction between Depth of Field in the modern sense and Depth of Definition in the focal plane, and implies that Depth of Focus and Depth of Distance are sometimes used for the former (in modern usage, Depth of Focus is usually reserved for the latter). In optics and photography, hyperfocal distance is a distance beyond which all objects can be brought into an "acceptable" focus. Remote national parks and wilderness areas are ideal for night photography, because the sky is crystal clear and there are no lights around. h Here you learn how to arrange your optics to meet back focus requirements, and you get to see some that illustrate many common examples of back focus in astronomy. Then, use software like Helicon Focus or Photoshop to merge a sharp image from front to back. It weights only 230g and measures only 71mm from front to back, but this is an autofocus lens, not manual. Thanks,,it was so beautiful and amazing pictures I have seen. If you're using filters, see the section below on how filters add back focus distance. I decided to spend my Covid-19 stimulus money locally, which for me living in Oklahoma is at Astronomics. (We wish astronomy camera manufactures would have conformed with this same terminology)! So, if anything in your photo is very high in contrast, as well as being slightly in front of the focus point, purple fringes are going to appear with most lenses. The air was remarkably still. / While the sky might look magnificent at night, with millions of stars easily visible to your eyes, it does not mean that your camera will be easily able to capture it. Is additional back focus adjustment needed due to the shift caused by the camera glass window? In your example, that is 0.7. Axel Vargas MD. Youre correct, back focus is not an issue for planetary imaging. The Gskyer Instruments Infinity 70mm telescope manages to do exactly that An affordable affordable for a high quality telescope. So what is the best way to get perfect focus? What you are referring to are Petzval or Petzval-like telescopes, which are covered in the article. So if I use a 25mm f1.8, do I do the mathematical equation with 25mm or 50mm? No rainchecks will be issued for items out of stock at to match a competitor's price. I also use mine as my solar scope using a Thousand Oaks optical solar filter on it. The rays of Aristillus, catching sunlight at a very low angle, clearly show that they are in fact, ridges. The constant is then the hyper-focal distance. To recap, Lightroom makes it easy to target purple fringing via both automatic profiles and one-click manual targeting. As with most refractors, outside of quads, this does benefit from a reducer/flattener when using a larger sensor for imaging. If you see elongated stars off-axis in your images when using a corrective element, then you may need to adjust the position of the camera with spacer rings. Even a well-corrected lens will show some purple halos in those situations, often throughout the image and not just in the corners. If you look closely, you will see that the stars are slightly trailed thats because I broke the 500 Rule with a 30 second exposure @ 29mm. Spacers can be as short as less than 1mm and as long as necessary. $649.00, Special Price , and we see that the range of distances acceptably in focus will run from just half the hyperfocal distance to infinity. I have used this scope for several months now and have been extremely pleased with its performance. OPT is my go-to place for help and gear. Are you familiar with the D7500? | My friend lent me this telescope a few weeks back for me to use in Harmon IL as I was traveling there at first just to see the milky way since I cannot see it here in the suburbs of the city of Chicago. I have one of the original versions of this telescope when it sold for much more. Back focus most amateur astronomers come across this topic eventually, and many are confused by what it means and in which circumstances. When using your telescope stock without any accessories, you can easily reach focus because the telescopes focuser travel is designed to move around this distance. This usually results in elongated or misshapen stars, most noticeably towards the corners (off-axis) in the image. We will be glad to help. Nasim Mansurov is the author and founder of Photography Life, based out of Denver, Colorado. It gives great views of the moon and planets at public events. In addition, the dovetail plate can be unbolted from the split rings to allow you to mount the rings directly on other equatorial mounts for example on the D-plate used on Losmandy mounts something that is difficult to do with the short mounting foot on competitive clamshell rings. document.getElementById("ak_js_1").setAttribute("value",(new Date()).getTime()); document.getElementById("ak_js_2").setAttribute("value",(new Date()).getTime()); I have a nikon D3, my max iso is 12800 (still crazy to me coming from a D7000) and f/3.5. The farther away you set your focus, the less divergent these rays become. Can you please tell me if I have to take care of the back focus (55mm according to the cameras notice + back focus added by filter?) Mechanics and construction are solid and function well. I already had a 4" (Meade Infinity), would this really show anything different? Hello Dear All! Compared to my "other scope" (ETX90RA) this provides a deeper reach (about 1.5 mag) and much brighter, sharper images. It is great for lunar and double star observation. Looking at Bill Clarks testing on, the D3s is quite remarkably better at ISO 1600 and higher. Find some astrophotography inspiration with these top 10 Southern Hemisphere targets! Truly one of the best values out there. Hey OPT team. I have a Meade 12" LX850 f/8 ACF OTA and I have the Meade #777 OAG attached to it. If I was a betting man, I think is should be 55MM, since my stars seem elongated with 85MM (more on one side which may still be residual tilt issue). Greetings, The hyperfocal distance has a property called "consecutive depths of field", where a lens focused at an object whose distance is at the hyperfocal distance H will hold a depth of field from H/2 to infinity, if the lens is focused to H/2, the depth of field will extend from H/3 to H; if the lens is then focused to H/3, the depth of field will extend from H/4 to H/2, etc. The following derivations refer to the accompanying figures. Before we talk about exposure settings, lets first go over some important steps in ensuring that we end up with properly focused shots. h This my first refractor. Another camera such as the ZWO ASI290MM with a 1.25 nosepiece will fit into this guidescope. However, when youre using a corrector or reducer, back focus must be a set distance away. Read up and learn their own unique advantages and disadvantages. There are two coarse focusing knobs. These can usually be found on the manufacturer's product page. The dual-speed focuser lets me get very sharp stars and airy disks. This formula is exact for the second definition, if Many travel and landscape photographers, including myself, try to avoid shooting scenery with a clear blue sky. flatterners/reducers/combos intended for DLSR use have 55mm of back focus. One thing to keep in mind: once a reducer or corrective element is attached to the telescope, the available back focus of the telescope is no longer relevant. If you can see the stars in Live View, then you do not need to use any of the above techniques just rotate the focus ring until the stars appear sharp. If we want to use an ASI1600MC-Pro one-shot color camera, we might need no other components in the path. However, if its other than 55mm, you may need to purchase separate spacers for your setup. There are several reasons for it: Unless a lens is parfocal the exact point of infinity focus shifts as the lens is zoomed in or out, and so obviously there will be a point where infinity for one focal length is past infinity for another. If you want to get an estimate of the back focus of your telescope, you can use a simple technique. We now have only to consider the 55mm working distance of the reducer. Below are some common spacers, including the common 21mm and 16.5mm spacers that come included with most ZWO cooled astronomy cameras: Common spacers that come with astronomy-dedicated cameras. {\displaystyle D_{2}=h/2} Apochromatic lenses for astrophotography in the 60150 mm aperture range have been developed and marketed by Don't have to upgrade to a Premium focuser as this one is a "keeper". Im struggling to achieve focus. Then, just blend the two images together in Photoshop. = First, lets look at the back focus of a telescope and guide scopes. Now for a different kind of back focus, one that applies mostly to components used in imaging applications. I wasnt sure of adding or removing. This will give you the correct length of 55mm. 1/50 in = 2e (or 1/100 in = e). This camera, with its 11mm T2-ring threaded to the camera body, has a sensor thats recessed by 17.5mm, much less than the 55mm of a DSLR and T-ring. In terms of its use for astrophotography, the best feature of the Canon EOS-1D X has got to be its extended ISO range. I've split stars at magnifications lower than I could ever use with my reflector. Great scooe for dso. To use a DSLR and T-ring (which have an optical length of 55mm), its necessary to add a T-adapter tube with a path length of 50mm. The back focus is stated to be 105mm. D a C8 telescope, a crayford with a motorised focuser (ZWO EAF), a barlow, an ADC (ZWO), a filter wheel (ZWO EFW 736) and a monochrom camera (ZWO ASI 294MM PRO). If we focus on an extra-focal distance equal to the constant, we obtain a maximum depth of field from approximately half the constant distance up to infinity. ) Thanks Astronomics! For example, with the ZWO ASI294MC-Pro camera, the sensor is 6.5mm from the top surface of the camera. Spacers come in many different lengths to accommodate all different back focus spacing needs. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask us in the comments section below! Image size was about that of a marble so very reasonable. Beautiful crisp wide views, great sturdy build quality, nice smooth focuser, easy to adjust and customize to my needs. The optics are better than I expected and so is the focuser even though there is some focus shift. The 500/600 rule will fall apart pretty quick, it was engineered for 35mm film grain at higher ISOs, not the pixel density of todays digital sensors. In some cases, the scopes focuser may not be able to accommodate this change. These values do not include the length of the T-threads since they are screwed atop male threads on the optical component. To account for the rest, you simply need to rack out (extend) the focuser or add extension tubes to reach focus. The maximum aperture opening tends to be of most interest and is always included Mathematically speaking, the amount of depth possessed by a lens varies inversely as the square of its focus. Thats only a significant change in the most demanding applications with fast telescopes. Here are some selected early quotations and interpretations on the topic. Without a doubt, the mode you should be working with is manual (M). For visual use and on most nights this scope is comparable to my much more expensive scopes. Its interesting to know how fringing can be a symptom of improper focus when shooting the stars. Distance beyond which all objects can be brought into an acceptablefocus, Comparison of digital and film photography, Photographs considered the most important, Conservation and restoration of photographs,, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 26 March 2022, at 00:38. I purchased this scope about 5 weeks ago as a lightweight addition to my arsenal. document.getElementById("ak_js_1").setAttribute("value",(new Date()).getTime()); document.getElementById("ak_js_2").setAttribute("value",(new Date()).getTime()); Thanks for the article. ISO 4307 on the D3s would be about as noisy as the D7500 at ISO 2631 (about .7 EV difference). If you do not know how to photograph the night sky and the Milky Way, this guide might help you in understanding the basics. The idea of back focus isn't particularly complicated. Nice contrast and crisp stars across the field. The biggest takeaway for me is the quality for the price. In lens design, low dispersion glass elements can lead to less fringing. I have Meade infinity 80mm and I have problem Focusing with T-ring and T-adapter on my Canon 60D. Stars are not perfectly consistent with too far image in this very helpful article. How does the Nikon D7500 compare to the D3s? Now, if you have a foreground object in your shot, you obviously want both the foreground and the stars to be in perfect focus. Astrophotography, also known as astronomical imaging, is the photography or imaging of astronomical objects, celestial events, or areas of the night sky.The first photograph of an astronomical object (the Moon) was taken in 1840, but it was not until the late 19th century that advances in technology allowed for detailed stellar photography.Besides being able to record h One of the most powerful and engaging genres of landscape photography is taking mountain images. Once you set your lens to Manual Focus and turn Live View on, zoom in to 100% and point your camera at the brightest source of light in the sky, which is usually the moon. Everything so far assumes that you are planning to capture high qualitysingle image photographs of the Milky Way. I was skeptical then it came up for sale for 499. However, even with a top lens, perfection isnt guaranteed. Had the scope out twice so far, first time I imaged with it, the 2nd time I used it visually. He also holds a Ph.D. in engineering physics from McMaster University. If you use any of the below telescopes, then make sure your back focus spacing is accurate. There are a couple of different models of the Explore Scientific 102mm f/7 refractors, but if youre referring to the FCD100 version, then you will want to use the Explore Scientific 0.7x Reducer/Flattener (part # ES-FFFR507X-00) and the matching adapter for 2.5" HEX focusers (part # ES-510366). The dovetail plate fits directly into the head of many equatorial and altazimuth mounts. Twenty feet is therefore called the focal range of the lens when this stop is used. The Meade Instruments Infinity 102mm AZ Refractor telescope has a four-inch aperture with a focal length of 600 mm and a focal ratio of f/5.9. h So If y0ur looking for an all around great scope, check this one out. {\displaystyle p} Field flatteners and coma correctors specifically are generally designed to be multi-purpose and can fit in a wide array of telescopes. It uses a 61-point auto-focus system, has 100,000-pixel RGB auto-exposure metering and can record movies at HD (1080p) resolution. {\displaystyle f/8} I have a Nikon D3200, currently have the following lenses; 70-200 50-200 18-55. That means to mount these two cameras with T-rings to a flattener with a 55mm back focus, no additional spacers are required. Some people say that using lens markers to set focus to infinity is a good practice, but in reality, unless you have an old manual focus lens with more or less precise infinity markings, I would not rely on those. The Moon was spectacular and this instrument even took 223X on the Moon without a shred of CA. Hi This is especially true when using fast telescopes since the focal plane is quite shallow. Aim your telescope at a well-lit moon after dark, remove the eyepiece or camera from the focuser, and rack the focuser all the way in. Depths of field of 3 ideal lenses of focal lengths, f1, f2 and f3, and f-numbers N1, N2 and N3 when focused at objects at different distances. It is worth noting, too, that if a camera is focused on {\displaystyle f} I am able to see GRS on Jupiter, which I was unable to view with ETX. During a twenty-year scientific career, he developed laser systems to detect molecules found in interstellar space and planetary atmospheres, and leveraged his expertise to create laser technology for optical communications networks. The stock focuser is surprisingly well built. This is the largest depth of field possible for the current f-number. Digital Processing. I do not have any optical correctors or reducers but I do use a filter draw with an L-enhance filter, I still dont have to worry about back focus do I ? Depth of Field is precisely the same as depth of focus, only in the former case the depth is measured by the movement of the plate, the object being fixed, while in the latter case the depth is measured by the distance through which the object can be moved without the circle of confusion exceeding 2e. The distinction between the two meanings is rarely made, since they have almost identical values. This was purchased as a gift for my best friend. 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