The "Always Use HTTPS" configuration option may be found under the SSL / TLS menu's "Edge Certificates" tab. {environment} file will be placed in your application's root directory. I can build an app from scratch and have it running in Google Cloud in probably under 3 minutes with no special CLI knowledge or build. Because founders who actually think about optimizing for value, will optimize for what is scarce, and what is actually scarce is not money (plenty of money out there looking for the right investment opportunities that check all the right boxes), it is people. If you have 1,000 secrets but you only need to access any given secret once a day, thats a lot of expense against just setting up your own. Official search by the maintainers of Maven Central Repository Write a function named timesTen that accepts an argument. What identity in IAM is very similar to a user account but has no credentials associated with it? So for example, if I have a I've been able to get a lot done with API Gateway, Lambda, S3, RDS, SQS, Lex, and ElasticSearch. We can verify the incident creation by searching this Incident Number on Incident Dashboard as shown below. That said, GCP is so much easier to use and easily usable by a novice because it has a lot of good defaults. I thought that one day Id interview someone who wrote a post like that and figure out for real. If your GPU inference can run on an Intel integrated GPU, you could rent a dedicated server from OVH for ~$130 a month and use the integrated GPU on that. Hey, coincidentally I am about to start a role in "Application Modernization" as Cloud Solution Architect at MSFT (though I only have experience with AWS). Finally, you may instruct Vapor to use Octane by setting the octane configuration option within your application's vapor.yml file: In addition, if your project uses a database, you may use the octane-database-session-persist and octane-database-session-ttl options to instruct Octane that database connections should be reused between requests: We recommended that you specify an octane-database-session-ttl value; otherwise, the Lambda container will stay connected to your database until the Lambda container gets destroyed. But once youre passed that (or if you gained that knowledge in a prior role) AWS can easily hands down be the easiest, cheapest, and fastest infrastructure platform to use. The fact that it is necessary to first download a 3rd party tool (eksctl) to get anything working is insane. If you wish to reduce the overhead involved in using PPM-FPM, you may opt-in to Laravel Octane (opens new window) support on Vapor. That said: the toys were definitely shiny. (Select THREE.). We have been using CDK on AWS and it is really nice because you can do complex things through Typescript. For example: MY_SERVICE_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY. Step 2: Make definitive statements meant to be applied broadly but actually targeted at a specific situation that the author is experiencing, or comes from the author's own problems with something. Find the Incident number on ServiceNow Instance and validate if the Incident has been created. Unsure why it would be reported as phishing. If you assume IAM is the devil and refuse to learn it, it will absolutely take a while to get correct. That's strange indeed. (LogOut/ Maybe you legitimately have 100+ different microservices, in which case, I don't doubt that is a problem, I just haven't experienced it. Is it universally cheaper? That means the impact could spread far beyond the agencys payday lending rule. > what's weird though is how many mega-corps are going away from Custom Hardware in Custom Built DC towards Cloud. Yes, the application is supposed to log failures, but in this case it looks like the FPM worker process died with a runtime error, leading to the 499 response from nginx. E. Use a CloudFront download distribution to serve the JPEGs to the end users and Install the current commercial search product, C. Deploy a reverse proxy after the load balancer to post process the emitted URLs in the application to force the URL strings to be lowercase. In fact, the real problem was the communication between nginx and uwsgi, and not between the browser and nginx. Typically it's also made a violation of policy to use a team-specific cloud account. The industry always talks about best practices but rarely mentions maturity models which this article gets close to brining up but stops short. I am routinely surprised by how far a single node machine will get you. Environments may be created using the env Vapor CLI command: This command will add a new environment entry to your project's vapor.yml file that you may deploy when ready: In addition to our native runtimes, Vapor supports Docker image deployments. Wish I'd know about this AWS free tier, because that sounds a lot like my monthly digital ocean bill :'). Then I won't be able to put Kubernetes, Microservices and AWS on my CV. Logic App gives two ways to write the logic for our workflows Logic App Designer with UI and JSON scripting. Yes, theres a steep learning curve. Have somebody else worry about having people on call to switch out failed hard drives. Health check was configured as to check php-fpm service and confirm it's up and give back a response. We also had a constant background burden on someone internally to maintain and monitor the server, plus the burden of them being on call. If you have to build a giant wooden sailing ship, and all you know how to use is a Swiss army knife and you want to get that ship done this century.. you need to learn new tools. in there, you can run it in the cloud, and run it virtually for free until you actually get traffic. Identify the Request Headers (and note these aside). Then there are a few other physical servers with load balanced redundant VMs, and it fails over seamlessly. The Service Account will directly talk to the API and update the tables of your Clients ServiceNow Instance. Let's avoid conflating everything left of VPS with the most difficult form of it, because nobody is going there from nothing. (d) reverse(myList) (like myList.reverse()) All requests from the client would go to the nginx server, then forwarded to the uWSGI server, and then response was sent the same way back. When refreshing in the browser, that is when the previous request is closed, and Nginx writes that in the log as 499. Deployments Extremely useful answer, never delete! (Or at least, use cases.). As an example, by adding a cache or database key to your vapor.yml file, Vapor will inject the necessary CACHE_* and DB_* environment variables. What technology permits you to use a private connection from your facility to AWS? But this is why I try to make things simple. I wouldnt suggest any of those tools. Topics Breakdown Introduction and relevance of this IntegrationSteps of Setup Execution Flow Diagram ServiceNow Setup Part Azure Logic App Creation PartA. In many cases there are some other proxies between the user and nginx. Blocks requests from bots that are used for monitoring purposes. OTOH you can pick a managed datsbase: you just get a connection string to a Postgres with failover and backup already taken care of. Used a tiny instance for nat gateway cos aws nat gateway costs $32+ingress. Once attached and deployed, Vapor will automatically update the domain's DNS records so Amazon SES can validate the domain and configure DKIM. Possible answers include CJIS, FedRAMP TIC, FISC, FISMA, GxP (FDA 21 CFR Part 11), IT-Grundschutz, MPAA, NERC, NIST, and UK Cyber Essentials. > If you're an indie hacker, a boostrapper, a startup, an agency or a consultancy, or just a small team building a product, chances are you are not going to need the cost and complexity that comes with modern cloud platforms. 2. Vapor allows you to attach multiple domains to a single project. In the example above, if the request count for an IP address exceeds 1,000 requests in any 5-minute time span then the firewall will temporarily block requests from that IP address with the 403 Forbidden HTTP status code. Reference, You still get assurance from testing but reduce the amount of places you run the "expensive" (time, resource, $) tests, - Terraform to create the IAM policies: 4 weeks. By default, Vapor configures the "From Address" and "From Name" Laravel configuration settings with [emailprotected] and Your Project Name, respectively. Now choose Table Name as Incident. Theyre a $6B revenue company that most people havent heard of. (a) count(myList, x) (like myList.count(x)) But its not really a good option for any business that needs consistent operations and uptime. These requests typically incur a penalty of a few seconds while AWS loads a serverless container to serve the request. Whenever I price out cloud rentals, I consistently find that the fees will equal the cost of the machine in less than a year. Each $1.00 is another ~38,000 vCPU seconds (@1 GiB second) or ~152,000 requests @ 250ms per request. Ssh jump to the server and deploy. How is the region determined when you want to create virtual machines in AWS? When using this feature, any warm values in your vapor.yml file will be ignored. But they are leaving a 50-90% cost savings, better control over reliability, latency, data residency, etc on the table by doing so. (as shown below), From the Logic App Designer blade. Creating a ServiceNow Incident), Mention URL of your ServiceNow Instance . What are you running that costs $50/month? For example, as a function, reverse (myList) should do the same as myList.reverse(). If you don't know some AWS basics and you are a generalist web developer, you'd probably do well to learn them in order to make yourself a more marketable engineer. 1 x EC2 server + 1 x application load balancer and a few S3 buckets works well for my hobby projects (ALB is just for multiple domain SSL and reverse proxy). So I never waited long enough to see the 504 error. You mean, early startup CTOs need to actually think about the architecture they propose to build to satisfy business needs? Amazon CloudFront delivers your content from each edge location and offers a Dedicated IP Custom SSL feature. - On complexity: if you've used Google Cloud Run or Azure Container Apps, you know how easy it is to run workloads in the cloud. It doesnt help you saving on servers over a cloud provider if your procurement process means you have people sitting idle for 6 months. Actually I dont think the other 2 clouds have anything as nice and easy as Cloud Run. API Gateway HTTP Lambda , HTTP Proxy, AWS VPC My biggest issue with AWS is that the limits are so arbitrary, and seem to solely exist due to terrible design decisions. If you plan to use Amazon SES as your application's mail service, you should first ensure the MAIL_MAILER environment variable is set and it contains the value ses. There is no reason setting up IAM policies through Terraform takes four weeks. All of Vapor's Docker images are based on Alpine Linux: If you would like to use a Docker image instead of the Vapor native runtimes, set the runtime configuration option to docker within your vapor.yml file: Migrating Existing Environments To A Docker Runtime. Which is about the same cost as AWS. What change control do these integrations have? Not until you inundate yourself enough with it to build the intermediary layer between what it does and what you want to do. Perhaps it's because I am very familiar with the aforementioned tool and cloud but 5 weeks for writing those resources gives me the impresion of: I don't want to sound arrogant by any means but a Terraform project for something like that, documented, with its CI and applying changes via CD, would take me 4 days being generous. What is often used when you need to provide access from an application running on an EC2 instance to other resources within AWS? Secrets: depends on how secret it is; actual keys go into secrets manager in GCP which integrates with Cloud Run. Optionally we can Input relevant Incident fields information in the Response body space shown below by checking any sample incidents present on the instance, we can also leave it empty. There are any number of ways of hosting my application - "put it on a VM" is a perfectly reasonable approach, particularly as my preferred platform is Elixir which is pretty monolithic anyway. page" resource, I don't make that 5+ endpoints, I make it a wildcard / prefix match and do the routing inside of the service lambda. In the browser nothing happened, it just kept hanging. heroku, a vps or a dedicated server are all in the cloud, not sure what you mean by this. Nothing stops you from using the managed services in a heroku box either. Plus some sh scripts to build the project. Your application may run on either API Gateway v1 (REST APIs) or API Gateway v2 (HTTP APIs). (e) sort(myList) (like myList.sort()), T/F Physical Layer Involves taking bits (1s and 0s) from the Transport layer and putting them onto media via the device's physical interface. Dokku running on them) can be a good solution in some circumstances. I could see a week if you had to learn all of this first with little prior experience but thats true of everything. I'm getting a lot of 499 NGINX error codes. You may update an environment's variables via the Vapor UI or using the env:pull and env:push CLI commands. If I had loaded the site in my browser and had waited long enough I would have gotten a "504 - Bad Gateway". For testing purposes, we will create a dummy alert on a sample resource like a storage account and make such alert signal conditions that the alert will be fired and hence the action group is triggered which ultimately triggers the Logic App and creates a ServiceNow Incident. Is an API Gateway a Reverse Proxy? The public cloud is for businesses constrained by people; we simply could not afford to hire enough people to do the same stuff on-prem or in colo. Until you get some unicorn that says "we are profitable at price $X and all of our competitors are losing money at $X + $Y, and it's because of our software architecture and infrastructure choices", nobody is going to be convinced. Whats the business case for introducing the complexity of AWS for someone who is just trying to get an MVP out the door who doesnt know cloud? A blog site on our Real life experiences with various phases of DevOps starting from VCS, Build & Release, CI/CD, Cloud, Monitoring, Containerization. TF is not Infra as Code its infra as configuration files and its a mess. I use AWS all the time and for startups I 100% agree with this. App Runner is total crap compared to Cloud Run. I am currently in the middle of setting up AWS and that decision graph made me chuckle because it resonates quite deeply. > Using the shiniest new technologies is rarely the cause for success, it's usually the result. In my case the aws loadbalancer had to close the connection as the cloudfront origin had closed the connection due to timeout before waiting for the response from target. Maybe, but still, embedding a Jinja template to pass in variable is an insult to UX. The G. Products from Google are often transient, support is often non-existent. So what, the suggestion is to go with Heroku instead? Without setting up your own NAT Gateway on EC2 on a t2.micro instance (or something cheap like that), it runs you about $30. Interesting, have never tried out DigitalOcean. USA. What role can the documents provided by AWS Artifact play in your application planning? I use terranix. How is a typical AZ given power in the AWS Global Infrastructure? (Select TWO.). 2) uWSGI is dead, or uWSGi dies while nginx is waiting for it. It's important to note that the "client" might actually be a proxy. ITT: people who spent many hours learning proprietary (often unnecessarily complex) cloud platforms trying to convince others (and themselves) that it was the best use of their limited time alive. Which of the following is not an example of an Amazon responsibility in the AWS Shared Responsibility model? rev2022.11.3.43005. Each previous request is canceled by the browser at new refresh. No, I'm not saying that. show interface all) (D), panos_pg create a security profiles group (D), panos_query_rules PANOS module that allows search for security rules in PANW NGFW devices (D), panos_sag Create a static address group (D), panos_security_policy Create security rule policy on PanOS devices (D), panos_security_rule Create security rule policy on PAN-OS devices or Panorama management console (D), panos_set Execute arbitrary commands on a PAN-OS device using XPath and element (D), parted Configure block device partitions, patch Apply patch files using the GNU patch tool, pids Retrieves process IDs list if the process is running otherwise return empty list, ping Try to connect to host, verify a usable python and return pong on success, pip Manages Python library dependencies, pip_package_info pip package information, pkg5 Manages packages with the Solaris 11 Image Packaging System, pkg5_publisher Manages Solaris 11 Image Packaging System publishers, pkgin Package manager for SmartOS, NetBSD, et al, pkgng Package manager for FreeBSD >= 9.0, pn_access_list CLI command to create/delete access-list, pn_access_list_ip CLI command to add/remove access-list-ip, pn_admin_service CLI command to modify admin-service, pn_admin_session_timeout CLI command to modify admin-session-timeout, pn_admin_syslog CLI command to create/modify/delete admin-syslog, pn_cluster CLI command to create/delete a cluster (D), pn_connection_stats_settings CLI command to modify connection-stats-settings, pn_cpu_class CLI command to create/modify/delete cpu-class, pn_cpu_mgmt_class CLI command to modify cpu-mgmt-class, pn_dhcp_filter CLI command to create/modify/delete dhcp-filter, pn_dscp_map CLI command to create/delete dscp-map, pn_dscp_map_pri_map CLI command to modify dscp-map-pri-map, pn_igmp_snooping CLI command to modify igmp-snooping, pn_ospf CLI command to add/remove ospf protocol to a vRouter (D), pn_ospfarea CLI command to add/remove ospf area to/from a vrouter (D), pn_port_config CLI command to modify port-config, pn_port_cos_bw CLI command to modify port-cos-bw, pn_port_cos_rate_setting CLI command to modify port-cos-rate-setting, pn_prefix_list_network CLI command to add/remove prefix-list-network, pn_role CLI command to create/delete/modify role, pn_show Run show commands on nvOS device (D), pn_snmp_community CLI command to create/modify/delete snmp-community, pn_snmp_trap_sink CLI command to create/delete snmp-trap-sink, pn_snmp_vacm CLI command to create/modify/delete snmp-vacm, pn_stp_port CLI command to modify stp-port, pn_switch_setup CLI command to modify switch-setup, pn_trunk CLI command to create/delete/modify a trunk (D), pn_user CLI command to create/modify/delete user, pn_vflow_table_profile CLI command to modify vflow-table-profile, pn_vlag CLI command to create/delete/modify vlag (D), pn_vlan CLI command to create/delete a VLAN (D), pn_vrouter CLI command to create/delete/modify a vrouter (D), pn_vrouter_bgp_network CLI command to add/remove vrouter-bgp-network, pn_vrouter_interface_ip CLI command to add/remove vrouter-interface-ip, pn_vrouter_ospf6 CLI command to add/remove vrouter-ospf6, pn_vrouter_pim_config CLI command to modify vrouter-pim-config, pn_vrouterbgp CLI command to add/remove/modify vrouter-bgp (D), pn_vrouterif CLI command to add/remove/modify vrouter-interface (D), pn_vrouterlbif CLI command to add/remove vrouter-loopback-interface (D), podman_image Pull images for use by podman, podman_image_info Gather info about images using podman, portinstall Installing packages from FreeBSDs ports system, postgresql_db Add or remove PostgreSQL databases from a remote host, postgresql_ext Add or remove PostgreSQL extensions from a database, postgresql_idx Create or drop indexes from a PostgreSQL database, postgresql_info Gather information about PostgreSQL servers, postgresql_lang Adds, removes or changes procedural languages with a PostgreSQL database, postgresql_membership Add or remove PostgreSQL roles from groups, postgresql_owner Change an owner of PostgreSQL database object, postgresql_pg_hba Add, remove or modify a rule in a pg_hba file, postgresql_ping Check remote PostgreSQL server availability, postgresql_privs Grant or revoke privileges on PostgreSQL database objects, postgresql_query Run PostgreSQL queries, postgresql_schema Add or remove PostgreSQL schema, postgresql_set Change a PostgreSQL server configuration parameter, postgresql_slot Add or remove slots from a PostgreSQL database, postgresql_table Create, drop, or modify a PostgreSQL table, postgresql_tablespace Add or remove PostgreSQL tablespaces from remote hosts, postgresql_user Add or remove a user (role) from a PostgreSQL server instance, profitbricks Create, destroy, start, stop, and reboot a ProfitBricks virtual machine, profitbricks_datacenter Create or destroy a ProfitBricks Virtual Datacenter, profitbricks_nic Create or Remove a NIC, profitbricks_volume Create or destroy a volume, profitbricks_volume_attachments Attach or detach a volume, proxmox management of instances in Proxmox VE cluster, proxmox_kvm Management of Qemu(KVM) Virtual Machines in Proxmox VE cluster, proxmox_template management of OS templates in Proxmox VE cluster, proxysql_backend_servers Adds or removes mysql hosts from proxysql admin interface, proxysql_global_variables Gets or sets the proxysql global variables, proxysql_manage_config Writes the proxysql configuration settings between layers, proxysql_mysql_users Adds or removes mysql users from proxysql admin interface, proxysql_query_rules Modifies query rules using the proxysql admin interface, proxysql_replication_hostgroups Manages replication hostgroups using the proxysql admin interface, proxysql_scheduler Adds or removes schedules from proxysql admin interface, psexec Runs commands on a remote Windows host based on the PsExec model, pubnub_blocks PubNub blocks management module, pulp_repo Add or remove Pulp repos from a remote host, purefa_dns Configure FlashArray DNS settings, purefa_ds Configure FlashArray Directory Service, purefa_dsrole Configure FlashArray Directory Service Roles, purefa_facts Collect facts from Pure Storage FlashArray, purefa_hg Manage hostgroups on Pure Storage FlashArrays, purefa_host Manage hosts on Pure Storage FlashArrays, purefa_ntp Configure Pure Storage FlashArray NTP settings, purefa_offload Create, modify and delete NFS or S3 offload targets, purefa_pg Manage protection groups on Pure Storage FlashArrays, purefa_pgsnap Manage protection group snapshots on Pure Storage FlashArrays, purefa_ra Enable or Disable Pure Storage FlashArray Remote Assist, purefa_snap Manage volume snapshots on Pure Storage FlashArrays, purefa_user Create, modify or delete FlashArray local user account, purefa_volume Manage volumes on Pure Storage FlashArrays, purefb_bucket Manage Object Store Buckets on a Pure Storage FlashBlade, purefb_ds Configure FlashBlade Directory Service, purefb_dsrole Configure FlashBlade Management Directory Service Roles, purefb_facts Collect facts from Pure Storage FlashBlade, purefb_fs Manage filesystemon Pure Storage FlashBlade`, purefb_network Manage network interfaces in a Pure Storage FlashBlade, purefb_s3acc Create or delete FlashBlade Object Store accounts, purefb_s3user Create or delete FlashBlade Object Store account users, purefb_snap Manage filesystem snapshots on Pure Storage FlashBlades, purefb_subnet Manage network subnets in a Pure Storage FlashBlade, pushbullet Sends notifications to Pushbullet, pushover Send notifications via, python_requirements_facts Show python path and assert dependency versions, rabbitmq_binding Manage rabbitMQ bindings, rabbitmq_exchange Manage rabbitMQ exchanges, rabbitmq_global_parameter Manage RabbitMQ global parameters, rabbitmq_parameter Manage RabbitMQ parameters, rabbitmq_plugin Manage RabbitMQ plugins, rabbitmq_policy Manage the state of policies in RabbitMQ, rabbitmq_publish Publish a message to a RabbitMQ queue, rabbitmq_vhost Manage the state of a virtual host in RabbitMQ, rabbitmq_vhost_limits Manage the state of virtual host limits in RabbitMQ, raw Executes a low-down and dirty command, rax create / delete an instance in Rackspace Public Cloud, rax_cbs Manipulate Rackspace Cloud Block Storage Volumes, rax_cbs_attachments Manipulate Rackspace Cloud Block Storage Volume Attachments, rax_cdb create/delete or resize a Rackspace Cloud Databases instance, rax_cdb_database create / delete a database in the Cloud Databases, rax_cdb_user create / delete a Rackspace Cloud Database, rax_clb create / delete a load balancer in Rackspace Public Cloud, rax_clb_nodes add, modify and remove nodes from a Rackspace Cloud Load Balancer, rax_clb_ssl Manage SSL termination for a Rackspace Cloud Load Balancer, rax_dns Manage domains on Rackspace Cloud DNS, rax_dns_record Manage DNS records on Rackspace Cloud DNS, rax_facts Gather facts for Rackspace Cloud Servers, rax_files Manipulate Rackspace Cloud Files Containers, rax_files_objects Upload, download, and delete objects in Rackspace Cloud Files, rax_identity Load Rackspace Cloud Identity, rax_keypair Create a keypair for use with Rackspace Cloud Servers, rax_meta Manipulate metadata for Rackspace Cloud Servers, rax_mon_alarm Create or delete a Rackspace Cloud Monitoring alarm, rax_mon_check Create or delete a Rackspace Cloud Monitoring check for an existing entity, rax_mon_entity Create or delete a Rackspace Cloud Monitoring entity, rax_mon_notification Create or delete a Rackspace Cloud Monitoring notification, rax_mon_notification_plan Create or delete a Rackspace Cloud Monitoring notification plan, rax_network create / delete an isolated network in Rackspace Public Cloud, rax_queue create / delete a queue in Rackspace Public Cloud, rax_scaling_group Manipulate Rackspace Cloud Autoscale Groups, rax_scaling_policy Manipulate Rackspace Cloud Autoscale Scaling Policy, rds create, delete, or modify an Amazon rds instance, rds_instance_facts obtain facts about one or more RDS instances, rds_param_group manage RDS parameter groups, rds_snapshot_facts obtain facts about one or more RDS snapshots, rds_subnet_group manage RDS database subnet groups, redfish_command Manages Out-Of-Band controllers using Redfish APIs, redfish_config Manages Out-Of-Band controllers using Redfish APIs, redfish_facts Manages Out-Of-Band controllers using Redfish APIs, redhat_subscription Manage registration and subscriptions to RHSM using the subscription-manager command, redis Various redis commands, slave and flush, redshift create, delete, or modify an Amazon Redshift instance, redshift_cross_region_snapshots Manage Redshift Cross Region Snapshots, redshift_facts Gather facts about Redshift cluster(s), redshift_subnet_group manage Redshift cluster subnet groups, replace Replace all instances of a particular string in a file using a back-referenced regular expression, restconf_config Handles create, update, read and delete of configuration data on RESTCONF enabled devices, restconf_get Fetch configuration/state data from RESTCONF enabled devices, rhn_channel Adds or removes Red Hat software channels, rhn_register Manage Red Hat Network registration using the rhnreg_ks command, rhsm_release Set or Unset RHSM Release version, rhsm_repository Manage RHSM repositories using the subscription-manager command, riak This module handles some common Riak operations, rocketchat Send notifications to Rocket Chat, rollbar_deployment Notify Rollbar about app deployments, route53 add or delete entries in Amazons Route53 DNS service, route53_facts Retrieves route53 details using AWS methods, route53_health_check add or delete health-checks in Amazons Route53 DNS service, route53_zone add or delete Route53 zones, routeros_command Run commands on remote devices running MikroTik RouterOS, routeros_facts Collect facts from remote devices running MikroTik RouterOS, rpm_key Adds or removes a gpg key from the rpm db, rundeck_acl_policy Manage Rundeck ACL policies, rundeck_project Manage Rundeck projects, s3_bucket Manage S3 buckets in AWS, DigitalOcean, Ceph, Walrus and FakeS3, s3_lifecycle Manage s3 bucket lifecycle rules in AWS, s3_logging Manage logging facility of an s3 bucket in AWS, s3_sync Efficiently upload multiple files to S3, s3_website Configure an s3 bucket as a website, scaleway_compute Scaleway compute management module, scaleway_image_facts Gather facts about the Scaleway images available, scaleway_ip Scaleway IP management module, scaleway_ip_facts Gather facts about the Scaleway ips available, scaleway_lb Scaleway load-balancer management module, scaleway_organization_facts Gather facts about the Scaleway organizations available, scaleway_security_group Scaleway Security Group management module, scaleway_security_group_facts Gather facts about the Scaleway security groups available, scaleway_security_group_rule Scaleway Security Group Rule management module, scaleway_server_facts Gather facts about the Scaleway servers available, scaleway_snapshot_facts Gather facts about the Scaleway snapshots available, scaleway_sshkey Scaleway SSH keys management module, scaleway_user_data Scaleway user_data management module, scaleway_volume Scaleway volumes management module, scaleway_volume_facts Gather facts about the Scaleway volumes available, script Runs a local script on a remote node after transferring it, sefcontext Manages SELinux file context mapping definitions, selinux Change policy and state of SELinux, selinux_permissive Change permissive domain in SELinux policy, selogin Manages linux user to SELinux user mapping, sendgrid Sends an email with the SendGrid API, sensu_client Manages Sensu client configuration, sensu_handler Manages Sensu handler configuration, sensu_silence Manage Sensu silence entries, sensu_subscription Manage Sensu subscriptions, seport Manages SELinux network port type definitions, serverless Manages a Serverless Framework project, service_facts Return service state information as fact data, set_stats Set stats for the current ansible run, sf_account_manager Manage SolidFire accounts (D), sf_check_connections Check connectivity to MVIP and SVIP (D), sf_snapshot_schedule_manager Manage SolidFire snapshot schedules (D), sf_volume_access_group_manager Manage SolidFire Volume Access Groups (D), sf_volume_manager Manage SolidFire volumes (D), shell Execute shell commands on targets, skydive_capture Module which manages flow capture on interfaces, skydive_edge Module to add edges to Skydive topology, skydive_node Module which add nodes to Skydive topology, sl_vm create or cancel a virtual instance in SoftLayer, slackpkg Package manager for Slackware >= 12.2, slxos_command Run commands on remote devices running Extreme Networks SLX-OS, slxos_config Manage Extreme Networks SLX-OS configuration sections, slxos_facts Collect facts from devices running Extreme SLX-OS, slxos_interface Manage Interfaces on Extreme SLX-OS network devices, slxos_l2_interface Manage Layer-2 interface on Extreme Networks SLX-OS devices, slxos_l3_interface Manage L3 interfaces on Extreme Networks SLX-OS network devices, slxos_linkagg Manage link aggregation groups on Extreme Networks SLX-OS network devices, slxos_lldp Manage LLDP configuration on Extreme Networks SLX-OS network devices, slxos_vlan Manage VLANs on Extreme Networks SLX-OS network devices, smartos_image_facts Get SmartOS image details, snmp_facts Retrieve facts for a device using SNMP, snow_record Create/Delete/Update records in ServiceNow, sns Send Amazon Simple Notification Service messages, sns_topic Manages AWS SNS topics and subscriptions, sorcery Package manager for Source Mage GNU/Linux, spectrum_device Creates/deletes devices in CA Spectrum, spotinst_aws_elastigroup Create, update or delete Spotinst AWS Elastigroups, sqs_queue Creates or deletes AWS SQS queues, sros_command Run commands on remote devices running Nokia SR OS, sros_config Manage Nokia SR OS device configuration, sros_rollback Configure Nokia SR OS rollback, ss_3par_cpg Manage HPE StoreServ 3PAR CPG, stackdriver Send code deploy and annotation events to stackdriver, stacki_host Add or remove host to stacki front-end, stat Retrieve file or file system status, statusio_maintenance Create maintenance windows for your dashboard, sts_assume_role Assume a role using AWS Security Token Service and obtain temporary credentials, sts_session_token Obtain a session token from the AWS Security Token Service, subversion Deploys a subversion repository, supervisorctl Manage the state of a program or group of programs running via supervisord, swdepot Manage packages with swdepot package manager (HP-UX), swupd Manages updates and bundles in ClearLinux systems, synchronize A wrapper around rsync to make common tasks in your playbooks quick and easy, taiga_issue Creates/deletes an issue in a Taiga Project Management Platform, telegram module for sending notifications via telegram, telnet Executes a low-down and dirty telnet command, tempfile Creates temporary files and directories, template Template a file out to a remote server, terraform Manages a Terraform deployment (and plans), tower_credential create, update, or destroy Ansible Tower credential, tower_credential_type Create, update, or destroy custom Ansible Tower credential type, tower_group create, update, or destroy Ansible Tower group, tower_host create, update, or destroy Ansible Tower host, tower_inventory create, update, or destroy Ansible Tower inventory, tower_inventory_source create, update, or destroy Ansible Tower inventory source, tower_job_cancel Cancel an Ansible Tower Job, tower_job_template create, update, or destroy Ansible Tower job template, tower_job_wait Wait for Ansible Tower job to finish, tower_label create, update, or destroy Ansible Tower label, tower_notification create, update, or destroy Ansible Tower notification, tower_organization create, update, or destroy Ansible Tower organizations, tower_project create, update, or destroy Ansible Tower projects, tower_receive Receive assets from Ansible Tower, tower_role create, update, or destroy Ansible Tower role, tower_send Send assets to Ansible Tower, tower_settings Modify Ansible Tower settings, tower_team create, update, or destroy Ansible Tower team, tower_user create, update, or destroy Ansible Tower user, tower_workflow_launch Run a workflow in Ansible Tower, tower_workflow_template create, update, or destroy Ansible Tower workflow template, twilio Sends a text message to a mobile phone through Twilio, ucs_disk_group_policy Configures disk group policies on Cisco UCS Manager, ucs_dns_server Configure DNS servers on Cisco UCS Manager, ucs_ip_pool Configures IP address pools on Cisco UCS Manager, ucs_lan_connectivity Configures LAN Connectivity Policies on Cisco UCS Manager, ucs_mac_pool Configures MAC address pools on Cisco UCS Manager, ucs_managed_objects Configures Managed Objects on Cisco UCS Manager, ucs_ntp_server Configures NTP server on Cisco UCS Manager, ucs_org Manages UCS Organizations for UCS Manager, ucs_san_connectivity Configures SAN Connectivity Policies on Cisco UCS Manager, ucs_service_profile_template Configures Service Profile Templates on Cisco UCS Manager, ucs_storage_profile Configures storage profiles on Cisco UCS Manager, ucs_timezone Configures timezone on Cisco UCS Manager, ucs_uuid_pool Configures server UUID pools on Cisco UCS Manager, ucs_vhba_template Configures vHBA templates on Cisco UCS Manager, ucs_vlans Configures VLANs on Cisco UCS Manager, ucs_vnic_template Configures vNIC templates on Cisco UCS Manager, ucs_vsans Configures VSANs on Cisco UCS Manager, ucs_wwn_pool Configures WWNN or WWPN pools on Cisco UCS Manager, udm_dns_record Manage dns entries on a univention corporate server, udm_dns_zone Manage dns zones on a univention corporate server, udm_share Manage samba shares on a univention corporate server, udm_user Manage posix users on a univention corporate server, unarchive Unpacks an archive after (optionally) copying it from the local machine, uptimerobot Pause and start Uptime Robot monitoring, utm_aaa_group Create, update or destroy an aaa group object in Sophos UTM, utm_aaa_group_info get info for reverse_proxy frontend entry in Sophos UTM, utm_ca_host_key_cert create, update or destroy ca host_key_cert entry in Sophos UTM, utm_ca_host_key_cert_info Get info for a ca host_key_cert entry in Sophos UTM, utm_dns_host create, update or destroy dns entry in Sophos UTM, utm_network_interface_address Create, update or destroy network/interface_address object, utm_network_interface_address_info Get info for a network/interface_address object, utm_proxy_auth_profile create, update or destroy reverse_proxy auth_profile entry in Sophos UTM, utm_proxy_exception Create, update or destroy reverse_proxy exception entry in Sophos UTM, utm_proxy_frontend create, update or destroy reverse_proxy frontend entry in Sophos UTM, utm_proxy_frontend_info create, update or destroy reverse_proxy frontend entry in Sophos UTM, utm_proxy_location create, update or destroy reverse_proxy location entry in Sophos UTM, utm_proxy_location_info create, update or destroy reverse_proxy location entry in Sophos UTM, vca_fw add remove firewall rules in a gateway in a vca, vca_nat add remove nat rules in a gateway in a vca, vca_vapp Manages vCloud Air vApp instances, vcenter_extension Register/deregister vCenter Extensions, vcenter_extension_facts Gather facts vCenter extensions, vcenter_folder Manage folders on given datacenter, vcenter_license Manage VMware vCenter license keys, vdirect_commit Commits pending configuration changes on Radware devices, vdirect_file Uploads a new or updates an existing runnable file into Radware vDirect server, vdirect_runnable Runs templates and workflow actions in Radware vDirect server, vertica_configuration Updates Vertica configuration parameters, vertica_facts Gathers Vertica database facts, vertica_role Adds or removes Vertica database roles and assigns roles to them, vertica_schema Adds or removes Vertica database schema and roles, vertica_user Adds or removes Vertica database users and assigns roles, vexata_volume Manage volumes on Vexata VX100 storage arrays, virt Manages virtual machines supported by libvirt, virt_net Manage libvirt network configuration, vmadm Manage SmartOS virtual machines and zones, vmware_about_facts Provides information about VMware server to which user is connecting to, vmware_category Manage VMware categories, vmware_category_facts Gather facts about VMware tag categories, vmware_cfg_backup Backup / Restore / Reset ESXi host configuration, vmware_cluster Manage VMware vSphere clusters, vmware_cluster_facts Gather facts about clusters available in given vCenter, vmware_datacenter Manage VMware vSphere Datacenters, vmware_datastore_cluster Manage VMware vSphere datastore clusters, vmware_datastore_facts Gather facts about datastores available in given vCenter, vmware_datastore_maintenancemode Place a datastore into maintenance mode, vmware_deploy_ovf Deploys a VMware virtual machine from an OVF or OVA file, vmware_dns_config Manage VMware ESXi DNS Configuration, vmware_drs_group Creates vm/host group in a given cluster, vmware_drs_group_facts Gathers facts about DRS VM/Host groups on the given cluster, vmware_drs_rule_facts Gathers facts about DRS rule on the given cluster, vmware_dvs_host Add or remove a host from distributed virtual switch, vmware_dvs_portgroup Create or remove a Distributed vSwitch portgroup, vmware_dvs_portgroup_facts Gathers facts DVS portgroup configurations, vmware_dvswitch Create or remove a Distributed Switch, vmware_dvswitch_lacp Manage LACP configuration on a Distributed Switch, vmware_dvswitch_pvlans Manage Private VLAN configuration of a Distributed Switch, vmware_dvswitch_uplink_pg Manage uplink portproup configuration of a Distributed Switch, vmware_export_ovf Exports a VMware virtual machine to an OVF file, device files and a manifest file, vmware_guest Manages virtual machines in vCenter, vmware_guest_boot_facts Gather facts about boot options for the given virtual machine, vmware_guest_boot_manager Manage boot options for the given virtual machine, vmware_guest_custom_attribute_defs Manage custom attributes definitions for virtual machine from VMWare, vmware_guest_custom_attributes Manage custom attributes from VMWare for the given virtual machine, vmware_guest_customization_facts Gather facts about VM customization specifications, vmware_guest_disk Manage disks related to virtual machine in given vCenter infrastructure, vmware_guest_disk_facts Gather facts about disks of given virtual machine, vmware_guest_facts Gather facts about a single VM, vmware_guest_file_operation Files operation in a VMware guest operating system without network, vmware_guest_find Find the folder path(s) for a virtual machine by name or UUID, vmware_guest_move Moves virtual machines in vCenter, vmware_guest_powerstate Manages power states of virtual machines in vCenter, vmware_guest_snapshot Manages virtual machines snapshots in vCenter, vmware_guest_snapshot_facts Gather facts about virtual machines snapshots in vCenter, vmware_guest_tools_upgrade Module to upgrade VMTools, vmware_guest_tools_wait Wait for VMware tools to become available, vmware_guest_video Modify video card configurations of specified virtual machine in given vCenter infrastructure, vmware_guest_vnc Manages VNC remote display on virtual machines in vCenter, vmware_host Add, remove, or move an ESXi host to, from, or within vCenter, vmware_host_acceptance Manage the host acceptance level of an ESXi host, vmware_host_active_directory Joins an ESXi host system to an Active Directory domain or leaves it, vmware_host_capability_facts Gathers facts about an ESXi hosts capability information, vmware_host_config_facts Gathers facts about an ESXi hosts advance configuration information, vmware_host_config_manager Manage advanced system settings of an ESXi host, vmware_host_datastore Manage a datastore on ESXi host, vmware_host_dns_facts Gathers facts about an ESXi hosts DNS configuration information, vmware_host_facts Gathers facts about remote ESXi hostsystem, vmware_host_feature_facts Gathers facts about an ESXi hosts feature capability information, vmware_host_firewall_facts Gathers facts about an ESXi hosts firewall configuration information, vmware_host_firewall_manager Manage firewall configurations about an ESXi host, vmware_host_hyperthreading Enables/Disables Hyperthreading optimization for an ESXi host system, vmware_host_ipv6 Enables/Disables IPv6 support for an ESXi host system, vmware_host_kernel_manager Manage kernel module options on ESXi hosts, vmware_host_lockdown Manage administrator permission for the local administrative account for the ESXi host, vmware_host_ntp Manage NTP server configuration of an ESXi host, vmware_host_ntp_facts Gathers facts about NTP configuration on an ESXi host, vmware_host_package_facts Gathers facts about available packages on an ESXi host, vmware_host_powermgmt_policy Manages the Power Management Policy of an ESXI host system, vmware_host_powerstate Manages power states of host systems in vCenter, vmware_host_scanhba Rescan host HBAs and optionally refresh the storage system, vmware_host_service_facts Gathers facts about an ESXi hosts services, vmware_host_service_manager Manage services on a given ESXi host, vmware_host_snmp Configures SNMP on an ESXi host system, vmware_host_ssl_facts Gather facts of ESXi host system about SSL, vmware_host_vmhba_facts Gathers facts about vmhbas available on the given ESXi host, vmware_host_vmnic_facts Gathers facts about vmnics available on the given ESXi host, vmware_local_role_facts Gather facts about local roles on an ESXi host, vmware_local_role_manager Manage local roles on an ESXi host, vmware_local_user_facts Gather facts about users on the given ESXi host, vmware_local_user_manager Manage local users on an ESXi host, vmware_maintenancemode Place a host into maintenance mode, vmware_migrate_vmk Migrate a VMK interface from VSS to VDS, vmware_object_role_permission Manage local roles on an ESXi host, vmware_portgroup Create a VMware portgroup, vmware_portgroup_facts Gathers facts about an ESXi hosts Port Group configuration, vmware_resource_pool Add/remove resource pools to/from vCenter, vmware_resource_pool_facts Gathers facts about resource pool information, vmware_tag_facts Manage VMware tag facts, vmware_tag_manager Manage association of VMware tags with VMware objects, vmware_target_canonical_facts Return canonical (NAA) from an ESXi host system, vmware_vcenter_settings Configures general settings on a vCenter server, vmware_vcenter_statistics Configures statistics on a vCenter server, vmware_vm_facts Return basic facts pertaining to a VMware machine guest, vmware_vm_host_drs_rule Creates vm/host group in a given cluster, vmware_vm_shell Run commands in a VMware guest operating system, vmware_vm_vm_drs_rule Configure VMware DRS Affinity rule for virtual machine in given cluster, vmware_vm_vss_dvs_migrate Migrates a virtual machine from a standard vswitch to distributed, vmware_vmkernel Manages a VMware VMkernel Adapter of an ESXi host, vmware_vmkernel_facts Gathers VMKernel facts about an ESXi host, vmware_vmkernel_ip_config Configure the VMkernel IP Address, vmware_vmotion Move a virtual machine using vMotion, and/or its vmdks using storage vMotion, vmware_vsan_cluster Configure VSAN clustering on an ESXi host, vmware_vspan_session Create or remove a Port Mirroring session, vmware_vswitch Manage a VMware Standard Switch to an ESXi host, vmware_vswitch_facts Gathers facts about an ESXi hosts vswitch configurations, voss_command Run commands on remote devices running Extreme VOSS, voss_config Manage Extreme VOSS configuration sections, voss_facts Collect facts from remote devices running Extreme VOSS, vsphere_copy Copy a file to a vCenter datastore, vsphere_file Manage files on a vCenter datastore, vsphere_guest Create/delete/manage a guest VM through VMware vSphere (D), vultr_account_facts Gather facts about the Vultr account, vultr_block_storage Manages block storage volumes on Vultr, vultr_block_storage_facts Gather facts about the Vultr block storage volumes available, vultr_dns_domain Manages DNS domains on Vultr, vultr_dns_domain_facts Gather facts about the Vultr DNS domains available, vultr_dns_record Manages DNS records on Vultr, vultr_firewall_group Manages firewall groups on Vultr, vultr_firewall_group_facts Gather facts about the Vultr firewall groups available, vultr_firewall_rule Manages firewall rules on Vultr, vultr_network Manages networks on Vultr, vultr_network_facts Gather facts about the Vultr networks available, vultr_os_facts Gather facts about the Vultr OSes available, vultr_plan_facts Gather facts about the Vultr plans available, vultr_region_facts Gather facts about the Vultr regions available, vultr_server Manages virtual servers on Vultr, vultr_server_facts Gather facts about the Vultr servers available, vultr_ssh_key Manages ssh keys on Vultr, vultr_ssh_key_facts Gather facts about the Vultr SSH keys available, vultr_startup_script Manages startup scripts on Vultr, vultr_startup_script_facts Gather facts about the Vultr startup scripts available, vultr_user_facts Gather facts about the Vultr user available, vyos_banner Manage multiline banners on VyOS devices, vyos_command Run one or more commands on VyOS devices, vyos_config Manage VyOS configuration on remote device, vyos_facts Collect facts from remote devices running VyOS, vyos_interface Manage Interface on VyOS network devices, vyos_l3_interface Manage L3 interfaces on VyOS network devices, vyos_linkagg Manage link aggregation groups on VyOS network devices, vyos_lldp Manage LLDP configuration on VyOS network devices, vyos_lldp_interface Manage LLDP interfaces configuration on VyOS network devices, vyos_logging Manage logging on network devices, vyos_ping Tests reachability using ping from VyOS network devices, vyos_static_route Manage static IP routes on Vyatta VyOS network devices, vyos_system Run set system commands on VyOS devices, vyos_user Manage the collection of local users on VyOS device, vyos_vlan Manage VLANs on VyOS network devices, wait_for Waits for a condition before continuing, wait_for_connection Waits until remote system is reachable/usable, wakeonlan Send a magic Wake-on-LAN (WoL) broadcast packet, webfaction_app Add or remove applications on a Webfaction host, webfaction_db Add or remove a database on Webfaction, webfaction_domain Add or remove domains and subdomains on Webfaction, webfaction_mailbox Add or remove mailboxes on Webfaction, webfaction_site Add or remove a website on a Webfaction host, win_acl Set file/directory/registry permissions for a system user or group, win_acl_inheritance Change ACL inheritance, win_audit_policy_system Used to make changes to the system wide Audit Policy, win_audit_rule Adds an audit rule to files, folders, or registry keys, win_certificate_store Manages the certificate store, win_chocolatey Manage packages using chocolatey, win_chocolatey_config Manages Chocolatey config settings, win_chocolatey_facts Create a facts collection for Chocolatey, win_chocolatey_feature Manages Chocolatey features, win_chocolatey_source Manages Chocolatey sources, win_command Executes a command on a remote Windows node, win_copy Copies files to remote locations on windows hosts, win_credential Manages Windows Credentials in the Credential Manager, win_defrag Consolidate fragmented files on local volumes, win_disk_facts Show the attached disks and disk information of the target host, win_disk_image Manage ISO/VHD/VHDX mounts on Windows hosts, win_dns_client Configures DNS lookup on Windows hosts, win_dns_record Manage Windows Server DNS records, win_domain Ensures the existence of a Windows domain, win_domain_computer Manage computers in Active Directory, win_domain_controller Manage domain controller/member server state for a Windows host, win_domain_group Creates, modifies or removes domain groups, win_domain_group_membership Manage Windows domain group membership, win_domain_membership Manage domain/workgroup membership for a Windows host, win_domain_user Manages Windows Active Directory user accounts, win_dotnet_ngen Runs ngen to recompile DLLs after .NET updates, win_dsc Invokes a PowerShell DSC configuration, win_environment Modify environment variables on windows hosts, win_eventlog_entry Write entries to Windows event logs, win_feature Installs and uninstalls Windows Features on Windows Server, win_file Creates, touches or removes files or directories, win_file_version Get DLL or EXE file build version, win_find Return a list of files based on specific criteria, win_firewall Enable or disable the Windows Firewall, win_firewall_rule Windows firewall automation, win_format Formats an existing volume or a new volume on an existing partition on Windows, win_get_url Downloads file from HTTP, HTTPS, or FTP to node, win_group_membership Manage Windows local group membership, win_hostname Manages local Windows computer name, win_hosts Manages hosts file entries on Windows, win_hotfix Install and uninstalls Windows hotfixes, win_http_proxy Manages proxy settings for WinHTTP, win_iis_virtualdirectory Configures a virtual directory in IIS, win_iis_webapplication Configures IIS web applications, win_iis_webapppool Configure IIS Web Application Pools, win_iis_webbinding Configures a IIS Web site binding, win_iis_website Configures a IIS Web site, win_inet_proxy Manages proxy settings for WinINet and Internet Explorer, win_lineinfile Ensure a particular line is in a file, or replace an existing line using a back-referenced regular expression, win_mapped_drive Map network drives for users, win_msg Sends a message to logged in users on Windows hosts, win_optional_feature Manage optional Windows features, win_package Installs/uninstalls an installable package, win_pagefile Query or change pagefile configuration, win_partition Creates, changes and removes partitions on Windows Server, win_path Manage Windows path environment variables, win_pester Run Pester tests on Windows hosts, win_ping A windows version of the classic ping module, win_power_plan Changes the power plan of a Windows system, win_product_facts Provides Windows product and license information, win_psexec Runs commands (remotely) as another (privileged) user, win_psmodule Adds or removes a Windows PowerShell module, win_psrepository Adds, removes or updates a Windows PowerShell repository, win_rabbitmq_plugin Manage RabbitMQ plugins, win_rds_cap Manage Connection Authorization Policies (CAP) on a Remote Desktop Gateway server, win_rds_rap Manage Resource Authorization Policies (RAP) on a Remote Desktop Gateway server, win_rds_settings Manage main settings of a Remote Desktop Gateway server, win_reg_stat Get information about Windows registry keys, win_regedit Add, change, or remove registry keys and values, win_region Set the region and format settings, win_regmerge Merges the contents of a registry file into the windows registry, win_robocopy Synchronizes the contents of two directories using Robocopy, win_say Text to speech module for Windows to speak messages and optionally play sounds, win_scheduled_task Manage scheduled tasks, win_scheduled_task_stat Get information about Windows Scheduled Tasks, win_security_policy Change local security policy settings, win_service Manage and query Windows services, win_shell Execute shell commands on target hosts, win_shortcut Manage shortcuts on Windows, win_snmp Configures the Windows SNMP service, win_stat Get information about Windows files, win_tempfile Creates temporary files and directories, win_template Template a file out to a remote server, win_timezone Sets Windows machine timezone, win_toast Sends Toast windows notification to logged in users on Windows 10 or later hosts, win_unzip Unzips compressed files and archives on the Windows node, win_updates Download and install Windows updates, win_user Manages local Windows user accounts, win_user_profile Manages the Windows user profiles, win_user_right Manage Windows User Rights, win_wait_for Waits for a condition before continuing, win_wait_for_process Waits for a process to exist or not exist before continuing, win_wakeonlan Send a magic Wake-on-LAN (WoL) broadcast packet, win_webpicmd Installs packages using Web Platform Installer command-line, win_whoami Get information about the current user and process, win_xml Add XML fragment to an XML parent, xattr Manage user defined extended attributes, xenserver_facts get facts reported on xenserver, xenserver_guest Manages virtual machines running on Citrix Hypervisor/XenServer host or pool, xenserver_guest_facts Gathers facts for virtual machines running on Citrix Hypervisor/XenServer host or pool, xenserver_guest_powerstate Manages power states of virtual machines running on Citrix Hypervisor/XenServer host or pool, xfs_quota Manage quotas on XFS filesystems, xml Manage bits and pieces of XML files or strings, yum Manages packages with the yum package manager, yum_repository Add or remove YUM repositories, zabbix_action Create/Delete/Update Zabbix actions, zabbix_group Create/delete Zabbix host groups, zabbix_group_facts Gather facts about Zabbix hostgroup, zabbix_host Create/update/delete Zabbix hosts, zabbix_host_facts Gather facts about Zabbix host, zabbix_hostmacro Create/update/delete Zabbix host macros, zabbix_maintenance Create Zabbix maintenance windows, zabbix_map Create/update/delete Zabbix maps, zabbix_proxy Create/delete/get/update Zabbix proxies, zabbix_screen Create/update/delete Zabbix screens, zabbix_template Create/delete/dump Zabbix template, zfs_delegate_admin Manage ZFS delegated administration (user admin privileges), zfs_facts Gather facts about ZFS datasets, znode Create, delete, retrieve, and update znodes using ZooKeeper, zpool_facts Gather facts about ZFS pools, zypper Manage packages on SUSE and openSUSE, zypper_repository Add and remove Zypper repositories. 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