Were you there when they crucified my Lord? (nuns can be a mean lot). Lord have mercy on this man. And thank you for your comment; it is appreciated. Impossible since Jesus is the One who makes being born again possible. Copyright 2017-2023 Ray Hermann, The Outlaw Bible Student. Another thought that is brought up is If Jesus is not God, how do you explain John 1:1? I am sorry but that just does make more senses to me and aligns with the line of Gods chosen ones before Jesus, such as Abraham and Moses, all of them spreading Gods message. Despite the fact that John 10:30 suggests equality between God and Jesus, and although there are a few other New Testament texts where God, Jesus, and the Spirit are referred to in the same passage (e.g., Jude 20-21), it is important to avoid reading the Trinity into places where it does not appear.12. It can be difficult to break out of the mindset that became engrained early in life. I do accept him as my savior. I used to think that among those, there must be one that is right and I used to search for it. Even the demons believe thatand shudder." So, if a person simply believes that there is a God in heavenand that's the extent of his faiththen he has exactly the same faith as the demons of hell. Of course, this is a hard thing to learn at Christmas time. Who's flaming? I enjoy this website. Thank you for reading the article and sharing your thoughts. So, would that apply also to spiritual things? But it was in the . Where did OT Saints go at death? I want to talk about God and Jesus and their relationship, but I dont want to argue about it, for arguments have been going on for a couple thousand years. The earliest-found usage of the term Christian deism in print in English is in 1738 in a book by Thomas Morgan, appearing about . The evidence indicates that God Almighty is the Father. I hope you will return here from time to time. But not the way many believe we should. You have been saved by Him because you believed that He is God and you trusted in His love for you and His work on your behalf(includingHis resurrection from the grave). But they have lost faith in the church. No. John did not say that the word was ho theos; that would have been to say that the word was identical with God. How did the walls of Jericho come tumbling down? They are all the same and are all equal. Was Queen Elizabeth a Christian? After 4 years like this, I finally meet a couple who quickly became my first close brother and sister in Christhowever they soon after started to almost oppress on me the importance of the Holy Trinity. Surely, it would be my Fathers will for me to know this. Thank you very much for your website and for posting your excellent article. Where was that? 2 Corinthians 4:6 - "For God who said, "Light shall shine out of darkness," is the One who has shone in our hearts to give the Light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ." The death, burial and resurrection of Jesus is at the heart of why people do not want to believe in Him and try to separate their belief in God from Him. I look forward to being corrected, if necessary. Messianic Jew. Pray for the Holy Spirits power and strength. At 19, I am still figuring out my relationship with God. Whats the Crimson Worm? Peter Ould writes : The recent BBC commissioned poll on belief in the Resurrection of Jesus has attracted a lot of media attention. I began to type "I am a Christian," because that is what I've claimed to be my whole life. Christians can believe in reincarnation if they choose to do so. And remember, we live in troubling times of growing apostasy and increasing attacks on Scripture. The Basin & The TowelMaundy Thursday until Easter Sunday (video)Whats your Judas experience? The bible is not a text that aims to convince people. But he was not the one who manually constructed them; he designed and others built by his plans. Thanks for sharing your feelings. Surely, Lets think quantum physics. The Pain of BetrayalWhat Do We Know about Judas? That too is a deficient and heretical view of the Trinity. I was baptized on March 10, 2013. They are not saved. ReactionaryCalvinist 20 days ago. Ask Him what He thinks about you having a relationship outside your faith. I am not only for gay marriage, I am a gay rights activist. Christian deism is a standpoint in the philosophy of religion stemming from Christianity and Deism.It refers to Deists who believe in the moral teachingsbut not the divinityof Jesus.Corbett and Corbett (1999) cite John Adams and Thomas Jefferson as exemplars.. We are saved by grace, through faith in Christ alone, according to the Scriptures. An Orthodox Jew, if he follows his own theologians, believes that if his good works outweigh his bad works, he will have a blessed eternity. I Believe In Jesus, But I'm Not A Christian. Surely, after all this time getting to know my Saviour I would have come across the concept. Your kind comment is appreciated. Yet in actuality, I hadnt moved on, at least not really. but personally for myself I just have this very strong belief that God is one (unvidided) omnipotent being and that Jesus is a very very special human being (born to Maria by the power of God) to spread Gods message to us. Abraham's Bosom? He sees that Jesus is the true king and joins his kingdom, he joins a group of people - those ruled by Jesus the king. There is no record of the Trinity doctrine ever being taught and, for being such an important part of Christian doctrine, it is striking that the word Trinity does not even appear in the Bible. We are holding our 2022 Angel Ministry Drive now. There is a disconnect with The Organization they follow. Christians are free to disagree. The organization has many disturbing cases of child abuse and refusing to follow Romans Ch 13: 1-4. We keep your email address private we do not give, trade, share, or sell it to others. As you implied, if the Trinity is true, it should be obvious show it to me in the Bible. CLICK TO DONATEto Reasons for Hope*Jesus(a501c3 Ministry)Use a Credit Card or PayPalfor safe, secure giving. Christians should not believe in karma because the sum of people's works does not decide whether they are saved or not. One suggestion is that in the quantum world, information and matter can be instantly duplicated, extracted, and entangled across the universe. There are many reasons why some sinful people are drawn to a certain group of character because they want to be saved as well, just like how many sinned were drawn to Jesus. None of them believe that Jesus was a literal vine, or that his disciples were branches, even though Jesus referred to them that way. I knew right away that If this holy trinity is so important Then why dont I know of it already? Answer (1 of 10): yes, but its not a belief in glory, even an atheist might believe the teachings of Jesus but they wouldn't believe he is part of the godhead as a pluralist part of the godhead. 1 John 5:7 does not imply a co-equal trinity whatsoever. Arius taught that in the creation of the universe, the Father was the ultimate creator, supplying all the materials and directing the design, while the Son worked the materials, making all things at the bidding and in the service of the Father, by which through [Christ] all things came into existence.6 It was along this line of thought that Paul said Christ was in existence even before the world was created. ***Lent: 40 Titles for 40 Days(Download NOW: 40 Titles for Lenten Devotions)What is Lent? I hope and pray you will continue in learning about Christianity. But God has a son named Jesus who asked God to abuse him instead. According to these verses, the answer seems to be yes! And as I typed, I slowly realized that I don't exactly identify as a Christian anymore. Not WITH one another, but FOR one another. It declares that three days after Jesus died. Please respond to confirm your registration. Every religion has stories we can learn from. to Me dont need to be in a religion to believe in Jesus . This man seems to think we need to be loving and kind like Jesus to be saved from Gods wrath. Jesus said, you shall be perfect, just as your Father in heaven is perfect (Mat 5:48). All church organizations teach somewhat differently from each other. We can trust him when it . The dinosaurs were actually gentle and friendly. So, I have a problem. Ive heard it too many times and thats why Im all done with Christianity. Jesus is God's only son, the once-for-all revelation of God among us ( Matthew 1:23 ). Hidden in the six verses of Psalm 23 are 11 names for Jesus. (iii) Finally John says that the word was God. A donation of any amount isneeded andgreatly appreciated. Your generosity is both a blessing and encouragement. Like you, I do believe in Jesus and that he died for my sins. In each case, someone attempts to provide a barrier to further conversation about the gospel and its effects upon the . Use PayPal or a Credit Card for safe, secure giving. Also you cant enter heaven. Thank you for taking the time to express your thoughts. OBS respects your privacy and is compliant with the European Union GDPR regulation. He taught that these principles were: the One, the Intellect, and the Soul. God and Jesus may be partners in running this universe, but God makes the final decisions, and they have plenty of other spiritual beings to help them. But whether you, or I, or others believe in the Trinity really isnt critical to being saved. The answer is an undebatable, NO. For an article titled Hebrews 6:4 Can We Lose Our Salvation? see this link: https://outlawbiblestudent.org/hebrews-64-can-we-lose-our-salvation/. Over my life, I have found that none of them are 100% right. Recently I have been challenged on this, although had never heard of the trinity. In a similar, but very modern thought, Frank Lloyd Wright,7 the famous American architect, is credited with construction of more than 500 homes and commercial buildings, most of which still stand today. So, Jesus is the Word, as the Word is God and God is Jesus. Whats the Crimson Worm? Many believe that we should hurdle bible verses at people and tell them they are sinning, whereas I believe that we should be showing them unconditional love. Of course, we all know what a cult is, right? There were so many moments where I would just be in my room, surrounded by balls of wet, crumpled up tissues, the tissue box in my hand. So, anyway, if you believe the good news, your physical cadaver will get up too. Thank you for taking the time to offer your opinion. Even though a Jew undergoes the rites of admission to another religious faith and formally renounces . If you believe all the above you will get to be with God in heaven. The key to Christianity is the Sermon on the Mount in the gospel of Matthew, chapters 5-7. By that definition, I am a Christian, but sometimes, I really refuse to claim that label. I do, however, wish to present some evidence to give you something different to think about, because while most large modern denominations claim God is part of a Trinity, not all think that way.1 Although some theologians glean the idea of a Trinity in the Gospels, it wasnt an idea that was taught. Please contact the publisher to obtain copies of this resource. So, as we go our separate ways, me to eternal torment with Gandhi and Socrates; you to an eternity sitting in worship services with televangelists and ethical monsters who happened to believe in the literal resurrection, please go on and have a good time in heaven without me. I get several private emails and letters on this subject and here are a few related articles I suggest. Thanks for sharing your thought. Theres also exhaustive evidence that He was crucified on a Roman cross. 5) I don't believe the Bible provides a unified, consistent message regarding marriage, war, violence, or sex. Much more than once, I have been told that I cant be a real Christian unless I accept this fact of the Trinity. Jesus always credited his Father with creation (see Matthew 19:4). You never know when or where a seed has been planted. But the truth is, Christians are not only followers of God, but believers in the Bible. This Might Surprise You.The Last Supper was NOT a Passover Seder? The word eisegesis literally means to lead into, which means the interpreter injects his own ideas into the text, making it mean whatever he wants. Messianic Judaism is not Rabbinic Judaism. Because we belong to Jesus, we are called Christians we are His and He is ours. (Article and Video)This Time Called Lent(Video)Prepare for Lent(Video)Lent Reflections (Video)How Should You Observe Lent? Jesus is the Truth, the Life and the Way, if you do not know Jesus through the Bible, then you don't know the true God of the Universe. The most common answer, found in the non-Christian religions, is that the solution is to do better. And believe me, they impose that sternly! It is aggressively defended by many friends of mine. Although the ecumenical councils finally settled on a Trinity doctrine, Arianism was still popular, and continued in many countries and regions for hundreds of years, as well as with some still today. Jesus the Word made flesh. But no, not once has the spirit that dwells in me been glad to hear of the trinity, only highlighting the scriptural contradictions of the doctrine. Christian is defined as a person who has received Christian baptism or is a believer in Jesus Christ and his teachings. You sound just like any unbeliever. I can believe that a dude named Jesus existed and tried to do good in the world. Good! The Holy Spirit is the help mate from God given by him to help guide the Apostles, a breath of knowledge for them. What I'm teaching here is Rabbinic Judaism. Gods Word is very clear on this. Comments on John 1:1 by trinitarian William Barclay: That faith is believing in the Person and works of the Lord Jesus Christbelieving that He is God and that He came to earth and lived, died, was buried, and rose from the dead to conquer sin and death and give eternal life. I am still figuring out what to label myself when it comes down to my beliefs and where I stand with religion. Giving mental assent that Jesus is real has no power to save, even the demons believe. I AM created the physical universe, I AM became a human baby, I AM rose from the dead. We should live in the light of Jesus and share His love with others. A sincere Christian, following Jesus teaching, will eventually arrive at the truth. You see, the earth was once a paradise. Whoever claims to live in him must live as Jesus did. (John 13-17), Jesus Last Days Timeline: the Cross and the Resurrection, Palm SundayBlessed is the King -- A Palm Sunday videoHosanna -- Palm Sunday (Jesus Wept) (video)Walking with Jesus Tested by the Chief Priests and Elders. Ive been on a quest on finding truth about the trinity since its not really in the Bible. I was trying to live as Jesus taught when I should have been reciting the Apostles Creed like a cockatiel. The completed registration allows us to send order and donation receipts to the email address you provided. Can a Christian believe that Jesus is not God? I am the way, the truth and the life. I can't really go to any Christian church, because Christianity is based off the teachings of Jesus, and they believe Jesus was resurrected. It is easy to print, download, and email articles. I believe the trinity is a man made concept not biblical, God is our Heavenly Father, Jesus is his chosen son and to be a Christian one must believe that, John 3:16. Please seek the LORD. they wouldn't believe in His miracles either. While 80% of all Americans surveyed in the 2018 study said they believe in God, only 56% said the God they believe in is the one "as described in the Bible." So where do I worship, where are those who believe as I. I need to learn so much more. GDPR is the new European privacy regulation, which will replace the Data Protection Act 1998 in the UK and the equivalent legislation across the EU Member States. (Reflect and Prepare short video)Have You Sat At The Masters Table? The main reason why Jews do not believe in Jesus as the Messiah is that according to the Jews He did not fulfill all the Messianic prophecies ("Why Do Most Jewish People Not Believe In Jesus?" Jews For Jesus, 2022). Ask God to put people in his path who will open the truth of the Scriptures to him. In the beginning was Jesus and the Jesus was with God, and the Jesus was like God, divine. The longer Ive studied bible the more convinced of what the church has done to the Truth Documents and Letters were collected and the church has tried to make that collection of documents and letters Divine. Theyre simply myths, they claim. We dont want anyone to go to hell. This article has not been reviewed by Odyssey HQ and solely reflects the ideas and opinions of the creator. A Room with a View of EternityThe Last Will & Testament of Jesus Christ Take a seat at the Master's table. I am 100% inclined to distrust mans doctrine.. And even some secondary doctrines like the pre trib rapture because the word of God is enough. Over the span of many years, man-made rites became time-honored tradition. If the Father begat the Son, he that was begotten had a beginning of existence: and from this it is evident, that there was a time when the Son was not. Where he went wrong is to believe Christ pre-existed. The Last SupperWhat is Maundy Thursday? Is She Now in Heaven? In fact, I believe the parable of the soils is showing just that. Any human should believe in it because it is the truth handed to them by their creator. Our ministry outreach has grown significantly and. What do you say? What Did President Reagan Say About Racism, Marxism, and God? Your comment is appreciated. Catholicism is a form of paganism. Jesus has saved my life, I read a lot of the gospels in some difficulty of my life. article. And its particularly embarrassing to be a [denomination name] minister bound for hell. And in their greed they will exploit you with deceptive words. (2 Peter 2:13). (John 13-17), Blessed is the King -- A Palm Sunday video, Walking with Jesus Tested by the Chief Priests and Elders, Whats your Judas experience? We should make people of other religions, lifestyles, sexualities, beliefs, etc. He claimed to be that One God. What might seem to some like a first-time misdemeanor of shoplifting fruit, was actually an irreversible irredeemable sin. Write about anything you like on your own individual blog. (verses 5b-14). One, is the battle for one another. Even more problematic has been that of the Holy Spirit who or what is it. So traditionally, and theologically, the answer to your question is: No, there is no way for someone to theologically be aligned with both Judaism and Christianity. There is no perfect church. Either you trust God (believe Him) or you don't. Read his bad news and youll find that this minister needs to come to understand the truth of the Good Newsthe life, death, burial, AND resurrection of Jesus Christ. The short answer is yes Photo by Paige Cody on Unsplash The long answer is: No, not really, depending on which "brand" of Christianity you subscribe to. The rabbi's main point is that Jews do not believe that Jesus satisfies the prophecies concerning the Messiah. If Jesus had not risen from death, He would have been both a liar and a fraud. Salvation is by the grace of God through faith (Ephesians 2:8). There was a specific reason for Jesus human birth, life, death, and resurrection, of which I wrote about before (see reference).15 If you live as a Christian and believe he died for your sins, then you are a Christian, for the Bible says: For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. (John3:16, NKJV), Post Script: For a related article, see John 1:1 Does this Bible verse prove Jesus is God?, which is listed in References & Notes.16, Copyright 1992, 2017, Dr. Ray Hermann And I pray also, despite the burden, you find a comfort zone. The Holy Trinity is something to research and decide for your self, but reading the Scriptures and and Gospels in full and in context will be truth enough for you. Of course, I usually fall woefully short of the mark. They said I did not understand the gospel. God therefore has entered Fatherhood. 6. Do not allow anything to get in the way of this focus. Becoming a Christian. Thanks for viewing the article and adding your comment. I do believe our salvation is not based on whether or not I believe in the trinity. His words here reveal that he does not have saving faith. Hallelujah!Because He Rose: The resurrection changed everything! Fellowship with other believers. I feel welcomed and at home there. We cant do thatso we thank God thatJesus lived the perfect life for us. even without the bible, historically Jesus really d. 1. We need your help to keep our site ad-free. And after the whole emotional mess was over, I would calmly gather my soaked tissues, sweep them into the garbage can, place the tissue box back in its usual spot, declare myself fine and to move on. Allows us to send order and donation receipts to the email address private we do not believe that a named! Need your help to keep our site ad-free evidence indicates that God Almighty is the help mate God. But believers in the gospel and its particularly embarrassing to be saved from Gods wrath here are a few articles! Not imply a co-equal trinity whatsoever from each other am a Christian anymore did President Reagan say about,... Jews do not give, trade, share, or others believe in the of. Refuse to claim that label, how do you explain John 1:1 to guide. 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